MODULE THREE: PROJECTS INVOLVING USE OF HUMAN TISSUE SAMPLES BEFORE YOU BEGIN Researchers should read Module Three: Projects Involving Use of Human Tissue Samples – Guidelines before completing this form. Please note that this form also covers Human Genetic Research. PROJECT TITLE: HREC # (if known): 3.1 Purposes for Which the Samples Will Be Used Indicate the purposes for which the samples in this research will be used (tick all that apply) Research-related biochemistry or pathology tests Diagnostic tests Pharmacogenetic/pharmacogenomic tests Genetic analysis Genetic testing Storage for future use in this research Storage for future use in other research Storage in a Tissue Bank (name the Tissue Bank: ) Other (please specify)________________________________ 3.2 Source of Human Tissue Samples What is the source of the sample/s you wish to use? (tick all that apply) Obtained from participants involved in this research project Obtained from patients undergoing treatment who are not part of this research project Obtained from a Tissue Bank Obtained from tissue archives Other (specify): Module Three, Version 2 - January 2008 Page 1 of 9 Name the institution/s or organisation/s from which the sample/s is/are being obtained. 3.3 Type and Volume/Size of Samples (a) What are the type, volume/size and number of sample/s you wish to use and the purpose for which you wish to use them? Give details, for example: 20 x 10mls whole blood, 20 x 1ml blood plasma, arterial blood vessels 10mm length, uterine muscle 10mm x 2mm x 2mm. Also include the number of paraffin blocks, e.g. 20 paraffin blocks. An example of a response is as follows: TYPE OF SAMPLE Urine Bowel tissue VOLUME/SIZE OF SAMPLE 10ml 5x2x2mm TYPE OF SAMPLE (b) VOLUME/SIZE OF SAMPLE NUMBER 40 10 NUMBER Are these samples being collected for routine diagnostic purposes and later use for research? research purposes only? 3.4 (a) Collection and Processing of Fresh Tissue By whom will the sample/s be collected and processed? An example of a response is as follows: TISSUE TYPE Bowel tissue COLLECTED BY Surgeon TISSUE TYPE (b) COLLECTED BY PROCESSED BY Site pathology lab PROCESSED BY Will collection of the sample/s involve any increase in risk to the participant greater than the risk associated with the planned therapeutic/diagnostic procedure? Yes No Not applicable If Yes, give details. Module Three, Version 2 - January 2008 Page 2 of 9 3.5 Consent to Use Fresh Tissue Will consent be obtained to use fresh tissue for this research? Yes No If Yes, will consent be sought to use fresh tissue: For this research only (specific consent) For future research that is an extension of, or closely related to, this research project; or use in the same general area of research (extended consent) For any future research (unspecified consent) [NS 2.2.14] If No, justify why consent will not be sought. 3.6 Consent to Use Stored Tissue (Banks/Archives) (a) At the time of collection of the stored sample/s for which purpose/s was consent obtained? (Tick all that apply) Diagnostic/therapeutic use Previously approved research project Specify HREC project # and institution: Donor specified research Unspecified research (further consent required) Unspecified research (no further consent required) Unknown or for another specified purpose (elaborate below) (b) Do you propose to obtain further consent from individual donors for your use of their stored samples in this research? Yes No If No, provide justification for not seeking further consent. (c) Will the tissue be imported from another country for use in Australia? [NS 3.4.4] Yes No If Yes, state the country and provide details of its ethical and professional policies governing the collection of tissue for use in research. [NS 3.4.4] Module Three, Version 2 - January 2008 Page 3 of 9 3.7 If Yes, did the tissue collection exist overseas, or was it imported to Australia, before 2007? [NS 3.4.4(c)] Yes No Consent to Use Cadaveric Tissue [NS 3.4.8 & 3.4.9] (a) Do you propose to use tissue obtained post-mortem? Yes answer b and c below No proceed to question 3.8 (b) If Yes, will this be in accordance with donors’ expressed wishes with the consent of the senior available next of kin (c) If next of kin consent is being sought, describe how you will ensure that the tissue will be disposed of in accordance with their wishes. 3.8 Storage of Sample/s and Data (a) Give details of how you will ensure that all samples and/or data used in this research will be stored securely following collection [NS 3.4.1-3.4.3]. (b) Describe how you will monitor storage and use of the sample/s and/or data [NS 3.4.1-3.4.3]. 3.9 Tissue Banking Does this research involve the collection of sample/s with the intent to establish or contribute to a Tissue Bank? Yes No If Yes, give details regarding how the samples and data will be gathered, secured and released [NS 3.2.1, 3.2.3, 3.2.6]. Include the name of the custodian of the bank and indicate whether this custodian is independent of tissue/data collectors and researchers [NS 3.2.5, 3.2.7]. 3.10 Genetic Register Does this research involve the collection of data with the intent to establish or contribute to a Genetic Register? Yes No If Yes, give details regarding how the data will be gathered, secured and released. Include the name of the custodian of the register and whether this custodian is independent of data collectors and researchers. [NS 3.2.7]. Module Three, Version 2 - January 2008 Page 4 of 9 3.11 Cell Lines Does this research involve the development of one or more cell lines? Yes No If Yes, give further details, including any anticipated commercial development and sharing of the cell line/s with other researchers. 3.12 Protection of Privacy (a) In what form will the sample/s and/or data be supplied to the research team? Individually identifiable Re-identifiable (Coded) Non-identifiable data* *Note: The National Statement specifies that “human tissue samples should always be regarded as, in principle, re-identifiable”. [NS p.29]. Also note that identifiers should not be removed without participant consent if removal would make it difficult to communicate personal results. [NS 3.5.5(a) and 3.4.6] (b) If the sample/s and/or data will be individually identifiable or coded, how do you propose to protect the privacy of the donor with respect to recording, storage and release of the sample/s and/or data? (c) Will the sample/s and/or data collected and used be destroyed once the research is completed? Yes No If No, explain why the sample/s and/or data will not be destroyed, and who will have access to them in the future. (d) Will medical records or other data sources be accessed to obtain information to be stored and/or used in association with the samples? Yes No If Yes, provide details regarding how privacy issues will be addressed (or refer to relevant sections of your application). (e) Have all of the relevant points above been addressed in the Participant Information and Consent Form? (Note: the HREC will normally require this). [NS 3.4.5] Yes No Module Three, Version 2 - January 2008 Page 5 of 9 If No, provide details and explain why specific information has not been included. 3.13 Genetics (a) Does the proposed research involve any form of (i) Analysis of genetic material Yes No (ii) Genetic testing Yes No If Yes to (ii), complete questions 3.13(b) – 3.13(e). If No to (ii), proceed to question 3.14. (b) Does the testing involve participation of the following: (i) Specific research participants Yes No (ii) Families No Yes If Yes to families, outline the arrangements for obtaining consent from the family member/s (refer to National Statement 3.5.8 – 3.5.10). (c) Does the proposed research require confirmation of information provided by research participants about their families? Yes No If Yes, outline the arrangements for obtaining verification and/or consent from the family member/s. (d) Does the proposed research have the potential to generate information that may: (i) Be relevant to the health of family members who are not part of this study? Yes No (ii) Result in potential harm to individuals or their families? Yes No (iii) Reveal information about an identifiable participant’s future health or risk of having children with a genetic disorder? Yes No (iv) Identify non-paternity, non-maternity or non-relationship to siblings? Yes No Module Three, Version 2 - January 2008 Page 6 of 9 If the answer to any of 3.13(d) is Yes, describe your plan for either disclosing or withholding that information, and justify why you propose to manage it in this way. [NS 3.5.1] (Refer to National Statement 3.5.2 and 3.5.3 for details of what this plan should take into account.) If the answer to any of 3.13(d) is Yes, describe how qualified genetic counselling will be made available to participants and/or family members. (Refer to National Statement Chapter 3.5.2(b)) (e) Is there a risk that the research may be misrepresented or misused in ways that lead to prejudice, disrespect or other harm to participants or communities? Yes No If Yes, how will you counter the possibility of such harm? [NS 3.5.4] (f) Will participants be advised of the following: (i) Whether the research has the potential to generate information that they may be legally required to disclose to a third party (e.g. insurer, employer)? [NS 3.5.12 (a)] Yes No (ii) That their genetic material or information may have uses unrelated to research, and will not be released for such uses without their consent unless required by law? [NS 3.5.12 (b)] Yes No (iii) About any proposal, subject to their consent, to store their genetic material and data for future as-yet-unspecified research? [NS 3.5.12 (c)] Yes No N/A (iv) That if they do not consent to ‘future use’, their samples and data will be disposed of once sample storage and record-keeping requirements have been met? [NS 3.5.12 (d)] Yes No (v) That their wishes about the method for disposing of their tissue will be taken into account at the time of disposal? [NS 3.5.12 (e)] Yes No N/A (vi) That they are free to withdraw from the research, and request that their genetic material and data be disposed of (or any practical limitations on the granting of this request)? [NS 3.5.12 (f)] Yes No (vii) That, if the research involves studying large numbers of genes, they will not be given the names of all individual genes being studied? [NS 3 5.12 (g)] Yes No N/A Module Three, Version 2 - January 2008 Page 7 of 9 If you answered No to any of the above, explain why they will not be advised. 3.14 Cultural or Religious Sensitivities Are there cultural or religious sensitivities to be considered in relation to the collection use and/or storage of the tissue sample/s? Yes No If Yes, what are they and how will they be managed? 3.15 Institutional Policy Does the research conform to policy at the relevant institution/s regarding the collection, storage, use and disposal of tissue samples for research? [NS 3.4.3] Yes No If Yes, briefly outline how this will be done. [NS 3.4.3] 3.16 Post-Study (a) Is the tissue research likely to produce information relevant to the health and well-being of the donor? Yes No If Yes, give details. If No, do not complete questions 3.16(b) – 3.16(d); go to question 3.16(e). (b) Will this information be made available to the donor? Yes No If yes, provide details of (i) the procedures for identifying participants for appropriate follow-up [NS 3.4.6] (ii) who will be responsible for communicating this information to participants and how will this information be communicated (eg telephone call, individual letter, copy of publication, consultation with a medical practitioner or other)? (i) (ii) If you will not be contacting research participants please explain why. Module Three, Version 2 - January 2008 Page 8 of 9 (c) Where will this information be stored (eg in the research files, with the participant’s medical record)? (d) Have all of the relevant points above been addressed in the Participant Information and Consent Form? (Note: the HREC will normally require this). Yes No If No, provide details and explain why specific information has not been included. (e) Specify the procedure/s to be followed if a participant, or a relative of a living or deceased participant, requests access to stored samples or data generated by this research. Module Three, Version 2 - January 2008 Page 9 of 9