ASSOCIATE MEMBER PROFILE / APPLICATION Name of Company: Principles Name: Name of Main Contact Person: Address: Street Phone Number: Email Address: Number of Employees (local): Current Date: City/State Fax Number: Zip Year Founded: Provide a brief description of your company’s capabilities, target client base and the types of subcontract services typically utilized on your projects: What areas of assistance will your company be able to offer to Protégé and/or Mentor firms on a limited basis (check all that apply) Subcontracting Opportunities (as applicable) Networking Opportunities Marketing Assistance Business Plan Development Technical Mentoring Business Mentoring Staff Development/Human Resource Development Other (explain) D:\687271324.doc 1 of 2 ASSOCIATE MEMBER PROFILE / APPLICATION Vision Statement Create a regional engineering community where minority and woman-owned engineering firms compete on an equal basis with other consulting engineering firms in the marketplace. Mission Statement To encourage and support minorities and women to enter and succeed in the engineering profession. To provide opportunities, guidance, and mentoring to minority and woman-owned engineering firms to enable them to be viable, competitive, self sustaining members of the business community. To enable minority and woman-owned firms to provide competitive employment opportunities that will attract and keep talented and ambitious minority and woman engineers in Southwestern Pennsylvania. By signature below, I acknowledge my, and my companies, support for the Southwestern Pennsylvania Engineering Outreach (SPEO), our promise to participate in and promote the program, and our commitment to strive to be an active and successful mentoring firm in Southwestern Pennsylvania. Signature Date Application Fee is $300 per year for Mentor and Associate Member firms and $200 per year for Protégé firms. Return completed applications and make checks payable to: Southwestern Pennsylvania Engineering Outreach c/o Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania 337 Fourth Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Tele: 412.261.0710 Note “SPEO Application” in the comment section of the check D:\687271324.doc 2 of 2