Using BPN Method for Estimating Cement Take of Grouting Chau-Ping, Yang Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Informatics, Chung-Hau University, 30 Tung Shiang, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 30067, E-mail address: Keywords: Dam foundation; Grouting; Cement take; BPN Abstract Using cement grout to improve bedrock has been quite common. However, the cost for cement grout is the most difficult one to estimate. This study adopted the Back-Propagation Neural network (BPN) to analyze the grouting construction data of the Li-Yu-Tan dam, in order to estimate the cement take needed. The samples analyzed included data from 3,532 grout sections. The data from the first half of the grouting construction were used to derive the parameters of the predictive schemes, and then the second half of the grouting construction’s data were used to test the accuracy of those schemes. The accuracy level estimated by BPN on gross cement take was 75.3%. It was higher than the original design level of 43.4%. 1. Introduction The bedrock inherently has discontinuities such as faults, folds, beddings, joints, and fractures, which are the major factors that affect the engineering properties of rock foundations such as permeability, shear strength, and deformation. When a dam is located on bedrock that has unknown discontinuities, the underlying foundation needs to be improved to raise its engineering properties and ensure a watertight reservoir. Using cement grout to improve bedrock has been quite common, and there are numerous examples of its application in foundation improvement [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. However, since the dam foundation is below the surface of the ground, the cost for cement grout is the most difficult one to estimate. The cost of cement grout mainly includes the operational part and the material part. The cost of materials is calculated based on the cement take. Then the cost of the grouting operation is determined based on the material’s cost. Therefore, it is necessary to study various methods to estimate the cement take of the grouting based on actual construction data. The methods commonly used are mean method and linear regression method [7, 8]. In general, the status of the discontinuities in the dam foundation is indirectly expressed by the Lugeon value determined from the Lugeon tests. This information can also be used to design the water to cement ratio and the injection pressure used in the grouting process. Eq. (1) is the definition of the Lugeon value . Lugeon value = Lu = VPs (l / m / min) (1) TPi L T is the Pi is the injection pressure used ( kPa ), L is the length of grout section ( m ). standard injection pressure (981 kPa ), injection time ( min . ), Generally speaking, if a dam foundation has a high Lugeon value , it will have more discontinuities with high permeability and more cement take is needed for the grout improvement. The Lugeon value is the best physical parameter to express the status of discontinuities in a dam foundation. Theoretically, it is quite difficult to define the relationship between cement take and the Lugeon value [7, 8]. Additionally, when researchers estimate the cement take needed for a new dam foundation from past experiences, they still encounter the problems of different geological properties for the proposed dam site. For example, the cement take designed for the improvement of the foundation of the Li-Yu-Tan dam, Miao-Li County, Taiwan, was 50 kgf / m . However, the average reading of cement take from the construction records was 115 kgf / m [9]. This difference resulted in a doubling of the amount of gross cement take from what was required in the stage of original design. This experience illustrates the difficulty in cement take estimation. This study adopted the Back-Propagation Neural network (BPN) to analyze the construction data from the grout-curtain improvement of the Li-Yu-Tan dam’s foundation, and indicate how to estimate the cement take needed. The dam is located at the upper stream of the Jing-San brook, a tributary of the Da-An river. The dam is a zone-type-earth-dam with a height of 96 m , a bottom width along the foundation of the river of about 500 m and a gross 3 Where V is the water take ( l ), Ps is the volume of 3,700,000 m . The major terrain includes gravelly terra rossa and some riverbank outcrops. There are no faults or obvious folds on either side of the river. The major discontinuities in the foundation of the dam site are dozens of developed shear zones. Most shear zones are distributed in the right side of the abutments of the dam with slips of more than 2 cm ~5 cm [10]. 2. Factors affecting cement take Theoretically, there are many factors that affect the cement take needed for improving dam foundations. Moreover, since some factors may have combined effects, it is not possible to clearly define the role of each factor. Some factors that can be categorized or quantified are the strata, zone of dam foundation, depth of grout section, injection pressure, and the Lugeon value . 2.1 Strata This category covers properties such as the rock layers, the nature of discontinuities, the rock strength, the mineral components, and the cementation. Shallow bedrock tends to have a high density of cracks or openings and is subjected to grout leakage and hole’s collapse. If a rock foundation has little strength, the grout hole will be less independent. The disadvantages of bedrock mentioned above increase the amount of cement take needed for grout improvement. As shown in Fig. 1, the strata in the dam site vicinity are northeastwards and meet the river valley vertically at 28~34 degrees. All the strata are leaning towards the upper stream at 30~34 degrees. The strata of the Li-Yu-Tan dam’s foundation include clean sandstone (CS), mudstone (MS), and alternations with sandstone and shale (AL). The major formation of clean sandstone contains quartz sand, which has a tensile strength of about 1,050 kPa and a hydraulic conductivity of about 6.5 10 5 cm / sec . However, since quartz sand has a poor cementation quality, the seepage paths are more likely to cause a loss of fine material. Mudstone contains different amounts of mud; therefore, its tensile strength ranges from 1,140 kPa to 2,010 kPa , and the average hydraulic conductivity 6 is 3.4 10 cm / sec . Alternations with sandstone and shale have intertwined clean sandstone and shale or mudstone and shale in small alternating thickness. The thickness of mud accumulation between layers can reach 30 cm . On the surface layer, seepage paths can form that cause deterioration of the shale into fragments or even seams. 2.2 Zone of dam foundation When the overburden of ground is relieved, riverbanks will move inwards, and tensile fractures will occur in the banks. This phase results in more cracks on the upper half of the dam’s abutments and induces greater permeability. For this reason, the cement takes needed for the grout improvement in the right zone, left zone, and the valley are different. This research has divided the dam foundation into the riverbed, the left upper zone, the left lower zone, the right upper zone and the right lower zone, as shown in Fig.2 and Fig. 3, according to the tunnel locations for the grout-curtain construction. However, because the riverbed has been dug to the level of fresh bedrock with a permeability lower than 10 Lugeon , there are only a few in-place grout holes. Thus, the analytical extent of this research covers only the left upper zone, the left lower zone, the right upper zone, and the right lower zone. The shaded part in Fig. 3 is the outcome of the grout-curtain in the Li-Yu-Tan dam’s foundation. For the shallower parts, grouting can be performed from the top, but, in the deeper areas, the grouting will have to be performed from tunnels. 2.3 Depth of grout section In a rock layers deeper into the underground, the cracks are narrow and comparatively do not take in grout because of the greater tectonic stresses in lower elevation. When the tectonic stress is taken into consideration, the depth of the grout section is considered as one of the factors that affect cement take. As to the grout-curtain construction in the Li-Yu-Tan dam, the diameter of the grout holes was 3.8 cm and the greatest vertical depth of a grout hole was limited to 50 m . Inside of each grout hole, there were several grout sections, and the grout process was conducted from the bottom to the top of the grout hole. If the depth of the grout section was smaller than 30 m , the grout section length was 5 m . When the depth of a grout section was greater than 30 m , the section length was 10 m . 2.4 Injection pressure The injection pressure is the major technical factor affecting cement take. Theoretically, the injection pressure should be smaller than the tectonic stress corresponding to the depth of a grout section, which is obtained from the hydraulic fracturing test. Moreover, the injection pressure should be smaller than the tensile strength of the rocks [11, 12]. In Taiwan, dam engineers consider that the injection pressure is determined based on the principle of additional pressure increasing about 30 kPa per meter depth. The injection pressure adopted for the grout-curtain construction of the Li-Yu-Tan dam was 150 kPa to 1200 kPa from top to the bottom of the grout hole [13]. 2.5 Lugeon value The Lugeon value is the only physical parameter that the researcher could obtain to evaluate the multiple factors that affect cement take. This value shows the degree of permeability in the dam foundation. Basically, in grout improvement, a dam foundation that has a high Lugeon value requires more cement take. 3. Data analysis In the Li-Yu-Tan dam’s grout-curtain construction, the grout holes were of the split-spacing type. Split-spacing means that the grout holes were arranged in the sequence of primary holes, secondary holes, tertiary holes, and quaternary holes. Supplementary holes may be added to enhance the locations with more discontinuities in the bedrock or near the holes that required more cement take. Basically, the arrangement of grout holes was based on the quality of bedrock. The grout holes were arranged at intervals of 1 m to 3 m . When the grouting process of a specific hole lasts for 60 minutes, but the amount of cement take does not reach 70 l , the grouting for this section should be stopped. Finally, the drill inspection holes used for performing the Lugeon test to check the permeability of the dam foundation were improved. The process of grouting in each grout section was arranged in the following sequence: drilling, washing, water testing, and grouting. During water testing, the Lugeon tests need to be performed to obtain Lugeon value . Table 1 lists the data analyzed for 469 grout holes and 3,532 grout sections. Each grout section had data such as zone, sequence, hole depth, length of grout section, rock nature, Lugeon value , injection pressure, and cement take. All of the data were collected from the inspection chart of the grout-curtain construction for the Li-Yu-Tan dam in 1993. Then, all the data were entered into an Excel application program for calculations before the BPN analysis began. For the convenience of analysis, this study has adopted the symbol Lu to represent the Lugeon value of a specific grout section. In addition, because the lengths of the grout sections analyzed were not the same (between 5 m and 10 m ), the cement take of a grout section was divided by its length to obtain the cement take per unit length Lg ( kgf / m ). There were three reasons to use cement take instead of cement mortar take to define Lg . First, the voids in the cracks were filled by solid cement. Secondly, the major material expense in grout construction is the quantity of cement. Thirdly, many documents related to grouting refer to cement take in place of cement mortar take [14, 15]. 4. BPN method The BPN is a branch of artificial neural networks (ANN). The growing interest in ANN among researchers is due to its excellent performance in learning ability, fault tolerance, pattern recognition, and the modeling of nonlinear relationships especially involving a multitude of non-digital variables in place of conventional techniques. Generally, a complex domain is characterized by a number of interacting factors. Yet, such factors are often incomplete or unreliable. If ANN is used to analyze complex engineering systems, it can alleviate noise interference and raise the accuracy level of the analysis. ANN has been widely applied to research in the field of geotechnical engineering in recent years [16,17,18]. Huang and Wanstedt [19] applied BPN to the categorization of rocks and found that the categorizing ability of BPN was much better than statistical methods. Additionally, a conventional method for modeling the stress-strain behavior of soil is the constitutive law. However, it is characterized by the difficulties in obtaining correct parameters, conducting mathematical calculations, and the oversimplification of the hypothesis. In a quite different way of research thinking the constitutive law was replaced with BPN to simulate the stress-strain behavior of soils [20, 21, 22]. 4.1 Mechanism of BPN The typical architecture of BPN used in this study is shown in Fig. 4. The input layer uses linear transfer functions to handle the input variables in the network. The number of processing elements in the input layer depends on the problem. In the hidden layer, it learns how each processing element in the input layer affects the others through association of the connection weights. In the output layer, an S-shaped sigmoid transfer function is used to handle output variables to make the domain to be [0, 1]. The number of processing elements in the output layer depends on the problem. BPN learns by modifying the connection weights of the elements in response to the errors between the actual output values and the target output values. This is carried out through the gradient descent on the sum of squared error for all the training patterns. The learning algorithm of BPN requires the following steps: a. Use the connection weight W to show the correlation between the input variable X and each processing element. Meanwhile, biases and activity function net value will come out. Then, convert the net value to either the target output value H in the hidden layer and to the target output value Y in the output layer. As to the processing elements in the output layer, use Y and the actual output value T to calculate the offset y . The calculation of the processing b. elements in the hidden layer also adopts W , H and y to calculate the offset h . c. In the input layer and the hidden layer, use the learning rate , h and X to calculate the correction value of the connection weight W . In the hidden layer and the output layer, use the learning rate , y and H to calculate W . Then, update the W in each processing element to complete the learning of one cycle. Repeat the computation described above until convergence or approximately 3,000 learning cycles are reached. d. The BPN software used in this research was PC-Neuron, written in C language [23]. With the assistance of the original programmer, a new subprogram was written to return to the target output value from the original domain [0, 1]. Then, this value was converted to a data file that Excel software can treat. 4 .2 Architecture o f B P N f o r est i ma ti ng ce me nt t a ke The input variables which needed to be fed into the BPN program were the zone of the dam foundation, the type of rock layers, the injection pressure, the depth of grout section, and Lu . The output variable was the Lg of each grout section. Among these variables, both Lu and Lg are measured digital data and the others are represented by the classification codes. The codes of these input variables are listed in Table 2. The learning algorithm of BPN can be divided into the training phase and the testing phase. The learning samples for these phases were collected from the first half of the grout construction in the four zones. The samples were randomly categorized into the training set and testing set in the first phase of data processing. The initial learning rate, the initial inertial factor, and the initial connection weight were set to be 5.0, 0.5 and 0.3 respectively. After a number of different hidden layers were tried, one hidden layer was used in the BPN model employed here. In the preliminary task, a network with different elements ranging from 2 to 8 in the hidden layer was trained for the same number of 3,000 cycles. It was found that the value of the average sum squared error ( SSE ) would reach the minimum value of 0.11 when the number of elements was equal to 5. Eq. (2) is used to calculate SSE : M S S E Where N (T p p j Y jp ) 2 j M N (2) T jp is the actual output value of processing Y jp is the target output value of processing element j in example p, M is the number of example, N is the number of element j in example p, processing element in the output layer. So, a 5 5 1 network was set up as shown in Fig.5. The learning process was performed with a Pentium 586 computer, which took about 110 min. of CPU time. Finally, BPN was applied to the training set and produced the connection weights and biases. Then, the architecture of BPN for estimating cement take was built (see Fig.5). The accuracy for the training and testing data sets are described by the degree of correlation between output target values and actual values. The scatter of the target output Lg values versus the actual output Lg values were assessed using regression analysis and its degree of correlation of 0.82 was an acceptable one 5. Estimated results of cement take According to the different zones of the dam foundation, use the data of grout sections in the second half of the grout-curtain construction as the input variables. Key the input variables of each grout section into the BPN program with the architecture as shown in Fig. 5 to predict the Lg value of that grout section and further to obtain its cement take. Repeat the prediction process described above one by one until all of the grout sections have been covered. Then, calculate the sum of cement take for all the grout sections to get the estimated gross cement take. The estimated accuracy levels of BPN method are 78.2%, 81.4%, 71.9% and 75.6% for the left upper zone, the left lower zone, the right upper zone, and the right lower zone respectively. The average estimated accuracy for the four zones is 75.3% (see Table 3). 6. Summary and conclusions This study adopted the BPN method to estimate the cement take needed for the grout improvement on the Li-Yu-Tan dam’s foundation. The level of average estimated accuracy on gross cement take is 75.3%. This level is higher than the designed level of 43.4% calculated in Table 3. Because the BPN method takes into consideration the effects of factors on Lg , such a structure, which naturally increases the level of estimated accuracy. However, the construction of the network, testing and data input process still tend to be more time-consuming. Moreover, its estimation tool is a network program instead of just a regression equation. It must be declared that the coefficients in Fig. 5 are only suitable to the Li-Yu-Tan dam. The method mentioned above can be applied in other situations only when using the data collected from the completed parts of the grouting to estimate the rest of the grout take at the same site. 11. 12. 13. 14. Acknowledgements Thanks are expressed to the National Science Council, Taiwan (NSC85-2211-E-216-004), for research funding and to the Water Resources Agency, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan, for the data collection. 15. 16. References 1. Baker, W.H. (1982), Grouting in geotechnical engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers. 2. Jaroslavl, I. (1989), Rock grouting and diaphragm wall construction, Elsevier Ltd.. 3. Houlsby, A.C. (1990), Construction and design of cement grouting – a guide to grouting in rock foundations, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.. 4. JSIDRE (1994), The fundamental knowledge on grouting, Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drain○ age and Reclamation Engineering, Tokyo. (Japanese) 5. Ewert, F.K. 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Table 1 Zone Number of grout holes and grout sections at each zone of the grout-curtain Sequence Primary Secondary Left upper zone Tertiary Quaternary Supplementary Inspection Primary Secondary Left lower zone Tertiary Quaternary Supplementary Inspection Primary Secondary Right upper Tertiary zone Quaternary Supplementary Inspection Primary Secondary Right lower Tertiary zone Quaternary Supplementary Inspection Sum Table 2 Number of grout holes 11 9 20 36 11 14 15 15 30 51 3 14 16 15 30 52 28 20 9 9 17 26 4 14 469 Total length of grout holes 591 543 1,158 1,869 540 739 828 826 1,655 2,326 166 772 976 987 1,949 3,029 1,422 1,193 480 472 906 879 221 749 25,276 Number of grout sections 83 76 163 262 76 104 108 108 216 303 22 101 133 134 265 412 194 162 79 78 150 145 37 124 3,532 Codes of input variables for BPN analysis. Zone of dam Code Type of rock layer foundation Left upper 1 Clean sandstone zone Right upper 2 Mudstone zone Left lower 3 Alternation with zone sandstone and shale Right lower 4 zone Code 1 Injection pressure ( kPa ) 0~200 Code Depth of grout Code section ( m ) 1 0~20 1 2 201~400 2 21~40 2 3 401~600 3 41~60 3 601~800 4 61~80 4 801~1,000 1,001~1,200 5 6 81~100 5 Table 3 Amount of gross cement take at each zone for the second half of the grout-curtain construction. Item Left upper zone Left lower zone Right upper zone Right lower zone Sum for four zones 2,721 3,287 4,778 1,854 12,638 296,126 228,512 670,533 262,223 1,457,393 136,050 164,350 238,900 92,700 631,900 231,570 186,007 482,034 198,156 1,097,767 (3) (%) ( 2) 45.9 71.9 35.6 35.3 43.4 ( 4) (%) ( 2) 78.2 81.4 71.9 75.6 75.3 Zone Total length of grout holes (m) (1) Gross cement take ( kgf ) (construction) (2) Gross cement take ( kgf ) (1) 50( kgf / m ) (design) (3) Gross cement take ( kgf ) (BPN method) (4) Estimated Accuracy levels Fig. 1. Longitudinal section of the Li-Yu-Tan dam indicating the rock layers in dam foundation (CS=clean sandstone, MS=mudstone, AL=alternation of sandstone and shale). Fig. 2. Characteristic zones of the grout-curtain in the dam foundation. Original ground surface Grouting tunnel Crest Design excavation surface Dam Grouting tunnel Grouting hole Fig. 3. Longitudinal section of the Li-Yu-Tan dam indicating the extent of the grout-curtain. Input layer Hidden layer Output layer net h3 £ch3 ¡µ£ch3 £_h3 X1 W13 1 3 ¡µW13 W14 W35 W23 ¡µW35 net y5 H3 £cy5 ¡µ£cy5 ¡µW23 ¡µW14 5 Y5 W45 ¡µW45 X2 2 W24 4 £_y5 H4 ¡µW24 net h4 £ch4 ¡µ£ch4 £_h4 Fig. 4. Typical BPN architecture. T5 Input layer Hidden layer Region 0 5 Kind of rock 1 6 Injection pressure 2 7 Depth of grout hole 3 8 Lu 4 9 Ouput layer 10 Lg Weights and Biases item node 5 node 6 node 7 node 8 node 9 node 10 node 0 weight 0.34 0.18 0.23 -0.22 -0.17 Fig. 5. node 1 weight 0.59 -0.81 -1.24 2.01 2.32 node 2 weight 0.92 0.50 -0.71 -1.24 0.63 Node3 weight -0.52 -1.09 -0.14 0.45 -0.16 node 4 weight 1.57 1.74 1.48 1.74 1.36 Architecture of BPN for estimating Lg node 10 weight -0.79 -0.63 -0.35 -0.36 -0.36 biases 0.95 0.04 0.79 0.84 0.36 0.50