Capability Framework for selection of School Leader B & C Officers Shapes educational strategic thinking School Leader A School Leader B Behavioural Descriptors School Leader C Envisages the future Plans for the future Creates a plan of action to support the school community Uses analytical thinking Uses analytical thinking Analyses information to initiate effective responses Considers the whole system Interprets system priorities Connects school and system policies Develops an informed view Analyses issues to inform decision making Identifies issues to inform decision-making Positions self to contribute to the broader educational debate Contributes to the broader educational debate Builds awareness of the broader educational debate Provides educational leadership to deliver quality outcomes for students/Provides educational leadership* School Leader A Inspires a sense of purpose and direction relevant to the school/section School Leader B Behavioural Descriptors Inspires and supports staff to realise purpose and direction Supports staff to improve teaching and learning outcomes Communicates effectively Communicates effectively Communicates effectively Facilitates ownership Empowers staff by encouraging initiative and leadership Facilitates change, deals with uncertainty and shows resilience Supports the principal in educational decision-making Develops a sense of shared purpose in a team Steers and implements change, deals with uncertainty and shows resilience Creates confidence in educational decision making * Office based position School Leader C Prepares people for change, responds effectively to uncertainty and shows resilience Establishes confidence in educational decisionmaking Manages (the school) with integrity and achieves results/ Manages with integrity and achieves results School Leader A Demonstrates public sector professionalism and probity School Leader B Behavioural Descriptors Demonstrates public sector professionalism and probity School Leader C Demonstrates public sector professionalism and probity Exercises sound judgement Exercises sound judgement Exercises sound judgement Commits to action, delivers on intended results and ensures closure Commits to action, delivers on intended results and ensures closure Commits to action, delivers on intended results and ensures closure Manages school resources effectively Supports the principal/manager in managing school/section resources effectively Supports the principal/manager in managing school/section resources effectively Develops the capacity of the school as a learning community/Develops the capacity of the section as a learning community School Leader A Is self aware and committed to personal and professional learning School Leader B Behavioural Descriptors Develops self-awareness and commits to personal and professional learning School Leader C Commits to personal and professional learning Leads and supervises staff Acts as a guide and mentor and supports the development of all staff Leads and supervises staff Guides, mentors and develops staff Leads and supervises staff Guides, mentors and develops staff Works effectively with the school community Works effectively with school communities Works effectively with the school community Works effectively with the school community Actively encourages a supportive performance culture Builds a supportive performance culture Implements a supportive performance culture Cultivates productive working relationships across the school community/Cultivates productive working relationships School Leader A Creates a cohesive staff team School Leader B Behavioural Descriptors Builds professional relationships amongst staff School Leader C Fosters professional team relationships Encourages and is responsive to staff and student feedback Encourages and is responsive to staff, student and client feedback Encourages and is responsive to staff and student (and client) feedback to inform decisions Uses student and staff (and client) views to inform decisions Maintains effective organisational and professional networks Develops effective organisational and professional networks Encourages links with other schools/sections to exchange ideas and resources to support students Engages with the community Fosters partnerships with the community Promotes and supports involvement in communitybased opportunities and projects Projects a positive image of the school/section and public education in the community Promotes a positive image of the school/section and public education in the community Promotes a positive image of the school/section and public education in the community Position Profile and Responsibilities – SLB & SLC School/Section: Web address: Principal/Manager: Position No: School/Section Information: Key programs/structures School Improvement Cycle (Delete for office) Generic School Leader B/School Leader C capabilities Position responsibilities: Minimum executive structure School enrolment Size of team, management structure For example: Subschools International Baccalaureate Student Services model Behaviour management programs Learning Support Unit Futures program LEAP Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Shapes educational strategic thinking Provides educational leadership to deliver quality outcomes for students Manages with integrity and achieves results Develops the capacity of the school/section as a learning community Cultivates productive working relationships across the school community/communities For details of the elements comprising each capability, applicants are advised to consult the full SLB / SLC Capabilities Framework at [insert weblink] Support the principal/manager in developing and implementing an effective school/section plan. Provide ethical and well-informed leadership, development, management and supervision of staff. Promote improved student outcomes through evidencebased practice. Manage the resources of the school with integrity; provide administrative support and act in senior leadership roles as required. School responsibility 1 School responsibility 2 School responsibility 3 Page 7 of 7