Supplementary Table 2 - Word file (53 KB )

Supplementary Table 2 | Disease activity measures for pediatric and adult SpA*
ACR Pediatric Core Set
Physician global assessment of disease activity (VAS)
Parent/patient global assessment of overall well-being (VAS)
Functional ability (CHAQ)
Number of joints with active arthritis
Number of joints with limited range of motion
Improvement defined as at least 30% improvement in 3 of any
6 variables with no more than 30% worsening in any of the
remaining variables
Wallace criteria for inactive disease and clinical remission of JIA
Inactive disease:
No joints with active arthritis
No fever, rash, serositis, splenomegaly, or generalized
lymphadenopathy attributable to JIA
No active uveitis
Normal ESR or CRP (if both are tested, both must be normal)
Physician’s global assessment of disease activity indicates no
disease activity
Clinical remission:
Clinical remission on medication: criteria for inactive disease
must be met for a minimum of 6 continuous months while the
patient is on medication in order for the patient to be
considered to be in a state of clinical remission on medication
Clinical remission off medication: criteria for inactive disease
must be met for a minimum of 12 continuous months while off
all anti-arthritis and anti-uveitis medications in order for the
patient to be considered to be in a state of clinical remission
off medication
How would you describe the overall level of fatigue/tiredness you have experienced?
How would you describe the overall level of AS neck, back or hip pain you have had?
How would you describe the overall level of pain/swelling in joints other than neck, back or hips you have had?
How would you describe the overall level of discomfort you have had from any areas tender to touch or pressure?
How would you describe the overall level of morning stiffness you have had from the time you wake up?
How long does your morning stiffness last from the time you wake up?
ASAS core set for disease controlling antirheumatic treatments (DC-ART)
VAS (last week/spine/at night due to AS)
VAS (last week/spine/due to AS)
Spinal mobility
Chest expansion
Modified Schober
Occiput to wall
Cervical rotation
Lateral spinal flexion or BASMI
Patient global
Peripheral joints and enthuses
Number of swollen joints (44-joint count)
Validated enthesitis scores (that is, MASES)
X-ray spine
Lateral lumbar spine and lateral cervical spine
VAS (duration of morning stiffness/spine/last week)
Inflammatory markers
Fatigue question from BASDAI
Total back pain (BASDAI question 2)
Patient global assessment of disease activity
Peripheral pain/swelling (BASDAI question 3)
Duration of morning stiffness (BASDAI question 6)
ASAS 5/6 improvement criteria
Six domains:
Patient global (VAS)
Pain (VAS)
Function (BASFI)
Inflammation (mean of BASDAI question 5 and 6)
Spinal mobility (lateral spinal flexion)
Improvement of > 20% in at least 5 domains
*Summarized in ASAS handbook.S7 Abbreviations: AS, ankylosing spondylitis; ASAS, Assessment of SpondyloArthritis
international Society; ASDAS, ankylosing spondylitis disease activity score; BASDAI, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease
Activity Index; BASMI, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Metrology Index; CHAQ, childhood health assessment questionnaire; CRP,
C-reactive protein; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; JIA, juvenile idiopathic arthritis; MASES, Maastricht Ankylosing
Spondylitis Enthesitis Score; SpA, spondyloarthritis; VIS, visual analogue scale.
S7. Sieper, J. et al. The Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society (ASAS) handbook: a guide to assess
spondyloarthritis. Ann. Rheum. Dis. 68 (Suppl. 2), ii1–ii44 (2009).