2012 CTCA Educational Conference The Cutting Edge of TB Control: New Tools, New Strategies Tuesday, May 15, 2012 7:30 – 9:00 Poster Session/Registration and Breakfast Buffet (Yosemite Foyer) 9:00 – 9:10 Welcome and Announcements (Yosemite) 9:10 – 10:00 Jayne Ash Memorial Keynote: Three Months of Once-Weekly Rifapentine and Isoniazid for M. tuberculosis Infection: A Game Changer? Carol Dukes Hamilton, MD, MHS, FACP, FIDSA, Senior Scientist, Health & Development Sciences, FHI 360 and Professor of Medicine, Duke University Medical Center Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the 2 comparator arms in the PREVENT TB study and the role DOT played in the study. 2. Use the major findings of the PREVENT TB study related to comparative effectiveness in preventing TB disease and completion rates to improve patient outcomes. 3. Use the difference in rates and types of adverse events seen in the two arms in the PREVENT TB study to select an appropriate LTBI regimen for patients. 10:00 – 10:50 Plenary: Economic Considerations of Short-course LTBI Therapy David Holland, MD, MHS, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Duke University Medical Center Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. Compare available recommended options for treatment of LTBI and select the appropriate option for certain patients, populations, and programs. 2. Evaluate the potential economic benefit of shorter-course LTBI regimens. 10:50 – 11:05 Break 11:05 – 11:55 CDPH TBCB Update: Pennan Barry, MD, MPH, Chief, Surveillance and Epidemiology Section, TB Control Branch (TBCB), California Department of Public Health (CDPH) 1. Describe the burden of TB in California and identify patient populations most affected by TB so that local TB control programs can focus TB control efforts. 2. Describe the attributable risk for TB of co-morbid conditions (such as diabetes) so that TB control programs and clinical providers can focus diagnostic and screening strategies most appropriately. 11:55 – 1:30 Awards Lunch 1:30 – 5:00 Breakouts Sessions I and II with a 3:00 – 3:30 PM Break Repeating Breakouts (locations) A. 3 HP changes from small room Cabrillo for Session I to large room Yosemite for Session II B. Universal HIV Testing (Mojave) C. Lab (Catalina) Non-repeating Breakouts (locations) D. NAHPF (Session I only - Yosemite) E. Cross Border TB (Session II only - Cabrillo) 5:00 – 6:00 Networking Happy Hour -Hosted by: International Community Foundation and L.A. TB Coalition 2012 CTCA Educational Conference The Cutting Edge of TB Control: New Tools, New Strategies Breakout Sessions: C. A. Implementation of the 3 HP Regimen in Program Settings (REPEATS) Cabrillo then Yosemite Faculty: John Jereb, MD, Medical Epidemiologist, Field Masa Narita, MD, TB Control Officer, Public Health Services and Evaluation Branch, Division of Seattle/Kings County TB Elimination, Centers for Disease Control Commentators: and Prevention Carol Dukes Hamilton and David Holland (see above) Session Moderator: Charles M. Crane, MD, MPH, Medical Director, TB Program Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. Select appropriate settings for implementation of the new 12 dose regimen for the treatment of LTBI to improve patient outcomes 2. Monitor patients on this regimen appropriately for the development of adverse drug reactions and report significant adverse drug events to the national reporting system to improve patient outcomes 3. Evaluate the effectiveness of the new regimen for improving the acceptance and completion of treatment for LTBI to improve patient outcomes B. Moving Toward Universal HIV Testing of TB Cases (REPEATS) Mojave Faculty: Julie Higashi, MD, PhD, TB Controller, San Stephanie Spencer, MA, Program Liaison, TBCB, CDPH Francisco Department of Pubic Health Neha Shah, MD, MPH, CDC Medical Officer (Session I) Julie Low, MD, TB Controller, Orange County and Jennifer Flood, MD, MPH, Chief, (Session II) TBCB, Health Care Agency, Public Health Services CDPH Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. Define universal HIV testing 2. Implement universal HIV testing in their jurisdictions 3. Overcome common barriers to universal testing 4. Articulate how the HIV-TB toolkit can facilitate the implementation/ improvement of universal HIV testing in participants’ TB programs 5. Develop an intervention to implement or improve universal HIV testing in their TB programs Laboratory Rapid Molecular Diagnostics for Active TB and Drug Resistance in CA (REPEATS) Catalina Faculty: Ed Desmond, CDPH Microbial Diseases Laboratory Hector Rivas, BS, Los Angeles County Public Health Laboratory Richard Alexander, MS, MPH, County of Orange Public Health Laboratory Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. Explain the theory and advantages of pyrosequencing for molecular detection of resistance to first and second-line TB drugs to improve patient outcomes 2. Describe the role of DNA sequencing to guide clinicians’ treatment of multi-drug-resistant (MDR) TB to improve patient outcomes 3. Explain the benefits and weaknesses of and rationale for selecting the AMPLIFIED MTD and GeneXpert molecular tests to improve patient outcomes 4. Describe the AMPLIFIED MTD and GeneXpert qualitative and quantitative results, and interpretation of results to assist clinicians in improving patient outcomes 2012 CTCA Educational Conference The Cutting Edge of TB Control: New Tools, New Strategies D. NAHPF – Business and Educational Session (Session I only – Yosemite) Faculty: Agenda Anne Cass, MPH, Program Liaison, TBCB, CDPH 1.Business Component Kathleen Moser, MD, MPH, TB Program 3.State report Director, San Diego County Health and 4.CureTB update Human Services, Public Health 5.TPAT Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. Understand what type and how patients can be linked to care when returning/moving to Mexico before completing TB diagnostic work-up and/or treatment to improve patient outcomes. 2. Describe 2 potential uses for the TB Program Assessment Tool (TPAT) to improve program and patient outcomes. E. Cross Border TB Issues and Challenges (Session II only – Cabrillo) Faculty: Kathleen Moser (see above), Neha Shah (see above) Rafael Laniado-Laborin, MD, MPH, FCCP, Clinica de Tuberculosis, Hospital General de Tijuana Richard Kiy, President and CEO, International Community Foundation Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the link between diagnosing and managing TB cases in California and Baja California and how continuity of care can be addressed between the two states to improve outcomes for patients in the border region 2. Compare and contrast the diagnosis and management of TB in Baja California, including for drug resistant patients, to California to improve programs and patient outcomes in the border region Page 3 of 3