Patton School Alumni - Haywood County Schools Foundation

Patton School Alumni Association Scholarship
Fact Sheet
Haywood County Schools Foundation, Inc.
The Patton School Alumni Association, a non-profit service and social organization, has
established a scholarship fund to be administered by the Haywood County Schools
Foundation. The scholarship awards are intended solely to descendants of Patton School
alumni. A selection committee will determine award amounts. This year a minimum of $250
will be available and as funds grow the amount may be increased. Renewal of scholarship
awards is possible on a competitive basis using the same procedures and forms. A student
may apply for the scholarship for up to 4 years or 8 semesters. All awards are predicated on
the student’s maintenance of a 2.5 GPA and other criteria described below.
Descendant of a Patton School Alumnus
Written explanation of relation to alumni descendant
Graduating High School Senior or a former Patton School Alumni scholarship recipient
who is a current enrolled college student.
Participation in extracurricular activities and involvement in community service
Scholastic Achievement
Financial Need
A selection committee of the Patton School Alumni Association will make a recommendation
for the recipient of the scholarship. Non-winners will be notified about the selection. The Board
of Directors of the Foundation will make the final decision on the recipient of this scholarship.
The Board’s decision shall be final. The Haywood County Schools Foundation, Inc., a taxexempt charitable foundation, will administer the scholarship fund.
Payment of scholarship awards will be made at the beginning of the school year or at the
beginning of each semester. Checks will be made payable to the school for student's account
and will be forwarded to the financial aid office. A copy of the previous semester grades is
required to be submitted to the Foundation before further payment will occur. Cannot receive
FULL scholarship from any other source in order to receive the scholarship. The Patton
School Alumni Association reserves the right to revoke the scholarship if the guidelines
are not met.