Lab Jazz Syllabus

Lab Jazz Band.
MUS P44 & MUS P84
Section -43552 & 43554
Time: 3:35pm-5:00 pm MW
Place: Stover 118
Instructor: James Rocillo
Course Description:
Practical experience in performing jazz arranged and composed for large jazz ensemble.
A qualifying audition by the instructor and an intermediate ability to sight read on an
instrument appropriate to the jazz ensemble. All student members must pay the ASRCC
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
Perform beginning and intermediate jazz literature for jazz ensemble.
Demonstrate instrumental techniques appropriate for various styles of jazz.
Perform varied works of beginning and intermediate jazz literature fitted to
the size and instrumentation of the group available in any given semester.
Participate in the creation, rehearsals, and performance of new works for jazz
Al members will learn the basic fundamentals of improvisation.
Goals and Expectations:
1. A rewarding musical experience for all involved
2. Each rehearsal will start promptly at 3:30 with all chairs filled. Advance notice is
ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED for any absence from a rehearsal.
3. The sheet music must be at every rehearsal.
4. To read and perform a challenging standard of literature and to give opportunities to
students to improvise solos when appropriate.
5. To give opportunities to student composers and arrangers to have their music
6. Prompt and perfect attendance at concerts.
7. Woodwind players are to have all necessary reeds and doubles at every rehearsal.
Brass players are to have all mutes, (cup, harmon, plunger, tacet). Rhythm section
members must have ear protection at every rehearsal and concert. Horn players seated
next to the drums must also have ear protection at every concert and rehearsal.
8. All students will own, use and keep up to date a working calendar.
9. Attain musical standards appropriate to perform at a professional level
10. Perform stylistically in the jazz tradition
Rehearsal attendance is mandatory. As stated previously, you should be on time for all
class sessions. If you miss more than two class sessions, please be aware that on the third
absence, you may be dropped at the director’s discretion.
Students who are allowed to add this class on or after the first day of class must officially
register with Admissions by the ADD deadline and pay fees per Admissions and Records
Students who choose not to continue the course are responsible for turning in a drop card
to the admissions office. Please do not assume that the instructor has filed a drop card.
Failure to officially drop the course may result in an "F". If you miss assignments/tests
after the deadline to drop and have an acceptable reason (like hospitalization),
an "Incomplete" may be granted at the instructor’s discretion. It is your responsibility to
ask for and explain why you should receive an incomplete. Requesting an incomplete
does not guarantee that you will receive one
Attendance and Preparation: 60%
Concert performance: 40%
Important Dates
Concert Dates:
RCC Jazz Concert Monday March 18th
RCC Jazz Festival Saturday May 11th 2013 (All day)
Lab Band Concert Thursday May 23rd 2013 7pm
In each rehearsal and concert students are expected to demonstrate instrumental
techniques appropriate to various styles of beginning and intermediate literature for jazz
ensemble. These works will be fitted to the size and instrumentation of the group that
semester. In addition students may participate in the creation, rehearsals and
performances of new works for jazz ensemble.
Each performance Concert and Jazz festival are the equivalent of an exam and is
Grades will be determined as follows:
91 –100 = A
81 –90 = B
71 –80 = C
51– 70 = D
50 and below = F
Classroom conduct:
The following are important considerations to help make the class pleasant for everyone.
 Be ready to start class at the appropriate time.
 Turn off all cell phones, I-Pads, tablets and watch alarms that make
noise before coming into class; they are a serious distraction in college
classes and cannot be tolerated.
 Instruct relatives or friends to call campus security in case of an
emergency. Security will look up the class in the system and then send
someone to the class.
 Avoid side conversations because this is disruptive and distracting to other
students. I may ask students who are engaging in side conversations to
leave the class if they persist in distracting the progress of rehearsal.
 Please be sensitive to what might offend or distract others (like sending
text messages, grooming yourself, or use of potentially offensive
You may also wish to refer to the “Standards of Student Conduct” as outlined in
RCCD’s Student Handbook.
Special Needs:
If you have a documented disability requiring accommodation to achieve course
objectives, please see me or contact the Office of Disabled Student Programs & Services
immediately in order to assure timely services. If you have not already done so, you
should call 222-8060 or visit one of their offices on our three campuses: SCI & TECH
150 on the Moreno Valley Campus, ADM 121, (City Campus) or STU SERV building on
the Norco Campus. The DSP&S Staff and I will be happy to work with you in arranging
for and assuring appropriate accommodations. All information and documentation is
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