September 22, 2015 - Simsbury Public Schools

Record of Proceedings
Regular Meeting
Mrs. Tara Willerup called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Board of
Education Conference Room.
September 22, 2015
Roll Call:
Members present: Mmes. Tara Willerup and Susan Salina. Messrs. Todd Burrick,
Tom Doran and Jeff Tindall. Mike Goman arrived at 7:05 p.m.
Also present: Superintendent Matt Curtis, Assistant Superintendent Erin Murray,
Assistant Superintendent Sue Homrok-Lemke, Business Manager Burke LaClair,
Director of Personnel Neil Sullivan, Student Representative Will Pendergast and
Recording Secretary Katie Wilde.
The board recognized Diana Yeisley and the Simsbury Special Education Parent
Teacher Organization (PTO) for receiving the Star of SEPTO award from the CT
(SEPTO) Alliance. This award recognizes those who support Special Education in
Public Audience
Will Pendergast stated that lockdown drills have been happening districtwide. He
noted that former field hockey coach and PE teacher Pam Hammersmith has been
elected to the CT Field Hockey Hall of Fame. Mr. Pendergast noted that Mr. Luzietti,
Latimer Lane School Principal, is participating in events as Captain Latimer in
response to his students reaching the goal he set in a reading challenge.
Mr. Curtis reported that Governor Malloy has announced budget cuts of more than
$100 million in municipal aid. This would affect the receipt of $117,000 in grants to
Simsbury. Mr. Curtis did note that the cost sharing grant increased by more than
$300,000 this year.
A. Approval of Minutes of September 8, 2015 Meeting
Mr. Tindall:
Mr. Doran:
Approval of
Minutes of
MOVE to approve the minutes of the September 8, 2015 meeting, as September 8.
Seconded. So moved
B. 2016-17 Budget Discussion
Mr. Curtis presented 2016-17 budget information in preparation for the October 6th triboard meeting. He reviewed the budget increases over the past 10 years, noting that
the past 7 years have been particularly low and in fact last year the property tax
2016-17 Budget
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increase for residents was zero. Mr. Curtis summarized the enrollment history over
the past 10 years. He pointed out the fact that the majority of the decline has
occurred at the elementary level.
Mr. Curtis discussed the reduction of K-12 staffing while at the same time program
enhancements continued to be added. He reviewed the historical transportation
costs related to Special Services 2009-2015. Additionally, Mr. Curtis reviewed the
historical out-of-district tuition costs over the same time period. He pointed out that
funds from the non-lapsing account will be used for outplacement costs if needed.
Mr. Curtis addressed the projected enrollment for 2016. He stated that a reduction of
67 students is anticipated, with the enrollment at the elementary grades leveling off.
The projected change in enrollment is moving into the secondary level.
Mr. Curtis explained the known budget drivers that will affect next year’s budget.
This includes the rollover of the personnel contracts, the 6 known certified staff
retirements and the decrease of 4 sections due to enrollment decline. In total the
impact of the roll-forward budget knowns amount to a 1.41% budget increase. Mr.
Curtis addressed the budget for health insurance, noting that medical insurance trend
increases are up approximately 10%.
Mr. Curtis addressed the budget priorities for 2016-17 to support teaching and
learning. He noted the need for elementary math coaches, the possible addition of
mental health supports, and additional technology staffing to support our devices.
Mr. Curtis stated that currently a 7-12 department supervisor configuration is being
piloted to see if moving to this structure makes sense. He pointed out that a budget
of $20,000-$25,000 is needed for SHS to host the NEASC visit. Mr. Doran stated his
support of the budget priorities and suggested that the budget for fuel be analyzed.
C. PLC Next Level of Work
Ms. Murray stated that collaboration is one of the SPS Teaching Standards. Nine
years ago characteristics and expectations for Professional Learning Communities
(PLCs) were set. These characteristics are referred to as DDAE (Dialogue, Decision
Making, Action, Evaluation). Ms. Murray noted the district’s commitment to
continuous improvement and how the PLC process engages each member in an
ongoing cycle of: Gathering evidence of current levels of student learning (Dialogue).
Developing strategies and ideas that build on strengths and address weaknesses in
learning (Decision Making). Implementing strategies and ideas (Action). Analyzing
the impact – what was effective and what was not (Evaluation). Ms. Murray
presented the Teacher Collaboration Assessment Rubric which is used to monitor
this work across the district. She stated that for 9 years teachers have been asked to
complete a PLC survey which asks about how PLCs impact their practice and effect
student learning.
Mr. Sullivan addressed Teachers Watching Teachers Teach which is the next step in
this program of collaboration. At the leadership level school-based rounds are held.
A selected team of instructional leaders and teachers visit 12-15 classrooms focused
on a problem of practice from their school improvement plan. The emphasis is on
analysis and the next level of work. At the teacher level the members of a PLC will
observe a teacher and the process is driven by the needs of the host teacher.
Feedback to the teacher occurs through a cycle of observations/questions/learnings/
PLC Next Level
of Work
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Principals are currently forming teams and developing their problems of practice.
School-based rounds will begin in November. Mr. Sullivan stated that the principals
are looking forward to this process and will report their experiences back to the
In response to Mr. Doran, Ms. Lemke stated that special education teachers will be
included in this process. Ms. Murray noted that the Arts are included as well. Ms.
Salina asked which teachers will be chosen for this process. Ms. Murray responded
that this is a multi-year process and the plan is to reach the classrooms of all
teachers. Mr. Burrick asked if teachers are on more than one PLC. Mr. Sullivan
replied that it is impossible to schedule a teacher on more than one PLC at the
secondary level, although they can move to another PLC after a few years. He noted
that teachers receive minutes from the PLCs that are related to what they teach at
SHS. Ms. Willerup questioned whether the time administrators and department
supervisors spend on these rounds can be counted toward the required observations
in the evaluation process. Mr. Sullivan stated that this time is counted toward the
required observation time in the teacher evaluation.
Public Audience
Diana Yeisley, 78 County Road, asked that the BOE keep in mind the out-of-district
costs increased in 2013-14 after special education staffing was reduced in 2011 and
2012. She suggested a possible correlation between decreased paraeducator
support and outplacements. Ms. Yiesley noted that there is a national trend with a
dramatic increase in the number of special education students. Mr. Curtis stated that
the district tracks overall enrollment and special education enrollment trends.
Mr. Goman: MOVE to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m.
Ms. Salina:
Seconded. So moved
Mike Goman
Katie Wilde
Recording Secretary