Classroom Improvement Committee

Classroom Improvement Committee
Monday, February 20, 2006
Chrisann Schiro-Geist
Ruthie Bassford
Tom Crafton
Jeanine Rakow
Sue Hull-Toye
Ron Brooks
Noel Schwartz
Teresa Hartnett
Sandy Schaeffer
Sajjad Mahmood
Mel Beck
Tony Poteet
Report on Recommended use of CIC/TAF Funds
1. Ruthie Bassford distributed two handouts (1) a preliminary list of
renovation/improvement suggestions based on her staff’s site visits to buildings (2) the
list of 75 classrooms approved by the deans’ TAF committee for technology upgrades.
2. The committee discussed the items on the Preliminary Suggestions from Site Visits
handout. Ruthie explained the rationale for the suggested upgrades. After a discussion, it
was agreed that a future CIC meeting would be a walk-through of some of the spaces
scheduled for renovation and technology upgrades.
3. The issue of bathroom facilities in some buildings needing repairs was noted. The
committee agreed that CIC funds should not be used for maintenance issues.
Discussion, Decisions, Assignments
1. Chris Schiro-Geist asked about the possibility of creating a master list of classrooms
recommended for upgrades. It was agreed that CIC will create a master list of classrooms,
costs and steps needed to complete recommended upgrades. Ruthie Bassford and Sandy
Schaeffer will collaborate to establish a master list. The master list should eliminate
confusion about the committee’s recommendations.
2. The issue of acoustics in classrooms needs to be revisited.
3. Chris Schiro-Geist will gather information and confirm the amount of funds budgeted to
implement CIC’s recommendations.
4. CIC established a sub-committee to investigate and make recommendations on security
and access issues to classrooms with technology equipment.
5. Sub-Committee Members:
Teresa Hartnett
Ron Brooks
Mel Beck
Next CIC Meeting
Thursday, March 23, 2 p.m., 335 Administration Bldg.