Operational Description by Strategy, Activities, and Outcomes Strategic Goal On-Site Consultation Strategy 1) Improve workplace safety and health through compliance assistance and enforcement of occupational safety and health regulations 2) Promote a safety and health culture through Cooperative Programs, Compliance Assistance, On-Site Consultation Programs, Outreach, Training and Education, and Information Services Focus marketing efforts and visits toward targeted high hazard industries utilizing MOSH's SST-12, NEP's, and LEP's to work in conjunction with Enforcement and Compliance Assistance activities Conduct the following number of visits: a. Construction (SIC 1500 1799)………......................73 b. Manufacturing (SIC 2000 3999)……………………....98 c. Trade, Transportation, Utilities (SIC 4000 5999)…....85 1.) Increase recognition programs in targeted high hazards industries utilizing MOSH's SST-12, NEP's, and LEP's 2.) Work in conjunction with the Partnerships and Appliance Programs to share resources and further educate the companies and organizations working with MOSH. 3.) Continue to disseminate information and participate in MOSH's training and outreach activities. 1.) Consultation will share in the technical development of the website and continue to maintain their Federal OSHA requirements, current information, and forms. 2.) A DLLR External Customer Survey form will be sent with each initial visit report. 3.) Initiate visits to small high hazard employers in a timely manner; ensure written reports are completed in a timely manner. 1.) Increase Recognition Programs by one new company in 2013. 3. 2.) Increase partnerships by 3 in 2013 4 5 5 3.) Maintain total number of trainees/participants anticipated to be effected by outreach activities in the areas covered by MOSH LEP's, SST-12, and Federal NEP's, including formal training, workshops, seminars, speeches, conferences, and informal worksite training at 6,000. 3) Secure public confidence through excellence in the development and delivery of MOSH programs and services Description of Planned On-Site Consultation Activities 1.) A printed copy if original website at beginning of 5 Year Strategic Plan is kept on file and available upon request. 2.) 2.) 2.) 2.) Over 90% of the respondents rate "overall satisfaction" as satisfactory or better. 3.) 3.) 30 days between request and visit; 20 days between closing conference and written report. Anticipated Impact of OnSite Consultation Activities 1.1 - Total Reduction in the Fatality Rate by 1% (5% by end of FFY 2017) 1.2 - Maintain Injury and Illness DART rate at 2.0 (average DART rate from CY 2008-2010) 2.1 - Increase Recognition Programs from 22 to 23 (5 new Recognition programs by end of FFY2013) 2.2 - Increase partnership and alliance programs from 63 to 66 5 2.3 - Maintain attendance in MOSH outreach and training programs annually at 6,000 participants 3.1 - Percent of polled responses from MOSH website users indicating a positive overall experience established at 90% by 2013. 3.2 - Ninety percent of responding employers are satisfied in the consultation visit received. 3.3 - Provide prompt consultation service. Maryland FY 2012 Operating Plan Activity and Areas of Emphasis Safety Health Total 1. Total Visits a. Construction b. Non-Construction 224 65 159 51 8 43 275 73 202 2. Total Area of Emphasis Visits 3. Percentage Area of Emphasis Visits of Total Visits 200 45 245 90% 88% 89% 65 66 8 21 73 87 69 16 85 61 0 0 1 60 6 2 1 1 2 66 2 1 2 62 8. Total Renewals 2 4. Emphasis Industries Improve workplace safety and health through compliance assistance and enforcement of occupational safety and health regulations. 1. Construction (SIC 1500-1799) 2. Manufacturing (SIC 2000-3999) 3. Trade, Transportation, Utilities (SIC 40005999) 5. Emphasis Safety & Health Hazards a. Silica b. Hexavalent Chromium c. Combustible Dust d. Other LEPs 6. Activities Related to Agency Measures 7. Total SHARP Sites a. New 1 b. Current 7 9. Total Pre-SHARP Sites 1 10. Total Interventions (Form 66) 32