GET SET (Plus)! A collaboration between the New York State Council on the Arts, New York Council for the Humanities and Museumwise For the final round of applications, we will accept humanities scholar projects. Do you see what I see? Announcing Get Set (Plus)! a pilot program to encourage creative out-of-the-box thinking about your museum. Get Set (Plus)! provides funding to engage a local humanities scholar and/or artist in conversation with your staff and board. This is an opportunity to introduce a fresh perspective to your museum, helping you develop new relationships in your community and spark ideas for new programming and audience development. You may choose to work with either a humanities scholar or an artist, or both. Get Set (Plus)! grants provide honorariums of $500 for one scholar/artist; $1,000 if both are involved. We will make awards for 10 humanities scholars and 10 artists during 2010. For the final round of applications, we will accept humanities scholar projects. We encourage unusual or “out-of-the-box” choices of local artists or scholars. We hope that Get Set (Plus)! support provides the beginning of what can become a longer term relationship with an artist and/or scholar. This is an opportunity to explore new ideas by introducing your museum to a unique perspective. Sample Project The Blue Museum has seen its attendance decline, and seeks to reverse this trend, particularly by developing new audiences. They invite an artist whose work involves community participation and a cultural anthropologist for a day of discussion/brainstorming at the museum. After a day of intense, exhilarating, thoughtful conversation, board and staff decide to pursue funding for the artist to develop an installation project at the museum. The cultural anthropologist agrees to join an advisory board, and helps the museum develop internship opportunities for students. The Humanities What does it mean to be human? The question has given rise to the fields known collectively as "the humanities," which look at what humans have created, debated, done and believed throughout the millennia. The skills and subject matters of the humanities—reading, analysis, discussion, critical thinking; about history, ideas, art and texts--are what make it possible for us to be engaged members of our communities. Humanities Scholars A humanities scholar is an individual with particular training or experience qualifying him or her as a professional in one or more of the above disciplines. The typical qualifications are an advanced degree (M.A. or Ph.D.) in a humanities field of study, and a regular appointment at a recognized institution of higher learning. However, individuals without an advanced degree or who are not affiliated with a college or university may qualify as humanities scholars because of their methods of research, inquiry, and teaching. We also recognize that scholarship and knowledge-gathering are defined differently in different cultures, and respects such diversity of training and preparation as consistent with our understanding of the humanities as fields and as methods of inquiry. How should I go about finding a humanities scholar? Often the easiest way to find a scholar is by contacting your local colleges and/or universities. Another great source are scholars who have used your collections/institution in the past. Don't forget to inquire about interested graduate students if you are near a school with a graduate program, and also ask about retired faculty who might still be in the area. You may also contact the New York Council for the Humanities to ask for recommendations for scholars in your area. The Arts The arts include dance, theatre, architecture, digital/electronic media, film, music, performance, literature, folk arts, and visual arts. How should I go about finding an Artist? There are a number of sources in your community for connecting with artists. Contact your local arts councils, local multi-arts center, artist colonies, contemporary arts spaces and even your local library. You should also look to any colleges or universities in your area with BFA and MFA degree programs. Some helpful links include: • Local Arts Councils: • New York Multi-Arts Centers Consortium: • New York Foundation for the Arts: FAQs Q: May we invite someone with previous experience working at our site? A: This is an opportunity to engage with new ideas and fresh voices, please select a consultant(s) you have not worked with previously Q: How much time do you expect the artist or scholar to spend at my museum? A: We anticipate one full-day or two half-day sessions. Q: Do you require a final report from the artist/scholar? A: The organization will be required to submit a final report outlining the impact of this collaboration, a report from the artist/scholar is welcome but not required. Q: What if I can’t find an artist/scholar? A: If you are unable to find an artist/scholar after pursuing the above mentioned methods, please contact UHA for additional help. We encourage you to contact several candidates to find the individual/pairing that will best enlighten your project. Q: How do I know if the artist/scholar I have selected qualifies for this funding? A: You may contact Museumwise at with any questions regarding eligibility Eligibility & Review Only organizations holding a charter from the New York State Board of Regents as a museum or historical society or institutions that are a unit of local government may apply. The review panel will evaluate your application with the following questions in mind: Does the proposed project represent: an opportunity to introduce a fresh perspective into the museum? a development of new relationships connecting the museum to fresh artistic/humanities voices within their community? an opportunity to spark new ideas for the museum? a renewal or advance of the organization’s mission? Is the consultant appropriately qualified to provide a humanities/artistic perspective? Is the proposal clear and understandable? Application process There are three Get Set (Plus)! postmark deadlines: November 12. For the final round of applications, we will accept humanities scholar projects. Grant awards are made approximately 60 days after the application date. We recommend sending applications via certified mail. To apply, complete the Get Set (Plus)! application located here, making sure to include all supporting materials. Submit five copies of your application and supporting materials to Museumwise, 11 Ford Avenue, Oneonta, NY 13820. Grant applications will not be accepted by email. Get Set (Plus)! projects must start after the date of the award letter, generally about sixty days after the application deadline. Your organization has six-months to complete the grant. The final report must be submitted within sixty days of the grant completion. Any change in artist/scholar must be approved by Museumwise. GET SET (Plus)! Grant Application A collaboration between the New York State Council on the Arts, New York Council for the Humanities and Museumwise Organization Name _____________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person for this proposal ___________________________________________________________ Daytime Phone Number _______________________________ Fax ______________________________ E-mail _____________________________________________ Today's Date_______________________ 1. Is the organization chartered by NY State’s Board of Regents? Yes __ No __ 2. Is the organization a: ___501C3 ___Branch of local government ___Other______________________ 3. Annual Operating Budget: ___________________ 4. Have you applied to the NYSCA Museum Program in the past? Yes ___ No ___ Have you received funding from the New York Council for the Humanities in the past? Yes ___ No ___ If so, list date(s) of last application __________________________________________________ 5. The organization is seeking funding to work with: ___ Humanities Scholar Name: _____________________________________________ *Please attach a 2 page resume for each 6. Funding request (please check all that apply) ___ $500 Humanities Scholar Total request: $_____________ 7. On a separate page, explain why you have invited the person(s) listed above to join in conversation with you. Include a list of the questions or issues you wish the contributor(s) explore. Mail 5 copies of this application and all supporting materials to Museumwise at 11 Ford Ave, Oneonta NY 13820