REPORT CARD ON THE STATE OF DIVERSITY AT CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY ISSUED MARCH 2004 OFFICE FOR INSTITUTIONAL DIVERSTIY DIVERSITY CAMPUS CLIMATE COMMITTEE African American non-Hispanic Native American/Alaskan Native Asian/Pacific Islander Hispanic White non-Hispanic Unknown International Student Totals Total On-Campus Enrollment* Fall 1993** Fall, 1998 N % N % 458 2.82 649 3.78 130 0.80 148 0.86 197 1.21 167 0.97 177 1.09 239 1.39 14,921 91.81 15,239 88.83 369 2.27 354 2.06 NA -359 2.09 16,252 100% 17,155 100% Fall 2003 N % 809 4.17 133 0.69 206 1.06 336 1.73 16,685 86.00 847 4.37 386 1.99 19,402 100% * Office of the Registrar ** International students were included in respective ethnic categories Less than eight percent of the on-campus student body in 2003 define themselves as African American, Native American, Asian, or Hispanic. Since 1993, there has been a slight increase in the percentage of students who define themselves as African American, Native American, Asian, or Hispanic. The numbers of African American students and Hispanic students have increased over the past decade. The Strategic Plan for Achieving Diversity at CMU defines diversity as: the range of differences among people, especially in the characteristics covered by CMU’s Affirmative Action Protocol an attitude that recognizes the value and contributions of all members of our community, and a commitment to respect and provide equitable treatment for members of our community, especially those from underrepresented groups. In this report card, we focus primarily on race/ethnicity. African American non-Hispanic Native American/Alaskan Native Asian/Pacific Islander Hispanic Totals of All Students Applicants, Admitted, and Enrolled Freshman: Numbers and Ratios* 2001 and 2003 Applied: Applicants Admitted Enrolled Applied: Enrolled N N N Admitted Ratio Ratio 2001 2003 2001 2003 2001 2003 2001 2003 2001 2003 Admitted: Enrolled Ratio 2001 2003 1,148 1,434 596 747 178 199 1.93:1 1.92:1 6.45:1 7.21:1 3.35:1 3.75:1 78 84 48 62 24 21 1.63:1 1.35:1 3.25:1 4.00:1 2.00:1 2.95:1 225 286 141 194 41 43 1.59:1 1.47:1 5.49:1 6.65:1 3.44:1 4.51:1 266 304 162 216 59 58 1.64:1 1.41:1 4.51:1 5.24:1 2.75:1 3.72:1 12,100 13,489 9,422 9,490 3,607 3,623 1.28:1 1.42:1 3.35:1 3.72:1 2.61:1 2.62:1 *Admissions Office. Ratios are calculated by dividing the number of applicants by the number of admitted (Applied: Admitted Ratio), the number of applicants by the number of enrolled (Applied: Enrolled Ratio) or the number of admitted by the number enrolled (Admitted: Enrolled Ratio) Admitted students in 2003 who are African American, Native American, Asian, or Hispanic were less likely to enroll at CMU than were “all students.” More than six African and Hispanic students applied to CMU in 2003 for every one who eventually enrolled. The numbers of African American, Native American, Asian, and Hispanic students who applied to CMU and who were admitted to CMU increased between 2001 and 2003. 2 Institutional Scholarship Support * 2001 - 2002 $ $1,251,013 $55,515 $159,849 $204,173 $9,769,421 $566,605 $0 $12,006,576 African American non-Hispanic Native American/Alaskan Native Asian/Pacific Islander Hispanic White non-Hispanic Unknown International Student Totals % 10.42 0.46 1.33 1.70 81.37 4.72 0.00 100% * Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid. Institutional Scholarship Support includes scholarships awarded based on merit (academic, talent, skill, leadership, etc.) and does not include institutional grants, tuition waivers, or assistantships and fellowships. The percentage of scholarship dollars awarded to African American students is larger than the percentage of African American students in the on-campus student body. The percentage of scholarship dollars awarded to Native American students is slightly less than the percentage of Native American students in the on-campus student body. 3 Freshman-to-Sophomore Retention* Freshman % Retained into N Fall, 2003 Fall, 2002 African American non-Hispanic 199 73.9 Native American/Alaskan Native 24 66.7 Asian/Pacific Islander 48 79.2 Hispanic 70 68.6 White non-Hispanic 3,050 77.9 3-Year Average % 71.1 64.6 76.5 75.3 78.7 * Office of Institutional Research. African American and Native American retention from the freshman to the sophomore year is lower than the retention of white students. Entrance N 136 26 35 34 2,616 Six-Year Graduation Rate by Entering Class* African American non-Hispanic Native American/Alaskan Native Asian/Pacific Islander Hispanic White non-Hispanic Fall 1997 % 33.8 30.8 25.7 23.5 54.1 3-Year Average % 39.4 29.2 35.0 37.8 51.4 * Office of Institutional Research. Percentage of students entering in Fall, 1997 who have graduated from CMU within six years.. Graduation rates of African American, Native American, Asian, and Hispanic students are lower than graduation rates of white students. 4 2002-03 On-Campus Degrees Earned, Percentages* Graduate Bachelors Masters Certificate African American non-Hispanic 3.4% N<5 2.7% Native American/Alaskan Native 0.6% 0.6% Asian/Pacific Islander 0.6% 1.6% Hispanic 1.3% 1.0% White non-Hispanic 91.4% 69.9% Unknown 1.9% 2.2% International Student 0.9% 22.0% Totals (N) (2,981) (3) (624) Specialist Doctorate 16.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 66.7% 16.7% 0.0% (6) 0.0% 0.0% 3.0% 3.0% 78.8% 0.0% 15.2% (33) * Office of Institutional Research. A higher percentage of on-campus bachelor’s graduates are white than the percentage of whites in the oncampus student body. Relatively high numbers of master’s graduates are international students. 2002-03 Off-Campus Degrees Earned, Percentages * Graduate Bachelor Masters Certificate African American non-Hispanic 16.5% 54.3% 35.7% Native American/Alaskan Native 0.5% 0.0% 0.6% Asian/Pacific Islander 0.7% 0.0% 2.3% Hispanic 1.6% 1.2% 3.1% White non-Hispanic 72.2% 28.4% 47.9% Unknown 7.2% 13.6% 5.8% International Student 1.4% 2.5% 4.7% Totals (N) (443) (81) (1,994) Specialist Doctorate N<5 4.2% 0.0% 0.0% 4.2% 79.2% 4.2% 8.3% (24) (0) * Office of Institutional Research. Compared to on-campus graduates, relatively high percentages of off-campus graduates are African American. 5 Perceptions of Climate from Survey Data* % of African American, Hispanic, Native American on-campus undergraduates reporting being treated worse on campus because of race/ethnicity (N ~ 450) % of African American, Hispanic, Native American on-campus undergraduates reporting hearing racial slurs in Mount Pleasant (N ~ 450) % of African American, Hispanic, Native American on-campus undergraduates reporting police treat minority students differently than white students (N ~ 450) % of on-campus undergraduates (all ethnicities) who agree "…there is good deal of [racial] tension" (N ~ 400) % of on-campus undergraduates (all ethnicities) attending NO events with minority focus (N ~ 400) 2000 2001 2002 18.1% NA NA 41.4% NA NA 26.4% NA NA 30.6% 24.8% 31.8% 44.3% 50.0% 55.3% *Center for Applied Research and Rural Studies Substantial numbers of African American, Hispanic, and Native American on campus undergraduates report negative experiences/perceptions about diversity. Many on campus undergraduates attend no events focusing on minority issues. 6 NSSE Survey Data* During the current school year: How often:^ Included diverse perspectives (different races, religions, genders, political beliefs, etc.) in class discussions or writing assignments. First Year Students 2001 2002 2003 (242) (210) (159) Senior Students 2001 2002 2003 (230) (207) (193) -- 2.49 2.57 -- 2.63 2.52 Had serious conversations with students of a different race or ethnicity than your own. 2.42 2.50 2.47 2.41 2.38 2.37 Had serious conversations with students who are very different from you in terms of their religious beliefs, political opinions, or personal values. 2.79 2.69 2.75 2.76 2.45 2.56 Institution emphasizes:^^ Encouraging contact among students from different economic, social, and racial or ethnic backgrounds. 2.56 2.73 2.80 2.26 2.10 2.18 2.66 2.66 2.66 2.52 2.63 2.33 To what extent has your experience contributed to:^^ Understanding people of other racial and ethnic backgrounds. *Office of Institutional Research ^ 1 = never, 2 = sometimes, 3 = often, 4 = very often ^^ 1 = very little, 2 = some, 3 = quite a bit, 4 = very much In general, seniors rate their experiences lower/less frequent than do first year students. 7 Employee Group Broadcast Office Professional Professional and Administrative Police Service Maintenance Supervisory/Technical Senior Officer Regular Faculty Temporary Faculty TOTAL % Minorities among Staff and Faculty* August 1993 August 1998 N % N % 0 0 0 0 10 2.9 9 2.8 N 0 12 % 0.0 3.4 33 9.4 58 10.8 83 12.5 2 36 6 -69 -- 15.4 10.9 4.4 -10.9 -- 2 24 6 1 82 -- 15.4 8.5 4.8 2.7 13.4 -- 2 11 5 5 97 21 256 10.5 5.6 4.0 13.1 15.7 15.7 10.7% August 2003 *Human Resources. Minority defined as American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and Hispanic or Latino. The percent of minorities among various staff/faculty groups varies considerably from the low of zero to a high of 15% Changes over time from 1993 to 2003 are not especially notable for most employee groups. The numbers of senior officers, professional and administrative staff, and regular faculty who are minorities have increased over the ten-year period, while the number of service maintenance employees who are minorities has decreased. 8 Faculty Turnover, Promotion, and Tenure Rates* Number Experiencing Event, 2001-02 Total Number of Regular Faculty, 2001-02 3-Year Average % (1999-2000 to 2001-02) 2 35 85 522 6.8 8.4 10 47 85 522 13.8 9.7 5 15 34 179 13.6 9.9 TURNOVER Minority Non-Minority PROMOTION Minority Non-Minority TENURE Minority Non-Minority *Faculty Personnel Services. Minority defined as African American, Hispanic, Native American, Asian. Turnover = Those who left the regular faculty for any reason. Promotions includes full professors receiving the professor salary supplement. Tenure rate calculated by comparison to non-tenured faculty (not to total number of faculty). Minority faculty experience higher rates of promotion and tenure and lower rates of turnover than nonminority faculty 9 Employee Group Staff Turnover Rates, Minorities Only January – December* 1998 N of Turnover N Terminations Rate (%) N 2002 N of Terminations Turnover Rate (%) Broadcasting 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Office Professionals 9 4 44.4 10 1 10.0 Professional & Administrative 58 13 22.4 86 12 14.0 Police 2 1 50.0 2 0 0.0 Service Maintenance 24 2 8.3 15 0 0.0 Supervisory/Technical 6 2 33.3 4 0 0.0 Senior Officer 1 0 0.0 2 2 100.0 TOTAL 100 22 22.0% 119 15 12.6% * Human Resources. Minority defined as American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and Hispanic or Latino. Termination includes layoffs, retirements and deceased. It does not include internal promotions and transfers. Minority turnover rates have decreased over time. A notable exception is the turnover rate for Senior Officers. MARCH 1, 2004 10