Name, Purpose and Non-discrimination Policy of the Organization.
Section I – Name:
The name of the association shall be the “Career and Job Fair
Student Association at The Ohio State University”
Section II – Purpose:
a. To facilitate opportunities for students to develop job and
career fair leadership skills.
b. To assist students at The Ohio State University with
identifying and obtaining career and job opportunities.
Section III – Non Discriminatory Policy:
No student shall be denied membership and active participation in
this organization, or any of its events on the basis of race, sex,
color, national origin, religion, age, political views, handicap,
Vietnam-era veteran status or sexual orientation.
ARTICLE II: Membership
Membership in the organization is open to all university students.
All items requiring votes will be open to all members of the
organization. The voting membership of this organization will be
open to all Ohio State University students
The rights of the members are to: Attend all meetings, annual and
special, of the organization to be held in the manner provided for
by the By-Laws; vote on all matters submitted to a vote of
membership; vote for the organization’s officers and
representatives as provided by the By-Laws; vote on any proposed
change in the organization; hold office in the organization as
provided by the By-Laws. Voting by proxy is not allowed
Associate membership to this organization shall be open to nonuniversity individuals. Associate members may participate in
activities of the organization, but may not vote on organization’s
business or elections, nor can they hold office.
ARTICLE III: Organization Leadership
There shall be the office of the President, whose responsibility is to
serve as the Student OMA Career and Job Fair’s /Career and Job
Fair Coordinator. The office of president is open to all students
who would like to be considered for the Student OMA Career and
Job Fair Coordinator/Graduate Administrative Associate and shall
be chosen by the screening group of the steering committee of the
Student OMA Career and Job Fair.
There shall be the office of the treasurer, whose responsibility is to
record, receive, and disburse the organization’s funds. Any
undergraduate or graduate student that desires to actively work
with the implementation of the Student OMA Career and Job Fair
as an OMA Work Study Student or Graduate Administrative
Associate is eligible to apply for this office.
There shall be the office of the advisor. The advisor shall oversee
the organization and provide guidance for the implementation of
the Student OMA Career and Job Fair. The advisor will be the
general programming director in OMA, designated by the ViceProvost for the Office of Minority Affairs.
ARTICLE IV: Steering Committee
There shall be a Coordinating Committee consisting of
representatives of The Ohio State University’s colleges and
departments, career planning and placement offices; and all
university personnel interested in working to promote the Student
OMA Career and Job Fair. Any business personnel interested in
attending the Student OMA Career and Job Fair or providing
assistance may be allowed to attend or be part of the steering
committee. The steering committee will offer student support,
assist with company recruitment, assist with public relations, and
offer suggestions and implementations for enhancing the Student
OMA Career and Job Fair.
ARTICLE V: Meetings of the Organization
The organization will hold two general meetings each year, one in
the spring quarter and one in the autumn quarter. Other meetings
may be convened as necessary
ARTICLE I: Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the
organization in all cases to which they are applicable and
consistent with the By-Laws of this organization.
ARTICLE II: Membership
Membership is open to all students of The Ohio State University.
Interested students need to submit their name to the Student OMA
Career and Job Fair mailing list. Dues are not required, but
students are encouraged to attend a minimum of one meeting a
year. Termination of membership is at the member’s request and
failure to make the minimum of one meeting a year.
ARTICLE III: Election/Appointment of Government Leadership
The office of the president is open to graduate students desiring to
serve as the Graduate Administrative Associate for the OMA Career
and Job Fair Student Association. Applications are accepted in the
spring of each year. The person will be selected by the OMA
Director responsible for hiring the GAA for the Student OMA
Career and Job Fair. The selected GAA will automatically serve as
the president of the OMA Career and Job Fair. Because of the
enormous workload, it is appropriate that the person serving in the
office of president remain in the office only for the time that
employment is secured as the GAA/Coordinator for the Student
Career and Job Fair.
The office of the treasurer is open to all graduate or undergraduate
students working as a Graduate Administrative Associate or Work
Study Assistant in the designated OMA area where the Student
OMA Career and Job Fair Coordinator is assigned. Any student
working in this area may apply for the position. Graduate
students applying for treasurer are appointed in the spring quarter
by the OMA director serving as advisor.
The positions of vice-president, secretary, and parliamentarian are
voted on by the members during the spring quarter. These
positions are elected in the April meeting. All students
(undergraduate or graduate) currently enrolled at The Ohio State
University and attending OSU the following year may be nominated
for the positions.
ARTICLE IV: Steering Committee
All non-members (individuals that are not currently enrolled at The
Ohio State University) who would like to be actively involved in the
planning, implementing, and supporting the OMA Career and Job
Fair Student Association may join the steering committee.
Steering Committee members are expected to attend at least one
meeting a year or remain in regular contact with the organization.
ARTICLE V: Meeting Requirements
Members of the organization and steering committee members are
required to attend a minimum of one meeting each year or
maintain active participation with the organization outside of
meeting times. This participation includes, but is not limited to:
phone calls, attending workshops in support of the organization,
making referrals, providing other pertinent resources, mailings,
and assisting at the Student OMA Career and Job Fair.
ARTICLE VI: Method of Amending By-Laws
By-Laws may be amended by proposing in writing and reading the
change at the general meeting of the membership and then
bringing the proposed change up for a vote at the next general
meeting with a 2/3 majority vote of the membership quorum
present. There is no set requirement of the number of students
that need to be present at voting engagements.
1. Amendments to the Constitution will require fifteen (15) days
written notice to the organization’s members, fully
documenting the proposed amendment. Amendments will
be passed by a 2/3 majority vote of the members present on
the day and time of the meeting, as set forth in the written
2. Elections will be held mid-spring quarter, and the newly
elected officers will assume office the following autumn
quarter. The officers will be elected by a majority vote of
those present on the day and time of the meeting.
ARTICLE VI: Advisor’s term of service & selection process.
The advisor shall be a full time member of the Ohio State
University Office of Minority Affairs administrative/professional
staff with interest in the Student OMA Career and Job Fair. The
advisor’s term shall be yearly, not limited to any number of terms,
and his/her duties will compliment the details of operating the
ARTICLE VII: Statement of Parliamentary Authority
Robert’s rules of order (revised) shall govern this organization when
appropriate and necessary.
ARTICLE VIII: Dissolution – method and requirements
The Student OMA Career and Job Fair is a permanently
established function. If the student organization was to dissolve,
the advisor would work with the steering committee to form a new
student association and the assets of the organization would be
transferred to the new association. In the event that total
dissolution became necessary it would need approval by the
officers and by a 2/3 majority vote of its members, provided that
notice of a vote on dissolution is furnished to the members at least
sixty (60) days prior to the vote.
Upon dissolution, the assets of the organization shall be returned
to the Office of Minority Affairs (OMA), including those arising from
dissolution and distribution. The balance, if any, may be
contribute to another student organization within OMA having
similar concerns and purposed.
Date Adopted: April 18th 1996.