Facilities Management Department Routine Audit and Monitoring of Health and Safety management functions. The responsibilities and monitoring approaches contained within this guide are to be followed by all Facilities Management (FM) staff in support of the FM Health and Safety Policy. A duty holder has been identified for each activity together with guidance as to who will provide support in carrying out the related tasks. The ‘Duty holder’ will be responsible to the Director of FM , via their Section Managers, for: The implementation and maintenance of the auditing and monitoring processes contained within this guidance. The allocation of suitably trained, experienced and qualified competent staff to fulfil the responsibilities identified. Reporting to the Director of FM the findings of the audits and reviews within their respective areas. 1. H&S core policy review: Duty holder: Director of FM a. Annually: i. Check currency of guidance and procedures. ii. Check representative selection of links on website. b. Carried out by: Health and Safety Manager liaising with Deputy Health, Safety and Environment Manager with FM IT support. 2. Legionella management. (Annex O): Duty Holder: Duty Holder: FM Chartered or Incorporated Building Services/Plant Engineer. a. Currency of policy procedures and guidance. FM Senior Building Services Engineer - Appointed by Duty Holder b. Routine testing and monitoring of systems in accordance with L8 ACoP. Page 1 of 15 Contractors and FM Services Staff depending on current FM Services adopted approach. Monitored by FM Services Contracts Manager supported by FM Projects technical input as required. c. Monitoring of out of term operational works requisition returns from Imago for student accommodation under their control. Imago Health and Safety Coordinator with support from FM Services Contracts Manager and FM Helpdesk. d. Annual physical checks on representative sample (say 10%) of storage arrangements to monitor contractors’ or operatives’ performance. In house FM Projects staff supported by FM Services if necessary. Monitoring initiated via planned preventive maintenance system works requisition, to incorporate any ad-hoc reports from operatives. e. Annual review of extent of systems being managed and check of records pertaining to all systems.(Up to date lists include new buildings etc.). FM Services Contracts Manager initiated by PPM job card. 3 yearly review of Legionella relevant policies and procedures. FM Health and Safety Manager, Building Services, Health, Safety and Risk Management Coordinator and appropriate FM Services Managers with Deputy Health, Safety and Environment Manager. Possibility of cross sectional auditing process utilising FM Projects managers and Imago expertise. 3. Asbestos Management. (Annex X). Duty Holder: FM Maintenance Officer. . a. Currency of policy, procedures and guidance. FM Maintenance Officer initiated by PPM system. b. 3 monthly monitoring of checks being carried out and current results posted on University intranet utilising reminders issued through PPM system. Building Services, Health, Safety and Risk Management Coordinator with support from FM Services Maintenance Manager or equivalent Prompted by PPM system. c. Annual review of procedures and management arrangements. (Incl. competence of staff allocated roles and responsibilities). FM Health and Safety Manager supported by FM Services Supervisors and FM Projects Small Works Manager. d. Annual review of training of operational staff Page 2 of 15 i. General awareness training. FM Health and Safety Manager ii. Staff trained to check condition of ACM left in situ. FM Services Maintenance Manager supported by Corporate Services Manager (Training database desktop review). Initiated through ppm system. iii. Staff trained to access contaminated areas FM Services Maintenance Manager supported by Corporate Services Manager (Training database desktop review).Initiated through ppm system. e. Quarterly check of accessibility of Register from external departments. (Incl. link from security). Building Services, Health Safety and Risk Management Coordinator. f. Annual check of general departmental training records. Corporate Services Manager supported by FM Health and Safety Manager. 4. Pressure Systems. (Annex B). Duty Holder: FM Chartered or Incorporated Building Services/Plant Engineer. a. Currency of policy procedures and guidance and 3 yearly review. FM Senior Building Services/Plant Engineer - To be nominated by Duty Holder b. Existence of written authority for Authorised Person(s) – Pressure Systems. Corporate Services Manager – Training database desktop review. c. Annual review of currency of certification, log books pertaining to Pressure systems and use of permit system. FM Health and Safety manager d. Close monitoring of all Pressure systems during permitted work. Authorised Person(s) – Pressure Systems. e. Gas cylinder storage and associated equipment and systems – 6 monthly recorded monitoring checks. Suitably competent and trained Person – Gas storage systems. Nominees to be appointed by Duty Holder in consultation with Maintenance Manager. (Training and competence currently held within FM Services Mechanical section). Page 3 of 15 f. Appropriate use of permits i. Contractors’ staff Monitoring by Project Manager supported by Building Services, Health, Safety and Risk Management Coordinator where appropriate. 6 Monthly audit and report Building Services, Health, Safety and Risk Management Coordinator ii. Direct Labour FM Services Maintenance Manager supported by Line Manager and Supervisory staff. 6 Monthly audit and report Building Services, Health, Safety and Risk Management Coordinator g. Existence of equipment lists and currency of records, certification etc. FM Services Contracts Manager. h. Annual audit of certification by Competent Person Pressure Systems. (Insurance Inspector). FM Health and Safety Manager. 5. Electrical management of HV and LV electrical systems. (Annex I - J) Duty Holder: FM Senior Authorised Person Electrical a. Annual Review of currency of policy, procedures and training. FM Services Senior Authorised Person Electrical. (Currently FM Services Maintenance Manager) b. Monitoring of operatives compliance with declared health and safety arrangements. Project Manager/Supervisor or Authorised Person supervising works. c. Appropriate use of permits. i. Contractors’ staff Monitoring by Project Manager supported by Building Services, Health, Safety and Risk Management Coordinator where appropriate. ii. FM Services FM Services Maintenance Manager supported by Line Manager and Supervisory staff. 6 Monthly audit and report by Building Services, Health, Safety and Risk Management Coordinator Page 4 of 15 d. Suitable and &Sufficient risk assessments (and method statements where appropriate) for work. Supervisor or Project Manager as appropriate. 6. Confined Spaces and controlled areas: (Annex F). Duty Holder: Assistant Director FM Services a. Annual review of currency of policy procedures and guidance. Assistant Director FM Services supported by FM Health and Safety Manager. b. Ad-hoc checks of operatives and contractors working in such areas. All managers as prescribed in departmental guidance plus monitoring by Health and Safety Manager and Building Services, Health, Safety and Risk Management Coordinator. c. Routine 6 monthly desktop review and report of permit use. Building Services, Health, Safety and Risk Management Coordinator. d. Annual survey of Signage for confined spaces and controlled areas. FM Services Maintenance Manager prompted by works docket from PPM system. e. Currency of training of staff authorised to manage work in confined spaces, including issuing permits. Section and Sub-section Supervisors/Managers with support of Corporate Services Manager. 7. Management responsibilities. Coordinator: Corporate Services Manager a. Review of individuals’ recorded ability to discharge their managerial and supervisory responsibilities in accordance with FM H&S Policy and this guidance. i. Annually utilising Personal Development Review process when appropriate. All line managers. ii. Stress issues. Training attendance of staff within sections. All line managers supported by Corporate Services Manager. iii. Annual review of currency of educational and training requirements for Supervisory positions, including responsibilities defined within this guidance. All line managers utilising Personal Development Process plus Corporate Services Manager support as appropriate. . Page 5 of 15 iv. Reporting strings. Annual review of currency and appropriateness of reporting lines and procedures. Corporate Services Manager supported by Senior Management Team. 8. Operational safety risk assessment availability, suitability and sufficiency. (Physical, and preparedness for emergencies). Duty Holder: FM Services Building Services, Health and Safety Risk Management Coordinator. a. Biennial review of existence of and suitability/sufficiency of appropriate Risk and COSHH assessments. Operative and line manager for every task as appropriate. Building Services, Health, Safety and Risk Management Coordinator for monitoring and reporting. b. Existence of generic Risk Assessments for emergency operations. (Partial buildings collapse, isolating and accessing underground services, leaks, electrical outages etc.) Maintenance Manager with the support of Line Managers and Duty Holders responsible for the areas of operation. c. Annual review of efficacy and implementation of arrangements. Health and Safety Manager with assistance of Building Services, Health, Safety and Risk Management Coordinator. d. Currency of training and staff competency. Line managers supported by Corporate Services Manager. e. Delivery or arrangement of appropriate training. FM Health and Safety manager. f. Availability of Safety data sheets, COSHH assessments etc. Line Manager 9. Occupational Health related risk assessments and associated monitoring processes Duty Holder: FM Services Health and Safety Manager. a. LEV maintenance and performance monitoring, including fume cupboards. FM Services Contracts Engineer. b. Biennial review of existence of and suitability/sufficiency of appropriate COSHH assessments. Operative and line manager for every task as appropriate. Building Services, Health, Safety and Risk Management Coordinator for monitoring and reporting. Page 6 of 15 c. Annual review of efficacy and implementation of arrangements for COSHH compliance. Health and Safety Manager with assistance of Building Services, Health, Safety and Risk Management Coordinator. d. Currency of staff training and competency. Line managers supported by Corporate Services Manager e. Noise and Vibration risk assessment co-ordination Building Services, Health, Safety and Risk Management Coordinator 10. Machinery maintenance schedules including cranes and their use. Duty Holder: FM Services Maintenance Manager. a. Annual audit of currency of policies, procedures and guidance. FM Services Maintenance Manager Health and Safety Manager annual audit of certification for installed equipment. b. Lifting beams and associated supporting structures (including temporary structures), FM Project Managers monitor contractors’ arrangements for temporary or construction works under their control. FM Services Contracts Manager for routine inspection, testing and maintenance.(Lifts and lifting equipment) c. Lifts, associated equipment and control mechanisms FM Project Managers monitor contractors’ arrangements for temporary or construction works under their control. FM Services Contracts Manager for legislative and routine inspection, testing and maintenance once equipment is handed over. Health and Safety Manager annual Audit of certification by Competent Person(Insurance Inspector).. d. Work Equipment including cranes. i. Cranes and lifting operations FM Services contract or line manager as appropriate. ii. Lifting strops, chains, ropes etc. Services Contracts Manager for legislative and routine inspection, testing and maintenance. Workshop or section Supervisor responsible for ensuring that items are on the register, are adequately maintained and available for inspection by competent persons. Page 7 of 15 iii. Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations implementation. (Including LOLER as appropriate).See also cranes and lifting operations. Workshop or section Supervisor responsible for ensuring that items held are on the register, are adequately maintained and available for inspection by Competent Person (Insurance Inspector).. 11. Work at Height arrangements (Annex M) Duty Holder: Assistant Director FM Services. . a. Adoption and implementation of University policy and procedures. i. ii. Day to day management. Line managers ultimately reporting to Assistant Director FM Services. Annual auditing and reporting of effectiveness, adoption and implementation of processes. Health and Safety manager with support of Building Services, Health, Safety and Risk Management Coordinator. b. Roof access and associated fall prevention/arrest provision. Duty Holder: FM Projects Maintenance Officer. i. Annual audit of currency of policy procedures, guidance and arrangements . FM Projects Maintenance Officer. ii. Maintenance and recording of fall arrest and fall prevention equipment, systems and fastenings. (Hooks, fastenings, runners, edge protection mountings etc). FM Services Buildings Technician supported by Building Services, Health, Safety and Risk Management Coordinator. c. Work at Height compliance, including appropriate use of permits, recording staff competence etc. All supervisory and management staff plus ad-hoc monitoring by Health and Safety Manager. d. Monitoring of currency of training. (Access equipment, standing authority to access roofs etc. etc.) Section and Sub-section Supervisors/Managers with support of Corporate Services Manager. e. Access equipment register and maintenance schedules. i. Ladders, steps and associated equipment. 1. Pre-use equipment inspections and checks. Page 8 of 15 Operative with advice from Line Manager as appropriate. 2. Routine periodic maintenance and inspections. Supervisor responsible for workshop or staff utilising equipment. 3. Currency and content of Access Equipment Register. Supervisor responsible for Workshop in which main user groups operate. 4. Annual monitoring and auditing equipment register currency and accuracy. FM Services Buildings Technician with assistance from respective Supervisors. 5. Staff training and competency management. Line managers utilising Training database. ii. Safety lines, harnesses, karabiners and associated fixings/equipment inspections. 1. Pre-use checks Trained operative prior to each use. 2. Periodic legislative checks and inspections of equipment, mountings and structural equipment (edge protection, eye bolts, etc.). Initiated through PPM system. FM Services Building Technician, utilising specialist contractors as appropriate. 3. Staff training and competency management. Line managers utilising Training database. Support by FM Corporate Services Manager. 12. Personal Protective Equipment – Suitability, availability and use.(Annex N) Duty holders: FM Health and Safety manager equipment quality. FM Services Maintenance Manager. Availability and use of equipment. i. Day to day operational use in accordance with procedures and guidance.. Line managers and Supervisors. ii. Monitoring above. Section Managers with support of Building Services, Health, Safety and Risk Management Coordinator Page 9 of 15 iii. Auditing effectiveness and implementation of procedures. Health and Safety Manager. 13. Driving related work. (Annex AA) Duty Holder: Director or Deputy Director FM Projects. a. Day-to-day compliance, monitoring and management of departmental procedures. Line managers with FM Helpdesk support. b. Monitoring of staff registered to drive University owned or leased/hired vehicles. Corporate Services Manager with Helpdesk support. c. Auditing and reporting implementation and effectiveness of policy and guidance. Health and Safety Manager with Corporate Services Manager support. 14. First Aid provision. Duty Holder: FM Director with Health and Safety Manager support. a. Monitoring numbers and provision of First Aiders and reviewing risk assessment, including liaison with University Health, Safety and Environment Manager Health and Safety manager with support of local line managers and Health, Safety and Environment office. b. Provision of First Aid boxes and contents. Supervisors with support of Local First Aiders and Drivers for vehicle kits. c. Monitoring and maintaining contents and inspections of First Aid boxes. First Aiders. Line managers for content of kits in vehicles. 15. Accident and Near Miss Investigation and Reporting. Duty Holder: Deputy Director FM Projects a. Accidents involving FM employees and Agency staff, near miss incidents and dangerous occurrences reports. i. ii. Initial report following accident and actions to assist or mitigate/prevent further harm. Person involved where appropriate with immediate supervisor. Initial investigation to prevent further occurrences in similar circumstances. Page 10 of 15 Person involved where possible, immediate Supervisor and Supervisor’s Line Manager. Health and Safety Manager (or in their absence the Building Services Health, Safety and Risk Management Coordinator) to be notified immediately where the accident leads to the person being absent from work or requiring medical assistance other than basic first aid. iii. Follow up investigations, processing accident reports, liaison with Health and Safety Office and reporting statistics to departmental Health and Safety Committee. Health and Safety Manager. b. Accidents involving Contractors and self-employed workers. i. Processing reports and monitoring adequacy of operatives’ employer’s actions. Appropriate FM Project Manager with support of Health and Safety Manager. ii. Incorporating details into and maintaining/monitoring FM database . Health and Safety Manager. 16. Gas installation and maintenance management. (Annex D and E) Duty Holder: Senior Chartered/Incorporated Building Services/Plant Engineer a. Installation compliance with statutory requirements. Competent Projects Engineer.(Building Services/Plant Engineer. To be nominated by Duty Holder. b. Managing routine statutory compliance inspections and maintenance scheduling. FM Services Contracts Engineer with support of competent Projects Engineers. c. Competence of operatives working on gas installation.(Including (CORGI or CAPITA Registration.). Assistant Director FM Services for FM staff. Projects Manager responsible for monitoring contractors’ staff competence 17. Permit use generally. Duty Holder: Assistant Director FM Services a. Auditing accuracy of permits documentation. FM Health and Safety manager. Page 11 of 15 b. Currency of procedures, guidance and routine monitoring of the implementation and adoption of the appropriate applicable Safe Systems of Work, including permits to work or access. Building Services Health, Safety and Risk management Coordinator supported by the Health and Safety Manager. 18. Fire and emergency lighting a. Installations and Maintenance of Infrastructure Systems Duty Holder: Senior FM Electrical or Building Services Engineer i. Installation to appropriate standards FM Project Manager in consultation with University Fire Officer. ii. Routine inspection and testing of installed fire alarm and emergency lighting installations. FM Services Electrical/Contracts Engineer arranges and monitors contractors’ performance. Assistant Director FM Services annually audits the records and certification produced. iii. Recording and reporting obvious mechanical damage or tampering related to sensors (including bags over detectors) noted as part of FM annual plant room audit. Building Services Health, Safety and Risk management Coordinator with Trades Union Health and Safety Representative. iv. Fire Door inspections 1. Currency of fire door inspection register and link to PPM system. FM Projects Maintenance Officer 2. Ensuring checks and reports are current in accordance with works requisitions. FM Services Maintenance Manager v. Fire alarm systems isolation requests. Audited by FM Building Services Health, Safety and Risk Management Coordinator as part of 6 monthly permit auditing. b. FM Equipment Departmental duty holder; FM Services Maintenance Manager. i. Fire extinguisher inspection. University Fire Officer Page 12 of 15 ii. Annual inspection forming part of FM annual plant room auditing. Building Services Health, Safety and Risk management Coordinator with Trades Union Health and Safety Representative. iii. Check drivers’ fire extinguisher training. Section Supervisor with reference to Training database. iv. Presence of fire extinguisher in vehicle Driver during daily checks and Supervisor during weekly checks. c. Operational fire issues, including Fire drills Coordinator: FM Health and Safety manager v. Undertaking weekly monitoring checks/tests of local fire alarm and detection system and its connection to the Security gatehouse. Fire Marshall for building(s) as nominated. vi. Monitoring of fire drills and responses within individual buildings. Nominated building Fire Co-ordinator or Fire Marshal vii. Overarching auditing and monitoring of fire drills and record keeping. University Fire Officer. viii. Storage of flammable Liquids 1. Annual inspection and report on of all FM storage arrangements. FM Services Maintenance Manager with technical assistance from University Fire Officer if required. vi. FM Projects Maintenance Officer supported by FM Services staff. 19. Manual Handling operations. Duty Holder: FM Health and Safety manager a. FM Staff i. Suitability of staff allocated to tasks. Line Manager ii. Competency and training of operatives Supervisor Responsible for each section or group. Page 13 of 15 iii. Monitoring of records regarding operatives’ training FM Services HR Coordinator iv. Annual audit of currency of Training database. FM Corporate Services Manager v. Monitoring performance of staff and H&S issues. b. Contractors’ staff monitoring. FM Project Manager monitoring of contractors’ arrangements including compliance with risk assessment and method statements. 20. DSE Work Station Assessments. Duty Holder: Director of FM Services supported by FM Health and Safety manager a. Maintenance and content of Self Assessment Guidance and database. FM Health and Safety manager supported by FM Services HR Coordinator and Section Assessors. b. Currency of Section assessments and local advisors Line Managers supported by Nominated Section Assessors c. Currency and accuracy of self-assessment database and links to Training database. FM Services HR Coordinator d. Annual audit of currency of Training database. FM Corporate Services Manager 21. Health and Safety of staff in areas not under FM control. Duty Holder: Assistant Director FM Services a. FM Services Staff i. Coordination of inter-departmental procedures Assistant Director FM Services supported by FM Maintenance Manager ii. Vicarious liability for staff in areas not under the direct control of FM staff. Section Supervisors liaise with departments and tenants as appropriate and allocate work to suitably competent staff and afford adequate information is given. b. Contractors’ staff Page 14 of 15 i. Coordination of FM and departmental procedures and liaison with departmental staff and tenants. FM Projects and Services Project Manager as appropriate. All Managers, Supervisors and Line Managers. Page 15 of 15