Midwestern State University Multicultural Nursing Student Association Est. Spr. 2004 ************************************************************************************** Constitutional Bylaws ARTICLE I – NAME The name of this organization shall be the Multicultural (Minority) Student Nurses Association (MNSA). ARTICLE II – OBJECTIVES The objectives of MNSA shall be to: 1. To promote the academic and professional development of the ethnic minority students. 2. Compile and maintain a database of scholarships and professional information created for ethnic minorities. 3. Establish a mentor program for lower and upper level nursing students. 4. Promote activities that will 5. Participate actively in community activities that aim to decrease healthcare disparities in minority communities. 6. Provide a forum for minority students to increase scholarship and campus involvement. 7. Recruit, counsel and assist minority students interested in nursing to secure a constant procession of minority students into the Wilson School of Nursing. ARTICLE II – MEMBERS Section 1. Qualification. Section 2. Classification Membership shall be open to all MSU nursing students. A. There shall be two types of membership. (1) Local membership here on the MSU campus. (2) National membership in a professional organization of choice. B. Upon entering the upper level of the nursing program, members will be encouraged to join a national organization for minority nurses. 1 Section 3. Good Standing. A member in good standing is one whose current dues are paid, current Midwestern State University student. A member in good standing has full voting rights and privileges. Section 4. Inactive, Reinstatement A. B. C. Privileges of membership shall expire each full academic year and the member shall become inactive until current dues are paid. A full academic term consists of fall, spring, and Summer I & II. Inactive members shall lose voting rights and all other privileges of membership. Inactive members will be able to attend meetings, study sessions, and on-campus forums. Section 5. Disciplinary Action. Any member whose conduct has been proven injurious to MNSA or its purpose shall be subject to disciplinary action, including censure, suspension or expulsion. Procedures to be followed are specified in the parliamentary authority. Action will initiated by the current president or vice president. ARTICLE IV – DUES, FEESS, AND FINANCES Section 1. Dues A. Annual membership dues will be detemined vote of the membership after recommendation of the Exceutive Board. B. A member who becomes inactive for nonpayment of dues may be reinstated to active status after yearly dues are paid. Section 2. Finances A. B. The financial records shall be audited at the end of each full academic term. The report of the audit shall be kept on file an available to the membership. A full academic term shall be fall, spring, summer I, and summer II of each school year. ARTICLE V – OFFICERS Section 1. Officers A. B. The elected officers of MNSA shall be a President, Vice-President, secretary, treasurer. The historian and student senator shall be appointed by the Executive Board and called upon to perform duties as prescribed. 2 Section 2. Qualifications A. B. Section 3. Term of Office A. B. Section 4. Officers, elected by the membership shall serve for a full academic term beginning in the fall. No elected officer shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. Vacancies A. B. C. Section 5. A candidate for elective office shall be a member in good standing at least one semester prior to the election. To be eligible for office a member must have a cumulative MSU GPA of 2.0 and a semester GPA of 2.5. When a vacancy occurs in the office of the President, the First Vice President Shall Become President. When vacancies occur in other offices, they shall be filled by the president with the approval of the Executive Board. Any officer unable to carry out the duties of the office will be requested to resign, otherwise will be removed from the office by a unanimous vote of the Executive Board. The person in question will not be allowed to vote. Duties of Officers A. The President shall: (1) Be the chief executive officer and the official representative of MNSA. (2) Give administrative guidance and direction to the structure and programming. (3) Serve as chairman of the Executive Board and preside over all official meetings. (4) Recommend to the Executive Board the removal of any elected or appointed official as specified in ARTICLE V, Section 4.C. (5) Perform duties as set down by the Bylaws and other duties that pertain to the office. B. The Vice- President shall: (1) Preside at meetings in the absence of the President at the request of the president. (2) Succeed to the office f the President for the un-expired term, in the event of a vacancy in that office. 3 (3) Perform all duties pertaining to the office. C. The Secretary shall: (1) Record the proceedings of all meetings of the chapter and Executive Board. (2) Prepare for distribution of the minutes within two weeks of the meetings. (3) Perform all duties incident to the office and as deemed necessary by the Executive Board. D. The Treasurer shall: (1) Receive and deposit all funds of MNSA in its name. (2) Make disbursements and keep written accounts of all transactions in accordance with the financial policies established by Midwestern State University. (3) Make a financial report at Executive Board meetings. (4) Submit an annual semester report to the Executive Board (5) Perform other duties pertaining to the office as requested by the Executive Board. ARTICLE VI NOMINATION AND ELECTION Section 1. Nomination A. B. C. Section 2. The nominating committee shall consist of five members elected by ballot. Term of office shall be one full academic year staring each fall. Committee members may serve no more than two consecutive terms. The committee shall prepare a slate of at least one candidate for each of the officers and elected committee persons as follows: The slate of officers shall be: (1) Publicized to the membership with candidate qualifications (2) Read at the meeting, where additional nominations may be made from the floor. No name shall be placed in nomination without the consent of the nominee. Election A. B. C. Election of officers shall be by ballot and majority vote shall elect. All members in good standing, attending the meeting shall vote. Tellers shall be appointed by the president from the official membership list. ARTICLE VII – MEETINGS 4 Section 1. Business Meeting A. B. C. A business meeting shall be conducted twice a month. The specific meeting time and place shall be determined by the members annually. ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER shall be used as a guide for all meetings. ARTICLE VIII – EXECUTIVE BOARD Section 1. Composition A. Section 2. The members shall be the President, the Vice- President, the secretary, the treasurer, all officers, and committee chairpersons. Duties The Executive Board Shall: A. Section 3. Be responsible for the transaction of necessary business between meetings and shall make a complete report of its actions to the membership. B. Approve committee chairperson appointments made by the president. C. Make recommendations of policy to President and membership. D. Perform other duties as prescribes in the or as assigned by the President. Meetings A. The Executive board shall meet prior to business meetings. Special meetings may be called by the president. Specific meeting time and meeting place will be determined annually by the Executive Board. ARTICLE IX – COMMITTEES Section 1. Composition A. There shall be the following standing committees: Nominating, Membership, Programming, Fundraising, Community Relations, and Publicity & Public Relations. B. All committee members shall be individuals in good standing. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, except the nominating committee. 5 C. Committees shall assume such duties as are specified in these and other such duties as may be assigned by the Executive Board. Section 2. Duties of Standing Committee A. B. C. D. E. Section 3. Nominating Committee – The members, elected as specified in Article VI, Section 1.A. The person receiving the highest number of votes shall be the chairman. The committee shall: (1) Notify the membership committee of all elective positions to be filled. (2) Screen candidates and prepare a slate of officers and elected committee persons as specified in ARTICLE VI, Section 1.B. and 1.C. Membership Committee – The Committee shall: (1) Recive, review, and approve all applications for new members. (2) Devise ways and means for increasing the membership of the MNSA. Program Committee – The committee shall: (1) Make recommendations to the Exceutive Board for activities that aim to meet the goals of MNSA. (2) Research scholarship opportunities for minority nursing students. (3) Research volunteer opportunities at MSU and the Wichita Falls minority communities. Fundraising Committee – The committee shall: (1) Consider and recommend means for securing adequate income through fundraisers and donations. (2) Work closely with the Tresurer and have all financial records reviewd at the end of each semester. Publicity & Public relations Committee – The committee shall: (1) Secure publicity for MNSA and all committee activities. (2) Produce avdertisigment through signs, banners, and e-mail etc. (3) Consider and recommend new ways to advertise and promote MNSA goals and programs. Special Committees Special Committees – as deemed necessary shall be appointed by the president. After submitting the final report to the group that authorized it, the committee shall be dissolved. ARTICLE X – CHAPTER HEADQUARTERS Section 1. Headquarters 6 A. All papers and official documents shall be preserved by the current president, secretary, and treasurer. ARTICLE XI – PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY The rules contained in the current edition of ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER NEWLY REVISED shall govern the proceedings of the chapter in all cases not provided for in these or in the standing rules. ARTICLE XII – AMENDMENTS These Bylaws may be amended at any regular business meeting by a two- thirds vote of the members assembled at the meeting provided the notice of proposed amendments have been submitted by the committee, and are published to the members at least two weeks before the convening meeting. DISSOLUTION CLAUSE In the event of dissolution of the MNSA, all liabilities and obligations shall be paid or provisions made for payment. Remaining assets may be used for educational, charitable, or scientific purposes or donated to a non- profit organization. Assets may not inure to the benefit of any individual member. Adopted (Date) President Vice President Secretary Treasurer ************************************************************************ 7