CURRICULUM VITAE - School of Medicine

Hans O. Lüders, M.D., Ph.D.
Mayo Graduate
School of Medicine
Rochester, MN
Neurophysiology (EEG
Resident and
Postgraduate Student)
July 1971
June 1975
Institute, Kyushu
University, Japan
Neurology (Resident
and Postgraduate
April 1967
April 1971
Doctor of
Medicine Science
Catholic University
Santiago, Chile
Medicine (Graduate
Student and Internship)
April 1962
Dec. 1965
License in
Catholic University
Santiago, Chile
Biology (Graduate
Bachelor in
Sept 1990
Dec 2006
Department of Neurology
Department of Neurology
MetroHealth Systems
2500 MetroHealth Drive
Cleveland, OH 44109-1998, USA
March 1997
Dec 2006
Adjunct, Provisional Staff
Department of Neurology
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
9500 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44195, USA
July 1978
August 1990
Head, Section of Epilepsy
and Clinical
July 1976
June 1978
Assistant Professor of
Neurology (full-time)
July 1975
June 1976
Associate in Clinical
Neurology (full-time)
May 19, 2003
Professor, Department of
Medicine (non-tenured)
Department of Neurology
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
9500 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44195, USA
Department of Neurology
College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Columbia University,
New York NY, USA
Department of Neurology College
of Physicians and Surgeons of
Columbia University,
New York, NY, USA
Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of
Medicine of Case Western
Reserve, Cleveland, OH, USA
Ohio State University, OH, USA
July 1993
Professor of Neurology
College of Medicine of
Pennsylvania State University,
Hershey, PA, USA
Clinical Professor of
Clinical Associate
Professor of Medicine
Clinical Assistant
Professor of Medicine
May 19, 2003
Professor of Medicine
July 1993
May 18,
Clinical Professor of
June 1993
Associate Clinical
Professor of Neurology
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, OH, USA
Pontificia Universidad Católica de
Chile, Santiago, Chile
Visiting Professor of
American Board of Qualifications in Electroencephalography (December 1973)
American Board of Clinical Neurophysiology, Inc. (1973)
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (Neurology) (June 1985)
ECFMG (Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates #0-075-331-9 (1966)
Ambassador of Epilepsy Award 2001, chosen by the Joint Executive Committee of the IBE/ILAE
Chilean License (March 1966)
Japanese License (December 1967)
FLEX Examination (June 1974)
North Dakota License (#3477)
New York License (#129313)
Ohio License (#42979)
American Academy of Neurology (Fellow)
American EEG Society (Active Member; Secretary, 1987-1988)
American Epilepsy Society (Active Member)
American Epilepsy Society (Ad Hoc Journal Committee) (1992)
American Medical Association (Active Member)
American Neurological Association (Active Member)
Association of University Professors of Neurology (AUPN) (Member)
Central Association of Electroencephalography (Active Member; Past President)
German EEG Society (Corresponding Member)
German Epilepsy Society (Corresponding Member)
Mayo Medical Alumni Association
National Association of Epilepsy Centers (Member at Large)
Swiss Epilepsy Society (Corresponding Member)
Swiss League Against Epilepsy (Member)
Editorial Board, Journal of Clinical Neurology (March 2005 to present)
AES International Affairs Committee (IAC) member (April 2004 to present)
Editorial Board, Neuroscience Pathways, Physicians Newsletter at the Cleveland Clinic
Foundation (Fall 1999 to present)
Education Committee Member of the World Federation of Neurology (January 2002-present)
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Neurology - Official Journal of the European
Neurological Society (November 2001 to present)
Second Vice President, Association of University Professors of Neurology (AUPN) (1998-2000)
Member of the Advisory Board, Epileptic Disorders (July, 1998-present)
Commentator, Neurologia medico-chirurgica, Official Journal of the Japan Neurosurgical Society
(March 1997-present)
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology (January, 1990-December 1997)
Chairman, Selection Committee, Doris A. Flynn Fellowship (July 1990 to present)
Coordinator, Cleveland Clinic-Bethel Surgery of Epilepsy Program (January 1988 to present)
Editorial Board, Neurología (August 1994 to present)
Editorial Board, Journal of Neurology
Editorial Board of the book series Progress in Epileptic Disorders (July 2005 – present)
1. Hirsch E, Andermann F, Chauvel P, Engel J, Jr., Lopes da Silva F, Lüders H. Generalized
Seizures: From Clinical Phenomenology to underlying systems and networks. Surrey,
United Kingdom: John Libbey Eurotext, 2006.
2. Lüders H, Noachtar S. Atlas und Klassifikation der Electroenzephalographie [Atlas and
Classification of Electroencephalography). First Japanese Language Edition ed. Tokyo:
Igaku-Shoin, Ltd., 2005.
3. Lüders H. Deep Brain Stimulation and Epilepsy. London, England: Taylor & Francis Group,
4. Rosenow F, Lüders H. Presurgical Assessment of the Epilepsies with Clinical
Neurophysiology and Functional Imaging. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2004.
5. Lüders H, Noachtar S. Atlas of Epileptic Seizures and Syndromes - English translation from
German. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 2001.
6. Dinner D, Lüders H. Epilepsy and Sleep: Physiological and Clinical Relationships. San,
Diego, CA: Academic Press, 2001.
7. Lüders H, Comair Y. Epilepsy Surgery. 2 ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins,
8. Lüders H. Epilepsy: Comprehensive Review and Case Discussions. London: Blackwell
Science Inc, 2001.
9. Lüders H, Noachtar S. Atlas and Classification of Electroencephalography - English
Translation. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 2000.
10. Levin K, Lüders H. Comprehensive Clinical Neurophysiology. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders
Company, 2000.
11. Lüders H, Noachtar S. Epileptic Seizures - Pathophysiology and Clinical Semiology. New
York: Churchill Livingstone, 2000.
12. Kotagal P, Lüders H. The Epilepsies - Etiologies and Prevention. Academic Press, 1999.
13. Atlas und Video epileptischer Anfalle und Syndrome [Atlas and Video of Epileptic Seizures
and Syndromes]. First Japanese Language edition ed. Tokyo: Igaku-Shoin Ltd., 1997.
14. Fahn S, Hallett M, Lüders H, Marsden C. Advances in Neurology: Negative Motor
Phenomena. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven Publishers, 1995.
15. Lüders H. Advances in Neurology: Supplementary Motor Area. Philadelphia, PA: LippincottRaven Publishers, 1995.
16. Lüders H, Noachtar S. Atlas und Klassifikation der Elektroenzephalographie. Ciba Geigy
Verlag Wehr, 1995.
17. Lüders H. Epilepsy Surgery. Raven Press, 1992.
18. Lüders H. Advanced Evoked Potentials. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989.
Book Chapters
1. Carreno M, Lüders H. Clasificación semiológica de las creisis epilépticas [Semiological
classification of epileptic seizures]. In: Campos M, Kanner A, editors. Epilepsias
Diagnóstico y Tratamiento. Santiago, Chile: Editorial Mediterráneo Ltda, 2004: 78-86.
2. Neme S, Lüders H. Estimulación cerebral profunda en Epilepsia [Deep Brain stimulation in
epilepsy]. In: Campos M, Kanner A, editors. Epilepsias Diagnóstico y Tratamineto.
Santiago, Chile: Editorial Mediterráneo Ltda, 2004: 680-688.
3. Noachtar S, Winkler PA, Lüders H. Surgical Therapy of Epilepsy. Neurological Disorders:
Course and Treatment. Elsevier Science, 2003: 235-244.
4. Diehl B, Bingaman W, Chelune GJ, Lüders H. Commentary: Clinical Presentation. In:
Elisevich K, Smith BJ, editors. Epilepsy Surgery - Case Studies & Commentaries.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2002: 209-224.
5. Iwasaki M, Pestana E, Burgess R, Nakasato N, Shamoto H, Lüders H. Comparative
Analysis of MEG and Scalp EEG for Interictal Spike Detection. In: Nowak H, Haueisen J,
Giessler F, Huonker R, editors. Proc. 13th International Conference on Biomagnetism.
Berlin: VDE Verlag GMBH, 2002: 249-251.
6. Hamer H, Lüders H. A New Approach for Classification of Epileptic Syndromes and
Epileptic Seizures. In: Lüders H, Comair Y, editors. Epilepsy Surgery, second edition.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001: 95-103.
7. Lüders H, Wyllie E. Classification of Seizures. The Treatment of Epilepsy: Principles and
Practice, 3rd edition. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001: 287-290.
8. Lüders H, Luders J. Contributions of Fedor Krause and Otfrid Foerster to Epilepsy Surgery.
In: Lüders H, Comair Y, editors. Epilepsy Surgery, second edition. Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins, 2001: 23-33.
9. Acharya J, Lüders H. Effect of Anticonvulsant Withdrawal on Seizure Semiology. In: Lüders
H, Comair Y, editors. Epilepsy Surgery, second edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001:
10. Ng TC, Najm I, Wyllie E, Comair Y, Lüders H. Evaluation of Epilepsies using Proton
Magnetic resonance Spectroscopy. In: Lüders H, Comair Y, editors. Epilepsy Surgery,
second edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001: 277-280.
11. Carreno M, Lüders H. General Principles of Presurgical Evaluations. In: Lüders H, Comair
Y, editors. Epilepsy Surgery, second edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001: 185-199.
12. Najm I, Babb T, Mohamed A, Diehl B, Ng TC, Bingaman W et al. Mesial Temporal Lobe
Sclerosis. In: Lüders H, Comair Y, editors. Epilepsy Surgery, second edition. Lippincott
Williams & Wilkens, 2001: 95-103.
13. Acharya J, Lüders H. Neurological Deficits after Resections of Neocortical Eloquent Areas.
In: Lüders H, Comair Y, editors. Epilepsy Surgery, second edition. Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins, 2001: 873-877.
14. Wieser H, Blume WT, Fish D, Goldensohn ES, Hufnagel A, King DW et al. Proposal for a
New Classification of Outcome with Respect to Epileptic Seizures Following Epilepsy
Surgery. In: Lüders H, Comair Y, editors. Epilepsy Surgery, second edition. Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins, 2001: 987-990.
15. Lüders H. Protocols and Outcome Statistics from Epilepsy Surgery Centers. In: Lüders H,
Comair Y, editors. Epilepsy Surgery, second edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001:
16. Dinner D, Lüders H. Relationship of Epilepsy and Sleep. In: Dinner D, Lüders H, editors.
Epilepsy and Sleep: Physiological and Clinical Relationships. Academic Press, 2001: 1-18.
17. Ebner A, Lüders H. Subdural Electrodes. In: Lüders H, Comair Y, editors. Epilepsy Surgery,
second edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001: 593-596.
18. Bautista JF, Lüders H. The Patient Management Conference. In: Lüders H, Comair Y,
editors. Epilepsy Surgery, second edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001: 547-558.
19. Noachtar S, Lüders H. Akinetic Seizures. In: Lüders H, Noachtar S, editors. Epileptic
Seizures: Pathophysiology and Clinical Semiology. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 2000:
20. Foldvary-Schaefer N, Acharya J, Lüders H. Auditory Auras. In: Lüders H, Noachtar S,
editors. Epileptic Seizures: Pathophysiology and Clinical Semiology. New York: Churchill
Livingstone, 2000: 304-312.
21. Lüders H, Terada K. Auditory Evoked Potentials. In: Levin K, Lüders H, editors.
Comprehensive Clinical Neurophysiology. Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders Company, 2000:
22. Schulz R, Lüders H. Auras Elicited by Electrical Stimulation. In: Lüders H, Noachtar S,
editors. Epileptic Seizures: Pathophysiology and Clinical Semiology. New York: Churchill
Livingstone, 2000: 254-262.
23. O'Donovan C, Burgess R, Lüders H. Autonomic Auras. In: Lüders H, Noachtar S, editors.
Epileptics Seizures: Pathyophysiology and Clinical Semiology. New York: Churchill
Livingstone, 2000: 320-328.
24. Nair D, Lüders H. Cephalic and Whole-body Auras. In: Lüders H, Noachtar S, editors.
Epileptic Seizures: Pathophysiology and Clinical Semiology. New York: Churchill
Livingstone, 2000: 355-660.
25. Noachtar S, Desudchit T, Lüders H. Dialeptic Seizures. In: Lüders H, Noachtar S, editors.
Epileptic Seizures: Pathophysiology and Clinical Semiology. New York: Churchill
Livingstone, 2000: 361-376.
26. Dinner D, Lüders H. Electrical Stimulation of Cortical Language Area. In: Lüders H,
Noachtar S, editors. Epileptic Seizures: Pathophysiology and Clinical Semiology. New
York: Churchill Livingstone, 2000: 211-218.
27. Dinner D, Lüders H, Lim. Electrical Stimulation of the Supplementary Sensorimotor Area.
In: Lüders H, Noachtar S, editors. Epileptic Seizures: Pathophysiology and Clinical
Semiology. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 2000: 192-198.
28. Geller EB, Lüders H, Cheek J. Electrical Stimulation of the Visual Cortex. In: Lüders H,
Noachtar S, editors. Epileptic Seizures: Pathophysiology and clinical semiology. New York:
Churchill Livingstone, 2000: 219-227.
29. Lüders H, Dinner D, Morris H. Electrical Stimulation of Negative Motor Areas. In: Lüders H,
Noachtar S, editors. Epileptic Seizures: Pathophysiology and Clinical Semiology. New
York: Churchill Livingstone, 2000: 199-210.
30. Hamer H, Lüders H. Electrode Montages and Localization of Potentials in Clinical
Electroencephalography. In: Levin K, Lüders H, editors. Comprehensive Clinical
Neurophysiology. Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders Company, 2000: 358-386.
31. Najm I, Comair Y, Lüders H. Experimental Neuroimaging Studies. In: Lüders H, Noachtar
S, editors. Epileptic Seizures: Pathophysiology and Clinical Semiology. New York: Churchill
Livingstone, 2000: 78-84.
32. Lüders H. General Concepts of Seizure Evolution. In: Lüders H, Noachtar S, editors.
Epileptic Seizures: Pathophysiology and Clinical Semiology. New York: Churchill
Livingstone, 2000: 681-683.
33. Rosenow F, Lüders H. Hearing-induced Seizures. In: Lüders H, Noachtar S, editors.
Epileptic Seizures: Pathophysiology and Clinical Semiology. New York: Churchill
Livingstone, 2000: 580-584.
34. Acharya J, Wyllie E, Lüders H. Hypomotor Seizures. In: Lüders H, Noachtar S, editors.
Epileptic Seizures: Pathophysiology and Clinical Semiology. New York: Livingstone, 2000:
35. Ikeda A, Lüders H, Shibasaki H. Ictal Direct-currently Shifts. In: Lüders H, Noachtar S,
editors. Epileptic Seizures: Pathophysiology and Clinical Semiology. New York: Churchill
Livingston, 2000: 53-62.
36. Lüders H. Language and Speech Disturbances in Patient with Limbic Epilepsy. In: Avanzini
G, Beaumanoir A, Munari C, editors. Limbic Seizures in Children. John Libbey & Company,
Ltd., 2000: 79-87.
37. Szabo C, Lüders H. Postical Automatisms. In: Lüders H, Noachtar S, editors. Epileptic
Seizures: Pathophysiology and Clinical Semiology. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 2000:
38. Riachi N, Schulz R, Lüders H. Postictal Memory Deficits. In: Lüders H, Noachtar S, editors.
Epileptic Seizures: Pathophysiology and Clinical Semiology. New York: Churchill
Livingstone, 2000: 667-673.
39. Lüders H, Noachtar S, Burgess R. Semiologic Classification of Epileptic Seizures. In:
Lüders H, Noachtar S, editors. Epileptic Seizures: Pathophysiology and Clinical Semiology.
New York: Churchill Livingstone, 2000: 263-285.
40. Rosenow F, Lüders H. Startle-induced seizures. In: Lüders H, Noachtar S, editors. Epileptic
Seizures: Pathophysiology and Clinical Semiology. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 2000:
41. Lüders H. Symptomatogenic Areas and Electrical Cortical Stimulation. In: Lüders H,
Noachtar S, editors. Epileptic Seizures: Pathophysiology and Clinical Semiology. New
York: Churchill Livingstone, 2000: 131-140.
42. Szabo C, Lüders H. Todd's Paralysis and Postical Aphasia. In: Lüders H, Noachtar S,
editors. Epileptic Seizures: Pathophysiology and Clinical Semiology. New York: Churchill
Livingstone, 2000: 658-662.
43. Bleasel A, Lüders H. Tonic Seizures. In: Lüders H, Noachtar S, editors. Epileptic Seizures:
Pathophysiology and Clinical Semiology. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 2000: 389-411.
44. Bustamante V, Lüders H, Sakamoto A. Classificando as crises epilepticas para a
programacao terapeutica [Classification of Epileptic Seizures for a Therapeutic Program].
In: Yacubian EMT, editor. Tratamento Medicamentoso das Epilpsias. Sao Paulo, Brazil:
Lemos Editoria & Graficos Ltda., 1999: 13-19.
45. Lüders H. Mesial Temporal Sclerosis. The Epilepsies: Etiologies and Prevention. San
Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1999: 121-124.
46. Lüders H. Video-EEG Invasvio com Electrodos Subudrais: Registro e Mapeamento
Funcional Cortical [Invasive Video-EEG evaluation with subdural electrodes: recordings
and functional mapping]. In: Yacubian EMT, Garzon E, Sakamoto A, editors. Vidoeletrencefalografia: Fundamentos e Aplicacao na Investigacao das Epilepsias. Sao Paulo,
Brazil: Lemos Editoria & Graficos Ltda., 1999: 135-148.
47. Benbadis SR, Lüders H, Santos Dd. Clasificacion de las Crisis Epilepticas y de la
Epilepsia. Trateminto de la Epilepsia. Madrid, Spain: Francisco Villarejo Ortega Publ.,
1998: 29-36.
48. Noachtar S, Lüders H. Classification of Epileptic Seizures and Epileptic Syndromes. In:
Gildenberg P, Tasker R, editors. Textbook of Stereotastic and Functional Neursurgery.
New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1998: 1763-1774.
49. Kotagal P, Lüders H. Simple Motor Seizures. In: Engel J, Jr., Pedley T, editors. Epilepsy: A
Comprehensive Textbook. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott-Raven Publishers, 1998: 525-532.
50. Lüders H. A Seizure Classification for Presurgical Epilepsy Surgery Work-up. In: Hori T,
editor. The Treatment of Medically Refracting Epilepsy. Tokyo, Japan: Sofusha, 1997: 1016.
51. Wyllie E, Lüders H. Classification of Seizures. In: Wyllie E, editor. The Treatment of
Epilepsy, Principles and Practice, 2nd edition. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997:
52. Wyllie E, Lüders H. Classification of the Epilepsies. In: Wyllie E, editor. The Treatment of
Epilepsy, Principles and Practice, 2nd edition. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997:
53. Lüders H. Cortical Mapping in Epilepsy Patients. In: Hori T, editor. The Treatment of
Medically Refracting Epilepsy. Tokyo, Japan: Sofusha, 1997: 175-182.
54. Lüders H. General Principles of Epilepsy Surgery. In: Hori T, editor. The Treatment of
Medically Refracting Epilepsy. Tokyo, Japan: Sofusha, 1997: 155-174.
55. Kotagal P, Lüders H. Seizure Semiology in Infants with Localization-Related Epilepsy. In:
Engel J, Jr., Pedley T, editors. Epilepsy: A Comprehensive Textbook. Philadelphia, PA:
Lippincott-Raven Publishers, 1997: 643-645.
56. Wyllie E, Acharya J, Lüders H. Seizure Semiology in Infants with Localization-Related
Epilepsy. In: Engel J, Jr., Pedley T, editors. Epilepsy: A Comprehensive Textbook.
Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott-Raven Publishers, 1997: 643-645.
57. Lüders H. Supplementary Sensorimotor Area (SSMA). In: Lüders H, editor. Supplmentary
Sensorimotor Area, Advances in Neurology, vol. 70. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott-Raven
Publishers, 1996.
58. Noachtar S, Lüders H, Bromfield E. Surgical Therapy of Epilepsy. In: Brandt T, Caplan C,
Dichgans J, Diener J, Kennard C, editors. Neurological Disorders: Course and Treatment.
San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1996: 183-191.
59. Ebner A, Lüders H. Basic Concepts and Electrophysiological Approach in LocalizationRelated Epilepsy. In: Pawlik G, Stefan H, editors. Focus Localization. Bielefeld, Germany:
Congresscataloging-in-Publication Data, 1995: 94-112.
60. Luders HO, Dinner DS, Morris HH, Wyllie E, Comair YG. Cortical Electrical-Stimulation in
Humans the Negative Motor Areas. Advances in Neurology. Lippincott-Raven Publishers,
1995: 115-129.
61. Schulz R, Lüders H, Noachtar S, Niemann H. Die Amnesie der epileptischen Aura - Eine
prospektive Studie mit bitemporalen Tiefenelektroden [Amnesia of epileptic auras: a
prospective study with bitemporal depth electrodes]. In: Stefan H, Canger R, Spiel G,
editors. Sektion der Internationalen Liga Gegen Epilepsie. Berlin, Germany: 1994: 311-313.
62. Tuxhorn I, So NK, Lüders H. Die prognostische Bedeutung postoperativer Auren nach
Temporallappenresektion [The clinical significance of auras after temporal lobe resections].
In: Stefan H, Canger R, Spiel G, editors. Deutsche Sektion der Internationalen Liga Gegen
Epilepsie. 1994: 162-164.
63. Baumgartner C, Flint R, Tuxhorn I, Dinner D, Van Ness PC, Lininger G et al.
Elektrophysiiologishe Befunde bei supplementar motorischen Anfallen [Electrophysiological
findings in patients with supplmentary motor seizures]. In: Stefan H, Canger R, Spiel G,
editors. Sektion der Internationalen Liga gegen Epilepsie. Berlin, Germany: 1994: 279-281.
64. Holthausen H, Pannek H, Oppen F, Ebner A, Noachtar S, Tuxhorn I et al. Ergebnisse
Epilepsie-Chirurgischer Maßnahmen bei extratemporalen Epilepsien [Results of Epilepsy
Surgery in Patients with Extratemporal Epilepsy]. In: Heinemann U, editor. Jahresagung
der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Liga Gegen Epilepsie. 1994.
65. Schlaug G, Witte OW, Arnold S, Ebner A, Holthausen H, Lüders H et al. Präoperative
Lokalisation fokaler Epilepsien mit der Postironen-Emissions-Tomographie (PET)
[Preoperative localization using PET]. In: Stefan H, Canger R, Spiel G, editors. Sektion der
Internationalen Liga gen Epilepsie. Berlin, Germany: 1994: 187-190.
66. Wyllie E, Lüders H. Classification of the Epilepsies. In: Wyllie E, editor. The Treatment of
Epilepsy: Principles and Practice. Lea & Febiger, 1993: 492-493.
67. Wyllie E, Lüders H. Epilepsy Seizures: EEG and Clinical Manifestations - Classification of
Seizures. In: Wyllie E, editor. The Treatment of Epilepsy: Principles and Practice. Lea &
Febiger, 1993: 359-361.
68. Lüders H, Engel J, Jr., Munari C. General Principles. In: Engel J, Jr., editor. Surgical
Treatment of the Epilepsies. New York, NY: Raven Press, 1993: 137-153.
69. Knowles W, Lüders H. Normal Neurophysiology: The Science of Excitable Cells. In: Wyllie
E, editor. The Treatment of Epilepsy: Principles and Practice. Lea & Febiger, 1993: 71-82.
70. Morris H, Lüders H. Die Operative Behandlung der Epilepsien (Surgical Treatment of
Epilepsy). In: Hopf H, Poeck K, Schliack H, editors. Neurologie in Paxis und Klinik. New
York, NY: George Thieme Verlag Stuttgart, 1992: 3.98-3.104.
71. Kotagal P, Lüders H. Indications for Epilepsy Surgery Evaluation. In: Resor S, Kutt H,
editors. The Medical Treatment of Epilepsy. New York, NY: Marcel Dekker, Inc. Publishers,
1992: 225-231.
72. Dinner D, Shields R, Lüders H. Intraoperative Spinal Cord Monitoring. In: Rothman R,
Simeone F, editors. The Spine. Vol II. Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders Co., 1992: 18011814.
73. Lüders H, Awad IA. Conceptual Considerations. In: Lüders H, editor. Epilepsy Surgery.
New York: Raven Press, 1991: 51-62.
74. Wyllie E, Lüders H, Rothner AD. Epilepsy Surgery: Special Considerations for Children. In:
Spencer S, Spencer D, editors. Contemporary Issues in Neurological Surgery. London,
England: Blackwell Scientific Publications, Inc., 1991: 87-100.
75. Godoy J, Lüders H, et al. Essentials for the Establishment of a Surgery of Epilepsy
Program. In: Lüders H, editor. Epilepsy Surgery. New York: Raven Press, 1991: 773-778.
76. Dinner D, Lüders H, Lesser R, Morris H, Barnett G, Klem G. Invasive SomatosensoryEvoked Potential Monitoring. In: Salzman S, editor. Neural Monitoring. Chifton, NJ: The
Human Press Inc., 1991: 179-196.
77. Awad IA, Wingkun E, Nayel M, Lüders H. Surgical Failures and Reoperations. In: Lüders H,
editor. Epilepsy Surgery. New York: Raven Press, 1991: 679-685.
78. Morris H, Lüders H, Dinner D, Lesser R, Wyllie E. Clinical Use of Evoked Potentials: A
Revew in Advanced Evoked Potentials. In: Lüders H, editor. Advances Evoked Potentials.
Boston: Martinus Nijoff Publishing, 1988: 143-160.
79. Lüders H, Lesser R, Dinner D, Morris H, Wyllie E. Critical Analysis of Methods Used to
Identify Generator Sources of Evoked Potentials (EP) Peaks. In: Lüders H, editor.
Advanced Evoked Potentials. Boston: Martinus Nijoff Publishing, 1988: 29-63.
80. Lesser R, Lüders H, Dinner D, Morris H, Wyllie. Extraoperative Monitoring of Patients with
Intractable Seizures. In: Desmedt JE, editor. Neuromonitoring in Surgery. Amsterdam:
Elsevier Science Publishers, 1988: 303-318.
81. Lüders H, Lesser R, Dinner D, Morris H. Benign Focal Epilepsy of Childhood. In: Lüders H,
Lesser R, editors. Epilepsy: Electroclinical Syndromes (Clinical Medicine and Nervous
System Series). New York: Springer-Verlag, 1987: 303-346.
82. Lüders H, Lesser R, Dinner D, Morris H. Commentary: Chronic Intracranial Recording and
Stimulation with Subdural Electrodes. In: Engel J, Jr., editor. Surgical Treatment of the
Epilepsies. New York: Raven Press, 1987: 297-321.
83. Lesser R, Lüders H, Morris H, et al. Commentary: Extracradial EEG Evaluation. In: Engel J,
Jr., editor. Surgical Management of the Epilepsies. New York: Raven Press, 1987: 173179.
84. Lesser R, Lüders H, Morris H, Dinner D, Klem G, Hahn J et al. Comprehension Deficits
Produced by Electrical Stimulation of Wernicke's Area. In: Engel J, Jr., et al, editors.
Fundamental Mechanisms of Human Brain Function. New York: Raven Press, 1987: 91101.
85. Dinner D, Lüders H, Morris H, Lesser R. Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsies. In: Lüders H,
Lesser R, editors. Electroclinical Syndromes (Clinical Medicine and Nervious System
Series). New York: Springer-Verlag, 1987: 131-149.
86. Lüders H, Lesser R, Dinner D, Morris H, Wyllie E. Language Deficits Elicited by Electrical
Stimulation of the Fusiform Gyrus. In: Engel J, Jr., editor. Fundamental Mechanisms of
Human Brain Function. New York: Raven Press, 1987: 83-90.
87. Lüders H, Lesser R, Morris H, Dinner D, Hahn J. Negative Motor Responses Elicited by
Stimulation of the Human Cortex. In: Wolf P, Dam P, editors. Advances in Epileptology.
New York: Raven Press, 1987: 229-231.
88. Lesser R, Lüders H, Dinner D, Morris H. Simple Partial Seizures. In: Lüders H, Lesser R,
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Series). New York: Springer-Verlag, 1987: 223-278.
89. Morris H, Lüders H. Electrodes. In: Gotman J, Ives J, Gloor P, editors. Long-Term
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90. Lüders H. Evoked Potentials in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. In: Kuroiwa Y, Yoshigoro,
editors. Multiple Sclerosis Basic Research and Clinical Findings. Taninaka-machi, Japan:
Shinkoigaku, 1985: 123-134.
91. Lesser R, Lüders H, Dinner D, Morris H, Klem G. Technical Aspects of Surgical Monitoring
Using Evoked Potentials. In: Salanga V, Weindl, editors. Electromyography and Evoked
Potentials. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1985: 177-180.
92. Dinner D, Lüders H. The Electroencephalogram in the Routine Evaluation of Patients with
Epilepsy. In: Porter R, Morselli P, editors. The Epilepsies. Butterworth & Co., 1985: 142171.
93. Lüders H. Averaged Evoked Potentials. In: Mohr J, editor. Manual of Clinical Problems in
Neurology. Boston, Toronto: Little, Brown and Co., 1984: 315-318.
94. Lüders H. Electroencephalography. In: Mohr J, editor. Manual of Clinical Problems in
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95. Lüders H. Epilepsy. In: Mohr J, editor. Manual of Clinical Problems in Neurology. Boston,
Toronto: Little, Brown and Co., 1984: 11-15.
96. Lesser R, Pippenger C, Dinner D, Lüders H, Morris H. High-Dose Monotherapy with
Primidone. In: Roger J, Porter, editors. Advances in Epileptology: XV Epilepsy
International Symposium. New York: Raven Press, 1984: 353-356.
97. Lüders H. Optimizing Stimulating and Recording Parameters in Evoked Potential Studies.
In: American Association of Electromyography and Electrodiagnosis, editor. Course C:
Somatosensory Evoked Potentials Sixth Annual Course. Rochester, MN: 1983: 19-27.
98. Lüders H. Introduction to Somatosensory Evoked Potentials. In: American Association of
Electromyography and Electrodiagnosis, editor. Course B: Somatosensory Evoked
Potentials. Fifth Annual Continuing Education Course. St. Paul, Minnesota: 1982: 25-32.
99. Lüders H, Hahn J, Lesser R, Dinner D, Rothner AD, Erenberg G. Localization of
Epileptogenic Spike Foci: Comparative Study of Closely Spaced Scalp Electrodes,
Nasopharyngeal, Sphenoidal, Subdural and Depth Electrodes. In: Haruo A, Kavanatsuri H,
Msakazuseino H, Ward A, editors. Advances in Epileptology, XIII Epilepsy International
Symposium. New York: Raven Press, 1982: 185-189.
100. Lüders H, Lesser R, Klem G. Pattern Evoked Potentials. In: Henry C, editor. Current
Clinical Neurophysiology. North Holland: Elsevier, 1981: 467-525.
101. Lüders H, Daube J, Taylor W, Klass DW. A Computer System for Statistical Analysis of
EEG Transients. In: Kellaway P, Peterson I, editors. Quantitative Analytic Studies in
Epilepsy. New York: Raven Press, 1976: 403-430.
1. Lüders H, Acharya J, Alexopoulos AV, Baumgartner C, Bautista JF, Burgess R et al. Are
Epilepsy Classifications based on Epileptic Syndromes and Seizure Types Outdated?
Epileptic Disorders 2006; 8(1):81-85.
2. Najm I, Naugle RI, Busch R, Bingaman W, Lüders H. Definition of the Epileptic zone in a
patient with non-lesional temporal lobe epilepsy arising from the dominant hemisphere.
Epileptic Disorders 2006; 8 (supplement 2):S27-S35.
3. Lüders H, Schuele SU. Epilepsy Surgery in patients with malformations of cortical
development. Current Opinion in Neurology 2006; 19:169-174.
4. Matsumoto R, Nair D, LaPresto E, Najm I, Bingaman W, Shibasaki H et al. Functional
connectivity in the human language system: a cortico-cortical evoked potential study. In
Press 2006.
5. Jeha L, Najm I, Bingaman W, Khandawala F, Widdess-Walsh P, Morris H et al. Predictors
of Outcome after Temporal Lobectomy for the Treatment of Intractable Epilepsy. Neurology
2006; 66(12):1938-1940.
6. Kellinghaus C, Loddenkemper T, Wyllie E, Najm I, Gupta A, Rosenow F et al. Suggestions
for a New Patient Oriented Classification. Nervenarzt 2006; (ahead of print).
7. Lüders H, Najm I, Nair D, Widdess-Walsh P, Bingaman W. The Epileptic Zone: general
principles. Epileptic Disorders 2006; 8 (Supplement 2):S1-S.
8. Loddenkemper T, Kellinghaus C, Wyllie E, Najm I, Gupta A, Rosenow F et al. A Proposal
for a Five-Dimensional Patient-oriented Epilepsy Classification. Epileptic Disorders
9. Arnold S, Carreño M, Diehl B, Ebner A, Fosenow F, Fritsch B et al. A semiological
classification of status epilepticus. Epileptic Disorders 2005; 7(1):5-12.
10. Du W, Bautista JF, Yang H, Diez-Sampedro A, You S, Wang L et al. Calcium-Sensitive
Potassium Channelopathy in Human Epilepsy and Paroxysmal Movement Disorder. Nature
Genetics 2005; 37(7):733-738.
11. Iwasaki M, Kellinghaus C, Alexopoulos AV, Burgess RC, Kumar AN, Han YH et al. Effects
of eyelid closure, blinks, and eye movements on the electroencephalogram. Clin
Neurophysiol 2005; 116(4):878-885.
12. Usui N, Kotagal P, Matsumoto R, Kellinghaus C, Lüders H. Focal Semiologic and
Electroencephalographic Features in Patients with Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy. Epilepsia
2005; 46(10):1668-1676.
13. Schuele SU, Luders HO. Functional imaging in PNH caused by a new FilaminA mutation.
Neurology 2005; 64(6):1101-1102.
14. Du W, Bautista JF, Yang H, Diez-Sampedro A, You S, Wang L et al. Gain of Function of BK
channel subunit causes epilepsy and paroxysmal movement disorder. Nature Genetics
2005; 37:733-738.
15. Gonzalez-Martinez JA, Gupta A, Kotagal P, Lachhwani D, Wyllie E, Lüders H et al.
Hemispherectory for Catastrophic Epilepsy in Infants. Epilepsia 2005; 46(9):1518-1525.
16. Chapman K, Wyllie E, Najm I, Ruggieri P, Bingaman W, Lüders J et al. Seizure Outcome
after Epilepsy Surgery in Patients with Normal Preoperative MRI. J Neurol Neurosurg
Psychiatry 2005; 76:710-713.
17. Nair D, Mohamed A, Burgess RC, Lüders H. A Critical Review of the Different Conceptual
Hypotheses Framing Human Focal Epilepsy. Epileptic Disorders 2004; 6(2):77-83.
18. Pan A, Gupta A, Wyllie E, Lüders H, Bingaman W. Benign Focal Epileptiform Discharges of
Childhood and Hippocampal Sclerosis. Epilepsia 2004; 45(3):284-288.
19. Iwasaki M, Pestana E, Burgess RC, Lüders H, Shamoto H, Nakasato N. Detection of
Epileptiform Activity by Human Interpreters: Blinded Comparison between
Electroencephalography and Magnetoencephalography. Epilepsia 2004; 46(1):59-68.
20. Luders HO, Iwasaki M. Does magnetoencephalography add to scalp video-EEG as a
diagnostic tool in epilepsy surgery? Neurology 2004; 63(10):1987-1988.
21. Kellinghaus C, Luders HO. Frontal lobe epilepsy. Epileptic Disorders 2004; 6(4):223-239.
22. Loddenkemper T, Wyllie E, Neme S, Kotagal P, Luders HO. Lateralizing Signs During
Seizures in Infants. J Neurol 2004; 251(9):1075-1079.
23. Loddenkemper T, Kellinghaus C, Gandjour J, Nair DR, Najm IM, Bingaman W et al.
Localising and Lateralising Value of Ictal Piloerection. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery
and Psychiatry 2004; 75(6):879-883.
24. O'Donovan C, Lancman M, Luders HO. New-onset mesial temporal lobe epilepsy in a 90year-old: clinical and EEG features. Epilepsy & Behavior 2004; 5:1021-1023.
25. Kellinghaus C, Loddenkemper T, Dinner DS, Lachhwani D, Luders HO. Non-epileptic
Seizures of the Elderly. J Neurol 2004; 251(6):704-709.
26. Kim DW, Lee SK, Yun CH, Kim KK, Lee DS, Chung CK et al. Parietal lobe epilepsy: The
semiology, yield of diagnostic workup, and surgical outcome. Epilepsia 2004; 45(6):641649.
27. Lineweaver T, Naugle R, Cafaro A, Bingaman W, Lüders H. Patients' Perceptions of
Memory Functioning Before and After Surgical Intervention to Treat Medically Refractory
Epilepsy. Epilepsia 2004; 45(12):1604-1612.
28. Kunieda T, Ikeda A, Ohara S, Matsumoto R, Taki W, Hashimoto N et al. Role of lateral nonprimary motor cortex in humans as revealed by epicortical recording of
Bereitschaftspotentials. Experimental Brain Research 2004; 156(2):135-148.
29. Kellinghaus C, Loddenkemper T, Dinner D, Lachhwani D, Lüders H. Seizure Semiology in
the Elderly: A Video Analysis. Epilepsia 2004; 45(3):263-267.
30. Lardizabal DV, Luders HO, Hovinga CA, Bourgeois BF. Severe intoxication after phenytoin
infusion: a preventable pharmacogenetic adverse reaction. Neurology 2004; 62(1):161.
31. Kellinghaus C, Kunieda T, Ying Z, Pan A, Luders HO, Najm IM. Severity of histopathologic
abnormalities and in vivo epileptogenicity in the in utero radiation model of rats is dose
dependent. Epilepsia 2004; 45(6):583-591.
32. Diehl B, Najm I, LaPresto E, Prayson R, Ruggieri P, Mohamed A et al. Temporal lobe
volumes in patients with hippocampal sclerosis with or without cortical dysplasia. Neurology
2004; 62(10):1729-1735.
33. Palmini A, Najm I, Avanzini G, Babb T, Guerrini R, Foldvary-Schaefer N et al. Terminology
and classification of the cortical dysplasias. Neurology 2004; 62(6 Suppl 3):S2-S8.
34. Gonzalez-Martinez JA, Bingaman W, Wyllie E, Lüders H. An analysis of factors associated
with persistent seizures after hemispherectomy. Epilepsia 2003;(Supplement 9):316.
35. Tanner A, Nair D, Iwasaki M, Lüders H. Cortical generators of the posterior tibial nerve
somatosensory evoked poetntials. Epilepsia 2003;(Supplement 9):47.
36. Drees C, Kulas J, Chelune GJ, Prayson R, Wyllie E, Bingaman W et al. Effect of amygdala
resection on seizure outcome in patients undergoing surgery for medically refractory
temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia 2003;(Supplement 9):152.
37. Loddenkemper T, Kellinghaus C, Luders HO. Effects of Subthalamic Nucleus (STN)
Stimulation on Motor Cortex Excitability. Neurology 2003; 60(5):885-886.
38. Kellinghaus C, Loddenkemper T, Moddel G, Tergau F, Luders J, Ludemann P et al. Electric
brain stimulation for epilepsy therapy. Nervenarzt 2003; 74(8):664-676.
39. Hamer HM, Luders HO, Knake S, Fritsch B, Oertel WH, Rosenow F. Electrophysiology of
focal clonic seizures in humans: a study using subdural and depth electrodes. Brain 2003;
126(Pt 3):547-555.
40. Kellinghaus C, Loddenkemper T, Moddel G, Tergau F, Luders J, Ludemann P et al.
Elektrische Hirnstimulation in der Epilepsietherapie [Electric Brain Stimulation and
Epilepsy]. Nervenarzt 2003; 74:664-676.
41. Kellinghaus C, Loddenkemper T, Luders HO. Epileptic monocular nystagmus. Neurology
2003; 61(1):145-147.
42. Boonyapisit K, Najm I, Klem G, Ying Z, Burrier C, LaPresto E et al. Epileptogenicity of
Focal Malformations Due to Abnormal Cortical Development: Direct Electrocorticographichistopathologic Correlations. Epilepsia 2003; 44(1):69-76.
43. Bautista JF, Foldvary-Schaefer N, Bingaman WE, Luders HO. Focal cortical dysplasia and
intractable epilepsy in adults: clinical, EEG, imaging, and surgical features. Epilepsy Res
2003; 55(1-2):131-136.
44. Iwasaki M, Nair D, Matsumoto R, Bingaman W, Lüders H. Giant cortical evoked potentials
to director cortical stimulation in the vicinity of ictal-onset zone in patients with intractable
focal epilepsy. Epilepsia 2003;(Supplement 9):46.
45. Gonzalez-Martinez JA, Bingaman W, Wyllie E, Lüders H. Hemispherectomy in the
treatment of epilepsy due to malformations of corical development. Epilepsia
2003;(Supplement 9):150.
46. Loddenkemper T, Foldvary N, Raja S, Neme S, Luders HO. Ictal Urinary Urge: further
evidence for lateralization to the nondominant hemisphere. Epilepsia 2003; 44(1):124-126.
47. Lüders H. In Refractory Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, Consider Surgery Sooner. Cleve Clin J
Med 2003; 70(7):649-653.
48. Luders HO. Isolated hand palsy due to cortical infarction: Localization of the motor hand
area. Neurology 2003; 60(6):1054-1055.
49. Diehl B, LaPresto E, Najm I, Raja S, Rona S, Babb T et al. Neocortical temporal FDG-PET
hypometabolism correlates with temporal lobe atrophy in hippocampal sclerosis associated
with microscopic cortical dysplasia. Epilepsia 2003; 44(4):559-564.
50. Lüders H, Najm I, Wyllie E. Of Cabbages and Kings: Some considerations on
classifications, diagnostic schemes, semiology, and concepts - Reply. Epilepsia 2003;
51. Luders H, Najm I, Wyllie E. Reply to "Of cabbages and kings: Some considerations on
classifications, diagnostic schemes, semiology, and concepts". Epilepsia 2003; 44(1):6-8.
52. Drees C, Chapman K, Luders HO. Seizures after epilepsy surgery. Epilepsy Res 2003;
53. Schmidt D, Bertram E, Ryvlin P, Luders HO. The impact of temporal lobe surgery on cure
and mortality of drug-resistant epilepsy: summary of a workshop. Epilepsy Res 2003; 56(23):83-84.
54. Kellinghaus C, Montgomery E, Neme S, Ruggieri P, Luders HO. Unilateral Absence of the
Basal Ganglia Plus Epilepsy Without Motor Symptoms. Neurology 2003; 60(5):870-873.
55. Hamer H, Lüders H, Rosenow F, Najm I. Epilepsy Research 2002; 51:155-166.
56. Kim KJ, Lee R, Chae JH, Hwang YS. Application of semiological seizure classification to
epileptic seizures in children. Seizure-European Journal of Epilepsy 2002; 11(5):281-284.
57. Palmini A, Luders HO. Classification Issues in Malformations Caused by Abnormalities of
Cortical Development. Neurosurg Clin N Am 2002; 13(1):1-16, vii.
58. Hamer HM, Morris HH, Mascha EJ, Karafa MT, Bingaman WE, Bej MD et al. Complications
of Invasive Video-EEG Monitoring with Subdural Grid Electrodes. Neurology 2002;
59. Lüders H, Hamer H, Noachtar S, Rosenow F. Die Semiologische Anfallsklassifikation ist
eine Klassifikation, de epileptische Anfälle nach semiologischen Kriterien klassifiziert [The
semiological seizure classification is a classification that classifies epileptic seizures by
semiological criteria]. Z Epileptol 2002; 14:108-111.
60. Dinner DS, Neme S, Nair D, Montgomery EB, Jr., Baker KB, Rezai A et al. EEG and
Evoked Potential Recording from the Subthalamic Nucleus for Deep Brain Stimulation of
Intractable Epilepsy. Clin Neurophysiol 2002; 113(9):1391-1402.
61. Hamer HM, Luders HO, Rosenow F, Najm I. Focal Clonic Muscle Reponse Elicited by
Electrical Stimulation of the Motor Cortex in Humans. Epilepsy Res 2002; 51(1-2):155-166.
62. Hamer H, Lüders H, Rosenow F, Najm I. Focal Clonus Elicited by Electrical Stimulation of
the Motor Cortex in Humans. Epilepsy Research 2002; 51:155-166.
63. Marusic P, Najm I, Ying Z, Prayson R, Rona S, Nair D et al. Focal Cortical Dysplasias in
Eloquent Cortex: Functional Characteristics and Correlation with MRI and Histopathologic
Changes. Epilepsia 2002; 43(1):27-32.
64. Kallen K, Wyllie E, Luders HO, Lachhwani D, Kotagal P. Hypomotor Seizures in Infants and
Children. Epilepsia 2002; 43(8):882-888.
65. Gurd A, Bulacio J, Najm I, Bingaman W, Comair Y, Foldvary-Schaefer N et al. Seizure
outcome after temporal lobectomy in 381 adult patients: The Cleveland Clinic experience
(1991-2001). Epilepsia 2002; 43(Supplement 7):325.
66. Chapman K, Wyllie E, Najm I, Ruggieri P, Lüders H, Bingaman W et al. Seizure outcome
after epilepsy surgery in patients with normal preoperative MRI. Epilepsia 2002;
43(Supplement 7):319.
67. Baker KB, Montgomery EB, Jr., Rezai AR, Burgess R, Luders HO. Subthalamic Nucleus
Deep Brain Stimulus Evoked Potentials: Physiological and Therapeutic Implications. Mov
Disord 2002; 17(5):969-983.
68. Kunieda T, Zuscik MJ, Boongird A, Perez DM, Luders HO, Najm IM. Systemic
Overexpression of the Alpha 1B - Adrenergic Receptor in Mice: an Animal Model of
Epilepsy. Epilepsia 2002; 43(11):1324-1329.
69. Henkel A, Noachtar S, Pfander M, Luders HO. The localizing value of the abdominal aura
and its evolution - A study in focal epilepsies. Neurology 2002; 58(2):271-276.
70. Najm IM, Bingaman WE, Luders HO. The Use of Subdural Grids in the Management of
Focal Malformations Due to Abnormal Cortical Development. Neurosurg Clin N Am 2002;
71. Leijten FSS, Teunissen NW, Wieneke GH, Knape JTA, Schobben AFAM, van Huffelen AC.
Activation of interictal spiking in mesiotemporal lobe epilepsy by propofol-induced sleep.
Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology 2001; 18(3):291-298.
72. Loddenkemper T, Pan A, Neme S, Baker KB, Rezai AR, Dinner DS et al. Deep Brain
Stimulation in Epilepsy. J Clin Neurophysiol 2001; 18(6):514-532.
73. Boonyapisit K, Najm I, Klem G, Ying Z, Bingaman W, Prayson R et al. Direct
electrocorticographic and histopathological correlations in focal malformations due to
abnormal cortical development. Epilepsia 2001; 42(Supplement 7):114.
74. Kondo S, Najm I, Kunieda T, Perryman S, Yacubova K, Luders HO.
Electroencephalographic Characterization of an Adult Rat Model of Radiation-induced
Cortical Dysplasia. Epilepsia 2001; 42(10):1221-1227.
75. Lüders H. Epilepsy: Comprehensive Review and Case Discussions - book review.
Neurology 2001; 56:1427.
76. Lüders H, Noachtar S. Epileptic Seizures: Pathophysiology and Clinical Semiology. Book
Review. Neurology 2001; 56:1427.
77. Lachhwani D, Ying Z, Boongird A, Wyllie E, Bingaman W, Lüders H et al. Expression of Nmethyl-D-Asparate (NMDA) receptor subtypes and glutamate transporter proteins inhuman
epileptogenic neoplastic tissue. Epilepsia 2001; 42(Supplement 7):121.
78. Diehl B, Najm I, Mohamed A, Wyllie E, Babb T, Ying Z et al. Fluid-attenuated Inversion
Recovery: Correlations of Hippocampal Cell Densities with Signal Abnormalities. Neurology
2001; 57(6):1029-1032.
79. Hamer H, Lüders H, Najm I. Focal Clonic Muscle Response Elicited by Cortical Stimulation
in Humans. Epilepsia 2001; 42(Supplement 7):34.
80. Blume WT, Luders HO, Mizrahi E, Tassinari C, van Emde BW, Engel J, Jr. Glossary of
Descriptive Terminology for Ictal Semiology: Report of the ILAE Task Force on
Classification and Terminology. Epilepsia 2001; 42(9):1212-1218.
81. Glossary of Descriptive Terminology for Ictal Semiology: Report of the ILAE Task Force on
Classification and Terminology [Glossar einer deskriptiven terminologie für die iktale
semiology - Bericht der task force der internationalen liga gegen epilepsie (ILAE) zur
klassifikation und terminologie.]. Aktuelle Neurologie 2001; 28:448-454.
82. Schulz R, Luders HO, Hoppe M, Jokeit H, Moch A, Tuxhorn I et al. Lack of Aura
Experience Correlates with Bitemporal Dysfunction in Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.
Epilepsy Res 2001; 43(3):201-210.
83. Rosenow F, Hamer H, Knake S, Katsarou N, Fritsch B, Oertel WH et al. Lateralisierenda
und lokalisierende Anfallssymptome - Bedeutung und Anwendung in der klinischen Praxis.
Nervenarzt 2001;(57):743-749.
84. Nair D, Najm I, Bulacio J, Lüders H. Painful auras in focal epilepsy. Neurology
85. Diehl B, Najm I, Ruggieri P, Tkach J, Mohamed A, Morris H et al. Postictal Diffusionweighted Imaging for the Localization of Focal Epileptic Areas in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.
Epilepsia 2001; 42(1):21-28.
86. Neme S, Montgomery E, Lüders H, Rezai A. Seizure Outcome of Deep Brain Stimulation of
the Subthalamic Nucleus for Intractable Focal Epilepsy. Epilepsia 2001; 42 (suppl 2)(124).
87. Mohamed A, Wyllie E, Ruggieri P, Kotagal P, Babb T, Hilbig A et al. Temporal Lobe
Epilepsy Due to Hippocampal Sclerosis in Pediatric Candidates for Epilepsy Surgery.
Neurology 2001;(56):1643-1649.
88. Foldvary-Schaefer N, Klem G, Hammel J, Bingaman W, Najm I, Lüders H. The Localizing
Value of Ictal EEG in Focal Epilepsy. Neurology 2001; 57(11):2022-2028.
89. Carreno M, Luders HO, Rothner D. Time-related Configuration Change in Benign Focal
Epileptiform Discharges of Childhood: From a Dipole to a Negative Monopole in a Patient
with Generalized Epilepsy. J Clin Neurophysiol 2001; 18(1):33-36.
90. Pan A, Luders HO. Epileptiform discharges in benign focal epilepsy of childhood. Epileptic
Disorders 2000; 2(Supp 1):S29-S36.
91. Najm IM, Ying Z, Babb T, Mohamed A, Hadam J, LaPresto E et al. Epileptogenicity
Correlated with Increased N-methyl-D-aspartate Receptor Subunit NR2A/B in Human Focal
Cortical Dysplasia. Epilepsia 2000; 41(8):971-976.
92. Diehl B, Dinner DS, Mohamed A, Najm I, Klem G, LaPresto E et al. Evidence of Cingulate
Motor Representation in Humans. Neurology 2000; 55(5):725-728.
93. Schulz R, Luders HO, Hoppe M, Tuxhorn I, May T, Ebner A. Interictal EEG and Ictal Scalp
EEG Propagation are Highly Predictive of Surgical Outcome in Mesial Temporal Lobe
Epilepsy. Epilepsia 2000; 41(5):564-570.
94. Mohamed A, Luders HO. Magnetic resonance imaging in temporal lobe epilepsy:
usefulness for the etiological diagnosis of temporal lobe epilepsy. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo)
2000; 40(1):1-15.
95. Edwards J, Wyllie E, Ruggieri P, Bingaman W, Lüders H, Kotagal P et al. Seizure Outcome
After Surgery for Epilepsy Due to Malformation of Cortical Development. Neurology 2000;
96. Noachtar S, Carreno M, Foldvary N, Luders HO. Seizures and Pseudoseizures. Suppl Clin
Neurophysiol 2000; 53:259-270.
97. Bautista JF, Luders HO. Semiological Seizure Classification: Relevance to Pediatric
Epilepsy. Epileptic Disorders 2000; 2(1):65-72.
98. Maegaki Y, Najm I, Terada K, Morris HH, Bingaman WE, Kohaya N et al. Somatosensory
Evoked High-frequency Oscillations Recorded Directly from the Human Cerebral Cortex.
Clin Neurophysiol 2000; 111(11):1916-1926.
99. Diehl B, Luders HO. Temporal lobe epilepsy: When are Invasive Recordings Needed?
Epilepsia 2000; 41 Suppl 3:S61-S74.
100. Werhahn KJ, Noachtar S, Arnold S, Pfander M, Henkel A, Winkler PA et al. Tonic seizures:
Their Significance for Lateralization and Frequency in Different Focal Epileptic Syndromes.
Epilepsia 2000; 41(9):1153-1161.
101. Lüders H, Acharya J, Baumgartner C, Benbadis SR, Bleasel A, Burgess R et al. A New
Epileptic Seizure Classification Based Exclusively on Ictal Semiology [editorial] - Article
Review. Acta Neurol Scand 1999; 99(3):137-141.
102. Akimura T, Yah H, Mantil J, Privitera M, Gartner M, Tomsick T. Cerebral Metabolism of the
Remote Area after Epilepsy Surgery. [Commentary on article - H. Lüders]. Neurol Med
Chir (Tokyo) 1999; 39:16-27.
103. Luders HO. Current status and future developments in the treatment of medically
intractable epilepsy in adults. Rinsho Shinkeigaku 1999; 39(1):77.
104. Mikuni N, Nishiyama K, Babb TL, Ying Z, Najm I, Okamoto T et al. Decreased calmodulinNR1 co-assembly as a mechanism for focal epilepsy in cortical dysplasia. Neuroreport
1999; 10(7):1609-1612.
105. Noachtar S, Luders HO. Focal Akinetic Seizures as Documented by
Electroencephalography and Video Recordings. Neurology 1999; 53(2):427-429.
106. Ying Z, Babb TL, Hilbig A, Wyllie E, Mohamed A, Bingaman W et al. Hippocampal
Chemical Anatomy in Pediatric and Adolescent Patients with Hippocampal or
Extrahippocampal Epilepsy. Dev Neurosci 1999; 21(3-5):236-247.
107. Acharya V, Acharya J, Lüders H. Olfactory Epileptic Auras. Neurology 1999; 56:61.
108. Diehl B, Najm I, Ruggieri P, Foldvary N, Mohamed A, Tkach J et al. Periictal Diffusionweighted Imaging in a Case of Lesional Epilepsy. Epilepsia 1999; 40(11):1667-1671.
109. Maton BM, Najm IM, Wang Y, Luders HO, Ng TC. Postictal in Situ MRS Brain Lactate in
the Rat Kindling Model. Neurology 1999; 53(9):2045-2052.
110. Lüders H. Response to Drs. Nguyen the Tich and Pereon - Letter to the Editor. Epilepsia
1999; 40(4):531-532.
111. Hamer HM, Wyllie E, Luders HO, Kotagal P, Acharya J. Symptomatology of Epileptic
Seizures in the First Three Years of Life. Epilepsia 1999; 40(7):837-844.
112. Klem GH, Luders HO, Jasper HH, Elger C. The Ten-twenty Electrode System of the
International Federation. The International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology.
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113. Najm IM, Hadam J, Ckakraverty D, Mikuni N, Penrod C, Sopa C et al. A Short Episode of
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121. Lüders H, Acharya J, Baumgartner C, Benbadis SR, Bleasel A, Burgess R et al.
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123. Noachtar S, Holthausen H, Luders HO. Epileptic Negative Myoclonus - Subdural EEG
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126. Schulz R, Luders HO, Tuxhorn I, Ebner A, Holthausen H, Hoppe M et al. Localization of
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129. Luders HO, Comair YG, Bleasel AF, Holthausen H. Recovery of Function Following
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130. Acharya JN, Wyllie E, Luders HO, Kotagal P, Lancman M, Coelho M. Seizure
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131. Najm IM, Wang Y, Hong SC, Luders HO, Ng TC, Comair YG. Temporal changes in proton
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132. Hamano T, Luders HO, Ikeda A, Collura TF, Comair YG, Shibasaki H. The Cortical
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133. Sakamoto A, Garzon E, Fernandes R, Lüders H. Avaliaçao pré-cirúrgica. Epilepsia
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135. Lim SH, Dinner DS, Luders HO. Cortical Stimulation of the Supplementary Sensorimotor
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136. Lüders H, Dinner D, Morris H, Wyllie E, Godoy J. EEG Evaluation for Epilepsy Surgery in
Children. Cleve Clin J Med 1996; 56(Part 1):S53-S61.
137. Sawrie SM, Chelune GJ, Naugle RI, Luders HO. Empirical Methods for Assessing
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138. Benbadis SR, Luders HO. Epileptic Syndromes: An Underutilized Concept. Epilepsia 1996;
139. Benbadis SR, Luders HO. Generalized epilepsies. Neurology 1996; 46(4):1194-1195.
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144. Benbadis SR, Gerson WA, Harvey JH, Luders HO. Photosensitive Temporal Lobe
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145. Schaffler L, Luders HO, Beck GJ. Quantitative Comparison of Language Deficits Produced
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Language Areas. Epilepsia 1996; 37(5):463-475.
146. Ikeda A, Luders HO, Collura TF, Burgess RC, Morris HH, Hamano T et al. Subdural
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149. Bleasel A, Comair Y, Luders HO. Surgical Ablations of the Mesial Frontal Lobe in Humans.
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150. Luders HO. The supplementary sensorimotor area. An overview. Adv Neurol 1996; 70:116.
151. Arnold S, Schlaug G, Neimann H, Ebner A, Lüders H, Witte OW et al. Topography of
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152. Lancman ME, O'Donovan C, Dinner D, Coelho M, Luders HO. Usefulness of Prolonged
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153. Schulz R, Luders HO, Noachtar S, May T, Sakamoto A, Holthausen H et al. Amnesia of the
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154. Ebner A, Dinner D, Noachtar S, Lüders H. Automatisms with preserved responsiveness: A
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155. Benbadis SR, Dinner D, Chelune GJ, Piedmonte M, Lüders H. Autonomous Versus
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Amobarbital Procedure. J Epilepsy 1995; 8(3):255-263.
156. Benbadis SR, Lüders H. Classification des crises epileptiques: comparison entre deux
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157. Geller EB, Lüders H. Current concepts in the Partial Epilepsies. Hokkaido Epilepsy
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158. Salanova V, Morris H, Van Ness PC, Kotagal P, Wyllie E, Lüders H. Frontal Lobe Seizures:
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159. Ikeda A, Luders HO, Burgess RC, Sakamoto A, Klem GH, Morris HH, III et al. Generator
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160. Dinner DS, Luders HO. Human Supplementary Sensorimotor Area. Electrical Stimulation
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161. Steinhoff BJ, So NK, Lim S, Luders HO. Ictal Scalp EEG in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy with
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166. Schaffler L, Luders HO, Morris HH, III, Wyllie E. Anatomic Distribution of Cortical Language
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167. Lim SH, Dinner DS, Pillay PK, Luders H, Morris HH, Klem G et al. Functional-Anatomy of
the Human Supplementary Sensorimotor Area - Results of Extraoperative ElectricalStimulation. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology 1994; 91(3):179-193.
168. Lüders H, Murphy D, Awad IA, Wyllie E, Dinner D, Morris H et al. Quantitative Analysis of
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1994; 35(6):1174-1178.
169. Schaffler L, Bourgeois BF, Luders HO. Rapid Reversibility of Autoinduction of
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170. Kotagal P, Luders HO. Recent Advances in Childhood Epilepsy. Brain Dev 1994; 16(1):115.
171. Naugle RI, Chelune GJ, Schuster J, Lüders H, Comair Y. Recognition Memory for Words
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173. McSweeney A, Naugle RI, Chelune GJ, Lüders H. "T Scores for Changes": An Illustration
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174. Salanova V, Morris H, Van Ness PC, Lüders H, Dinner D, Wyllie E. Comparison of Scalp
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175. Schaffler L, Luders HO, Dinner DS, Lesser RP, Chelune GJ. Comprehension Deficits
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176. Naugle RI, Chelune GJ, Cheek R, Lüders H, Awad IA. Detection of Changes in MaterialSpecific Memory following Temporal Lobectomy Using the Wechsler Memory ScaleRevised. Arch Neurol 1993; 8(5):381-395.
177. Pillay PK, Lim S, Chee MW, Awad IA, Lüders H. Epilepsy Surgery in Children and Adults.
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178. Luders HO, Burgess R, Noachtar S. Expanding the International Classification of Seizures
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179. Chee MW, Kotagal P, Van Ness PC, Gragg L, Murphy D, Luders HO. Lateralizing Signs in
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181. Noachtar S, Hashimoto N, Lüders H. Pattern Visual Evoked Potentials Recorded from
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182. Kanner A, Morris H, Stagno S, Chelune GJ, Lüders H. Remission of Obsessive-Compulsive
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183. Lim S, Lüders H, Boenigk H. Semi-Invasive and invasive neurophysiologische
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185. Kanner A, Morris H, Lüders H, Dinner D, Van Ness PC, Wyllie E. Usefulness of Unilateral
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186. Luders HO, Lesser RP, Dinner DS, Morris HH, Wyllie E, Godoy J et al. A Negative Motor
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187. Salanova V, Morris H, Rehm P, Wyllie E, Dinner D, Lüders H et al. Comparison of the
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188. Wingkun E, Awad IA, Lüders H. Matural History of Recurrent Seizures following Resective
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189. Ikeda A, Luders HO, Burgess RC, Shibasaki H. Movement-related Potentials Recorded
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190. Neshige R, Lüders H. Recording of Event-Related Potentials (P300) from Human Cortex. J
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191. Godoy J, Lüders H, Dinner D, Morris H, Wyllie E, Murphy D. Significance of Sharp Waves
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193. Lim S, Pillay PK, Lüders H, Boenigk H. Use of Intracranial Neurophysiologic Recording
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194. Awad IA, Assirati J, Burgess R, Barnett G, Lüders H. A New Class of Electrodes of
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Electrodes in the Mapping of Seizure Foci. Neuro Res 1991; 13:177-183.
195. Nayel M, Awad IA, Magdinec M, Chelune GJ, Lüders H. Anterior Temporal Lobectomy with
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Consecutive Patients with Intractable Epilepsy. Epilepsy 1991; 4:127-138.
196. Luders H, Lesser RP, Hahn J, Dinner DS, Morris HH, Wyllie E et al. Basal Temporal
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197. Lim S, So NK, Lüders H, Morris H, Turnbull J. Etiologic Factors for Unitemporal vs
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198. Neshige R, Kuroda Y, Kakigi R, Fujiyama F, Matoba R, Yarita M et al. Event Related Brain
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Forensic Science International 1991; 51:95-103.
199. Nayel M, Awad IA, Larkins M, Lüders H. Experimental Limbic Epilepsy: Models,
Pathophysiologic Concepts, and Clinical Relevance. Cleve Clin J Med 1991; 58:521-530.
200. Nayel M, Awad IA, Lüders H. Extent of Mesiobasal Resection Determines Outcome after
Temporal Lobectomy for Intractable Complex Partial Seizures. Neurosurgery 1991;
201. Wyllie E, Naugle RI, Awad IA, Chelune GJ, Lüders H, Dinner D et al. Intracarotid
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Temporal Lobectomy. Epilepsia 1991; 32(6):857-864.
202. Wyllie E, Naugle RI, Chelune GJ, Lüders H, Morris H, Skibinski C. Intracarotid Amobarbital
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203. Sakamoto A, Lüders H, Burgess R. Intracranial Recordings of Movement Related
Potentials to Voluntary Saccades. J Clin Neurophysiol 1991; 8:223-233.
204. Awad IA, Rosenfeld J, Ahl J, Hahn J, Lüders H. Intractable Epilepsy and Structural Lesions
of the Brain: Mapping, Resection Strategies and Seizure Outcome. Epilepsia 1991;
205. Wingkun E, Awad IA, Lüders H, Awad C. Natural History of Recurrent Seizures After
Resective Surgery for Epilepsy. Epilepsia 1991; 32(6):851-856.
206. Wyllie E, Friedman D, Lüders H, Morris H, Rothner AD, Turnbull J. Outcome of
Psychogenic Seizure in Children and Adolescents Compared with Adults. Neurology 1991;
207. Chelune GJ, Naugle RI, Lüders H, Awad IA. Prediction of cognitive change as a function of
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208. Awad IA, Nayel M, Lüders H. Second Operation After the Failure of Previous Resection for
Epilepsy. Neurosurgery 1991; 28(4):510-518.
209. Wyllie E, Wyllie R, Kotagal P, Lüders H, Kanner A. Comfortable Insertion of Sphenoidal
Electrodes in Children. Epilepsia 1990; 31(5):521-523.
210. Collura TF, Lüders H, Burgess R. EEG Mapping for Surgery of Epilepsy. Brain Topography
1990; 3(1):65-77.
211. Wyllie E, Luders H, Murphy D, Morris H, Dinner D, Lesser R et al. Intracarotid Amobarbital
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Epilepsia 1990; 31(2):156-161.
212. Whiting D, Awad IA, Miles J, Chou S, Lüders H. Intractable Complex Partial Seizures
Associated with Occult Temporal Lobe Encephalocele and Meningo-angiomatosis: A Case
Report. Surgical Neurology 1990; 34:318-322.
213. Awad IA, Wyllie E, Lüders H, Ahl J. Intraoperative Determination of the Extent of Corpus
Callostomy for Epilepsy: Two Simple Techniques. Neurosurgery 1990; 26:102-105.
214. Wyllie E, Friedman D, Rothner AD, Lüders H, Dinner D, Morris H et al. Psychogenic
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Electroencephalographic Recording. Pediatrics 1990; 85(4):480-484.
215. Kanner A, Morris H, Lüders H, Dinner D, Wyllie E, Mendendorp S. Supplementary Motor
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216. Barnett G, Burgess R, Awad IA, Skipper G, Edwards C, Lüders H. Technical Note: Epidural
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1990; 27:113-115.
217. Godoy J, Luders H, Dinner DS, Morris HH, Wyllie E. Versive Eye-Movements Elicited by
Cortical Stimulation of the Human Brain. Neurology 1990; 40(2):296-299.
218. Lüders H, Hahn J, Lesser R, Dinner D, Morris H, Wyllie E et al. Basal Temporal Subdural
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219. Morris H, Kanner A, Lüders H, Murphy D, Dinner D, Wyllie E et al. Can Sharp Waves
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Focus. Epilepsia 1989; 30(5):532-539.
220. Wyllie E, Lüders H. Clinical Manifestations and Identification of Surgical Candidates. Cleve
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221. Lüders H, Lesser R, Dinner D, Morris H, Wyllie E, Rothner AD et al. Cortical Stimulation
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222. Hahn J, Andermann F, Lüders H. Epilepsy Surgery in Children and Adolescents (Panel
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223. Awad IA, Katz A, Hahn JF, Kong AK, Ahl J, Luders H. Extent of Resection in Temporal
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224. Katz A, Awad IA, Kong AK, Chelune GJ, Naugle RI, Wyllie E et al. Extent of Resection in
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225. Wyllie E, Rothner AD, Lüders H. Partial Seizures in Children: Clinical Features Medical
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226. Awad IA, Katz A, Lüders H, Weinstein M. Quantification of Temporal Lobe Resections: A
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227. Lüders H, Wyllie E, Rothner AD, Bourgeois BF, Kotagal P. Surgery of Localization Related
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228. Neshige R, Lüders H. Identification of a Negative Bitemporal Component (N300) of the
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229. Neshige R, Lüders H, Wyllie E, Klem G. Intraindividual Variability of Short Latency
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231. Chelune GJ, Lüders H. Memory Function and Electrical Stimulation of the Temporal Lobe
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232. Neshige R, Luders H, Friedman L, Shibasaki H. Recording of Movement-Related Potentials
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233. Neshige R, Lüders H, Shibasaki H. Recording of Movement Related Potentials from the
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235. Morris H, Dinner D, Lüders H, Wyllie E, Kramer R. Supplementary Motor Seizures: Clinical
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237. Lüders H. Surgical Monitoring with Auditory Evoked Potentials. J Clin Neurophysiol 1988;
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240. Dinner D, Lüders H, Lesser R, Morris H. Cortical Generators of Somatosensory Evoked
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244. Little J, Lesser R, Lüders H. Electrophysiological Monitoring during Basilar Aneurysm
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245. Lüders H. Epileptische Anfälle. Phänomenologie, Differential diagnose und Therapie.
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and Morphological Abnormalities in Temporal-Lobe Epilepsy - A Comparison of Interictal
and Ictal Eeg, Ct, Mri, Spect and Pet. Journal of Neurology 1987; 234(6):377-384.
248. Kramer R, Lüders H, Lesser R, Weinstein M, Dinner D, Morris H et al. Transient Focal
Abnormalities of Neuroimaging Studies During Focal Status Epilepticus. Epilepsia 1987;
249. Prass R, Kinney SE, Lüders H. Transtragal, Transtympanic Electrode Placement for
Intraoperative Electrocochleographic Monitoring. Otolaryngology Head Neck Surg 1987;
250. Prass R, Lüders H. Acoustic (Loudspeaker) Facial Electromyographic Monitoring Partn I.
Evoked Electromyographic Potential Monitoring. Neurosurgery 1986; 19:392-400.
251. Luders H, Lesser RP, Hahn J, Dinner DS, Morris H, Resor S et al. Basal Temporal
Language Area Demonstrated by Electrical Stimulation. Neurology 1986; 36(4):505-510.
252. Lee BI, Luders H, Lesser RP, Dinner DS, Morris HH. Cortical Potentials Related to
Voluntary and Passive Finger Movements Recorded from Subdural Electrodes in Humans.
Annals of Neurology 1986; 20(1):32-37.
253. Ebrahim Z, DeBoer G, Lüders H, Hahn J, Lesser R. Effect of Etomidate on the
Electroencephalogram of Patients with Epilepsy. Anesthesia and Analgesia 1986; 65:10041006.
254. Lesser R, Lüders H, Morris H, Dinner D, Klem G, Hahn J et al. Electrical Stimulation of
Wernicke's Area Interferes with Comprehension. Neurology 1986; 36:658-663.
255. Lüders H, Dinner D, Lesser R, Morris H. Evoked Potentials in Cortical Localization. J Clin
Neurophysiol 1986; 3:75-84.
256. Collard ME, Lesser R, Lüders H, Dinner D, Morris H, Hahn J et al. Four Dichotic Speech
Tests Before and After Temporal Lobectomy. Ear and Hearing 1986; 7(6):363-369.
257. Little J, Larkins M, Lüders H, Hahn J, Erenberg G. Fusiform Basilar Artery Aneurysm in a
33-month-old child. Neurosurgery 1986; 19(4):631-634.
258. Dinner D, Lüders H, Lesser R, Morris H, Barnett G, Klem G. Intraoperative Spinal
Somatosensory Evoked Potential Monitoring. J Neurosurg 1986; 65:807-814.
259. Dinner D, Lüders H, Lesser R, Morris H. Invasive Methods of Somatosensory Evoked
Potential Monitoring. J Clin Neurophysiol 1986; 3:113-130.
260. Wyllie E, Luders H, Morris HH, Lesser RP, Dinner DS, Goldstick L. Ipsilateral Forced Head
and Eye Turning at the End of the Generalized Tonic-Clonic Phase of Versive Seizures.
Neurology 1986; 36(9):1212-1217.
261. Lesser R, Modic M, Weinstein M, Duchesneau P, Lüders H, Dinner D et al. Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (1.5 Telsa) in Patients with Intractable Focal Seizures. Arch Neurol
1986; 43:367-371.
262. Lesser R, Dinner D, Lüders H, Morris H. Memory for Objects Presented Soon After
Intracarotid Amobarbital Sodium Injections in Patients with Medically Intractable Complex
Partial Seizures. Neurology 1986; 36:895-899.
263. Lesser R, Lüders H, Wyllie E, Dinner D, Morris H. Mental Deterioration in Epilepsy.
Epilepsia 1986; 27(2):S105-S123.
264. Morris H, Lüders H, Hahn J, Lesser R, Dinner D, Estes ML. Neurophysiological Techniques
as an Aid to Surgical Treatment of Primary Brain Tumors. Annals of Neurology 1986;
265. Lesser R, Raudzens P, Lüders H, Nuwer M, Goldie W, Morris H et al. Postoperative
Neurological Deficits May Occur Despite Unchanged Intraoperative Somatosensory
Evoked Potentials. Annals of Neurology 1986; 19:22-25.
266. Lüders H, Lesser R, Dinner D, Morris H, Wyllie E. Somatosensory Evoked Potentials
(SEP). Neurology and Neurosurgery Update 1986; 7:2-8.
267. Wyllie E, Luders H, Morris HH, Lesser RP, Dinner DS. The Lateralizing Significance of
Versive Head and Eye-Movements During Epileptic Seizures. Neurology 1986; 36(5):606611.
268. Morris H, Lüders H, Lesser R, Dinner D, Klem G. The Value of closely Spaced Scalp
Electrodes in the Localization of Epileptiform Foci: A Study of 26 Patients with Complex
Partial Seizures. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1986; 63:107-111.
269. Lesser R, Lüders H, Dinner D, Morris H. An Introduction to the Basic Concepts of Polarity
and Localization. J Clin Neurophysiol 1985; 2:45-61.
270. Prass R, Lüders H. Constant-current versus constant voltage stimulation (Letter to the
Editor). J Neurosurg 1985; 62:622-623.
271. Lesser R, Lüders H, Dinner D, Morris H. Epileptic Seizures Due to Thrombotic and Embolic
Cerebrovascular Disease in Older Patients. Epilepsia 1985; 26:622-630.
272. Lee BI, Lesser R, Pippenger C, Morris H, Lüders H, Dinner D et al. Familial Paroxysmal
Hypnogenic Dystonia. Neurology 1985; 35:1357-1360.
273. Williams GW, Luders HO, Brickner A, Goormastic M, Klass DW. Interobserver Variability in
EEG Interpretation. Neurology 1985; 35(12):1714-1719.
274. Lesser R, Lüders H, Klem G, Dinner D, Morris H, Hahn J. Ipsilateral Trigeminal Sensory
Response to Cortical Stimulation by Subdural Electrodes. Neurology 1985; 35:1760-1763.
275. Lüders H, Lesser R, Dinner D, Morris H. Optimizing Stimulating and Recording Parameters
in Somatosensory Evoked Potential Studies. J Clin Neurophysiol 1985; 2:383-396.
276. Dinner D, Lüders H, Hanson M, Lesser R, Klem G. Pattern Evoked Potentials (PEPs) in
Parkinson's Disease. Neurology 1985; 35:610-613.
277. Wyllie E, Lueders H, Pippenger C, VanLente F. Postictal Serum Creatine Kinase in the
Diagnosis of Seizure Disorders. Arch Neurol 1985; 42(2):123-126.
278. Lesser R, Leigh RJ, Dinner D, Lüders H, Morris H, Tomsak R et al. Preservation of
Voluntary Saccades Following Intracarotid Injection of Barbiturate. Neurology 1985;
279. Lesser R, Lüders H, Klem G, Dinner D. Visual Potentials Evoked by Light-Emitting Diodes
Mounted in Goggles. Cleve Clin Q 1985; 52:223-228.
280. Tsuji S, Lüders H. Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials Recorded with Non-Cephalic
Reference Electrodes. Journal of Electroenceph and Electromyo (Jpn) 1984; 12:283-289.
281. Dinner D, Lüders H, Rothner AD, Erenberg G. Complex Partial Seizures of Childhood
Onset: A Clinical and Encephalographic Study. Cleve Clin Q 1984; 51:287-291.
282. Lesser R, Lüders H, Klem G, Dinner D, Morris H, Hahn J. Cortical After-discharge and
Functional Response Thresholds: Results of Extraoperative Testing. Epilepsia 1984;
283. Lesser R, Dinner D, Lüders H, Morris H. Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Intractable
Seizures. Cleve Clin Q 1984; 51:227-240.
284. Tsuji S, Lüders H, Dinner D, Lesser R, Klem G. Effect of Stimulus Intensity on Subcortical
and Cortical Somatosensory Evoked Potentials by Posterior Tibial Nerve Stimulation.
Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1984; 59:229-237.
285. Lüders H, Lesser R, Dinner D, Morris H. Generalized Epilepsies: A Review. Cleve Clin Q
1984; 51:205-226.
286. Orlowski JP, Erenberg G, Lueders H, Cruse RP. Hypothermia and Barbiturate Coma for
Refractory Status Epilepticus. Crit Care Med 1984; 12(4):367-372.
287. Morris H, Lesser R, Lüders H, Dinner D. Medical Therapy for Intractable Complex Partial
Seizures. Cleve Clin Q 1984; 51:255-260.
288. Lee YS, Lueders H, Dinner DS, Lesser RP, Hahn J, Klem G. Recording of Auditory Evoked
Potentials in Man Using Chronic Subdural Electrodes. Brain 1984; 107 ( Pt 1):115-131.
289. Lüders H, Lesser R, Gurd A, Klem G. Recovery Functions of Spinal Cord and Subcortical
Somatosensory Evoked Potentials to Posterior Tibial Nerve Stimulation: Intrasurgical
Recordings. Brain Res 1984; 309:27-34.
290. Wyllie E, Lüders H, MacMillan J, Gupta M. Serum Prolactin Levels After Epileptic Seizures.
Neurology 1984; 34:1601-1604.
291. Tsuji S, Lüders H, Lesser R, Dinner D, Klem G. Subcortical and Cortical Somatosensory
Potentials Evoked by Posterior Tibial Nerve Stimulation: Normative Values.
Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1984; 59:214-228.
292. Lesser RP, Lueders H, Dinner DS, Hahn J, Cohen L. The Location of Speech and Writing
Functions in the Frontal Language Area; Results of Extraoperative Cortical Stimulation.
Brain 1984; 107 ( Pt 1):275-291.
293. Lüders H, Lesser R, Dinner D, Hahn J. The Second Sensory Area in Humans: Evoked
Potentials and Electrical Stimulation Studies. Annals of Neurology 1984; 17:177-184.
294. Morris H, Lüders H, Lesser R, Dinner D, Hahn J. Transient Neuro-psychological
Abnormalities (Including Gerstmann's Syndrome) during Cortical Stimulation. Neurology
1984; 34:877-883.
295. Little JR, Lesser RP, Lueders H, Furlan AJ. Brain Stem Auditory Evoked Potentials in
Posterior Circulation Surgery. Neurosurgery 1983; 12(5):496-502.
296. Lueders H, Lesser RP, Hahn J, Dinner DS, Klem G. Cortical Somatosensory Evoked
Potentials in Response to Hand Stimulation. J Neurosurg 1983; 58(6):885-894.
297. Lesser RP, Lueders H, Dinner DS. Evidence for Epilepsy is Rare in Patients with
Psychogenic Seizures. Neurology 1983; 33(4):502-504.
298. Lüders H, Orlowski JP, Dinner D, Lesser R, Klem G. Far Field Auditory Evoked Potentials
in Near-Miss Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Arch Neurol 1983; 41:615-617.
299. Lueders H, Dinner DS, Lesser RP, Klem G. Origin of far-field subcortical evoked potentials
to posterior tibial and median nerve stimulation. A comparative study. Arch Neurol 1983;
300. Lesser RP, Lueders H, Conomy JP, Furlan AJ, Dinner DS. Sensory Seizure Mimicking a
Psychogenic Seizure. Neurology 1983; 33(6):800-802.
301. Lueders H, Lesser R, Hahn J, Little J, Klem G. Subcortical Somatosensory Evoked
Potentials to Median Nerve Stimulation. Brain 1983; 106 (Pt 2):341-372.
302. Lueders H, Gurd A, Hahn J, Andrish J, Weiker G, Klem G. A New Technique for
Intraoperative Monitoring of Spinal Cord Function: Multichannel Recording of Spinal Cord
and Subcortical Evoked Potentials. Spine 1982; 7(2):110-115.
303. Kinast M, Lueders H, Rothner AD, Erenberg G. Benign focal epileptiform discharges in
childhood migraine (BFEDC). Neurology 1982; 32(11):1309-1311.
304. Levy WJ, Hahn JH, Lueders H, Lesser R. Chronic cortical electrode array for seizure
investigation. Childs Brain 1982; 9(1):48-52.
305. Adelman S, Lueders H, Dinner DS, Lesser RP. Paradoxical Lateralization of Parasagittal
Sharp Waves in a Patient with Epilepsia Partialis Continua. Epilepsia 1982; 23(3):291-295.
306. Cruse R, Klem G, Lesser R, Lüders H. Paradoxical Lateralization of Cortical Evoked by
Stimulation of Posterior Tibal Nerve. Arch Neurol 1982; 39:222-225.
307. Hardy RW, Jr., Kinney SE, Lueders H, Lesser RP. Preservation of cochlear nerve function
with the aid of brain stem auditory evoked potentials. Neurosurgery 1982; 11(1 Pt 1):16-19.
308. Orlowski JP, Rothner AD, Lueders H. Submersion accidents in children with epilepsy. Am J
Dis Child 1982; 136(9):777-780.
309. Lueders H, Hahn J, Gurd A, Tsuji S, Dinner D, Lesser R et al. Surgical Monitoring of Spinal
Cord Function: Cauda Equina Stimulation Technique. Neurosurgery 1982; 11(4):482-485.
310. Hahn J, Lesser R, Klem G, Lüders H. A Simple Technique for Monitoring Intraoperative
Spinal Cord Function. J Neurosurg 1981; 9:690-692.
311. Dinner DS, Lueders H, Lederman R, Gretter TE. Aphasic status epilepticus: a case report.
Neurology 1981; 31(7):888-891.
312. Lesser RP, Lueders H, Hahn J, Klem G. Early somatosensory potentials evoked by median
nerve stimulation: intraoperative monitoring. Neurology 1981; 31(12):1519-1523.
313. Schaul N, Lueders H, Sachdev K. Generalized, bilaterally synchronous bursts of slow
waves in the EEG. Arch Neurol 1981; 38(11):690-692.
314. Adams DJ, Lueders H. Hyperventilation and 6-hour EEG recording in evaluation of
absence seizures. Neurology 1981; 31(9):1175-1177.
315. Lueders H, Andrish J, Gurd A, Weiker G, Klem G. Origin of Far-field Subcortical Potentials
Evoked by Stimulation of the Posterior Tibial Nerve. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol
1981; 52(4):336-344.
316. Bustamante L, Lueders H, Pippenger C, Goldensohn ES. Quantitative evaluation of
anticonvulsant effects on penicillin-induced spike foci in cats. Neurology 1981; 31(9):11631166.
317. Hahn JF, Lesser R, Klem G, Lueders H. Simple technique for monitoring intraoperative
spinal cord function. Neurosurgery 1981; 9(6):692-695.
318. Lueders H, Bustamante LA, Zablow L, Goldensohn ES. The independence of closely
spaced discrete experimental spike foci. Neurology 1981; 31(7):846-851.
319. Lueders H, Bustamante L, Zablow L, Krinsky A, Goldensohn ES. Quantitative Studies of
Spike Foci Induced by Minimal Concentrations of Penicillin. Electroencephalogr Clin
Neurophysiol 1980; 48(1):80-89.
320. Bustamante L, Lueders H, Pippenger C, Goldensohn ES. The Effects of Phenytoin on the
Penicillin-induced Spike Focus. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1980; 48(1):90-97.
321. Lesser RP, Koehle R, Lueders H. Effect of stimulus intensity on short latency
somatosensory evoked potentials. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1979; 47(3):377382.
322. Mayeux R, Lueders H. Complex partial status epilepticus: Case report and proposal for
diagnostic criteria. Neurology 1978; 28(9 Pt 1):957-961.
323. Adams DJ, Lüders H, Pippenger C. Sodium Valproate in the Treatment of Intractable
Seizure Disorders. A Clinical and EEG Study. Neurology 1978; 28:152-157.
324. Goldensohn ES, Bustamante LA, Lueders H, Pippenger C. The effect of sodium
dipropylacetate on experimental spike foci. Trans Am Neurol Assoc 1977; 102:167-169.
325. Tamura K, Lüders H, Kuroiwa Y. Further Observations on the Effects of Aging on the
Waveform of the Somatosensory Cortical Evoked Potential. Electroencephalogr Clin
Neurophysiol 1972; 33:325-327.
326. Matsunaga M, Lüders H, Luroiwa Y. A Case with Continuous Choreoathetotic Movement
Localized to the Right Upper Limb. Brain 1971; 23:417-422.
327. Miyoshi S, Lüders H, Kato M, Kuroiwa Y. The Somatosensory Evoked Potential in Patients
with Cerebrovascular Diseases. Folia Psychiat Neurol (Jpn) 1971; 24:9-25.
328. Izumi K, Lüders H, Shibasaki H, Umezaki H. A case report of Myasthenia Gravis with
Abnormal EEG. Naika (Jpn) 1970; 26:188-191.
329. Kato M, Lüders H, Miyoshi S, Kuroiwa Y. Clinical Study of Evoked Cortical Potentials I.
Somatosensory Evoked Potentials. Clinical Neurophysiology (Tokyo) 1970; 10:539-547.
330. Kato M, Lüders H, Miyoshi S, Kuroiwa Y. Clinical Study of Evoked Cortical Potentials II.
Visual Evoked Potentials. Clinical Neurophysiology (Tokyo) 1970; 10:548-555.
331. Lüders H. The Effects of Aging on the Waveform of the Somatosensory Cortical Evoked
Potential. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1970; 29:450-460.
332. Kuroiwa Y, Lüders H, Kato M, Mawatari S. Cortical Evoked Potentials in a case of focal
epilepsy. Electroencephalography 1969; 11:97-104.
333. Lüders H, Kato M, Kuroiwa Y. Cortical Evoked Potentials in Hepatolenticular Degeneration.
Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1969; 27:425-428.
334. Lüders H, Kato M, Kuroiwa Y. Cortical Evoked Potentials in Wilson's Disease. Clin
Neurophysiol (Jpn) 1969; 9:205-213.
335. Kuroiwa Y, Lüders H. Adrenal Cortical Hormone Treatment in Multiple Sclerosis: A Report
of Seven Cases. Jap J Clin Exp Med 1968; 45:1756-1758.
336. Kuroiwa Y, Lüders H. Neuro-Behcet Syndrome. Medicine (Tokyo) 1967; 4:1722-1724.
1. Lüders H. Epilepsias: Diagnóstico y Tratamiento [Preface]. 2004.
2. Lüders H, Luders J. Letter to Editor. 2. Neurosurgery 51, 385. 2002.
3. Dinner D, Lüders H. Temporo-spatial Correlations between Scalp and Centromedian
Thalamic EEG Activities of Stage II Slow Wave Sleep in Patients with Generalized Seizures
of the Cryptogenic Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome - Commentary. Clinical Neurophysiology
113[11], 1869-1871. 2002.
4. Najm I, Lüders H. Deep Brain Stimulation: Prospects in Epilepsy. The Ictal Zone, Official
Newsletter of the AAN Epilepsy Section. 3[1], 6-7. 2001. St. Paul, MN.
5. Lüders H, Noachtar S. Epileptic Seizures: Pathophysiology and Clinical Semiology - Book
Review. Mayo Clinical Proceedings. 76, 451-452. 2001.
6. Rosenow F, Lüders H. Presurgical Evaluation of Epilepsy - Invited Review. Brain. 124,
1683-1700. 2001. Oxford University Press.
7. Lüders H. Atlas of Regional Anatomy of the Brain Using MRI with Functional Correlations
[Foreword]. 2000.
8. Lüders H. Letter to the Editor. 4. Epilepsia 40, 531. 1999.
9. Lesser R, Lüders H, Resor S. Other reports of Pilomotor seziures [Letter to the Editor].
Neurology 35, 286-287. 1985.
10. Dinner D, Lüders H, Hanson M, Lesser R, Klem G. Pattern evoked potential changes in
Parkinson's disease are stimulus-dependent. Letter to the Editor, Neurology. [35], 16751676. 1985. Neurology.
A Scalp EEG Topographic Study Comparing Seizures Induced by Routine Bifrontal
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Different Conceptual Hypotheses Framing Human Focal Epilepsy.: Epilepsia, 2005.
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Dec 3; Epilepsia: Blackwell Publishing, 2004.
Cortico-Cortical Connection Between Lateral and Mesial Motor Cortices: A Cortico-Cortical
Evoked Potential Study. Epilepsia: 2004.
Long-range EEG Synchronization during language processing: A study with subdural
electrodes. 04 Dec 3; Epilepsia: Blackwell Publishing, 2004.
Altered Expression of NMDA Receptor Subunit Proteins and Gilial Glutamate Transporter
Protein in a Case of Rasmussen's Syndrome. 01 Sep 30; New York, NY: Wiley-Liss, Inc.,
17. Viguera C, editor. Caracteristicas de la esclerosis temporal mesial en espectroscopia.
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Annual de la Liga Española contra la epilepsia - Oct 22-23, 1999: IG Galileo, S.A., 2000.
18. Viguera C, editor. Estudio neurofisiológicos en epilepsia. Presente y futuro. Revisa de
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Klonische Anfälle bei verschiedenen fokalen Epilepsie-Syndromen. [Clonic seizures in
various focal epilepsy syndromes]. 71 (Jahrestagung) Kongress Deutsche Gesellschaft für
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20. French J, Shields D, Sutual T, Wannamaker B, editors. Seizures Elicited by Epileptic
Activation of the Supplementary Sensorimotor Area and Psychomotor Seizures without
Loss of consciousness. Epilepsy Update 49th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of
Neurology; Boston, MA; Norwalk, CT: GEM Communications Inc., 1997.
21. Lüders H, Rosenow F. Leserbrief: Brief an die Zeitschrift für Epileptologie zum Beitrag
Band. Editor ZfE, editor. 2004. 8-1-2004.
22. Lüders H, Lüders J. Remarks on Raphael's Transfiguration Source, XVI. Letter to the
Editor, editor. 1996.
23. Dinner D, Lüders H, Morris H, Lesser R. Agraphia Without Apraxia in Broca's Area:
Electrical Stimulation Study. Electroencephalogr.Clin.Neurophysiol. 58, 34P. 2005.
24. Bermeo A, Nair D, Kotagal P, Bej MD, Najm I, Lüders H. Ictal Cardiac Rhythm
Disturbances and Their Association with Apnea During Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures.
Epilepsia 46[Supplement 8], 24. 2005.
25. Eccher M, Jeha L, Dinner D, Najm I, Bingaman W, Lüders H. Outcome After Temporal
Lobectomy in Patients with Bilateral Epileptiform Abnormalities. Epilepsia 46[Supplement 8
- 2.437], 239. 2005.
26. Jeha L, Najm I, Bingaman W, Lüders H. Predictors of Seizure Outcome After Anterior
Temporal Lobectomy for the Treatment of Intractable Epilepsy: The Cleveland Clinic
Experience. Epilepsia 46[Supplement 8 - 3.203], 346. 2005.
27. Townsend T, Diehl B, Burgess R, Lüders H. Time Difference Between Intracranial EEG
Ictal Onset and Clinical Seizure onset in Patients Undergoing Chronic Intracranial VideoEEG Monitoring. Epilepsia 46[Supplement 8], 32. 2005.
28. Kellinghaus C, Loddenkemper T, Najm IM, Wyllie E, Lineweaver T, Nair DR et al. Specific
epileptic syndromes are rare even in tertiary epilepsy centers: A patient-oriented approach
to epilepsy classification. Epilepsia 45[3], 268-275. 2004.
29. Iwasaki M, Nair D, Lüders H. Cortical Somatosensory Evoked Potentials to Lip Stimulation.
Muscle & Nerve [Supplement 12], S82. 9-1-2003.
30. Shigeto H, Najm I, Boongird A, Nair D, Burrier C, Lüders H. High-frequency direct cortical
stimulation and its production of afterdischarges. Epilepsia 43[Supplement 7], 13. 2002.
31. Boongird A, Burrier C, Baker K, Najm I, Lüders H. High-frequency stimulation of the
subthalamic nucleus prevents secondary generalization of actue kainic acid seizures in the
rat. Epilepsia 43[Supplement 7], 9. 2002.
32. Usui N, Nair D, Matsumoto R, Najm I, Lüders H. Ictal aprosodia in nondominant temporal
lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia 43[Supplement 7], 36. 2002.
33. Loddenkemper T, Wyllie E, Neme S, Lüders H. Lateralizing signs during seizures in the first
three years of life. Neurology 58[Supplement 3], A211. 4-1-2002.
34. Pestana E, Foldvary-Schaefer N, Marsilio D, Morris HH, Lüders H. Medical expenses in
persons with refractory seizures. Neurology 58[Supple 3], A211. 2002.
35. Drees C, Chelune GJ, Kulas J, Najm I, Wyllie E, Bingaman W et al. Relationship between
extent of temporal resection and naming outcome in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy.
Epilepsia 43[Supplement 7], 322. 2002.
36. Neme S, Foldvary-Schaefer N, Klem G, Bingaman W, Lüders H. The effect of pathologic
substrate on ictal EEG in focal epilepsy. Epilepsia 43[Supplement 7], 36. 2002.
37. Pestana E, Foldvary-Schaefer N, Marsilio D, Burant C, Crawford P, Morris HH et al. The
impact of age at seizure onset on occupation and education. Epilepsia 43[Supplement 7],
228. 2002.
38. Matsumoto R, Najm I, LaPresto E, Nair D, Bingaman W, Lüders H. Central sulcus
localization: Reappraisal of cortical median SSEP. Epilepsia 42[Supplement 7], 34. 2001.
39. Boongird A, Kunieda T, Ying Z, Zuscik MJ, Najm I, Perez DM et al. In vivo spontaneious
epileptogenicity in mice overexpressing the adrenergic receptor. Epilepsia 42[Supplement
7], 225. 2001.
40. Ying Z, Najm I, Bingaman W, Hadar E, Nair D, Lüders H. Increased tyrosine
phosphorylation of the N-mthyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) receptor subunit NR2A/B in human
epileptogenic cortex associated with cortical dysplasia. Epilepsia 42[Supplement 7], 119.
41. Dinner D, Neme S, Montgomery E, Rezai A, Lüders H. Isolated Subthalamic nucleus
spikes: Are they epileptogenic? Epilepsia 42[Supplement 7], 44. 2001.
42. Diehl B, Rona S, LaPresto E, Ruggieri P, Ying Z, Bingaman W et al. Regional positron
emission tomography (PET) hypometabolism and temporal lobe volumes (TLVs) in patients
with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) due to hippocampal sclerosis (HS) and HS
associated with cortical dysplasia (CD). Epilepsia 42[Supplement 7], 68. 2001.
43. Kunieda T, Najm I, Kondo S, Boongird A, Pan A, Lüders H. Susceptibility to kindling in the
rat model of in utero radiation-induced cortical dysplasia and epilepsy. Epilepsia
42[Supplement 7], 225. 2001.
44. Pan A, Najm I, Boongird A, Kunieda T, Lüders H, Ying Z et al. The effects of bilateral
continuous subthalamic nucleus stimulation in an animal model of acute seizures. Epilepsia
42[Supplement 7], 127. 2001.
45. Loddenkemper T, Foldvary-Schaefer N, Lüders H. Urinary urge lateralizes seizure onset to
the nondominant temporal lobe. Epilepsia 42[Supplement 7], 135. 2001.
46. Fejerman N, Garrahan J, Williamson P, Lüders H. Can we improve the international
classification of seizures and epilepsies? Epilepsia , 2. 2000.
47. Bingaman W, Hadar E, Najm I, Montgomery E, Lüders H. Chronic stimulation of the
subthalamic nucleus for the treatment of medically-intractable seizures: A case report.
Epilepsia 41, 149. 2000.
48. Najm I, Ying Z, Bingaman W, Wang S, Babb T, Prayson R et al. Epileptogenicity in focal
cortical dysplasias: Correlation with histopathological changes. Epilepsia 41, 68-69. 2000.
49. Dukkipati R, Lineweaver T, Chelune GJ, Najm I, Naugle RI, Mohamed A et al. Hippocampal
volume patterns and memory function outcome after temporal lobectomy. Epilepsia 41,
149. 2000.
50. dombrowski S, Radojici M, Bingaman W, Najm I, Hadar E, Lüders H. In vivi subdural
ECOG versus in vitro slice recordins in human neocortical epilepsy. Epilepsia 41, 207.
51. Ying Z, Najm I, Wang S, Hadar E, Nair D, Bingaman W et al. Increased anchoring of NMDA
2B to PSD-95 proteins in human epileptogenic cortex associated with cortical dysplasia.
Epilepsia , 34. 2000.
52. Pan A, Lyons J, Kondo S, Najm I, Greskovitch J, Kunieda T et al. Long-term effect of
unilateral intrahippocampal kainic acid injection and gamma-knife treatment on the interictal
and intal EEG of an animal model of temporal lob epilepsy. Epilepsia , 13-14. 2000.
53. Rona S, Najm I, Ying Z, LaPresto E, Wang S, Bingaman W et al. MRI correlates of focal
cortical dysplasia: A study with multimodal image analyses. Epilepsia 41, 63. 2000.
54. Lineweaver T, Naugle RI, Cafaro AM, Lüders H. Patient's perceptions of memory
functioning before an after surgical intervention. Epilepsia 41, 151. 2000.
55. Kunieda T, Najm I, Kondo S, Babb T, Bingaman W, Lüders H. Spontaneous seizures
recordings in the rat model of radiation-induced cortical dysplasia. Epilepsia 41, 44. 2000.
56. Diehl B, Najm I, LaPresto E, Ruggieri P, Mohamed A, Ying Z et al. Temporal Lobe (TL)
volumes in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) due to hippocampal sclerosis (HS)
and cortical dysplasia (CD). Epilepsia 41, 62-63. 2000.
57. Szabo C, Wyllie E, Siavals E, Najm I, Ruggieri P, Kotagal P et al. Hippocampal Volumetry
in Children 6 Years or Younger: Assessment in Children With and Without Complex Febrile
Seizures [Literature Review] - Vol II. Seizure Disorders & Epilepsy , L10. 1999.
58. Pfafflin M, Wolf P, Nothbaum N, Wolters P, Lemsky C, Lüders H et al. Independent Living
with Epilepsy. Epilepsia 40[2], 101. 1999.
59. Bulacio J, Najm I, Bingaman W, Comair Y, Foldvary-Schaefer N, Morris H et al. Seizure
Outcome after Temporal Lobectomy in 235 Adult Patients: The Cleveland Clinic
Experience. Epilepsia 40[2], 292. 1999.
60. Hamer H, Wyllie E, Lüders H, Kotagal P, Acharya J. Seizure Semiology and Localization in
Infants and Young Children. Epilepsia 40[2], 161. 1999.
61. Lüders H. Seizures and Pseudoseizures. Clinical Neurophysiology 110[Supplement 1],
S22. 1999.
62. Carreno M, Lüders H. Status Epilepticus (SE) and its Differential Diagnosis form
Pseudoseizures. Clinical Neurophysiology 110[Suppl 1], S22-S23. 1999.
63. Lüders H. Surface Ictal EEg Patterns in Neocortical Epilepsy. Epilepsia 40[2], 293. 1999.
64. Klem G, Foldvary N, Lüders H. Surface Ictal Patterns of Seizures due to Unilateral Mesial
Temporal Sclerosis (MTS). Epilepsia 40[Supplement 2], 29-30. 1999.
65. Noachtar S, Pfander M, Arnold S, Werhahn KJ, Henkel A, Eisensehr I et al. The analysis of
the seizure evolution helps in the differentiation between frontal and temporal lobe epilepsy.
Ninth Meeting European Neurological Society . 1999.
66. Werhahn KJ, Arnold S, Moller A, Winkler PA, Lüders H, Noachtar S. Are Unilateral Tonic
Seizures Helpful in Differentiating Between Epileptic Syndromes? Epilepsia . 1998.
67. Foldvary-Schaefer N, Chelune GJ, Comair Y, Bingaman W, Ruggieri P, Morris H et al.
Comparison of Neuropsychological and seizure outcome after amygdalohippocampectomy
and anterior temporal lobectomy for mesial temporal-lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia , 51-52. 1997.
68. Araujo D, Najm I, Ruggieri P, Lüders H, Comair Y. Lack of hippocampal asymmetry in
mesial temporal-lobe epilepsy: correlation with surgical outcome. Epilepsia , 79-80. 1997.
69. Costa M, Lüders H, Choi H, Siavalas L, Turnbull J. Localizing value of the abdominal aura
in the complex partial seizures. Epilepsia , 64. 1997.
70. Acharya J, Lüders H, Wyllie E, Acharya JN, Ruggieri P, Comair Y. Outcome After surgical
resection of eloquent sensorimotor cortex for epilepsy. Epilepsia , 50-51. 1997.
71. Wang Y, Maton BM, Najm I, Lüders H, Ng TC. Postical Lactate Detected by Proton MRSI in
a Rate Kindling Model of Epilepsy. Epilepsia . 1997.
72. Acharya J, Acharya V, Lüders H. Auditory Auras. Epilepsia 37[5], 30. 1996.
73. Chung CK, Comair Y, Siemionow V, Lüders H, Wyllie E. Central Epilepsy: Postoperative
Outcome. Epilepsia 37[5], 178. 1996.
74. Klem GH, Dinner D, Lüders H. Comparison of Electrocorticography and Chronic Subdural
Recordings 3.18. Epilepsia 37[5], 58. 1996.
75. Geller EB, Wong CY, Morris H, Lüders H, Chen EQ, Saha GB et al. Extent of PET
Hypometabolism as an Independet Predictor of Seizure Outcome after Temporal
Lobectomy. Neurology 46, A242-A243. 1996.
76. Raja S, Tayard D, Tuxhorn I, Morris H, Lüders H, Woods R et al. Extent of PET
hypometablism as an independent predictor of seizure outcome after temporal lobectomy.
Neurology 46[P03.055], A242-A243. 1996.
77. Szabo C, Siavalas L, Najm I, Wyllie E, Kotagal P, Comair Y et al. Hippocampal Volumetry
in Children Aged 6 Years or Younger: Comparison of Children with New Onset. Neurology
46, A445. 1996.
78. Acharya JN, Wyllie E, Lüders H, Kotagal P. Hypomotor Seizures in Infants and Young
Children with Localization-Related Epilepsy. Epilepsia 37[5], 101. 1996.
79. O'Donovan C, Geller EB, Burgess R, Lüders H. Ictal Tachycardia During Partial Seizures
Independent of Mesial Temporal Involvement. Epilepsia 37[5], 82. 1996.
80. Rosenow F, Lüders H, Dinner D, Bennett G, Comair Y, Wolgamuth BR. Is High Frequency
Spiking in the EcoG Characteristic of Cortical Dysplasia? Epilepsia 37[5], 88. 1996.
81. Noachtar S, Vermaasen W, Ebner A, Tuxhorn I, Holthausen H, Lüders H. Localizing Value
of the Abdominal Aura: An EEG Video-Study in Temporal and Extratemporal Epilepsies.
Epilepsia 37[5], 212. 1996.
82. Lüders H, Bourgeois BF, Wyllie E. Management of the Patients with Intractable Epilepsy:
Case Studies. Neurology 46, A96. 1996.
83. Choi H, Comair Y, Najm I, Chung CK, Siemionow V, Lüders H et al. Noninvasive Method of
Hemispheric Lateralization for Language in Patients with Intractable Epilepsy. Epilepsia
37[5], 207. 1996.
84. Acharya J, Acharya Y, Lüders H. Olfactor Epileptic Auras. Neurology 46, A446. 1996.
85. O'Donovan C, Dinner D, Burgess R, Lüders H. Right-left Heart Rate Differences in
Temporal Lobe Seizures. Neurology 46, A183. 1996.
86. Foldvary-Schaefer N, Lüders H. Seizure and electroenphalographic studies in implanted
rabbits. Neurology 38[6], 1169. 1996.
87. Najm I, Comair Y, Wang-Tilz Y, Ng TC, Lüders H. Specific MRI and MRS Markers for
Seizures and Seizure-Induced Neuronal Damage Associated with Status Epilepticus.
Epilepsia 37[5], 212. 1996.
88. Andermann F, Dreifuss F, Lüders H. Unusual Epilepsias and Seizures. Neurology 46, A79.
89. O'Donovan C, Dinner D, Lüders H, Klem G. Basal Temporal Negative Motor Area
Demonstrated by Electrical Stimulation. Neurology 45[4], A456. 1995.
90. Lüders H. Comparison of Acute Electrocorticography and Chronic Subdural Recordings.
Epilepsia 36[3], S271. 1995.
91. O'Donovan C, Burgess R, Lüders H, Turnbull J. Computerized Seizure Detection Based on
the Heart Rate Change. Epilepsia 1.15 36[4], 7. 1995.
92. Raja S, Inoue M, Comair Y, Morris H, Kotagal P, Lüders H et al. Correlation of PET FDG
Hypometabolism and Indeterminate MRI Volumetrics in Patients with Temporal Lobe
Epilepsy. Epilepsia 36[4], 165-6.63. 1995.
93. Dinner D, Benbadis SR, Chelune GJ, Piedmonte M, Lüders H. Definition of Language
Hemispheric Dominance by Intracarotid Amobarbital Procedure. Epilepsia 36[4], 129. 1995.
94. Sawrie SM, Chelune GJ, Naugle RI, Lüders H. Empirical Methods for Assessing Clinically
Meaningful Change Following Epilepsy Surgery. Epilepsia 36[4], 135. 1995.
95. Schlaug G, Arnold S, Holthausen H, Witte OW, Lüders H, Tuxhorn I et al. Interictal
Cerebral Hypometabolism Reveals the Epileptogenic and Symptomatogenic zone in Focal
Epilepsies Involving the Frontal Lobe. Neurology 45[4], A313-A314. 1995.
96. Najm I, Wang Y, Ng TC, Lüders H, Comair Y. Metabolic Markets of Seizures and Neuronal
Damage as Assessed by Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Neurology 46[A483], A484.
97. Chelune GJ, Comair Y, Najm I, Ruggieri P, Lüders H. MRI Volumetrics and Memory
Function in Patients with Intractable Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Epilepsia 36[4], 147. 1995.
98. Najm I, Siavalas L, Wyllie E, Lüders H. Natural History of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy due to
Hippocampal Sclerosis. Epilepsia 36[4], 113. 1995.
99. Acharya J, Wyllie E, Lüders H, Kotagal P. Partial Epilepsy in Infants: Seizure
Characteristics. Epilepsia 36[4], 29-C3. 1995.
100. Ng TC, Comair Y, Xue M, Wyllie E, Kotagal P, Desudchit T et al. Presurgical Localization of
Extratemporal Epilepsy in Children with Proton MR Spectroscopy. Epilepsia 36[4], 84.
101. Xue M, Najm I, Comair Y, Lüders H, Ng TC. Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
and Volumetry are Predictive of Seizures Outcome in Patients with TLE. Epilepsia 36[4],
83. 1995.
102. Wong CY, Geller EB, Chen E, MacIntyre WJ, Morris H, Raja S et al. Statistical Parametric
Imaging: A New Method of PET Analysis Highly Predictive of Outcome in Temporal Lobe
Epilepsy Surgery. Epilepsia 36[4], 164-6.56. 1995.
103. Ikeda A, Shibasaki H, Terada K, Mikuni N, Taki W, Kaji R et al. Subdurally Recorded Ictal
DC Shifts in Human Epilepsy. Neurology 45[4], A455-A456. 1995.
104. Choi H, Comair Y, Wyllie E, Kotagal P, Cheek J, Geller EB et al. Surgical Strategies in
Occipital Lobe Epilepsy. Epilepsia 36[4], 139. 1995.
105. Ruggieri P, Comair Y, Ross J, Wyllie E, Masaryk T. The Utility of Fast Flair Imaging in
Epilepsy. Epilepsia 36[4], 25-A11. 1995.
106. Schulz R, Lüders H, Noachtar S, Holthausen H, Wolf P. Amnesia of the Epileptic Aura.
Epilepsia 35[8], 90. 1994.
107. Comair Y, Tocco G, Najm I, Kaakaji R, Lüders H. Changes in Hippocampal
Glutamate/AMPA Receptors in Epileptic Human Hippocampus. Epilepsia 35[8], 62. 1994.
108. Geller EB, Comair Y, Ng TC, Xue M, So NK, Modic M et al. Early Postictal Lactate
Detection of Temporal Lobe Seizure Foci Using Proton Magnetic Resonance
Spectroscopy. Epilepsia 35[8], 88. 1994.
109. Tocco G, Najm I, Comair Y, Kaakaji R, Lüders H. Hippocampal NMDA Receptor MRI
Subunit Expression in Epileptic Human Hippocampus. Epilepsia 35[8], 42. 1994.
110. Najm I, Comair Y, Wang Y, Hong SC, Kaakaji R, Ng TC et al. Magnetic Resonance
Imaging and Spectroscopy of Rat Brain after Kainic Acid-Induced Seizures. Epilepsia 35[8],
21. 1994.
111. Hong SC, Najm I, Raja S, Go RT, Comair Y, Lüders H. Preditive Values of MRI volumetry
and PET Scan in Surgical Outcomes of Temporal Lobectomy. Epilepsia 35[8], 145. 1994.
112. Holthausen H, Pannek H, Tuxhorn I, Oppen F, Ebner A, Noachtar S et al. Result of
Epilepsy-Surgery for Drug Resistant Extratemporal Lobe Epilepsy. German Section of the
International League Against Epilepsy , 14-17. 1994.
113. Naugle RI, Chelune GJ, Tucker G, Young K, Lüders H. Self Report of Memory is Related to
Formal Examination Results. Epilepsia 35[8], 76. 1994.
114. Noachtar S, Lüders H, Holthausen H, May T, Chee MW. Surface and Subdural EEG-Video
Recordings of Focal Negative Motor Phenomena in Epileptic Seizures. Epilepsia 35[8],
123. 1994.
115. Dinner D, Benbadis SR, Lüders H. Bihemispheric Speech Representation by Intracarotid
Amobarbital Testing. Epilepsia 34, 84. 1993.
116. Bleasel A, So NK, Van Ness PC, Comair Y, Lüders H. Clinical Syndrome of Seizures
Arising from the Supplementary Motor Area. Epilepsia 34, 54. 1993.
117. Najm I, Comair Y, Lüders H. Correlation Between Amygdaloid and Hippocampal Volume
and Memory Representation in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Epilepsia 34, 141. 1993.
118. Lüders H. Critical Analysis of Seizure Classifications. Neurophysiology 2, S8. 1993.
119. Van Ness PC, So NK, Bleasel A, Comair Y, Awad IA, Morris H et al. Epilepsy Operation
Outcome with Supplementary Motor Seizures. Ann Neurol 34[2], P61. 1993.
120. Chelune GJ, Naugle RI, Lüders H, et al. Individual Change after Epilepsy Surgery: Practice
Effects and Base-Reate Information. Neuropsychology 7[1], 41-45. 1993.
121. Schneider D, Morris H, Klem G, Lüders H. Length of Time in an Epilepsy Monitoring Unit
Until the First Seizure as a Function of Antiepileptic Drug Treatment. Epilepsia 34, 141.
122. So NK, Ng TC, Comair Y, Xue M, Lüders H, Modic M. Multi-Voxel Proton Magnetic
Resonance Spectroscopy in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Epilepsia 34, 129. 1993.
123. Baumgartner C, Ebner A, Lininger G, Lüders H. Propagation Patterns of Interictal and Ictal
Epileptic Activity in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Epilepsia 34, 124. 1993.
124. So NK, Steinhoff BJ, Lim S, Lüders H. Reliability of ictal Scalp EEG in Patients with
Unitemporal vs. Bitemporal Interictal Discharges. American Epilepsy Society . 1993.
125. So NK, Steinhoff BJ, Shihui L, Lüders H. Reliability of Ictal Scalp EEG in Patients with
Unitemporal versus Bitemporal Interictal Discharges. Epilepsia 34, 27. 1993.
126. Noachtar S, Lüders H, Dinner D, Klem G. Subdural Recordings of Somatosensory Evoked
Potentials to Ipsilateral and Contralateral Median Nerve Stimulation.
Electroencephalogr.Clin.Neurophysiol. 2, S90-S91. 1993.
127. Naugle RI, Chelune GJ, Tucker G, Schuster J, Lüders H. Subjective Descriptions of
Memory Function After Temporal Lobectomy: Correlations with Formal Testing and
Emotional Status. Epilepsia 34, 81. 1993.
128. Dinner D, Ebner A, Lüders H, Noachtar S. Automatisms with Preserved Responsiveness in
Psychomotor Seizures of Temporal Lobe Origin. Epilepsia 34[Suppl 2:181]. 1992.
129. Ebner A, Dinner D, Noachtar S, Lüders H. Automatisms with preserved responsiveness
(APR): A lateralizing sign in psychomotor seizures. Neurology 42[Supplement 3], 244.
130. So NK, Van Ness PC, Morris H, Lüders H. Bitemporal Discharges and extratemporal
Lesions. Neurology 42[3], 383. 1992.
131. Schulz R, Lüders H, Noachtar S. Das Erinnern der Epileptischen Aura: Eine EEG-VideoAnalyse [Amnesia for epileptic auras; and EEG-Video analysis]. Epilepsie-Blätter 5, 30.
132. Holthausen H, Schmidt R, Boenigk H, Sakamoto A, Noachtar S, Lüders H. EEG-Befunde
und Anfallscharakteristika bei 16 Patienten mit verschiedenen Formen kortikaler
Dysplasien [EEG findings and seizure semiology in 16 patients with different forms of
cortical dysplasia]. Epilepsie-Blätter 5, 14. 1992.
133. Chee MW, Kotagal P, Van Ness PC, Gragg L, Murphy D, Lüders H. Lateralizing Value of
Ictal Behavioral Changes in Intractable Partial Epilepsy: Blinded Multiple Observer
Analysis. Epilepsia 33[3], 130. 1992.
134. Baumgartner C, Ebner A, Turnbull J, Chen P, Lüders H. Mesial to Laterial Propagation of
Interictal Epileptic Activity in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. American EEG Society Meeting . 99-1992.
135. Tuxhorn I, So NK, Van Ness PC, Awad IA, Lüders H. Natural History and Prognostic
Significance of Auras after Temporal Lobectomy. Epilepsia 33[3], 95. 1992.
136. Bednar M, Bourgeois BF, Lüders H. Pharmacokinetics and Carbamazepine After Epilepsy
Surgery. Epilepsia 33[3], 79. 1992.
137. Tuxhorn I, Van Ness PC, Lüders H. Supplementary Motor Area Seizures: EEG Patters
Recorded with Interhemispheric Subdural Plate Electrodes. Neurology 42[3], 82P. 1992.
138. Hoppe M, Lüders H, May T, Holthausen H, Morris H, Dinner D. Supplementär-motorische
Anfälle-Eine klinische Analyse [Supplementary-motor seizures; a clinical analysis].
Epilepsie-Blätter 5, 15. 1992.
139. Naugle RI, Chelune GJ, Lüders H. The Value of Baseline IQ in Predicting Postoperative
Seizure Control. Epilepsia 33[3], 94. 1992.
140. Chee MW, Van Ness PC, Kotagal P, Murphy D, Lüders H. Version and Head Turning in
Partial Epilepsy: A Rule Set for Maximizing Lateralizing and Localizing Information.
Epilepsia 33[3], 58. 1992.
141. Lim SH, Dinner D, Lüders H. Anatomical Location and Somatotopic Representation of
Human Supplementary Motor Area. Neurology 41[1], 402. 1991.
142. Lim SH, Dinner D, Lüders H. Comparison of Contralateral Upper Extremity Movements
Elicited from Stimulation of the Supplementary and Primary Motor Areas. Epilepsia 32[3],
22. 1991.
143. Dinner D, Sakamoto A, Morris H, Lüders H. Convergence of Scalp EEG Evaluation for
Surgery of Refractory Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Electroencephalogr.Clin.Neurophysiol.
78[1], 14P. 1991.
144. Naugle RI, Chelune GJ, Lüders H, Awad IA. Detection of Changes in Memory for MaterialSpecific Information Following Left vs. Right Temporal Lobectomy Using the Wechsler
Memory Scale-Revised. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 13[1], 45.
145. Awad IA, Chelune GJ, Naugle RI, Lüders H. Extent of Resection and Memory Changes
Following Temporal Lobectomy for Intractable Epilepsy. Epilepsia 32[3], 87. 1991.
146. Wyllie E, Murphy D, Lüders H. Flexible Epidural Peg Electrodes in the Evaluation for
Epilepsy Surgery. Epilepsia 32[3], 26. 1991.
Ref Type: Abstract
147. Burgess R, Collura TF, Braun D, Jacobs E, Lüders H. Paperless Review of Long-Term
EEG from Epilepsy Monitoring Unit Patients. Epilepsia 32[3], 98. 1991.
148. Schaffler L, Bourgeois BF, Lüders H. Rapid Reversibility of the Autoinduction of
Carbamazepine Metabolism After Temporary Discontinuation. Epilepsia 32[3], 18. 1991.
149. Dinner D, Lim SH, Lüders H, Pillay PK, Awad IA. Supplementary Eye Field in Humans
Defined by Electrical Stimulation of Mesial Frontal Cortex. Neurology 41[1], 402. 1991.
150. Kanner A, Morris H, Lüders H, Dinner D, Wyllie E, Medendorp S et al. Supplementary
Motor seizures mimicking pseudoseizures: Some clinical differences. Epilepsia-BLätter
4[2], 56. 1991.
151. Cheek J, Wyllie E, Lüders H. The Intracarotid Amobarbital Procedure in the Evaluation of
Hemispheric Dominance for Musical Perception. Epilepsia 32[3], 88. 1991.
152. Awad IA, Pillay PK, Lim SH, Dinner D, Lüders H. The Surgical Management of Intractable
Epilepsy of Mesial Hemispheric Origin. Epilepsia 32[3], 871. 1991.
153. Bourgeois BF, Awad IA, Pippenger C, Ebrahim Z, Lüders H. Brain Concentrations of
Carbamazepine and Carbamazepine-Epoxide in Humans During Carbamazepine
Absorption and Elimination. Epilepsia 51[5], 603. 1990.
154. Salanova V, Morris H, Rehm P, Wyllie E, Antar M, Lüders H. Comparison of WADA Test
and PET Scans in 23 Patients with Intractable Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Epilepsia 31, 671.
155. Morris H, Salanova V, Van Ness PC, Dinner D, Lüders H. Cortical Stimulation and
Recording of Somatosensory Evoked Potential (SEPs) with Subdural Electrode Arrays
(SEAs) in 15 Patients with Frontal Lobe Epilepsy. Neurology 40[4], 365. 1990.
156. Noachtar S, Burgess R, Lüders H, Wyllie E, Awad IA. Die Epidurla "PEG"-Elektrode: eine
neue semiinvasive Elektrode in der epilepsie-chirugischen Diagnostik [The epidural PEG
electrode: a new semi-invasive electrode for presurgical evaluation]. Epilepsie-Blätter 3, 20.
157. Sakamoto A, Lüders H, Dinner D. Diskrepante iktale und interiktale Befunde bei der
prächirurgischen Diagnostik von Patienten mit therapieresistenter Temporallappenepilepsie [Discrepant ictal and interictal findings in the diagnosis of patients with pharmaco
resistant temporal lobe epilepsy]. Epilepsie-Blätter 3, 25. 1990.
158. Nayel M, Awad IA, Lüders H. Extent of Mesiobasal Resection Determines Outcome after
Temporal Lobectomy for Intractable Complex Partial Seizures. Epilepsia 31, 676. 1990.
159. Wyllie E, Friedman D, Lüders H. Outcome of Psychogenic Seizures in Children and
Adolescents Compared to Adults. Ann Neurol 28, 471. 1990.
160. Wyllie E, Naugle RI, Awad IA, Chelune GJ, Lüders H. Predictors of Adverse Memory
Outcome After Temporal Lobectomy for Intractable Epilepsy. Epilepsia 31, 679. 1990.
161. Lüders H, Murphy D, Awad IA, Dinner D, Morris H, Rothner AD. Quantitative Analyse der
Anfallshäufigkeit im Verlauf nach epilepsiechirurgischem Eingirff [Quantitative evaluation of
seizure frequency after epilepsy surgery]. Epilepsie-Blätter 3, 17. 1990.
162. Van Ness PC, Salanova V, Kurcera A, Morris H, Lüders H. Sensitivity and Prognostic Value
of Preoperative CT and MRI in Neurocortical Focal Epilepsy. Neurology 40[1], 256. 1990.
163. Meencke HJ, Holthausen H, Lüders H. SubduralePlattenelektroden bei Anfällen aus dem
supplementär-motorischen Kortex [Subdural grids in the evaluation of patients with
supplemental motor seizures]. Epilepsie-Blätter 3, 19. 1990.
164. Van Ness PC, Awad IA, Lüders H, Hahn J. The Relationship of Epileptogenic Zone
Resection, Lesion Resection, and Outcome in Twenty-seven Patients with Neocortical
Epilepsy. Ann Neurol 28, 263. 1990.
165. Holthausen H, Sakamoto A, Meencke HJ, Noachtar S, Morris H, Awad IA et al. Über den
lokalisatorischen Wert interiktaler sharp-waves mit Maximum an den SphenoidalElektroden bei Patientent mit psychomotorischen Anfällen und Läsionen außerhalb der
mesio temporalen Region [Interictal sphenoidal sharp waves in patients with psychomotor
seizures and lesions in the extramesio temporal area]. Epilepsie-Blätter 3, 12. 1990.
166. Burgess R, Jacobs E, Collura TF, Turnbull J, Lüders H, Klem G. A Computerized Epilepsy
Monitoring Unit for Preoperative EEG and Video Evaluation. Epilepsia 30, 781. 1989.
167. Burgess R, Jacobs E, Collura TF, Turnbull J, Lüders H, Klem G. A Computerized Intensive
EEG/Video Impatient Monitoring Unit. J.Clin.Neurophysiol. 6[4], 367. 1989.
168. Awad IA, Assirati J, Burgess R, Barnett G, Lüders H. A New Class of Electrodes of
"Intermediate Invasivness": Preliminary Experience with Epidural Pegs and Foramen Ovale
Electrodes in the Mapping of Seizure Foci. J.Clin.Exp.Neuropsychol. 6, 338. 1989.
169. Kanner A, Morris H, Lüders H, Dinner D, Wyllie E. Comparison Between Surface &
Subdural EEG Recordings in Intractable Temporal Lobe Seizures. Neurology 39[1], 300.
170. Wyllie E, Friedman D, Lüders H, Morris H, Rothner AD. Comparison of Outcome after
Video-Electroencephalographic Diagnosis of Psychogenic Seizures in Children and Adults.
Child Neurology Society , 471. 1989.
171. Katz A, Dinner D, Burgess R, Edwards C, Lüders H. Effects of Body Position Obstructive
Sleep Apnea Quantitative Study. Neurology 39[13], 348. 1989.
172. Wyllie E, Burgess R, Awad IA, Barnett G, Lüders H. Flexible Epidural Peg Electrodes for
Chronic EEG Recording. Ann Neurol 26[3], 471. 1989.
173. Salanova V, Morris H, Van Ness PC, Kotagal P, Wyllie E, Lüders H. Frontal Lobe Epilepsy:
Electroclinical Syndrome. Epilepsy 30[5], 724. 1989.
174. Salanova V, Morris H, Van Ness PC, Kotagal P, Lüders H. Frontal Lobe Seizures:
Electroclinical Syndromes. Epilepsia 30[5], 724. 1989.
175. Kanner A, Lüders H, Morris H. Impact of Abrupt Discontinuation of Carbamazepine in
Patients with Intractable Partial Seizures, and Its Implications for Prolonged Video-EEG
Monitoring. Epilepsia 30[5], 640. 1989.
176. Morris H, Estes ML, Gilmore-Pollak W, Lüders H. Incidence of Mirror Foci in Patients with a
Temporal Lobe Neoplasm and Complex Partial Seizures of Many Years Duration.
J.Clin.Neurophysiol. 6[4], 660. 1989.
177. Lüders H, Lesser R, Dinner D, Morris H, Wyllie E. Localization of Cortical Function: New
Information form Extraoperative Monitoring of Patients with Epilepsy. Kumamoto Med.J 41,
S13. 1989.
178. Morris H, Estes ML, Gilmore-Pollak W, Lüders H. Primary Brain Tumors in Patients with
Chronic Epilepsy: Electroencephalographic, Neuroimaging, Neuropathologic and Clinical
Findings. Epilepsia 30[5], 660. 1989.
179. Van Ness PC, Morris H, Lüders H. Prognostic Value of Postoperative Scalp EEG for 28
Patients with Suspected Neocortical Epilepsy. J.Clin.Neurophysiol. 6[4], 346. 1989.
180. Bourgeois BF, Lüders H, Morris H. Rapid Introduction of Primidone Using Phenobarbital
Loading: Acute Primidone Toxicity Avoided. Epilepsia 30[5], 666. 1989.
181. Dinner D, Santin J, Godoy J, Lüders H. Relationship of Sleep Apnea and Sleep Stages in
Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Sleep Research 19, 224. 1989.
182. Van Ness PC, Estes ML, Salanova V, Morris H, Lüders H. Seizure Reduction to Pathologic
Findings in 37 Operated Cases of Suspected Neocortical Epilepsy. Epilepsia 30[5], 728.
183. Wyllie E, Rothner AD, Lüders H. Simplified Antiepileptic Medication Regimens in Patients
with Severe Intractable Generalized Epilepsy. Epilepsia 30[5], 637. 1989.
184. Gabr M, Lüders H, Dinner D, Morris H, Wyllie E. Speech Manifestations in Lateralization of
Temporal Lobe Seizures. Annals of Neurology 25[1], 82-87. 1989.
185. Kotagal P, Wyllie E, Malik S, Rothner AD, Lüders H, Morris H. Syndrome of Multifocal
Independent Spikes: Relationship to Hypsarrhythmia and Slow Spike (Lennox-Gastaut
Syndrome). J.Clin.Neurophysiol. 6[4], 347. 1989.
186. Burgess R, Xioa H, Ernst G, Jacobs E, Lüders H. Use of Expert Systems in Evoked
Potential Interpretation. J.Clin.Neurophysiol. 6, 288. 1989.
187. Burgess R, Skipper G, Edwards C, Lüders H, Barnett G, Awad IA. A Flexible Epidural PEG
Electrode for Chronic EEG Recording. J.Clin.Neurophysiol. 5, 337. 1988.
188. Kanner A, Morris H, Lüders H, Dinner D, Wyllie E, Godoy J. Comparison of Sphenoidal and
Anterior Temporal Electrodes in Recording Epileptiform Activity from Patients with Medial
Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. 1988 5, 338. 1988.
189. Kotagal P, Lüders H, Morris H, Dinner D, Wyllie E, Godoy J et al. Dystonia Posturing in
Complex Partial Seizures of Temporal Lobe Onset: A New Lateralizing Sign. Neurology
39(Supplement 1), 196-201. 1988.
190. Awad IA, Rosenfeld J, Lüders H. Extent and Distribution of Epileptic Foci Associated with
Structural Lesions of the Brain. J.Clin.Neurophysiol. 1988[5], -332. 1988.
191. Katz A, Awad IA, Kong AK, Lüders H. Extent of Temporal Lobectomy and Seizure
Outcome: A New Quantitative Approach. J.Clin.Neurophysiol. 5, 332. 1988.
192. Morris H, O'Donnell J, Lüders H, Murphy D, Dinner D, Wyllie E et al. I HIPDM Single
Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) in Intractable Epileptic Patients:
Correlations with EEG Findings. Neurology 38[Supplement 1], 279. 1988.
193. Kramer R, Lüders H, Goldstick L, Dinner D, Morris H, Lesser R et al. Ictus Emeticus: An
Electroclinical Analysis. Neurology 38, 1048-1052. 1988.
194. Lüders H, Lesser R, Dinner D, Morris H, Wyllie E, Hahn J. Inhibition of Motor Movements
Elicited by Electrical Stimulation of the Premotor Frontal Lobe. Epilepsia 29, 206. 1988.
195. Lüders H, Lesser R, Dinner D, et al. Localization of Cortical Function: New Infromation
from Extraoperative Monitoring of Patients with Epilepsy. Epilepsia 29[2], S65. 1988.
196. Morris H, Murphy D, Lüders H, Dinner D, Wyllie E, Godoy J et al. Localization of
Epileptogenic Zone and Epileptic Focus: Correlation of Results from Noninvasive and
Invasive Recordings. Epilepsia 29[5], 703. 1988.
197. Kong AK, Katz A, Wyllie E, Awad IA, Lüders H. Neurological Deficits Following Temporal
Lobectomy: A New MRI Quantitative Analysis. J.Clin.Neurophysiol. 5, 3318. 1988.
198. Lüders H, Murphy D, Dinner D, et al. Prognostic Value of Epileptics Seizures Occurring in
the First Week after Surgery of Epilepsy. Epilepsia 29, 679. 1988.
199. Neshige R, Lüders H. Recording of Movement-Related Potentials (MRPs) From Scalp and
Cortex in Man. J.Clin.Neurophysiol. 5[2], 201. 1988.
200. Dinner D, Morris H, Wyllie E, Kramer R, Lüders H. Reproducibility of Memory Performance
by Wada Test. J.Clin.Neurophysiol. 5[2], 202. 1988.
201. Godoy J, Torrealba G, Lüders H, Dinner D, Morris H, Bourgeois BF et al. Significance of
Sharp Waves in Routine EEGs After Epilepsy Surgery. J.Clin.Neurophysiol. 5, 330. 1988.
202. Santin J, Dinner D, Lüders H, Godoy J. Sleep Apnea as a Function of Sleep Stage.
J.Clin.Neurophysiol. 5, 351. 1988.
203. Kanner A, Morris H, Dinner D, Lüders H, Wyllie E, Kramer R et al. Supplementary Motor
Seizures Minicking Pseudoseizures: How to Distinguish one from the other. Neurology
38[1], 347. 1988.
204. Lüders H, Murphy D, Dinner D, Morris H, Wyllie E, Godoy J. Surgery Results as a Function
of Follow-up Period. Neurology 38[Supplement 1], 98-99. 1988.
205. Kotagal P, Lüders H, Williams G, Wyllie E, Nichols TR, McPherson J. Temporal Lobe
complex Partial Seizures: Analysis of Symptom Clusters and Sequences. Epilepsia 29[5],
661. 1988.
206. Neshige R, Lüders H. The Existence of a Negative Bitemporal Component of the EventRelated Potentials Demonstrated by Noncephalic Recordings. J.Clin.Neurophysiol. 5[2],
201. 1988.
207. Wyllie E, Dinner D, Morris H, Lüders H, et al. The Intracarotid Amobarbital (WADA) Test for
Language Dominance: Correlation with Results of Extraoperative Cortical Electrical
Stimulation. Epilepsia 29, 672. 1988.
208. Kramer R, Morris H, Lüders H, Wyllie E, Dinner D. Asterixis in Patients with Subdural
Electrode Implants. Epilepsia 28, 620. 1987.
209. Zappia M, Lüders H. Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials (BAEPs) Recorded from
Chronic Subdural in Man. Neurology 37[1], 379. 1987.
210. Wyllie E, Lüders H, Dinner D, Morris H, Hahn J, Lesser R. Cortical Electrical Stimulation of
Frontal and Temporal Speech Areas in the Evaluation of Epilepsy Surgery in Children and
Adolsecents. Epilepsia 28, 622. 1987.
211. Jacobs E, Iurlano T, Friedman L, Burgess R, Lüders H. Digital Montage Reformatting with
Time and Amplitude Correction. Epilepsia 28. 1987.
212. Morris H, Lesser R, Lüders H, Dinner D, Wyllie E, Murphy D et al. Efficacy and Safety of
Zonisamide in Patients with Complex Partial Seizures. Neurology 37[1], 351. 1987.
213. Dinner D, Lüders H, Morris H, Wyllie E, Kramer R. Human Supplementary Motor Area
(SMA) Electrical Stimulation Study. Epilepsia 28, 619. 1987.
214. Gabr M, Lüders H, Dinner D, Morris H, Wyllie E. Ictal Speech Abnormalities in Temporal
Lobe. Epilepsia 28, 622. 1987.
215. Dinner D, Lüders H, Lesser R, Morris H, Plesec T, DeNelsky G et al. Memory Changes
after Dominant Temporal Lobectomy. Electroencephalogr.Clin.Neurophysiol. 67, 41P.
216. Wyllie E, Lüders H, Morris H, Dinner D, Rothner AD, Erenberg G et al. Psychogenic
Seizures in Children and Adolescents. Ann Neurol 22, 419. 1987.
217. Morris H, Lüders H, Dinner D, Wyllie E, Kramer R. Seizures from the Supplementary Motor
Area: Clinical and EEG Features. Epilepsia 28, 623. 1987.
218. Wyllie E, Lüders H, Morris H, Lesser R, Dinner D. Significance of Direction of Head Turning
During Seizures. Neurology 37, 1092. 1987.
219. Addy R, Dinner D, Lüders H, Lesser R, Morris H, Wyllie E. The Effect of Sleep on Median
Nerve Short Latency Somatosensory Evoked Potentials. Sleep Research 16, 3. 1987.
220. Dinner D, Lüders H, Morris H, Wyllie E, Kramer R. Validity of Intracarotid Sodium
Amobarbital (WADA test) for Evaluation of Memory Function. Epilepsia 37[1], 142. 1987.
221. Godoy J, Lüders H, Dinner D, Morris H, Wyllie E. Versive Eye Movements Elicited by
Cortical Stimuation of the Human Brain. Epilepsia 28[5], 623. 1987.
222. Wyllie E, Lüders H, Morris H. Chronically Implanted Subdural Electrodes in the Evaluation
for Epilepsy Surgery in Children and Adults. Ann Neurol 20[3], 420. 1986.
223. Wyllie E, Lüders H, Morris H, Lesser R, Dinner D. Clinical Outcome After Complete and
Partial Cortical Resection for Intractable Epilepsy. Epilepsia 27[5], 635-636. 1986.
224. Lüders H, Lesser R, Dinner D, Morris H, Wyllie E, Klem G. Comprehension Deficits Elicited
by Electrical Stimulation of Broca's Area. Epilepsia 27, 598-599. 1986.
225. Goldstick L, Lüders H, Lesser R, Dinner D, Morris H, Wyllie E et al. Cortical Evoked
Potentials to Tendon Tapping Recorded from Chronic Subdural Electrodes. Neurology 36,
293. 1986.
226. Estes ML, Morris H, Lüders H, Lesser R, Dinner D, Friedman D et al. Lobectomy for
Intractable Epilepsy: Clinicopathologic Correlates in 60 Cases. Neurology 36, 86. 1986.
227. Friedman D, Lesser R, Dinner D, Lüders H, Morris H, Wyllie E. Measurement of
Psychosocial Functioning of Employed Epileptic Adults. Epilepsia 27, 619. 1986.
228. Dinner D, Lüders H, Lesser R, Morris H, Hahn J, DeNelsky G et al. Relationship of Memory
Changes After Temporal Lobectomy and Extent of Resection. Neurology 36, 294. 1986.
229. Lesser R, Lüders H, Dinner D, Hahn J, Morris H, Wyllie E et al. The Source of Paradoxical
Lateralization of Cortical Evoked Potentials to Posterior Tibial Nerve Stimulation. Neurology
87, 82-88. 1986.
230. Goldstick L, Morris H, Dinner D, Lüders H, Lesser R, Wyllie E. Tonic Status Epilepticus
Presenting as Absence Status Epilepticus. Electroencephalogr.Clin.Neurophysiol. 63, 43-
44P. 1986.
231. Kramer R, Lesser R, Lüders H, Weinstein M, Dinner D, Morris H et al. Transient Focal
Abnormalities Documented by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computerized
Tomography (CT) During Focal Status Epilepticus. epilep 27, 611. 1986.
232. Lesser R, Modic M, Weinstein M, Duchesneau P, Lüders H, Dinner D et al. 1.5 Tesla
Magnetic Resonance Studies in Patients with Intractable Focal Seizures. Neurology 35[1],
132. 1985.
233. Lesser R, Dinner D, Morris H, Lüders H. A Comparison of Recognition and Recall in
Patients Undergoing Intracarotid Amobarbital Examination. Epilepsia 26, 534. 1985.
234. Lüders H, Lesser R, Hahn J, Dinner D, Morris H, Resor S et al. Basal Temporal Speech
Area Demonstrated by Electrical Stimulation. Neurology 35[1], 229. 1985.
235. Lüders H, Lesser R, Hahn J, Dinner D, Morris H. Basal Temporal Speech Area Identified by
Electrical Stimulation. J.Electroencephalogr Electromyogr (Jpn) 13, 74. 1985.
236. Lüders H, Hahn J, Skipper G, Lesser R, Dinner D, Morris H et al. Chronic Basal Temporal
Arrays of Subdural Electrodes in the Evaluation of comples Partial Seizures.
Electroencephalogr.Clin.Neurophysiol. 61, 24. 1985.
237. Lesser R, Lüders H, Morris H, Dinner D, Klem G, Hahn J et al. Comprehension Deficits
Produced by Stimulation of Wernicke's Area in Candidates for Temporal Lobectomy. Ann
Neurol 18, 118-119. 1985.
238. Freidman D, Lesser R, Pippenger C, Abbott L, Dinner D, Lüders H et al. Dose
Relationships and Side Effects on Zonisamide in Patients with Intractable Complex Partial
Seizures. Neurology 34[1], 283-284. 1985.
239. Dinner D, Lüders H, Lesser R, Morris H, Barnett G. Intraoperative Somatosensory Evoked
Potentials (SEPs) Monitoring: Combined Invasive and Non-invasive Techniques.
Electroencephalogr.Clin.Neurophysiol. 61, S26. 1985.
240. Lesser R, Lüders H, Klem G, Dinner DS, Morris HH, Hahn J. Ipsilateral Sensory
Responses to Electrical Stimulation Via Chronic Subdural Electrodes. Neurology
35[Supplement 1], 67. 1985.
241. Lüders H, Lesser R, Dinner D, Morris H, Klem G. Ipsilateral Somatosensory Evoked
Potentials Recorded Directly From the Human Cortex.
Electroencephalogr.Clin.Neurophysiol. 61, S72-S73. 1985.
242. Lüders H, Lesser R, Hahn J, Dinner D, Morris H, Harrison M. Language Disturbances
Produced by Electrical Stimulation of the Basal Temporal Region. Ann Neurol 18, 151.
243. Lee BI, Lüders H, Lesser R, Dinner D, Morris H. Potentials Preceding Self-Initiated
Movements Recorded from Subdural Electrodes in Humans.
Electroencephalogr.Clin.Neurophysiol. 62, 4-5. 1985.
244. Wyllie E, Lüders H, Morris H, Lesser R, Dinner D. The Lateralizing Significance of Versive
Head and Eye Movements During Epileptic Seizures. Epilepsia 26, 530. 1985.
245. Goldstick L, Lesser R, Lüders H, Morris H, Dinner D. The Need for Anti-convulsant Drug
Withdrawal in the Diagnosis of Supplementary Motor Seizures. Epilepsia 26, 531. 1985.
246. Lesser R, Lüders H, Klem G, Dinner D, Morris H. A Comparison of the Variability of
Afterdischarge and Funcational Alteration Thresholds in Man: Results of Extraoperative
Testing. Neurology 34[1], 95. 1984.
247. Lesser R, Dinner D, Tomsak R, Lockwood K, Lüders H, Morris H. Acute Inactivation of the
Frontal Eye Fields Does Not Eliminate the Generation of contra-lateral Saccades.
Neurology 34[1], 95. 1984.
248. Tsuji S, Lüders H, Rothner AD, Lesser R, Dinner D. Cerebral Evoked Potential Studies in
Pelizaeus Merzbacher Disease. Electroencephalogr.Clin.Neurophysiol. 57, 45P. 1984.
249. Lüders H, Lesser R, Dinner D. Conduction Velocity of Cauda Equina and Posterior
Columns of Humans. Neurology 33[1], 133. 1984.
250. Morris H, Lüders H, Dinner D, Lesser R, Hahn J. Cortical Functional Localization by
Electrical Stimulation Before Surgical Treatment of Primary Brain Tumors. Ann Neurol 16,
131. 1984.
251. Dinner D, Lüders H, Lesser R, Morris H. Cortical Generators of Somatosensory Evoked
Potentials (SEPs) to Median Nerve Stimulation. Neurology 34[1], 133. 1984.
252. Murphy W, Dinner D, Weinstein M, Lüders H, Lesser R, Morris H. CT Scan Features of the
Pharynx in Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Sleep Research 13, 155. 1984.
253. Morris H, Lüders H, Lesser R, Dinner D, Klem G. Effect on Check Size on Pattern Reversal
Visual Evoked Potentials (PRVEP). Electroencephalogr.Clin.Neurophysiol. 57, 46P. 1984.
254. Dinner D, Lesser R, Morris H, Lüders H. Electroclinical Study of Convulsive Syncope: a
Case Report. Electroencephalogr.Clin.Neurophysiol. 57, 44P. 1984.
255. Lee BI, Lesser R, Pippenger C, Morris H, Lüders H. Familial Hyponogenic Parosyxmal
Dystonia Associated with Increased Dopaminergic Activity. Neurology 34[1], 95. 1984.
256. Dinner D, Lüders H, Lesser R. Memory Deficits After Temporal Lobectomy for Intractable
Epilepsy. Epilepsia 25, 669. 1984.
257. Lesser R, Dinner D, Lüders H, Morris H, Friedman D. Memory Formation During the
Confusional Period Following Intracaratid Sodium Amobarbital Injection. Epilepsia 25, 669.
258. Dinner D, Lüders H, Morris H, Lesser R. Polysomnograms Before and After Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Sleep Research 13, 139. 1984.
259. Lesser R, Lüders H, Dinner D, Morris H, Hahn J, Klem G. After discharge and Functional
Alteration Thresholds in the Frontal and Temporal Lobes: Extra-operative Testing.
Epilepsia 24, 518. 1983.
260. Tsuji S, Lüders H, Lesser R, Dinner D, Klem G. Auditory Evoked Potentials Recorded with
Non-cephalic Reference Electrodes. Electroencephalogr.Clin.Neurophysiol. 56, 30. 1983.
261. Tsuji S, Lüders H, Lesser R, Dinner D, Morris H, Klem G. Effect of stimulus Intensity of
Subcortical and Cortical Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (SEPs) by Posterior Tibial
Nerve (PTN) Stimulation. Neurology 33[2], 63. 1983.
262. Dinner D, Lüders H, Lesser R, Hahn J. Extensive Temporal Lobectomy of the Domiant
Hemisphere: A Case Report. Epilepsia 24, 261. 1983.
263. Lesser R, Pippenger C, Lüders H, Dinner D. High Dose Monotherapy in Treatment of
Intractable Seizures: Acute Toxic Effects and Therapeutic Efficacy. Neurology 33, 233-234.
264. Dinner D, Lüders H, Lesser R, Perry M. Incidence of Sleep Apnea in Normal Subjects as a
Function of Age. Neurology 33[2], 223. 1983.
265. Lüders H, Lesser R, Dinner D, Morris H, Hahn J. Inhibition of Motor Activity Elicited by
Electrical Stimulation of the Human Cortex. Epilepsia 24, 519. 1983.
266. Lesser R, Lüders H, Hahn J, Cohen L, Dinner D. Results of Extraoperative Stimulation of
the Frontal Speech Area. Epilepsia 24, 259. 1983.
267. Lesser R, Lüders H, Dinner D, Hahn J. The Anatomical Relationship of the Frontal Speech
Area to the Inferior Motor Strip: Results of Extraoperative Cortical Stimulation. Neurology
33[2], 63. 1983.
268. Lüders H, Lesser R, Dinner D, Hahn J, Salanga V, Morris H. The Second Sensory Area in
Man: Evoked Potentials and Electrical Stimulation Studies. Neurology 33[2], 185. 1983.
269. Lesser R, Pippenger C, Lüders H, Dinner D. Toxic Effects and Therapeutic Efficacy.
Neurology 33[2], 233. 1983.
270. Morris H, Lüders H, Lesser R, Dinner D, Hahn J. Transient Neuropsychological Parietal
Lobe Abnormalities Produced by Electrical Stimulation in Man. Neurology 33[2], 63. 1983.
271. Tsuji S, Lüders H, Gurd A, Hahn J, Dinner D, Lesser R et al. A New Method for
Intraoperative Monitoring of SEPs: The Cauda Equina Technique. Neurology 32, A71-A72.
272. Rothner AD, Erenberg G, Cruse R, Kinast M, Lesser R, Lüders H. Acute Aphasic Migraine.
Headache [150], 151. 1982.
273. Lüders H, Orlowski JP, Dinner D, Lesser R. Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials (BAEPs)
in Patient with Near Miss SIDS. Sleep Research . 1982.
274. Lüders H, Lesser R, Hahn J, Dinner D, Klem. Cortical Somatosensory Potentials (SEP) to
Hand Stimulation. Neurology 32, A204. 1982.
275. Dinner D, Lüders H, Lesser R, Rothner AD, Erenberg G. Incidence of Mesial Temporal
Epileptiform Foci in Complex Partial Seizures. Neurology 32, A91. 1982.
276. Lesser R, Lüders H, Klem G. LED Evoked Potentials: Characteristics and Clinical
Correlations. Electroencephalogr.Clin.Neurophysiol. 54, 63. 1982.
277. Lesser R, Lüders H, Hahn J, Dinner D, Hanson M, Rothner AD et al. Location of the
Speech Area in Candidates for Temporal Lobectomy: Results of Extraoperative Studies.
Neurology 32, A91. 1982.
278. Collard ME, Lesser R, Lüders H, Dinner D, Rothner AD, Hahn J et al. Results of Four
Dichotic Speech Tests for Temporal Lobectomy Candidates. Neurology 32, A130. 1982.
279. Dinner D, Lüders H, Lesser R, Hanson M, Hardy RW, Jr. Sleep Apnea Secondary to
Hydrocephalus. Sleep Research 11, 142. 1982.
280. Tsuji S, Dinner D, Lüders H, Lesser R, Goren H. Somatosensory Seizures: A Report of
Two Cases. Electroencephalogr.Clin.Neurophysiol. 54, 63. 1982.
281. Kinast M, Lüders H, Rothner AD, Erenberg G. Benign Focal Epileptiform Discharges in
Childhood Migraine (BFEDC) (Part II). Neurology 31, 94. 1981.
282. Dinner D, Lüders H, Rothner AD, Erenberg G. Complex Partial Seizures of Childhood
Onset: A Clinical and EEG Study (Part II). Neurology 31, 143. 1981.
283. Adelman S, Dinner D, Lesser R, Lüders H. Paradoxial lateralization of parasagittal sharp
waves in a patient with epilepsia partialis continua. - a case report.
Electroencephalogr.Clin.Neurophysiol. 52[5], 85P-87P. 1981.
284. Lüders H, Lesser R, Conomy JP, Furlan AJ. Possible Second Sensory Seizures Associated
with Left Temporal Epileptiform Discharges. Electroencephalogr.Clin.Neurophysiol. 52, 8687. 1981.
285. Lüders H, Lesser R, Gurd A, Hahn J, Klem G. Recovery Curve of Cortical and Subcortical
Somatosensory Evoked Potentials. Electroencephalogr.Clin.Neurophysiol. 52, S93-S94.
286. Lesser R, Hahn J, Klem G, Lueders H. The Origin of the Early Somatosensory Potentials
Evoked by Median Nerve Stimulation. Electroencephalogr.Clin.Neurophysiol. 51, 40. 1981.
287. Lesser R, Hahn J, Lüders H, Rothner AD, Erenberg G. The Use of Chronic Subdural
Electrodes for Cortical Mapping of Speech. Epilepsia 22, 240. 1981.
288. Klem G, Lüders H. A Comparative Study of Corneal and Extracorneal ERG Recording
Techniques. Electroencephalogr.Clin.Neurophysiol. 49, 108-109. 1980.
289. Klem G, Andrish J, Gurd A, Weiker G, Lüders H. Spinal Cord Evoked Potentials Recorded
From Ligamentum Interspinalis. Electroencephalogr.Clin.Neurophysiol. 50, 221. 1980.
290. Bustamante L, Lüders H, Pippenger C, Goldensohn ES. Quantitative Evaluation of
Anticonvulsant Effects on Penncillin-Induced Spike Focus in Cats.
Electroencephalogr.Clin.Neurophysiol. 43, 576. 1977.
291. Lüders H, Bustamante L, Pippenger C, Goldensohn ES. The Effects of Phenytoin,
Phenobarbital and Carbamazepine on Experimental Spike Focus. Neurology 27, 375.
292. Engel M, Lüders H, Chutorian A. The Significance of Focal EEG Spike in Epileptic and
Nonepileptic Children Who are Otherwise Normal. Ann Neurol 2, 257-258. 1977.
293. Lüders H, Miyoshi S, Kuroiwa Y. Electophysiological Studies on Cerebral Evoked
Potentials in Myoclonus Epilepsy. Electroencephalogr.Clin.Neurophysiol. 32, 203. 1972.
294. Nagae W, Nakamoto S, Lüders H. Cortical Somatosensory Evoked Potentials in Patients
with Uremia. Clin Neurol (Jpn) 11, 718. 1971.
295. Kuroiwa Y, Kato M, Lüders H, Miyoshi S, Murai Y. Clinical Research in Cortical Evoked
Potentials. Electroencephalography 11, 136. 1969.
296. Lüders H, Mawatari S, Kato M, Kuroiwa Y. Cortical Evoked Potentials and Focal Epilepsy.
Clin Neurol (Jpn) 9, 31-32. 1969.
297. Lüders H, Miyoshi S, Kato M, Kuroiwa Y. Cortical Evoked Potentials in Neurological
Diseases. Clin Neurol (Jpn) 9, 726-727. 1969.
298. Lüders H, Miyoshi S, Shibasaki H, Kuroiwa Y. Steroid Myopathy in Three Cases of
Polymyositis. Clin Neurol (Jpn) 9, 411-412. 1969.
299. Kuroiwa Y, Kato M, Lüders H, Murai Y, Miyoshi S. Clinical Applications of Cortical Evoked
Potentials. Clinical Neurophysiology 8, 547-548. 1968.