School Leadership Team Handbook

Self Evaluation Form
Olympic High School-School of Executive Leadership 2015-2016 Self Evaluation Form
{School Name} Contact Information
School of Executive
Leadership and
4301 Sandy Porter Road
Suite C
Courier Number:
Phone Number:
Charlotte, NC 28273
Fax Number:
South Learning
School Website:
Monique Y. Hicks
Learning Community
Dennis Queen
Total Students Enrolled: 464
(325) 70%
(139) 30%
African American (247)
American Indian
More Than One
Pacific Islander
General Education Students:
Exceptional Children Students:
Academically Intellectually Gifted Students
Limited English Proficient Students:
McKinney Vento
504 Plans
Olympic High School-School of Executive Leadership 2015-2016 Self Evaluation Form
What is distinctive about your school?
As a small school within the Olympic Community of Schools, we offer a tailored education to the students that we serve. Our focus is on educating students on
both the core subjects necessary for graduation but also to promote an education focused on business, finance and hospitality. Students are taught to be leaders
and to excel within the real world through a myriad of business and CTE courses. Within the small school model, teachers and administration are able to develop
stronger relationships with their students and help foster growth towards educational and societal goals.
How effective is your school?
Over the last year, our school has made progress in improving the structures necessary to promote a safe and engaging learning environment. There is still room
for great growth, but the school’s focus on establishing procedures and uniting the two small schools will continue to improve academics.
How do you know?
Currently, our state report card shows our grade as a C. Our proficiency in all subjects is 33.8.
What are your school’s notable strengths?
A notable strength was in the growth shown by students in EOC classes. Additionally our graduation rate is currently at 86.6 percent.
What are your school’s main areas for improvement?
Executive Leadership’s proficiency in all EOC courses are in need of improvement. Most notably, our African American population is far behind in Math I scores.
Olympic High School-School of Executive Leadership 2015-2016 Self Evaluation Form
Guidance on completing the form:
Please be evaluative, rather than descriptive, and make your focus outcomes for students.
It is recommended that schools utilize their Insight Survey results as a guide.
Include references to where the evidence of your self-evaluation can be found, e.g.,"excellent boys’ results in state math tests as
shown in annual report to the state”, “parents’ questionnaires from 2010”.
Be concise; (for example, use bullet points or note form).
Aim to confine your response to no more than eight pages.
You are advised to complete section B last, as this section is summative.
Please omit sections where you feel that you are not in a position to respond.
What approach should we take?
Schools have adopted different approaches.
In some schools the principal and the leadership team have completed the form as a part of one of their regular meetings.
Other schools have devoted part of a faculty meeting as a way of involving all members of staff; this is highly recommended as a
means of engaging the whole staff, helping them to prepare for the review and gathering evidence which reflects the work of the whole
Olympic High School-School of Executive Leadership 2015-2016 Self Evaluation Form
1. How effective is your school in ensuring high quality achievement for students in all grades, especially in the core
Based on the level of proficiency that students are coming into ninth grade in the Executive Leadership school, students are making growth. High quality academic
achievement has not been reached across the curriculum, but growth has been made with students in all core subjects. A focus on data driven instruction as well
as the importance of classroom management will help to improve the achievement level for all students.
How do you know?
Currently, our test scores show that only 33.8 percent of all students are proficient in EOC subjects. This shows a great deal of need to reach the high quality
achievement described. Additionally, our students show that they are below the norm in the ACT scores as well.
In which subjects and grades do students do best, and why?
Students are doing best in our CTE courses. This could be because of the level of experienced teachers in these classes and the real world application that all
these classes offer.
In which subjects and grades is improvement needed, and what action is currently being taken?
Our EOC courses all need improvement. We have implemented a DDI process and developed an instructional roadmap to tailor instruction.
Is there evidence of disparities in student achievement by subgroups? If so, what action is being taken?
Yes, our African American population scores the lowest in our math subjects and all students are below the standards of proficiency that should be expected.
How is your school addressing the specialized needs of EC and LEP students?
We have utilized inclusion classes to allow for additional support for these students. Also, EC and LEP students are given priority in schedules which focus on
their IEP goals.
How does your school use student performance data to take and adjust actions to improve student achievement?
In previous years, data was not used effectively and consistently in all content areas to improve student achievement. However, this school year, we have
implemented a DDI process which will help adjust actions to meet the needs of our students.
How does your school allocate available resources to improve student learning and achievement?
In the small school model, we have attempted to meet the needs of our students by allocating time and resources to their needs. Technology such as
chromebooks and promethean boards have been purchased. Our most important resource is our personnel. We have a new assistant principal which we hope to
use to support teachers and help guide instruction. We have utilized a teacher having an additional planning period to help with discipline concerns. We continue
to utilize all our teachers to check on student success and guide them.
Olympic High School-School of Executive Leadership 2015-2016 Self Evaluation Form
2. How effective is your school in providing a relevant and appropriate curriculum for all students, grades and sub-groups?
Our school does teach the standard course of study. It has continued to find ways to make that curriculum relevant to its students through the choice in texts and
resources that are aligned to their experiences. In addition, our teachers work to build relationships with students to help make the curriculum appropriate. There
is a great deal we need to do to meet the needs of all our students.
How do you know?
Through our data, we see that our curriculum has not been completely appropriate for all students. Many of our students come in below grade level and are not
meeting proficiency in Math I, Biology, and English II.
How is alignment with the Common Core and Essential Standards ensured?
Teachers are being trained this year on backwards planning to make sure instruction is aligned to the standards. In previous years, these standards have been
the focus of professional development and discussed throughout the year.
How does your school ensure a broad range of learning experiences?
The small school model does hinder having a large range of classes. With that being true, many of our CTE classes cover multiple classes by being quarterly.
This has allowed students to appreciate many different experiences within these courses.
3. How effective is the quality of teaching and instruction in ensuring high quality learning, progress and achievement?
Teaching and instruction within the executive leadership school needs to improve in the areas of structure and data. Teachers make a great effort within their
classroom; however, with more structured processes within their classes, instruction will improve greatly.
How do you know?
Through walkthroughs, observations and EOC data we are able to determine that we need to improve in providing a high quality learning environment.
Which are the strongest features of teaching and learning and why?
Our teachers care about are students and do a good job building relationships that help to foster academic achievement. This is seen through walkthroughs and
observations. Additionally, through conferences with students, it is clear that they have built these relationships.
What aspects of teaching and learning most need improvement and what action is being taken?
Classroom management, data driven instruction, and differentiation. These items are the focus of professional development throughout the school year.
How do teachers assess students’ achievement of learning objectives and adjust instruction with assessment
In the previous year, this was a struggle. It is a primary focus for professional development this year. We will utilize data talks after assessments to help teachers
to adjust their instruction and improve remediation.
Olympic High School-School of Executive Leadership 2015-2016 Self Evaluation Form
4. How effective is your school in ensuring high quality leadership and management?
When the School of Executive Leadership was first established, there was no clear leadership and management in place. Much of the 2014-2015 school year was
spent establishing norms and expectations for a school that had no structure from the beginning and had a revolving door of leadership when the school existed as
two separate schools in previous years. In evaluating the quality of the leadership and management at the School of ELED, it could definitely be categorized as
developing and certainly not as effective as a firmly established school would be.
How do you know?
Since a new administrator was hired mid-year last year during a difficult time in the new school’s history, there have been many opportunities for effective change
and growth. However, data regarding school testing proficiency, attendance (staff and students), and teacher retention reveal that much work needs to be done.
Which are the strongest aspects and why?
The strongest aspects of the leadership and management of the school lie in the personal connection between the staff and students and the expectation of
personal commitment to the development of each student. The small school atmosphere allowed for relationship building that ultimately kept the majority of
students on a path to success despite the adversities that surrounded them. Our cohort graduation rate of 86.6% is evidence of how our small school worked to
ensure student success.
What most needs improvement and what action is being taken?
Consistent policies, procedures and expectations need to continue to be reassessed and aligned to ensure transparency for staff, students and parents. Our
instructional road map is helping to set the stage for instructional norms and expectations across the school. Staff, parent and student handbooks are in
development to ensure that important information is available. Websites and social media are being utilized to help communicate information in a variety of
venues to ensure that our stakeholders have current and up to date information about our school. An additional counselor was allotted to our school that will focus
specifically on 9th and 10th grade students, attendance issues and at-risk students.
Olympic High School-School of Executive Leadership 2015-2016 Self Evaluation Form
5. How effective is the school in creating a high quality learning environment?
Teaching and instruction within the executive leadership school needs to improve the learning environment. Teachers make a great effort within their classroom;
however, with more structured processes within their classes, the environment will improve.
How do you know?
34 incidents occurred last year in regards to insubordination. This number shows a high number of cases where students chose not to listen to teachers
directions. Additionally, walkthroughs and observations showed that classroom management was a key concern.
Which are the strongest aspects and why?
Our teachers care about are students and do a good job building relationships that help to foster academic achievement. This is seen through walkthroughs and
observations. Additionally, through conferences with students, it is clear that they have built these relationships.
What most needs improvement and what action is being taken?
More consistent rules and procedures will help to ensure a better learning environment. Additionally, providing professional development on ways to meet the
needs of all students will ensure the environment is comfortable for all those involved.
6. How effective is the school in establishing a high quality partnership with parents, other schools and the community?
Through the school’s academy coordinator, the school has been able to establish multiple corporate partnerships with companies such as Ernst and Young, Price
Waterhouse Cooper, and the Arrowood Business Community. The school’s PTA is still attempting to grow, but it does have a small number of involved parents.
The school is working on building a more effective school leadership team that will utilize parents, teachers and community members.
How do you know?
Through the above mentioned partnerships and meeting notes we have been able to see our progress.
Olympic High School-School of Executive Leadership 2015-2016 Self Evaluation Form
Which are the strongest features of communication between home/school about the school’s work and about each
student’s achievement? Why?
Through connect eds and parent meetings, we have been able to communicate regarding student achievement.
What most needs improvement and what action is being taken?
We will need to improve communication with parents to help make them aware of academic requirements and needs. We will also need to work to make more
parents involved in our PTA and school improvement plan. This will happen through college nights for students and targeting parents.
What aspects of the school’s work to involve parents/guardians and the community in the life of the school work best?
Building personal relationships has helped to bring in parents. When meeting with parents we are able to explain the great things happening at our school and
move these parents into partnerships.
What needs improvement and what action is being taken?
We need to do a better job of building these relationships. The more we are able to do so, the more we will be able to improve these areas.