Luce Scholars Program Application Procedures Each of the colleges and universities invited to participate in the Luce Scholars Program has designated a member of its faculty or administration to serve as the campus liaison for this program. A nominating institution may submit three nominations for each year’s Luce Scholars competition. The Luce Scholar liaison on each campus will establish an internal application deadline, typically sometime in October, as well as procedures for internal candidate review. Each nominating institution must submit completed applications of its nominees to the Henry Luce Foundation to arrive no later than November 1st or the nearest Monday if November 1st falls on weekend. The Foundation cannot accept applications submitted directly by individual candidates. Application Documents Each applicant must complete the documents listed below and submit a hard copy to the Luce Scholars liaison on campus for forwarding to the Luce Foundation. All such materials become part of the Foundation’s files and cannot be returned. Luce Scholars Program Application. Please use the application form provided; do not attach separate resume. Use Personal Statement to discuss, among other things, (a) long-range career interests, and how they have developed; (b) your understanding of leadership; and (c) reasons for applying to the Luce Scholars Program. Please be sure to complete the Contact Information Form with as much detail as possible to facilitate the scheduling of the interviews. Four Letters of Recommendation. Letters should be signed and, whenever possible, represent a range of academic and professional references. Academic Transcripts. Official transcripts of all college and graduate work. Two Photos. They should be recent Passport-size color photos; print name on the back of both photos. to come to know Asia intimately. Those who already have significant experience in Asia or Asian studies are not eligible. Candidates however may have taken Asian language or Asia-focused courses (without majoring in Asian Studies). They may have spent up to a total of twelve weeks in countries where Luce Scholars are placed. Selection Process and Criteria An interview with each nominee will be held in November and December either in person or via skype or telephone. Early in January, approximately forty-five finalists will be selected from the pool of nominees. They will be invited to appear, at Foundation expense, before one of three independent selection committees that meet in early February. The members of a selection committee will each personally interview the fifteen finalists appearing before the committee, from whom five to six Luce Scholars will be chosen. All fifteen to eighteen Luce Scholars will have been named by mid-February. All candidates will receive timely notification. Nominees should demonstrate an outstanding capacity for leadership. Nominees should have a record of high achievement. Eligibility Candidates must be U.S. citizens who would not have reached their 30th birthday by July 1st of the year they enter the program. Candidates must have earned at least a bachelor’s degree or reasonably expect to receive that degree by July 1st of the year they enter the program. Candidates must be in physical health that will not restrict them from working in a foreign environment. Candidates need not presently be on campus or formally affiliated with the nominating institution. They may be selected from graduating seniors, graduate or professional students currently at the nominating institution, from recent alumni, or others the nominating institution deems appropriate. The intent of the program is to provide an immersion experience in Asia for an outstanding group of young Americans who would not otherwise have the opportunity Nominees should have mature and clearly defined career interests with evidence of potential for professional accomplishments. All fields will be considered. The Luce Scholars Program is experiential rather than academic in nature. Personal qualities such as flexibility, adaptability, creativity, humility, openness to new ideas, and sensitivity to cultural differences are as important as academic achievement. Nominees are not judged on the basis of whether or not they have developed specific plans for their Asian experience. A candidate may have general ideas about the kind of placement preferred, but this is not considered as either a negative or positive factor. Luce Scholars are chosen without regard to sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnic background, marital status or financial need. Please visit for more information. Luce Scholars Program Contact Information Form Instructions: (1) Use the TAB key to cycle through the questions. You may go back by using the SHIFT+TAB keys. (2) Make sure your answers are visible on-screen within the textboxes; otherwise, they will NOT print. Name Mailing Address STREET CITY Telephone MOBILE STATE ZIP OTHER Email Skype Name Nominating Institution Indicate below your expected whereabouts (including dates) from November 1st through end February. We will use this information to determine the location of your interviews, and call the telephone numbers above to schedule the interviews. We will send all correspondences, including the results of the interviews, to the mailing address indicated above. Check this box if you plan to be in New York City and vicinity anytime during November and December. Luce Scholars Program Application 1. Name FIRST MIDDLE LAST Nickname 2. Nominating Institution 3. Age 4. Citizenship 5. If candidate for a degree, indicate your degree Date of Birth Gender mm/dd/yyyy Place of Birth If not, indicate current occupation 6. Field of Professional Interest 7. Current Address STREET CITY Telephone MOBILE STATE ZIP STATE ZIP OTHER Email 8. Permanent Address (if different) STREET CITY PHONE NUMBER(S) 9. Marital Status Single Spouse’s Name Spouse’s Occupation Number of Dependents 10. The Luce Scholars program year officially begins with an orientation session in New York in late June, and ends with a wrap-up meeting in Asia in July a year later. Luce Scholars are expected to remain in Asia throughout their “Luce Year.” Do you have any commitments or obligations that will prevent you from participating in the program fully? Yes No If yes, please explain in the space provided in Question 25 (see page 6). Page 1 11. Contact information for parents or next of kin in the U.S. for emergency contact. NAME RELATIONSHIP STREET CITY STATE Telephone MOBILE ZIP OTHER Email 12. Name of hometown newspaper 13. List in reverse chronological order high school and all post-secondary educational and professional schools attended. INSTITUTION FIELD(S) OF STUDY (MAJOR) DATES ATTENDED (YEAR-YEAR) DEGREE 14. List other schools or special training programs (including dates, subjects and certificates). Page 2 DATE RECEIVED OR EXPECTED 15. List in reverse chronological order your professional experiences, including current ones if applicable. (1) NAME AND LOCATION OF EMPLOYER YOUR TITLE DATES OF POSITION NATURE OF WORK (2) NAME AND LOCATION OF EMPLOYER YOUR TITLE DATES OF POSITION NATURE OF WORK (3) NAME AND LOCATION OF EMPLOYER YOUR TITLE DATES OF POSITION NATURE OF WORK (4) NAME AND LOCATION OF EMPLOYER YOUR TITLE DATES OF POSITION NATURE OF WORK (5) NAME AND LOCATION OF EMPLOYER YOUR TITLE DATES OF POSITION NATURE OF WORK Page 3 16. Please list your major non-academic activities since graduating from high school. Briefly explain the nature of your involvement and any significant achievements. 17. List any learned, scientific, professional or artistic societies of which you are a member, creative works you have made, or articles or books you have published. Page 4 18. List any special honors, awards, or fellowships you have received. 19. Have you lived or traveled in any foreign country? If yes, state the year, country, length of time and purpose (business, education, vacation or other). 20. List languages (other than English) of which you have knowledge and indicate your present level of proficiency (excellent, good, basic). 21. List the five college courses that have been of the greatest value to you and explain why (in one sentence each). Page 5 22. Do you have any physical disability or have you had any serious illness which might restrict you from working in a foreign environment? 23. Have you been arrested and convicted of any offense (exclude traffic violations), or have you ever been discharged from the Armed Forces under other than honorable circumstances? If your answer is yes, please give details. 24. Have you been nominated for the Luce Scholars Program before? Yes No 25. Please use this space to tell us anything else that may be relevant to your application. Page 6 Personal Statement Full Name Instructions: Please use the TAB key to cycle through the textboxes. You may go back by using the SHIFT+TAB keys. Please make sure your writing is visible within the textbox and use the TAB key to continue your Personal Statement to the next page. Page 7 Personal Statement Continued: Signature Page 8