Arc Length and Curvature Chapter 14.3 We develop … • A natural extension of arc length via parameterization • Introduce the concept of curvature example… • A surgeon studies the xray of the spine of an adolescent male • There is a clear indication of scoliosis – but how do you measure this? • By taking a series of xrays from different positions a spacecurve can be generated that represents the spine Curvature and Arclength • We now that something is curving because its tangent vector is changing direction! The more it changes in a given distance the greater the curvature. We can define curvature as: curvature = rate of change of unit tangent vector wrt length, or K = |dT/ds| Arc Length • This has a very simple “intuitive” idea – set a bunch of meter sticks along the trace of the curve! Different ways to define Arclength… b L [ f '(t )]2 [ g '(t )]2 [h '(t )]2 dt a b L ( a dx 2 dy 2 dz 2 ) ( ) ( ) dt dt dt dt b L r '(t ) dt a t s (t ) a ds r '(t ) dt dx 2 dy 2 dz 2 ( ) ( ) ( ) du du du du • example 2 pg 900: – Parameterize wrt arc length • try 14.3#10 Curvature • There are several different ways to determine the curvature: dT k ds T 't k r '(t ) f "( x) k 2 3/ 2 [1 ( f '( x)) ] k r '(t ) r "(t ) r '(t ) 3 • Examples: – Pg 900 #3 – Pg 902 #4 – Pg 902 #5 Tangents, Normals and Binormals • Tangents T r '(t ) T (t ) r '(t ) • Normals N T '(t ) N (t ) T '(t ) • Binormals B B(t ) T (t ) N (t ) T (t ) r '(t ) r '(t ) Curvature and Torsion • Curvature and torsion are ways of describing how a curve can “bend” dT kN ds dB N ds Example pg 907 #55 or …How long are YOUR genes? Can you model this with a parametric equation? The Snowbirds! ase I: The Snowbirds fly in a circular path ven as 2cos(t ),2.5,2sin(t ) What do the path and velocity and cceleration vectors look like? Case II: The Snowbirds fly in tightening spiral path beginning 2.5 km overhead and descending to 500 m and described by: (2 0.15t )cos(t ),2.5 .2t 2 ,(2 0.15t )sin( What do the path and velocity and acceleration vectors look like?