1 Appendix 2 3 Estimation of country-specific prevalence 4 A binomial model was used to estimate prevalence rates taking into account the number 5 of individuals screened, the number of positive individuals and the sensitivity coefficient 6 of the diagnostic test used. The model was formulated and implemented under a 7 Bayesian framework. 8 Let Yijk denote the number of positive samples out of N ijk individuals screened using a 9 diagnostic tool of sensitivity category k ( k 1, 2,3 ) in country i, i 1,..., C and study 10 j 1,..., ni , where ni is the total number of surveys in country i and C 236 is the total 11 number of countries analysed. The model assumes that Yijk is distributed binomially, 12 that is: Yijk ~ Binomial ( N ijk , pijk ) , where pijk is the observed prevalence of S. stercoralis. 13 If Di denotes an individual who is truly infected by S. stercoralis in country i , the 14 observed prevalence pijk is related to the true prevalence through the equation 15 pij k P(Tijk , Di ) P(Tijk | Di ) P( Di ) (1) 16 where Tijk denotes that an individual in country i , survey j has tested positive using a 17 diagnostic tool with sensitivity category k . Let i indicate the true prevalence, i.e. 18 i P( Di ) , equation (1) can be written as pijk Sijk i 19 where Sijk P(Tijk | Di ) is the sensitivity value of the diagnostic tool used in study j . 20 Assuming that only one diagnostic tool was used in each study j and that its sensitivity 21 depends only on the category (low, moderate or high), equation (2) becomes pij S k i . (2) 1 22 Since actual prior data for prevalence were unavailable, an uninformative prior was 23 elicited on i ,i.e. i ~ Beta(a, b) .Several choices of the hyperparameters a and b were 24 implemented, with the aim of conducting a probabilistic sensitivity analysis, leading to 25 very similar estimates. The hyperparameters a and b where chosen in order to define a 26 unimodal distribution with large variance. 27 Based on information found in the literature, the prior distributions on the sensitivity of 28 the diagnostic tools of category low, moderate and high were specified as follows: 29 S1 ~ Beta(1,1) I (0.129,0.689) , S2 ~ Beta(1,1) I (0.471,0.968) , S3 ~ Beta(1,1) I (0.68,0.982) . 30 Estimation of prevalence in specific risk groups 31 For the second analysis, the same prior information on the sensitivity of diagnostic tools 32 was used. The model was formulated in the odds ratio scale, considering each risk 33 group separately. Let Yjkr ~ Binomial ( N rjk , p rjk ) model the distribution of infected 34 individuals in risk group r and Yjkc denote the one in the control group, i.e. 35 Yjkc ~ Binomial ( N cjk , pcjk ) , 36 37 38 39 a logistic regression equation can be written on the risks logit( pcjk ) cjk , logit( prjk ) cjk jkr where a prior distribution is given on the jkr ~ N (c, d ) , where the latter represents the risk effect in the scale relative to the control group. For each risk group a separate regression model was fitted. 40 The results of the models were expressed in terms of posterior medians and Bayesian 41 Credible Intervals. 42 2 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Table A1: Posterior diagnostic test sensitivity estimates: community-based studies Sensitivity Prior 1. Low 2. Moderate 3. High U(0.13-0.69) U(0.47-0.97) U(0.68-0.98) Posterior (median, 95% BCI) 0.17, (0.15-0.18) 0.84, (0.77-0.90) 0.95, (0.88-0.98) Prior Posterior (median, 95% BCI) Beta(3.7,5.69) Beta(7.13,2.54) Beta(10.76,2.09) 0.17, (0.15-0.18) 0.84, (0.78-0.90) 0.95, (0.90-0.98) Table A2: Posterior diagnostic test sensitivity estimates: studies among immigrants. Sensitivity Prior 1. Low 2. Moderate 3. High U(0.13-0.69) U(0.47-0.97) U(0.68-0.98) Posterior (median, 95% BCI) 0.13, (0.13-0.14) 0.70, (0.49-0.95) 0.97, (0.94-0.98) Prior Beta(3.7,5.69) Beta(7.13,2.54) Beta(10.76,2.09) Posterior (median, 95% BCI) 0.15, (0.15-0.16) 0.73, (0.52-0.95) 0.97, (0.94-0.98) Table A3: Posterior diagnostic test sensitivity estimates: hospital-based studies. Sensitivity Prior 1. Low 2. Moderate 3. High U(0.13-0.69) U(0.47-0.97) U(0.68-0.98) Posterior (median, 95% BCI) 0.19, (0.17-0.21) 0.47, (0.47-0.48) 0.98, (0.97-0.98) Prior Posterior (median, 95% BCI) Beta(3.7,5.69) 0.20, (0.20-0.22) Beta(7.13,2.54) 0.50, (0.48-0.51) Beta(10.76,2.09) 0.98, (0.97-0.98) 57 58 3 59 Figure Captures 60 Figure A1a: Risk of S. stercoralis infection in HIV/AIDS patients (meta-analysis of case- 61 62 control studies, excluding sensitivity of diagnostic test) Figure A1b: Risk of S. stercoralis infection in patients with HTLV-1 infection (meta-analysis 63 of case-control studies, excluding sensitivity of diagnostic test) 64 Figure A1c: Risk of S. stercoralis infection in alcoholics (meta-analysis of case-control 65 66 67 studies, excluding sensitivity of diagnostic test) Figure A1d: Risk of S. stercoralis infection in patients with diarrhoea (meta-analysis of casecontrol studies, excluding sensitivity of diagnostic test) 68 4 69 70 Figure A1a 71 5 72 73 Figure A1b 74 6 75 76 Figure A1c 77 7 78 79 Figure A1d 80 81 8