COUNCIL OF EUROPE/ WESTERN EUROPEAN UNION (WEU)/ ORGANISATIONF OF SECURITY CO-OPERATION IN EUROPE (OSCE) COMHAIRLE NA HEORPA/WEU/OSCE/EURO-MED PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY OF THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE ATTENDANCE OF MEMBERS OF THE OIREACHTAS AT PLENARY SESSION AND COMMITTEES OF THE ASSEMBLY The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe can be considered the oldest international parliamentary assembly with a pluralistic composition of democratically elected members of parliament. The Assembly is one of the two statutory organs of the Council of Europe, which also includes a Committee of Ministers (the Minister of Foreign Affairs, meeting usually at the level of their deputies). The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe held its first session on 10 August 1949. The Council of Europe started with ten member states, which included Ireland, it now has 46 members. The statutory aim of the Council of Europe is to achieve greater unity among its members through debates, agreements and common action. Ireland’s delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly numbers 8 (4 full members and 4 substitute members). The First Part of the 2004 ordinary session of the Assembly was held in Strasbourg from 26 – 30 January and was attended by Deputies Noel Davern, Jim O’Keeffe, G.V. Wright and Senators Brendan Daly, Jim Higgins and Paschal Mooney. Among the reports debated during the part-session were: 3rd Annual report on the activities of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Realising Strasbourg's potential as a European capital Functioning of democratic institutions in Azerbaijan Political prisoners in Azerbaijan Contested Credentials of the parliamentary delegations of Ireland and Malta Honouring of obligations and commitments by Armenia Situation in Cyprus Functioning of democratic institutions in Georgia Improving the prospects of developing countries: a moral imperative for the world Economic aspects of European Union enlargement: the crucial years ahead Consequences of European Union enlargement for freedom of movement between Council of Europe member states Candidates to the European Court of Human Rights Debates under urgent procedure: The constitutional crisis in Ukraine Terrorism: a threat to democracies The Assembly was also addressed by the following: Mr Alvaro Gil-Robles, Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe D:\687298560.doc Mr Tassos Papadopoulos, President of Cyprus Mr Mikheil Saakashvili, President of Georgia Mr Sergio Páez Verdugo, President of the Council of the Inter-Parliamentary Union The Second Part of the 2004 ordinary session of the Assembly was held in Strasbourg from 26 – 30 April and was attended by Deputies Noel Davern, Brendan Howlin, G.V. Wright and Senators Ann Ormonde and Paschal Mooney. Among the reports debated during the part-session were: A European Migration Observatory / Agency Budgets and Expenditure of the Council of Europe for the financial year 2005 The Principality of Monaco's application for membership of the Council of Europe Contested credentials of the parliamentary delegation of Serbia and Montenegro Euthanasia Situation of European prisons and pre-trial detention centres Election of judges to the European Court of Human Rights Disappeared persons in Belarus Strengthening of the United Nations Future of social security in Europe Debates under urgent procedure: Armenia Situation in Kosovo Cyprus The Assembly was also addressed by the following: Mr Ivo Sanader, Prime Minister of Croatia Mr Jan Peter Balkenende, Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mr Ilham Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan The Third Part of the 2004 ordinary session of the Assembly was held in Strasbourg from 21 – 25 June and was attended by Deputies G.V. Wright, Brendan Howlin and Jim O’Keeffe and Senators Ann Ormonde and Paschal Mooney. Among the reports debated during the part-session were: The euro and the Greater Europe Composition of the Bureau of the Assembly Honouring of obligations and commitments by Turkey and Implementation of decisions of the European Court of Human Rights by Turkey Contribution of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to economic development in central and eastern Europe Domestic slavery: servitude, au pairs and mail-order brides Honouring of obligations and commitments by Bosnia and Herzegovina Conflict prevention and resolution: the role of women Europe-wide ban on corporal punishment of children D:\687298560.doc Monopolisation of the electronic media and abuse of power in Italy Italian law on legitimate suspicion Situation of refugees and displaced persons in the Russian Federation and some other CIS countries Management of water resources in Europe Debate under urgent procedure : The Council of Europe's contribution to the settlement of the situation in Iraq The Assembly was also addressed by the following: Mr Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank Mr Kjell Magne Bondevik, Prime Minister of Norway Mr Robert Kocharian, President of Armenia The Fourth Part of the 2004 ordinary session of the Assembly was held in Strasbourg from 3 – 8 October and was attended by Deputies Noel Davern, Brendan Howlin, G.V. Wright, Jim O’Keeffe and Senators Ann Ormonde and Paschal Mooney. Among the reports debated during the part-session were: The Doha Development Agenda: world trade at a crossroads Functioning of democratic institutions in Serbia and Montenegro European strategy for the promotion of sexual and reproductive health and rights Women's participation in elections OECD and the world economy The political situation in the Chechen Republic: measures to increase the democratic stability in accordance with Council of Europe standards Global warming: beyond Kyoto Georgian-Russian relations Campaign to combat domestic violence against women in Europe Debate under urgent procedure: Challenge of terrorism in Council of Europe member states The Assembly was also addressed by the following: H.S.H. Crown Prince Albert of Monaco Mr Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Prime Minister of Turkey Mr Alu Alkhanov, President of the Chechen Republic During the 2004 ordinary session Members of the delegation also attended meetings of the Assembly’s Committees of which they are members. Senator Brendan Daly attended a meeting of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights in Paris from 8 – 9 January . Deputy Tony Gregory attended a meeting of the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Population in Paris from 18 – 20 January. D:\687298560.doc Deputy Jim O’Keeffe attended a meeting of the Committee on Economic Affairs and Development in London from 22 – 23 January and in Paris from 24 – 25 March. He also attended a meeting of the Monitoring Committee in Paris from 2 – 3 March. Deputy Noel Davern attended meetings of the Political Affairs Committee from 24 – 25 May in Paris, in Oslo from 6 – 8 September and in Paris from 17 –18 November. Deputy Brendan Howlin attended a meeting of the Subcommittee on International Economic Relations in Strasbourg from 2 –4 March, a meeting of the Committee on Culture, Science and Education in Paris from 8 – 10 September and a meeting of the Subcommittee on Cultural Heritage in Paris from 1 – 2 December. Senator Paschal Mooney attended meetings of the Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men in Paris from 10 – 11 March, in Prague from 23 – 24 May and again in Paris from 9 – 10 December. He attend a meeting of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights in Paris from 17 – 18 November, a meeting of the Subcommittee on Cultural Heritage in Paris from 1 – 2 December and a meeting of the Committee on Social, Health and Family Affairs in Paris on 17 December. Deputy G.V. Wright attended meetings of the Committee on Environment, Agriculture and Local and Regional Affairs in Paris from 31 March – 2 April, 7 –8 September, 3 – 4 November and 8 – 9 December. Senator Ann Ormonde attended a meeting of the Committee on Social, Health and Family Affairs in Paris from 31 May – 2 June. PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY OF THE WESTERN EUROPEAN UNION ATTENDANCE OF MEMBERS OF THE OIREACHTAS AT PLENARY SESSIONS AND COMMITTEES OF THE ASSEMBLY The Parliamentary Assembly of the Western European Union, which is based in Paris, convened for the first time in 1955. At present the Assembly comprises 187 parliamentary representatives from 28 WEU countries. Ireland became an observer at the WEU in the mid90’s and since then we have been represented by four Oireachtas members (2 observers and 2 substitute observers) who attend at plenary sessions of the Assembly twice a year and at meetings of the various Committees of the WEU Assembly. The First Part of the Fiftieth Session of the Assembly of the Western European Union was held in Paris from 2 - 4 June, 2004 and was attended by Deputies Michael Noonan and Ned O’Keeffe. Among the reports debated during the part session were: Rapidly deployable European land forces Parliamentary scrutiny of the ESDP and CFSP - debates and replies to parliamentary questions European cooperation on informing the public about defence issues The European Union's stabilisation missions in south-east Europe Security and defence in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania D:\687298560.doc Chemical, biological and radiological terrorism The European Security and Defence Policy following EU and NATO enlargement The Assembly was also addressed by the following: Mr Struck, Minister for Defence of Germany Mr Leon-Gross, State Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Spain The Second Part of the Fiftieth Session of the Assembly of the Western European Union was held in Paris from 29 November – 1 December 2004 and was attended by Deputies Michael Noonan, Ned O’Keeffe, Joe Jacob and Jack Wall. Among the reports debated during the part session were: European security policy fifty years after the signing of the modified Brussels Treaty The European Constitution: parliamentary follow-up and public opinion Opinion on the budgets of the WEU ministerial organs for 2004 Stability and security in the South Caucasus Transatlantic cooperation in the field of defence technology Cooperation on defence systems procurement in Europe Unmanned combat air vehicles and military aeronautics of the future The space dimension of the ESDP The deployment of European forces in the Balkans The Assembly was also addressed by the following: Mr Luc Frieden, Minister for Justice, the Treasury, the Budget and Defence, Luxembourg Mr Elmar Mammadyarov, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Mr Alessandro Minuto Rizzo, Deputy Secretary-General of NATO Mr Bernard Bot, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands Mr George Iacovou, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Cyprus Mr Olivier Kamitatu, Speaker of the National Assembly of the Democratic Republic of Congo During the year Members of the delegation also attended meetings of the Assembly’s Committees of which they are members. Deputies Jack Wall, Michael Noonan and Ned O’Keeffe attended joint meetings of the Committees in Valencia from 8 – 10 February 2004. Deputy Jack Wall attended meetings of the Defence Committee in Oslo from 8 – 11 March, in Paris from 9 – 10 May, in Paris from 8 – 9 September, in Paris from 7 –9 November. Deputy Michael Noonan attended meetings of the Committee on Parliamentary and Public relations in Paris from 6- 7 April and in Madrid from 5 – 7 May. Deputy Joe Jacob attended a meeting of the Presidential Committee in Paris from 12 – 14 December. D:\687298560.doc Deputy Ned O’Keeffe attended meetings of the Committee on Technological and Aerospace in Oslo from 8 – 11 March, in Madrid from 5 – 7 May, in Paris from 10 – 11 October. EURO-MEDITERRANEAN PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY ATTENDANCE BY MEMBERS OF THE OIREACHTAS AT THE INAUGURAL SESSION OF THE PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY The Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly is the parliamentary institution of the Barcelona process. The purpose of the Assembly is to bring parliamentary support, impetus and influence to the consolidation and development of the Barcelona process. The inaugural session of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly (EMPA) was held in Vouliagmeni near Athens on 22 and 23 March 2004 and was attended by Deputy Michael Mulcahy and Deputy Paul Kehoe. PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY OF THE ORGANISATION OF SECURITY COOPERATION IN EUROPE (OSCE) ATTENDANCE OF MEMBERS OF THE OIREACHTAS AT PLENARY SESSIONS AND COMMITTEES OF THE ASSEMBLY The Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE is composed of 317 parliamentarians from 55 OSCE Member States. The Standing Committee is composed of the Heads of National Delegations, the President of the Assembly, the nine Vice-Presidents, the Treasurer, the Chairs of the three General Committees on Political Affairs and Security, Economic Matters and Human Rights. The OSCE Assembly’s primary task is to facilitate inter-parliamentary dialogue, an increasingly important aspect of the overall effort to meet the challenges of democracy throughout the OSCE area. Deputies Dan Wallace and Denis Naughten attended the Third Winter Meeting of the Assembly in Vienna from 19 – 20 February 2004. The Assembly was briefed on current OSCE developments by senior officials including the OSCE Chairman-inOffice, Mr. Solomon Passy, Bulgarian Foreign Minister and Secretary General, Mr. Jan Kubis. The three General Committees also discussed reports related to the main theme of the upcoming Annual Session in Edinburgh, "Co-operation and Partnership: Coping with New Security Threats". The Thirteenth Annual Session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly took place in Edinburgh from 5 - 9 July and was attended by Deputies Dan Wallace, Dinny McGinley, John Gormley, Ollie Wilkinson and Tom McEllistrim. The Assembly met in 4 plenary sessions together with meetings of the Standing Committee, the General Committee on Political Affairs and Security, the General Committee on Economic Affairs, Science, Technology and Environment and the General Committee on Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Questions. President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Mr. Bruce George M.P presided over the Assembly. The Rt. Hon. Peter Hain, Leader of the House of Commons and OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Mr. Solomon Passy, Bulgarian Foreign Minister also addressed the Assembly. D:\687298560.doc