COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES AND FINE ARTS Procedure for Preparing the 2011-2012 Instructor/Lecturer Performance Evaluation Form 1. At the beginning of each semester, including Maymester and Summer Sessions, send copies of your course syllabi to your department Chair and to the Dean’s Office. Syllabi should indicate (1) assignments, (2) the goals and objectives of the course, (3) attendance policy, (4) grading scale or formula, and (5) all required or recommended texts for the course. 2. Throughout the year, keep your Chair well informed (in writing) of all of your professional activities beyond teaching. 3. Invite your Chair to visit one or more of your classes and to provide you with feedback on your teaching. 4. Student evaluations of teaching are required for all courses. Student perceptions of your teaching effectiveness provide important insight into revising and refining your courses. The results of these evaluations become part of your permanent record. Because evaluations for spring semester courses typically arrive after the evaluation process has begun, you should submit evaluations for your spring semester courses and any summer courses during the previous year as part of this report. 5. Complete the Instructor/Lecturer Performance Evaluation Form and send it to your department Chair, along with an updated curriculum vitae, on or before the fourth Friday in April (April 27). Ideally, the part of the form you complete should be no longer than five pages in length. 6. By the second Monday in June (June 11), your Chair will read your Evaluation Form, complete and sign the section of the report titled "Department Chair's Evaluation and Recommendations," and may meet with you individually to discuss your performance. You should consult with your Chair at the beginning of the academic year about performance expectations for Instructors and Lecturers in your Department. 7. If you feel that the Chair’s evaluation is unfair, you may file a letter with the Dean requesting a written review of the annual report. The Dean will then add the Dean’s own written comments and interpretation of your performance, citing supporting evidence if the evaluation differs from that of the Chair. 8. After the Chair’s review, your report will be returned to you for your signature. Your signature does not signify concurrence with the Chair and Dean's evaluations; it indicates that you have read the two evaluations. After making a copy for yourself, return the entire original document to the Dean's Office for inclusion in your permanent file. 1 COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES AND FINE ARTS Instructor/Lecturer Performance Evaluation Form FACULTY MEMBER'S NAME: I. ACADEMIC YEAR: TEACHING Provide evidence of your teaching effectiveness, e.g. course and curriculum development; conferences, workshops, and seminars attended; results of classroom observations; innovative instructional techniques; recognition for excellence in teaching; research undertaken to support teaching; student growth, development, and achievement as a result of your teaching; and mentoring student research beyond the classroom. II. SCHOLARSHIP/CREATIVE ACTIVITIES/PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Provide evidence of your scholarship, creative activities, and professional development activities as appropriate to your appointment. III. SERVICE Include committee service; professional contributions to the community; consulting in field of expertise; support of student activities, including field trips and sponsorship of student organizations. IV. ADVISING, STUDENT EVALUATIONS AND TEACHING SCHEDULE A. ADVISING (if appropriate to the terms of your appointment) Number of Advisees: Advisees are all departmental majors all undeclared majors both departmental and undeclared majors Estimate of number of hours per semester spent on advising: Special efforts undertaken this year to enhance retention of your advisees: B. STUDENT EVALUATIONS Provide summary evaluations for all courses taught during this academic year. Note below any factors that should be considered in interpreting these evaluations. If evaluations were not conducted, explain why. C. Fall TEACHING SCHEDULE FOR CURRENT YEAR (including course numbers and enrollments) Enrollment Spring Enrollment 2 May Enrollment Summer I D. V. Enrollment Summer II Enrollment INDEPENDENT STUDY COURSES OFFERED (399’S AND I1’S) Fall Spring May or Summer 1 Summer 2 FACULTY MEMBER'S PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Please state your short-range and long-range plans for your own professional growth and development. VI. PERSONAL DATA Beginning employment date at Coastal Carolina: Present Rank: Date Present Rank Acquired: Date of Terminal Degree: 3 FACULTY MEMBER'S NAME: ACADEMIC YEAR: VII. SUMMARY A. DEPARTMENT CHAIR'S EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Teaching Scholarship/Creative/Professional Development Activities Service Merit Evaluation SIGNATURE: Chair of Department: Date: Faculty Member: Date: (Your signature does not signify concurrence with the Chair’s evaluation; it indicates that you have read the evaluation. After making a copy for yourself, return the ENTIRE original document to your department office by Friday, September 14, 2012, for inclusion in your permanent file.) 4