CEHD Newsletter, December 6, 2007

CEHD Newsletter, December 6, 2007
Please submit items to Gail Haller (ghaller@gmu.edu) by Thursday of each week.
Faculty News
Jenice View (jview@gmu.edu) participated on a panel and presented a paper titled
“Interracial and Cross-Class Parent Organizing for Equity: Two Washington D.C. Case
Studies” at the 34th Annual Conference on Washington D.C. Historical Studies on
November 3.
Rita Chi-Ying Chung (rchung@gmu.edu) gave an invited presentation
titled “The Psychological Impact of Being a Trafficked Sex Worker:
Research in Asia” on the Human Trafficking Panel organized by the
University Scholars Global Awareness Committee at George Mason
University on November 14. The panel was supported by Mason’s
Institute of Conflict Analysis and Resolution Latin America and
Caribbean Working Group, and Amnesty International.
Betty Sturtevant (esturtev@gmu.edu) has been appointed
International Editor of the Broader Middle East and North Africa
(BMENA) Literacy Hub, and Dixiane Hallaj, a Mason Ph.D. in
Education graduate and adjunct faculty member, has been appointed
Editorial Assistant. The Literacy Hub (www.literacyhub.org) is an
online journal and resource developed through discussions between
representatives of the G8 countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the
United Kingdom, and the United States) and representatives of the countries making up
the Broader Middle East and North Africa region. The Literacy Hub is sponsored by the
International Reading Association and funded by USAID; it has an international editorial
review board.
Betty Sturtevant (esturtev@gmu.edu) published an article with colleague W. Linek
titled “Secondary Literacy Coaching: A Macedonian Perspective” in the Journal of
Adolescent Literacy, 51 (3), November 2007.
Mark Goor (mgoor@gmu.edu) chaired an NCATE visit to a state
university in Southern California from November 3-7.
Mark Goor (mgoor@gmu@gmu.edu) presented “Learning
Communities: Power and Challenges” at the annual conference of
the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children in Milwaukee on
November 8.
Fred Bemak (fbemak@gmu.edu) did training for the Boat People SOS Senior and
Trauma Survivors Empowerment Program titled “Cultural Factors in Mental Health” in
Falls Church on November 15.
Jennifer Garvey Berger (jberger1@gmu.edu)
was invited by Mahidol University in Bangkok to
present two forums. The first forum, “Towards a
New Consciousness: My Path as a
Transformative Educator,” was for a leading
group of medical doctors, academics, and
Buddhist practitioners. The second forum was
titled “Transformative Learning and
Contemplative Education” for the center by the same name at the university. She also
has worked with the curriculum committee of the new master’s degree program there to
use her experiences teaching at IET to inform the choices the Thai program might make.
Jennifer Suh (jsuh4@gmu.edu) had an article titled “Developing ‘Algebra-rithmmitic’ in
the Elementary Grades” published in the November issue of NCTM’s Teaching Children
Judith Fontana (jfontan1@gmu.edu), Margo Mastropieri (mmastrop@gmu.edu), and
Tom Scruggs (tscruggs@gmu.edu) published “Mnemonic Strategy Instruction in
Inclusive Secondary Classrooms” in the journal Remedial and Special Education, 28,
Shelley Wong (swong1@gmu.edu), Ilham Nasser
(inasser@gmu.edu), and doctoral student Mona
Assaf (massaf@gmu.edu) attended the Dialogue
Under Occupation II Conference at Al-Quds
(Jerusalem) University, Abu Dies Campus. The
conference was a joint venture between GMU and
Northeastern Illinois University-Chicago. Shelley
Wong presented a paper titled “Silenced Voices:
Arab Women in the Media, Washington Post
Coverage of the Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi Rape
and Murder Case.” Ilham Nasser presented on “Perspectives of U.S. Educators and
Community Leaders Regarding Arab and Muslim Representations in U.S. Children's
Films and Programs.” Mona Assaf presented a professional development plan titled
“Culturally Responsive Practice Among Virginia Teachers.”
Susan Bon (sbon@gmu.edu) and colleague Merri Schneider-Vogel presented “To File or
Not To File: When Can and Should a School District Request a Special Education Due
Process Hearing” at the Education Law Association 53rd Annual Conference on
November 16 in San Diego.
Bill Brozo (wbrozo@gmu.edu) gave a paper titled “Urban Literacy Reform for Striving
Readers: Investing in Youth by Investing in Teachers” at the annual convention of the
National Reading Conference in Austin on November 1. His paper was part of a
symposium with Donna Alvermann, Mike McKenna, Gay Ivey, and Doug
David Brazer (sbrazer@gmu.edu) and doctoral students Karrin Lukacs
(klukacs@gmu.edu), Vicki Montgomery (vmontgom@gmu.edu), and Sue
Ross (sross5@gmu.edu) presented a Conversation titled “Why a Conceptual
Framework? A Conversation About Scholarship and Practice” at the 2007 University
Council for Educational Administration Convention in Alexandria on
November 17.
David Brazer (sbrazer@gmu.edu) presented a paper titled “Strategic
Educational Decision Making: Three Districts Strive to Improve
Instruction” at the 2007 University Council for Educational
Administration Convention in Alexandria on November 17.
PhD Students
Anita Bright (abright@gmu.edu) and Kara Figueredo (kfiguere@gmu.edu) gave a
presentation titled “Charting the Course to Social Justice: A Roadmap for Reluctant
Teachers” at the 17th Annual International Conference of the National Association for
Multicultural Education (NAME) in Baltimore on November 1.
Kara Figueredo (kfiguere@gmu.edu) and Iraida Rodriguez (irodrigu@gmu.edu) gave
a presentation titled “Empowering Learners Through the Funds of Knowledge Approach”
at the Washington Area Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
(WATESOL) Fall Convention on October 13.
Jeanmarie Infranco (jinfranc@gmu.edu) presented a workshop titled “On Recovery,
From Recovery: Theoretical, Research and Clinical Perspectives from Recovered
Therapists” with colleagues Beth Hartman McGilley, PhD, (University of Kansas School
of Medicine) and Leslie Murray, MD, MPH, (University of Iowa) at the 17th Annual
Renfrew Center Foundation Conference for Professionals in Philadelphia on November
11. The theme of this year's conference was “Feminist Perspectives and Beyond:
Exploring Eating Disorders Recovery.”
Kari Arfstrom (karfstrom@aesa.us) is presenting her doctoral dissertation proposal
titled “Recognizing, Determining, and Addressing Entrepreneurial and Innovative
Characteristics of the CEO/superintendent and Staff of Educational Service Agencies
(ESA’s)” on December 11 from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM in West 2201. Committee members
include Penny Earley (pearley@gmu.edu), chairperson, Gary Galluzzo
(ggalluzz@gmu.edu), and Mark Goor (mgoor@gmu.edu).
Jolin Qutub (jqutib1@gmu.edu) is defending her doctoral dissertation titled “A CrossCultural Comparison of Cognitive Styles in Arab and American Adult Learners Using
Eye-Tracking to Measure Subtle Differences” on December 7 from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
in West 2001. Committee members include Rick Brigham (fbrigham@gmu.edu),
chairperson, Tom Scruggs (tscruggs@gmu.edu), and Margo Mastropieri
Heidi Graff (hgraff@gmu.edu) submitted a proposal titled “Developing and Testing the
Adapted and Interactive Video Interventions of Middle School Students with Autism” to
the U. S. Department of Education.
Mike Behrmann (mbehrman@gmu.edu) received a new award titled
“VADoED/USDoED/VI Consortium 07-08” in the amount of $254,464 from the Virginia
Department of Education.
Mike Behrmann (mbehrman@gmu.edu) received a new award titled “VADoED/SpecEd
Endorsement 07-08” in the amount of $88,000 from the Virginia Department of
David Anderson (danderso@gmu.edu) received a new award titled “PWCA/CAPH
Evaluation” in the amount of $3,000 from the Prince William County Schools.
Mason LIFE Academic Showcase Thursday December 6
Highlights of this semester: Theatre Arts Vignettes of Romeo and Juliette, Public
Speaking Power Point Presentations, and Featured Writing Selected Poetry
Where: Student Union II Rooms 3 & 4
Time: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Please send requests to update the CEHD web sites as follows:
Joan Isenberg (jisenber@gmu.edu), cc: Mary Miller (mmillerw@gmu.edu)
Martin Ford (mford@gmu.edu), cc: Pat Nash (pnash@gmu.edu)
Ellen Rodgers (erodger1@gmu.edu), cc: Amie Fulcher (afulcher@gmu.edu)
SCHOOL OF RHT INFORMATION (academic programs, faculty/staff, students)
Dave Wiggins (dwiggin1@gmu.edu), cc: Lisa Reeves (lreeves1@gmu.edu)
Jeff Gorrell (jgorrell@gmu.edu), cc: Martin Ford (mford@gmu.edu)
Center and Office Directors may continue to manage their own web sites.