Working Hyphoteses This project is based on the increasing literature dealing with regression models under nonstandard assumptions, the possibility of computational implementation related to the use of MCMC techniques and, on the other hand, on the implementation of nonstandard computational techniques. Moreover, there is also a need of solving problems related to local and regional data especially in finance, environmental contamination and epidemiology using up to date methodology. Additionally, as mentioned previously, the project is a natural follow up to Fondecyt projects executed in the last eight years and also resulting from international cooperation, developed independently and jointly by the authors in the last decade. Objetivos (Generales y Específicos) Objetivos Generales: O1: Develop Bayesian parametric and semiparametric solutions for decision and inference problems related to regression models, discrete regression models (binary and Poisson), measurement error models and comparative calibration models. O2: Apply the results to problems related to finance (Chilean stock market), environmental contamination (model described in PM2.5 in Santiago, Chile) and health problems (such as diabetes, and cancer related problems in the Chilean population). O3: Construct random probability measures which deal with different types of asymmetry on the data. Transversal objectives: OT1: Study computational strategies related to the implementation of bayesian solutions in situations where no explicit solutions are available OT2: Accomplish simulation studies to evaluate the performance of the models when to obtain results from theoretical development is not possible. Specific objectives Specific objectives detailed according to the directions established in the proposal are: D0: Calibration, change points, diagnostic analysis in elliptical and skew elliptical regression models: a) Describe the results developed for the calibration problem in regression models using a Bayesian nonparametric approach. b) Implement parametric and nonparametric bayesian solutions for regression models under assumptions typically considered in CAPM theory in the Chilean stock market. c) Deal with the calibration problem considering families of asymmetric distributions including comparative model selection under different families of models and approaches (parametric versus semiparametric). d) Deal with cluster analysis problems and change points problems considering asymmetric distributions with location scale parameters. As a subproduct, we deal with the topic of density Bayesian estimation using product partition models and Dirichlet processes. e) Compute divergence measures to evaluate robustness for different of asymmetric families of distributions and apply the results to simulation studies with finance applications . D1: Calibration, change point problems and diagnostic analysis considering parametric and semiparametric models with applications in citogenetic dosimetry problems. The main objectives are: a) Develop binary calibration models considering parametric and semiparametric models for the link function (special symmetric distributions or the normal mixture class or the symmetric uniform class), comparing the distinct modeling alternatives with a view to dealing with the calibration problem. b) Develop Bayesian procedures for comparing parametric and nonparametric alternatives to modeling. c) Study bayesian solutions to calibration problems considering mixtures of asymmetric distributions in the scale parameter directed to Dirichlet processes and comparing results with the consideration of link functions following asymmetric Dirichlet processes. d) Explore the possibility of extending the results to correlated binary problems as, for example, the autologistic binary regression model. e) In 1)-4), conduct simulation studies and applications related to citogenetic dosimetry problems.. D2: Quantile regression in measurement error models (MEM): Inference and diagnostic problems related to environmental contamination.. a) Obtain Bayesian solutions for parameter estimation in MEM when the error terms follow mixtures of normals or spherical distributions for the scale parameter of mixtures of Dirichlet processes. a) Compute measures related to the evaluation of influent observations with parametric and semiparametric alternatives. b) Obtain bayesian solutions for parameter estimation in MEM when the error term has a distribution in a class of asymmetric distributions with zero p-quantile. Moreover, the measurement error follows a symmetric distribution. c) In b) compute measures to evaluate asymmetry of the error term in the regression model. a. To obtain bayesian solution for parameter estimation in MEM when the error term of the regresión model follows a mixture of distributions directed by a DP. b. In e) compute measures related to the evaluation of asymmetry with parametric and semiparametric alternatives.. In a)-f) conduct studies elliptical symmetric and asymmetric models with applications to environmental contamination problems. D3: Elliptical and skew-elliptical comparative calibration models with applications in the Chilean stock market (Proposta de Manuel con Maria Paz). a) b) Obtain bayesian solutions for estimation, hypothesis testing and diagnostic analysis when the error term follows a parametric family of distributions (as, for example, the Student-t, power exponential, uniform, etc.) c) Obtain bayesian solutions for estimation, hypothesis testing and diagnostic analysis when the error term follows a mixture of distributions directed by a DP. d) Evaluate influence analysis and error term symmetry based on divergence measures based on Bayes factors and predictive distributions for the error terms. e) Explore bayesian solutions when the error terms follows asymmetric distributions with zero median or, in general, with zero o-quantile. f) Conduct simulation studies and applications for the Chilean stock market and measurement error models. D4: Hierarchical Poisson models for studying spatial-temporal rates for the incidence of type I diabetes, lung and stomach cancer in Chilean subpopulations between 1997 and 2005. It is our intention to aggregate model comparison, robustness and diagnostic analysis to such models. a) Literature revision on problems related to the spatiotemporal rate (risk)of incidence or rare disease b) found in the literature, but very few papers deal with the approach for the Chilean population. Some exceptions are the master thesis by Nora Díaz and Massiel Orellana related the research problems developed by Gloria Icaza). In this direction, we consider models of the type: c) Use Bayesian methodology to study spatio-temporal distribution of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) among children less than 15 years old in the urban area of Santiago-Chile. a) Use bayesian methodology available in the literature, to study spatio–temporal distribution of lung and stomach cancer among Chilean population. Conduct a comparative study between different modeling alternatives. b) Explore aspects such as robustness and diagnostic analysis of the proposed solutions considering model failure as, for example, nonnormality, influent observations and so on. c) Propose bayesian solutions for asymmetry in the distribution of random effects. a) It is our intention to develop Bayesian methodology to implement a spatio-temporal bivariate Poisson model, with random effects. Apply results to cancer data for specific time intervals. b) Develop Bayesian methodology to implement a spatiotemporal bivariate Poisson model, with application to cancer data. c) Conduct comparison analysis for the different alternative modelations. D5: Asymmetric Dirichlet processes: Properties, extensions and semiparametric bayesian modeling applications. Consider distribution families more flexible than the normal distribution has been subject to great development in recent years. We follow ideas presented in Iglesias et al. (2006). a) Study alternative representation such as the ones in Sethuraman (1994) for Polya Urn models. b) Study properties of the proposed models such as moments, density, conjugation, density estimation and so on. c) Explore extensions for asymmetry in Rk, considering mixtures of DP. Metodology The methodology used in the project is the one typically used in such models and applications. That is, the developments related to the theory, although being mathematical to a certain degree, there is no specific one to follow. Except the one related to an extensive bibliography review related to the topics in the project. Related to the applications, we can say that there should be a close relation and interaction with the main investigators in specific areas of interest encompassing hypothesis formulation, depuration, exploratory data analysis, computational implementation and model fitting. En cuanto a la implementación de los resultados, especialmente cuando no sea posible obtener solucione analíticamente tratables, dependerá de MCMC métodos Working time table During each year of the project duration it is planned to work jointly in conducting undergraduate, master, and doctoral thesis, in writing papers, presenting paper in congresses and meetings. Specifically it is planned to work with the time table presented in the following according to project objectives: Dirección D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 Year Year 1 a)-b) a) a)-b) a)-b) a)-b)c) a)-b) Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 c) b) c)-d) c) d) d) c) e)-f) d)-e) e)-f) e)-f) d)-e) g) g) g)-h) c)-d) e) e)-f) Moreover, it is also planned to conduct periodical meetings between the main investigators and also workshops involving students that are working with the main investigators. It is also expected to visit (and being visited) by the following foreigner investigators Heleno Bolfarine from U. de Sao Paulo, Brasil, Rosangela Loschi, Frederico Cruz, and RenatoAssunçao, from Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais-Brasil and Fabrizio Ruggeri de CNR-IMATI, Italia. Titulo: Análisis bayesiano completo de modelos de regresión bajo supuestos no estándar: errores en las variables, calibración comparativa, modelos de regresión discretos y aplicaciones. Title: Full bayesian analysis of regression models under nonstandard assumptions: measurement error models, comparative calibration, discrete regression models and applications. Summary The main object of this project is to develop parametric and semiparametric Bayesian solutions to problems related to continuous and discrete regression models under nonstandard conditions. This is understood as assumptions beyond normality as, for example, the consideration of spherical normal distributions (Student-t family, power exponential, discrete uniform), distributions generated by mixtures of DP and families of asymmetric distributions. With this in mind, it is our intention to approach the following topics: I) calibration, change points, diagnostic analysis in elliptical regression models with application is CAPM. ii) Calibration, change points and diagnostic in binary and skew elliptical regression models with applications in citogenetic dosimetry problems. Iii) Quantile regression in measurement error models: inference, and diagnostic analysis in environmental contamination. iv) Elliptical and skew elliptical comparative calibration models with applications in the Chilean stock market. v) Poisson spatio-temporal modeling for the study of rate of incidence of type I diabetes, lung and stomach cancer in Chilean subpopulations: model comparison analysis, robustness and diagnostic analysis. vi) Asymmetric DPs: properties, extensions and applications in Bayesian nonparametric modeling. The study includes in each specific topic sensitivity analysis, model comparison, computational implementation aspects, applications and theoretical developments related to the properties Of the asymmetric distributions and symmetric and asymmetric random probability measures. Key words: bayesian analysis, regression models with and without measurement errors, binary regression and Poisson, calibration, comparative calibration models, symmetric and asymmetric distributions, Dirichlet processes.