Study of Mathematical Models for Population Projection Meng Yi Wang Zizheng Sia Wai Leng (supervisor) Raffles Girls' School (Secondary) 20 Anderson Road, Singapore 259 978,, Tel: 6838 7811, Fax: 6235 3731 Abstract: Three main mathematical models for the prediction of population growth, Thomas R. Malthus’s model, logistic model and coalition model, are examined in this project. First of all, the explicit solutions for each model are exactly reached via using mathematical techniques of differentiation and integration. Then the tests of practical data and analysis for these models are done based on the explicit solutions; the comparisons of predicted data and actual data of population growth for the models are given by chart, tables and figures. They prove the efficiency of these models. Furthermore, the advantages and shortcomings of these models are summarized. Finally two new probably improved mathematical models for the predication of population growth are proposed. Here, these models have been applied to the prediction of China’s population growth. The results from the predictions show the importance of adopting the family planning program in China. Moreover, describing and analyzing impacts on population growth, such as economy, education, unemployment and poverty in social, and environment, reveal the family planning cannot fail to become a national policy in China. Keywords: population, population size, population growth model, logistic model, coalition model, Thomas R. Malthus’s model, family planning program. 1. Introduction The population projection has become one of the most important problems in the world. Population sizes and growth in a country directly influence the situation of economy, policy, culture, education and environment etc of this country, and determine exploring and cost of natural sources. No one wants to wait until those resources are exhausted because of population explosion. Therefore the study of population projection has been started earlier. In 1798 the Englishman Thomas R. Malthus proposed a mathematical model of population growth. His model, though simple, has become a basis for the most future modeling of biological populations. He successfully discussed the caveats of mathematical modeling through his paper, “An Essay on the Principle of Population". Furthermore, he gave a pessimistic view over the dangers of over-population and described the dangers of over-population would eventually lead to a shortage of food on a global scale, poverty, hunger and disease. He believed that human population increases geometrically (i.e. 2, 4, 8, 16, etc.) whereas food supplies can only grow arithmetically (i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8, etc.) as it is limited by available land and technology. The geometric population growth outruns an arithmetic increase in food supply. He stated that the ‘laws of nature’ dictate that a population can never increase beyond the food supplies necessary to support it. However, most populations are constrained by limitation on resources -- even in the short run -- and none is unconstrained forever. In 1840 a Belgian Mathematician Verhulst modified Malthus’s Model, he thought population growth not only depends on the population size but also on how far this size is from its upper limit. Then in 1960 Heinz von Foerster, Patricia Mora, and Larry Amiot published a now-famous paper in Science, “Population Density and Growth”. The authors argued that the population growth pattern in the historical data can be explained by improvements in technology and communication that have molded the human population into an effective coalition in a vast game against Nature—reducing the effect of environmental hazards, improving living conditions, and extending the average life span. They proposed a coalition growth model for which the productivity rate is not constant, but rather is an increasing function of P, namely, a function of the form P , where the power is positive and presumably small. Here, we have also done some research, trying to portrait a different picture of China when there is no population control. We calculated some numbers on several important development indicators and compared the needs of different situation. We found that economy, social and environment have mutual influence upon each other. The conflicts would aggravate if overpopulation occurs. More people need to live and eat, exhausting natural resources. They also cause the shortage of public facilities. The government has to invest more on housing, education and medical supply to satisfy the increased demand. Less money therefore will be put into economic development. On another hand, economy needs to grow rapidly to improve the living standard of population; a larger scale of industries will definitely cause more pollution. In the project, the construction is that in section 2 three main mathematical techniques for the prediction of population growth, Thomas R. Malthus’s model, the logistic model and the coalition model are examined in this project. First of all, the explicit solutions for each model are exactly reached via using mathematical techniques of differentiation and integration. Then the tests of practical data and analysis for the models are done based on the explicit solutions, and these models are applied to the predictions of China’s population growth. They prove the efficiency of these models. Furthermore, the comparisons of predicted and actual data of population growth for the models are given by chart, tables and figures. Finally, the advantages and shortcomings of these models are summarized. In section 3, two new probably improved mathematical models for the predication of population growth are proposed. In section 4, the predictions of China’s population growth based on these models show the importance of adopting the family planning program in China. Moreover, describing and analyzing impacts on population growth, such as economy, education, unemployment and poverty in social, and environment etc reveal the family planning cannot fail to become a national policy in China. The conclusion is in section 5. 2. The Techniques for Predicting Population Sizes 2.1 Malthus’s Model In 1798 the Englishman Thomas R. Malthus proposed a mathematical model of population growth. dP P, 0 dt P(t 0 ) P0 0 (2.1.1) (2.1.2) Where in equation (2.1.1) expresses population growth rate and it reflects a strong impact on how fast the population will grow. (2.1.1) indicates dP increases to infinity as dt t increases, i.e. the model population increases to infinity as time goes to infinity. (2.1.2) expresses the population size when t t 0 . Malthus’s model voices such principles: (1) Food is necessary for human existence; (2) Human population tends to grow faster than the power in the earth to produce subsistence and that (3) The effects of these two unequal powers must be kept equal. (4) Since humans tend not to limit their population size voluntarily, population reduction tends to be accomplished through the "positive" checks of famine, disease, poverty and war. 2.1.1 The Solution of Malthus’s Model We give the mathematical resolution of equations (2.1.1)-(2.1.2) here. Based on equation (2.1.1), it is obtained that P 1 dP dt t P t0 1 (2.1.3) t dP dt (integrating for two sides of (2.1.3)) t0 (2.1.4) Thus P ( P0 e t0 )e t ce t (2.1.5) Where c P0 e t0 is a constant for some fixed . The resolution (2.1.5) of equations (2.1.1)-(2.1.2) clearly indicates P is an exponential function of e. Its physical meaning expresses that population sizes grow exponentially as time t . 2.1.2 The Practical Data Test of Malthus’s Model We calculate and test the model (2.1.1)-(2.1.2) here through the following example. Start with an initial value for the population size, P0 5 at t 0 0 and one of , say = 3. Substitute the numbers into (2.1.1)-(2.1.2), it is obtained that P1 P(t 1) 100 .4 , P4 P(t 4) 813774 .0 and then P2 P(t 2) 2017 .1 , P3 P(t 3) 40515 .4 P5 P(t 5) 16345086 .9 etc. Notice how quickly the population can grow. The following figure 2-1 shows the population growths as time, all of which start with an initial population size of 5, i.e. P0 5 Fig.2-1 Population 20000000 15000000 10000000 5000000 0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 Year As you can see, all the different curves have a similar shape. They are referred to as J-shaped curves. The mathematical name for this type of growth is exponential growth. This growth equation can be used in cases where there is truly this type of growth. For example, when a new species arrives to an island where there is plentiful of food, perfect conditions for reproduction, and no predators, or when a scientist starts growing bacteria under perfect conditions, one can certainly observe this (almost perfect) type of growth; although, not forever. That is why other mathematical models were developed. Let’s investigate how good of a model this is. To do so, we need to estimate the constant . This constant is the continuous relative growth rate, i.e. 1 dP . Let’s look at P dt some actual data. This chart shows the China population in the years 1949 and 1959, measured in millions. Table 2-1 Year Population 1949 54 1. 67 1959 672. 07 Using this information with t 0 corresponding to the year 1949, we have P0 541.67 . We can solve for using the fact that P 672.07 when t 10 . By using (2.1.5), that is 672.07 541.67e10 1 672.07 ln 0.0215 10 541.67 (to 3 s.f.) (2.1.6) This gives us the general solution P(t ) 541.67e 0.0215t (2.1.7) Let’s compute the population at later years and compare it with the actual data. We have done this and put it in the following chart. Table 2-2 Actual Predicted 1960 662. 07 686. 19 1961 65 8. 59 701. 10 1962 672. 95 716. 34 1963 661. 72 731. 90 1964 704. 99 747. 81 1965 725. 38 764. 06 1966 745. 72 780. 67 1967 763. 68 797. 63 1968 785. 34 814. 97 1969 806. 71 832. 86 1970 829. 92 850. 78 Predicted Actual 950 900 Population sizes(million) Year 850 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 1971 852. 29 869. 27 1972 871. 77 888. 16 1960 1962 1964 1966 1968 Fig. 2-2 Population vs time 1970 1972 Year Based on fig.2-2, we see when 0.0215 , how approximate of the prediction value and actual value of population sizes as time increases except of 1963. It showed the efficiency of the model of Malthus under supposes of the Malthus’s model. If we used the above model to predict the China population in 2000 and 2049(which is after China was founded 100 years), we get, P(2000) 1621.58 million, P(2049) 4650.16 million. 2.2 Logistic Model Malthus’s model is unconstrained growth, i.e. model in which the population increases in size without bound. It is an exponential growth model governed by a differential equation of the form dP 1 dP P (Constant) dt P dt As we have seen, the equation solution is equation (2.1.5). P ( P0 e t0 )e t ce t Where c P0 e t0 is a constant for the constant . Therefore, the population number P increases to infinity as time t goes to infinity. Nevertheless, most populations are constrained by limitations on resources -- even in the short run -- and none is unconstrained forever. The following figure 2-3 shows three possible courses for growth of the population. The red curve expresses super-exponential growth and approaching a vertical asymptote (the dashed line), the green curve follows an exponential growth pattern, and the blue curve is constrained so that the population is always less than some number K . When the population is small related to K , the patterns are virtually identical -- in particular, the constraint doesn't make much difference. But as P becomes a significant fraction of K , the curves begin to diverge, and, in the constrained case, as P gets close to K , the growth rate drops to 0. (Here K ) Fig. 2-3 Population growths as time In 1840 a Belgian Mathematician Verhulst modified Malthus’s Model. He thought population growth not only depends on the population size but also on how far this size is from its upper limit. He proposed a new model which is, dP P P (1 ) dt M (2.2.1) Where 0 expresses population growth rate, and M 0 is called the carrying capacity or the maximum supportable population. This equation is also known as a logistic difference equation. 2.2.1 The Solution of the Logistic Model We may account for the growth rate declining to 0 by including in the exponential model a factor of - P -- which is close to 1 (i.e., has no effect) when P is much smaller than , and which is close to 0 when P is close to . The constant solutions are P =0 and P =M. The non-constant solutions may obtained by separating the variables. dP P dP(1 ) M dt (2.2.2) Taking indefinite integration for the two sides of equation (2.2.2) dP P(1 P ) M dt (2.2.3) The partial fraction techniques give 1 dP 1 ( M )dP P P P P(1 ) 1 M M (2.2.4) Which gives ln P ln 1 P t c M (2.2.5) Easy algebraic manipulations give P P 1 M Ce t (2.2.6) Where C is constant. Solving for P, we get MCe t P M Ce t (2.2.7) If we consider the initial condition P(0) P0 (assuming that P0 is not equal to both 0 or M), we get C P0 M M P0 (2.2.8) Which, once substituted into the expression for P (t ) and simplified, we find P(t ) MP0 P0 ( M P0 )e t (2.2.9) It is easy to see that lim P (t ) M t (2.2.10) Fig. 2-4 Population sizes vs. time based on logistic growth model The curve produced by the logistic equation resembles an S. That is why it is called an S-shaped curve or a Sigmoid. As you can see, when the population starts to grow, it does go through an exponential growth phase, but as it gets closer to the carrying capacity, the growth slows down and it reaches a stable level. This slow down to a carrying capacity is perhaps the result of war, pestilence, and starvation as more and more people contend for the resources that are now at their upper bound. There are many examples in nature that show that when the environment is stable the maximum number of individuals in a population fluctuates near the carrying capacity of the environment. However, if the environment becomes unstable, the population size can have dramatic changes. 2.2.2 The Practical Data Test of the Logistic Model If all we know about P is its values at certain times t, then we have to approximate the rate of change, dP P 1 dP by the fraction . The relative rate of growth is . Using population data dt P dt t from 1842~1970 we can estimate the relative growth rate at the years 1895, 1900, 1905, etc, with the formula 1 dP 1 P P(t 5) P(t 5) P dt P t 10 P This table has a few of these estimates. (2.2.11) Table 2-3 Y ear Popul ation 1 895 495. 0.0018083 509. 0.0018070 523. 0.0018084 537. 0.0018066 614. 0.020409 825. 0.018625 50 1 910 12 1 925 11 1 940 48 1 955 48 1 970 P(t 5) P(t 5) 10 P 81 We can find a better model by using this data to estimate how the relative growth rate is changing with respect to population. That is, instead of assuming that the relative growth rate is constant, let’s try to find a function which estimates this rate as a function of the population P . Here we used nonlinear least-squares regression to plot the estimates for P along with the line which best fits the points. Fig. 2-5 Population Growth rate vs. population 1 dP versus P dt By using Origin 5.0, we get, the equation of this line is 1 dP 0.0 2 6 625.8 7 6 121 05 P P dt (2.2.12) Assuming the carrying capacity M is 14.8 billion (which is predicted by Census of China). Then, the growth rate is 1 dP 0.02662 5.87612 10 5 1 4 8 0 1480 dt (2.2.13) 1 dP 0.0 6 0 3 4 7 1 4 8 0dt (2.2.14) We can see that the growth rate increases as population size increases. The following graph is a work which shows the population growth from 0 to 1972 in China. 600 500 Population Population 400 300 200 100 0 12 80 14 10 14 40 14 70 15 00 15 30 15 60 15 90 16 20 16 50 16 80 17 10 17 40 17 70 18 00 18 30 18 60 18 90 19 13 19 25 19 33 19 40 0 Year Fig.2-6 Population growth From the graph, we assume P0 is 40 million. Then, P(t ) 1480P0 P0 (1480 P0 ) e 0.060347t (2.2.15) P(t ) 73600 40 1440e 0.060347t (2.2.16) 2.3 Coalition Model In 1960 Heinz von Foerster, Patricia Mora, and Larry Amiot published a now-famous paper in Science, “Population Density and Growth”. The authors argued that the growth pattern in the historical data can be explained by improvements in technology and communication that have molded the human population into an effective coalition in a vast game against Nature -- reducing the effect of environmental hazards, improving living conditions, and extending the average life span. They proposed a coalition growth model for which the productivity rate is not constant, but rather is an increasing function of P, namely, a function of the form P , where the power is positive and presumably small. (If were 0, this would reduce to the natural model -- which we now know it does not fit.) The differential equation for this model is dP P 1 , dt , 0 1 dP P P dt (2.3.1) (2.3.1)’ Where growth is rate of population, and is productivity rate. The model asserts that the derivative of P should be proportional to a power of P, that is, the rate of change should be a power function of P. If that is the case, then the logarithm of the derivative should be a linear function of the logarithm of the population, i.e. ln dP ln (1 ) ln P dt (2.3.2) Where 1 is the power. 2.3.1 The Solutions of Coalition Model We now use the separation-of-variables technique to obtain a symbolic representation of the solutions of this differential equation. Then we will consider the implications of faster-than-exponential growth. Separate the variables in the differential equation dP P 1 dt (2.3.3) And write it in the form P (1 ) dP dt (2.3.4) Taking indefinite integration for the two sides of equation (2.3.4), there is the following P (1 ) dP dt 1 dP (1 )1 dt dP (1 )1 dt (2.3.5) That is P t c P 1 1 , i.e. (2.3.6) (2.3.7) [t c] Where c is constant. Finally P 1 (T t ) 1 (2.3.8) This model only makes sense if t is less than T. This calculation shows that there is a finite time T at which the population P becomes infinite -- or would if the growth pattern continues to follow the coalition model. 2.4 Results from the models Notice that Malthus’s model works fairly well for a short period that is the predicted population sizes are quite similar to those of the actual sizes. It starts to fall apart after that. However, this model assumes that the relative growth rate is constant. In fact, even if we ignore natural disasters, wars, and changes in social behavior, the growth rate would change as the population increased due to crowding, disease, and lack of natural resources. The model predicts that the population would grow without bound, but this cannot possibly happen indefinitely. One of the biggest failures in the Malthusian theory was that Malthus failed to foresee the immense technological innovation that was to occur, which increased crop yields and discovered new resources. Malthus interprets his mathematical conclusions in terms of the real world and compares the real world to the model. Well, ideally, he would do that. But, he doesn't live in an information-rich age, and he's dealing with lengthy time spans, so he can't make such comparisons very easily. The logistic growth equation is a useful model for demonstrating the effects of density-dependent mechanisms: discrete-time model, in population growth. Under such model, it is possible for the population to overshoot its carrying capacity. There is no instantaneous adjustment of the population growth rate. The discrete-time model tells us something about what happens when the effects of density-dependence aren't instantaneous, but lag behind the population's growth in time. However, the logistic growth equation utility in real populations is limited because the dynamics of populations are complex and because it is difficult to come up with the real value for M in a given habitat. In addition, M is not a fixed number over time; it is always changing depending on many conditions. It is often limited by the current level of technology, which is subject to change. More generally, species can sometimes alter and expand their niche. If the carrying capacity of a system changes during a period of logistic growth, a second period of logistic growth with a different carrying capacity can superimpose on the first growth pulse. For example, cars first replaced the population of horses but then took on a further growth trajectory of their own. Comparatively speaking, the coalition growth model is the most comprehensive among the models. However, this model only makes sense if t is less than T. The calculation shows that there is a finite time T at which the population P becomes infinite -- or would if the growth pattern continues to follow the coalition model. All in all, there are quite a lot of potentially valuable factors which affect population growth have been left out in all three models. Therefore, we cannot say which model is the better one. 3. Modification of the Logistic Model There are many shortcomings in the three models. However, here, we only use the logistic model as an example to do the modification. 3.1 Adding health-condition factor It is important to include the effect of health conditions (not sure about the term) in the model. Having a model of this sort can help population researchers (same as the above term) set scientifically sound population dying limits? If H is the number of people taken by, for example, disease each time period (usually years) then the logistic model can be modified to account for this by subtracting H from the population each time period. The resulting model is: P(t ) P(1 P )H M 3.2 Adding minimum viable population factor There is a second modification to the logistic model that further increases the model's realism and usefulness. This is the addition of the ecological idea of a minimum viable population. The idea here is that a population of any species has a minimum level at which the population can thrive. If the population drops below this minimum level various environmental and genetic factors lead to the elimination of the population. The relevant factors might include inability to find mates, loss of genetic diversity and increased vulnerability to short and long term environmental changes and disease events. The logistic model can be modified to account for the existence of a minimum viable population. One way of doing this is to use the difference equation: P(t ) P( P P 1)(1 ) H Min. M 4. Impacts on Population Growth 4.1 Economy Impacts China’s national economy has developed at an accelerated speed, especially since the economic reform to market-oriented system in 1978. With the gross national product (GNP) quadrupled over that of 1980 ahead of schedule, China stands as the second largest economy in the world after the US. However, when this significant achievement is divided by China’s enormous population, each individual gets only 4,300 dollars a year, accounting for 17.3% of the US per capita GNP in 1995. Fig.4-1 Predicted population and GDP 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 Year Predicted Population GDP According to the calculation of science institution of China ;The gross domestic product (GDP) per capita increases by 0.36~0.59% while population growth rate decreases by 0.1% correspondingly. China’s population growth rate has dropped from 2.60% to 0.88% since 1970. That means the family planning program helped to increase GDP per capita by 6.192~10.148%. GDP per capita under different situations (RMB) With family planning (million) 1 979 1 998 4 6 17.7 Without family planning (million) 490.2 3 63.0 4 099.5 By using formula (2.1.7), we have such chart of virtual population without control. Year Predicted Year Predicted Year Predicted Year Predicted 1973 907.5 1980 1054.9 1987 1226.2 1994 1425.3 1974 927.2 1981 1077.8 1988 1252.8 1995 1456.3 1975 947.3 1982 1101.2 1989 1280.1 1996 1488.0 1976 967.9 1983 1125.1 1990 1307.9 1997 1520.3 1977 989.0 1984 1149.6 1991 1336.3 1998 1553.3 1978 1010.5 1985 1174.6 1992 1365.3 1999 1587.1 1979 1032.4 1986 1200.1 1993 1395.0 2000 1621.6 Then, we can draw graph of the chart. 1800 9000 1600 8000 1400 7000 1200 6000 1000 5000 800 4000 600 3000 400 2000 200 1000 0 GDP Population (million) Fig. 4-2 Real and Predicted Population&GDP 0 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 years population (predicted) population (real) GDP Now we see the blue line indicating the predicted population growth without control in China, the highest growth rate is 2%. The GDP growth would be lower than it and thus the GDP per capita would only increase from RMB 363 to RMB 4099.5 through the twenty years of 1979~1998 compared to the actual increase from RMB 417.7 to RMB 6490.21. We cannot repudiate the idea of a huge population size is resource itself. But in China, overpopulation will but only decrease welfare quality of each individual. The births of 338 million avoided by family planning policy would require a relevant cost of 43.4 billion US dollars for bringing up, excluding the costs for more public facilities such as schools, hospitals and household. This may result in lack of capital for economic growth. Moreover, human resources depend on the quality of the population. In developed countries, the contribution of technologies progress due to the improvement of human quality is accounting for 60~80% of its economic growth. In China, 72% of the economic growth relies upon the investment of natural resources and very little on technologies. This deepens the conflicts between economic development and environment degradation. 4.2 Social Impacts 4.2.1 Education and Medical Supply Education and medical treatment play a significant role in the improvement of population quality. Only population of a high quality could be conversed into plentiful resources. Through years’ efforts of the government, the nine-year compulsory education [4] is implemented national wide, which ensures 80.5% literacy. The number of health institutions also increased from 3670 to 324771, barely satisfying people’s needs. China had to expend much more on these public facilities if family planning policies did not launch, as more children would ask for education and more people had to get medical supply. Shortage of those public facilities would cause various social problems. Fig.4-3 Comparison betw een real and required number of schools and health institutions 1600000 1400000 1200000 1000000 800000 600000 400000 200000 0 number of primary and junior middle schools number of health institutions predicted required Fig.4-4 Public expenditure on education as percentage of GNP United States United Kingdom Brazil year 1995 Japan India China Nigeria 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 % We can see from the graph that even India invested a larger percentage of its GNP on education than China. Nevertheless, there is still more than 50% of Indian who can neither read nor write. Indian’s huge efforts to promote education have been offset by its rapid population growth (You know every year India adds at least 12 million people each year). 4.2.2 Unemployment What if Chinese government could not afford to pay for the cost of so many people’s education fee? That would definitely lead to more illiterate people who were not able to adapt to a modern and open China, which requires but well-educated and skilful labor. Unemployment would undoubtedly increase massively in spite of more jobs created by economic development. In rural areas, as the cropland inevitably shrinks by years, the surplus of agricultural labor force (already 120 million) is expanding substantially. Many people living in big cities lost their jobs now due to the changing system of many national industries. The situation of too many people competing for comparatively scarce job opportunities would be unimaginably terrible if 300 million people were to join in. Fig.4-5 Unemployment rate 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 years unemployment rate Unemployment will cause a lot of problems when a country lacks a strong and mature welfare system. For example, a jobless person may commit thefts or robberies when he could not find another way to earn livings. Crime rate therefore goes up, affecting the stability of society. 4.2.3 Poverty In recent 20 years of economy reform, China has made tremendous achievement to reduce poverty. Nearly 220 million Chinese have shaken off poverty during the past 20 years. In late 70s, China had 1/4 of people below poverty line in the world. However, this ratio has decreased to 10%. A range of preferential policies have been mapped out to help poor rural families have more access to education, wealth and basic services to improve their lot. China would have an entirely different picture without family planning policy, the birth of 300 million people could not be avoided and the cost of bringing up the children were to mount up to 360 billion dollars (about 43.4 billion US dollars), accounting for 0.08% of its GDP. If China chose not to enlarge the scale education and medical supply, the population quality would definitely decrease drastically. Literacy rate would drop and unemployment rate would mount up. The increased unemployment leads to high crime rate and more people below poverty line. 4.3 Environment China, the third largest country in the world with its rich natural resources, is identified very poor when those resources are divided by its 13-billion-strong population. Moreover, the country now faces multitudes of environmental threats of including air pollution and acid rain, water shortages and pollution, desertification and soil erosion, the destruction of ecosystems and severe deforestation which are the consequences of ineffective utilization of natural resources when developing economy. According to China’s own statistics, the amount of land, farmland, and grassland water resources owned by each individual Chinese is less than one-third of the world’s average figure. Forest and oil resources per capita are just one-tenth of the world’s average. Merely 7% of vast land of China is arable, on which has to feed one-fifth of the world population. However, cropland is still shrinking from 103.3 million ha in 1965 to 95.0 million ha in 1995, or a decline of 8% during the last three decades (Table 1). The modernization process in China will take away more fertile farmland from agriculture. Table 4-1 Agricultural Areas in China, million ha Year Cultivated Areas Paddy Fields Irrigated Sown areas Total Grain Areas Cropping Index, % 1965 103.6 25.0 33.1 143.3 119.6 138 1975 99.7 25.5 43.3 149.5 121.1 150 1985 96.8 25.0 44.0 143.6 108.8 148 1995 95.0 24.9 49.3 149.9 110.1 158 The cropland per capita of China is currently about 43% of world average, about 0.101 hectares. The cropland per capita is less than 0.8 ha, the alarm line set by United Nation in more than 600 counties. Well, if an extra 338 million people were added to share the arable land, the cropland per capita would be less than 0.068 hectares (not including the loss area for increasing residential and industrial use). Green Revolution and new technologies nearly tripled the yield of China’s agriculture production. However, the current technologies obviously afford another 355.8 million people’s stomachs, which increase the requirement for food production. China could choose either to reclaim 64.4 hectares of pastures and forests for agricultural use or buy food from other countries. The first way would only form a vicious circle of destruction of environment (the forests were reduced, more flooding occurred and thus more arable land lost by natural disasters); the second way might lead a increase in prices of global agricultural production, affecting the world food security. Fig.4-6 comparison betw een real agriculture production and agriculture production required by 1.6 billion people 700 600 million tons 500 agriculture production (real) agriculture production (virtual) 400 300 200 100 0 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 years Water scarcity is none the better in China. China has a total of 2,800 billion cubic meters of annually renewed fresh water; the world's most populous country is fourth in the world in terms of total water resources. Considering per capita water resources, China has the second lowest per capita water resources in the world, less than one third of the world average. Northern China is especially water-poor, with only 750 cubic meters per capita; this geographic region has one-fifth the per capita water resources of southern China and just 10 percent of the world average. 70 million people still have not the access to drinking water. 8000 7000 World Average China Southern China Northern China 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1 The total supply of water resources is estimated to mount up from over 500 to 800 billion cubic meters if the population size mounted up to 1.6 billion due to the lack of family planning,i.e. increased by 60%. It is 28% of available water resources in China. According to global experiences, once the amount of water use exceeds 20% of the county’s total water resources, water crisis will mostly occur. The forest resource also decline through years due to the growth of population and massive deforestation. Forests in China cover 133.7 million-hectares, not more than 14% of China’s total area. Forests per head equals only to 18% of world average. People will destroy forests to reclaim new farmland in order to survive. If an extra 355.8 million of people lived on this land, 46.3 hectares of forests would disappear for residence. That would break the biological balance and would result in severe soil erosion, contributing to floods of major rivers in China. Overpopulation not only exhausted natural resources but also contributed heavily to environmental pollution. Water pollution and air pollution in China, already rank among the top of the world, would certainly worsen if another 355.8 million would live on the land. The air, water and land pollution were the cause of many diseases such as Diarrheal disease and viral hepatitis. The continuing environment pollution and the degradation of people’s living condition form a vicious circle. 4.3 Disadvantages on Family Planning Program Although family planning policies have many positive impacts, we cannot deny the shortcomings it brought as well. Firstly, the sex selection due to strict one child policy has made sex ratio skewed. The sex ratio is 117 boys to 100 girls according to 2000 census. Female infant abandonment is still common in rural areas of China. Secondly, China may have to face a large group of aging people, which will account for 10% of its total population. The productive, employable population sectors will shrink to less than two-thirds of their population, meaning that even if all people of working age were to be gainfully employed, they would have to support at least a third (and growing) of their population that is not yet or no longer capable of working. Fig.4-7 Fig. 4-8 Fig. 4-9 5. Conclusion In the project, we examine Malthus’s model, logistic model and coalition model. Using mathematical techniques of differentiation and integration, we exactly reach the explicit solutions for each model. They are greatly clear and simple for tests of practical data and analyses for each model. Furthermore, with chart, tables and figures, we compare predicted data and actual data of population growth for the models. They prove the efficiency of the models. Then the advantages and shortcomings of these models are summarized. Finally two new probably improved mathematical models for the predication of population growth are proposed Experiences of a considerable number of countries, especially those, which are less developed, can bespeak that overpopulation will but lead to severe problems such as slowing development of economy, instability or even collapse of social systems, vicious circle of poverty and environmental degradation and pollution. Using mathematics techniques, Malthus’s population model, the logistic model, as well as the coalition model, we predicted the virtual population size without family planning policies. We tried to analyze the influences of family planning polices in China, the most populous country, and evaluate its merits and shortcomings. Our study, though very limited and sallow, showed that family planning programs have benefited the whole country drastically and even avoided some terrible social or environmental disasters. The success of family planning programs in China deserves attention from other developing countries that also face the problem of massive population and its rapid growth and the negative impacts have already affected the whole world. So we suggest a global population program should be planned and launched as an important part of sustainable development which emphasis an ideal relationship among population growth, economic development and environmental protection. 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