Marie Nevoux et al. 1 Electronic supplementary material ESM 2. Modelling the influence of density- 2 dependence on population size trajectories. 3 4 Pre-breeding individuals (or floaters) constitute about 40% of the total population. Hence, 5 we built a pre-breeding census matrix population model with tree stages (non-breeders, 6 one year old breeders, two years old and older breeders), such as: 7 ½.F2.Sj.Rb1 nb1 Sa nb2 Sa ½.F1.Sj.Rb1 ½.F2.Sj.(1-Rb1) 8 ½.F1.Sj.(1-Rb1) Sa npb 9 10 At time t, one year old breeders (b1) and older ones (b2) produce some offspring, with 11 respective breeding success F1 and F2, that survive to t+1 with the probability Sj and 12 either recruit into the breeding population at one year old (b1) with the probability Rb1 or 13 enter the pre-breeding stage (pb) with the probability (1-Rb1). Breeders and pre-breeders 14 survive from t to t+1 with the probability Sa and pre-breeders recruit into the breeding 15 population at age two with the probability 1 (86.4% of the birds are observed to breed by 16 age 2, thus we ignore the small proportion of older non-breeders). In Butler et al. (2009), 17 recruitment to the breeding population was constrained by a carrying capacity threshold. 18 Because we were interested in the intrinsic regulatory “power” of the demographic traits, 1 Marie Nevoux et al. 1 we did not restrict population size by an arbitrary limit in this model. Thus, Rb1 is defined 2 by the observed proportion of individuals starting to breed at age 1. The population size 3 at time t+1 is defined by N(t+1) = A.N(t), with N(t) representing the population vector at 4 time t and A the population matrix; A corresponding to one of four models. 5 0 A(t) = 0 Sa 6 First, we ran the model M[F(N), Sj(N)] with both density-dependent breeding success and 7 juvenile survival (i.e. all breeding success and survival terms dependent on population 8 size) until stabilisation of the population size (i.e. N(t+1) = N(t). Using the number of 9 females in each stage at equilibrium (npb(e), nb1(e) and nb2(e)) as a starting point, we 1 2 .F1.Sj.1 Rb1 1 2 .F1.Sj.Rb1 Sa 1 2 .F 2.Sj.1 Rb1 1 .F 2.Sj.R 2 b1 t Sa 10 investigated the effect of density-dependence on population regulation by progressively 11 replacing density-dependent terms by constant ones. We compared the population size 12 trajectories of the initial model (M[F(N), Sj(N)]) to a model with density-dependent 13 breeding success and constant juvenile survival (M[F(N), Sj(.)]), a model with density- 14 dependent juvenile survival and constant breeding success (M[F(.), Sj(N)]) and a density- 15 independent model (M[F(.), Sj(.)]). Density-dependent breeding success (F(N)) and juvenile 16 survival (Sj(N)) are defined as functions of the number of adults in the population to 17 describe the influence of density-dependent process on the population dynamics, as 18 described in the results. Density-dependent survival is modelled according to our best 19 model which is coded with with a plateau and a linear decline above a population size of 20 25 pairs (p(a) S(a1 * (plateau(<25), N(>25)) + a2), model 10 in ESM 3); the linear model of 21 density-dependent survival (p(a) S(a1 * N), model 9 in ESM 3) generated very similar 22 population size trajectories (results not presented). 2 Marie Nevoux et al. 1 2 Parameterisation of the matrix population models. All estimates and relationships are 3 derived from this study (data collected between 1987/88 and 2007/08), or from Butler et 4 al. (2009) when specified (*). Parameter Description npb(0) nb1(0) nb2(0) npb(e) nb1(e) nb2(e) nb1(t) nb2(t) F1(.) F2(.) Sj(.) F1(N) F2(N) Value Initial number of pre-breeding females† 0* Initial number of breeding females, aged one† Initial number of breeding females, older than one† Number of pre-breeding females at equilibrium‡ Initial number of breeding females, aged one‡ initial number of breeding females, older than one‡ Time-dependent number of breeding females, aged one Time-dependent number of breeding females, older than one Constant breeding success in stage 1 (number of fledglings) Constant breeding success in stage 2 (number of fledglings) Constant juvenile survival Density-dependent breeding success in stage 1 Density-dependent breeding success in stage 2 4* 2* 4.0, as resulting from model M[F(N), Sj(N)] 7.3, as resulting from model M[F(N), Sj(N)] 36.1, as resulting from model M[F(N), Sj(N)] as estimated by the model as estimated by the model 0.855 1.484 0.500 exp(-0.231 + 0.605 - 0.015 * (nb1(t) + nb2(t))) exp(-0.231 + 2 * 0.605 - 0.015 * (nb1(t) + nb2(t))) 3 Marie Nevoux et al. ((nb1(t) + nb2(t)) < 25) * 0.663 + ((nb1(t) + nb2(t)) > 25) * Sj(N) Density-dependent juvenile survival Sa Adult survival 0.762 Rb1 Recruitment at age 1 0.645 logit-1(2.130 - 0.058 * (nb1(t) + nb2(t))) 1 † used in model M[F(N), Sj(N)]. 2 ‡ used as initial number in models M[F(N), Sj(.)], M[F(.), Sj(N)] and M[F(.), Sj(.)]. 3 4 Reference 5 Butler, S.J., Benton, T.G., Nicoll, M.A., Jones, C.G. & Norris, K. (2009). Indirect 6 population dynamic benefits of altered life-history trade-offs in response to egg 7 harvesting. Am. Nat., 174, 111-121. 4