2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 38 Beam Bending (Chapter 13) Shear and Moment Diagrams/Equations The internal forces and moments must be in equilibrium on a “free-body diagram.” Consider a segment x (free-body) from a beam such as: p y(x) y x x 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 39 p y(x) M z(x) M z(x+x) P(x) P(x+x) y x Vy (x+x) Vy(x) x x x+x Sum forces in x direction (COLM): P( x x) P( x) 0 . P 0. Divide by x to obtain (as x 0): x 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 40 Sum forces in y direction (COLM): 0 Fy Vy ( x x) Vy ( x) x x x p y dx Divide by x to obtain Vy ( x x) V y ( x) x 1 x x x x p y dx 0 Take limit for x. The integral term becomes 1x p y x p y (since p y is a constant for x 0 ). Hence: Vy py x 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 41 Sum moments about the center of the differential element (COAM): 0 M M z ( x x) M z ( x) V y ( x x)(x / 2) V y ( x)(x / 2) x x x x / 2 xp y dx x x / 2 x xp y dx Divide by x and take limit. Note that p y is a constant as x 0 and hence the integral terms cancel. Thus Mz V y x Note: V y ( x) zero constant linear in x M z ( x) constant linear in x quadratic in x 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 42 Vy 2M z You can combine last two equations to get: py 2 x x The differential equations for shear and moment can be integrated. Consider the moment equation and integrate from some point x0 to x1. We assume that Vy ( x) has already been determined. x 1 dM z x 0 x 1V dx x y 0 or x 1V dx x y 0 M z ( x1) M z ( x0 ) Note: Last equation says that Bending Moment is related to the “area under the shear diagram.” If you know the bending moment at xo , then you can obtain the bending 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 43 moment at x1 by integrating the shear diagram from xo to x1. The area under the shear diagram from xo to x1 represents the change in moment from xo to x1. Shear and Moment Diagrams are important because: they provide information on internal shear forces and bending moments due to the applied loads, the internal shear and bending moment can be related to internal axial stress xx and shear stress xy , they identify the location of maximum internal shear and moment (and stress), and they will be used to determine the transverse deflection, u y ( x) . 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 44 Shear and Moment Diagrams can be obtained in two ways: 1. Using the differential equations of equilibrium Vy Vy Mz 2M z V y py py , x x x x2 x V y ( x1) V y ( x0 ) 1 p y dx x 0 x M z ( x1) M z ( x0 ) 1V y dx x 0 2. Drawing a free-body diagram and using equations of equilibrium ( Forces = 0, Moments = 0). 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 45 Example 1. Cantilever beam with end moment, m m + L x m x cut beam and find internal forces and moment Sum forces in x and y direction to obtain P(x)=0 and Vy ( x) 0. Sum moments at any point x to obtain M z ( x) m. P( x) M z ( x) m V y ( x) x x’=L-x Mz M z ( x) m x L 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 46 Example 2. Cantilever beam with end load, F. F + L x F P( x) x cut beam and find internal forces and moment M z ( x) F V y ( x) x x’=L-x Sum forces in y direction to find Vy ( x) F . Sum moments at any point x to obtain 0 M M z ( x) F ( L x) or M z ( x) F ( L x) . 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 47 The internal shear and bending moment diagrams are: Vy F Mz V y ( x) F FL M z ( x) F ( L x) x x L L 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 48 Example 3. Cantilever beam with uniform distributed load, po p0 + L x p0 M z ( x) p0 P( x) x cut beam and find internal forces and moment x V y ( x) x’=L-x 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 49 Sum forces in y direction to obtain Vy ( x) p0 ( L x) . Sum moments at any point x to obtain 0 M M z ( x) [ p0 ( L x)]( L x) / 2 or M z ( x) p0 ( L x)2 / 2 Internal Shear and bending moment diagrams are given by: Vy Mz p0 L 2 p L V y ( x) p0 ( L x) 0 / 2 M z ( x) p0 ( L x) 2 / 2 x x L L 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending p0 Example 3a. Cantilever beam with uniform distributed load, po. Use the integration method to obtain V&M diagrams. Vy p y p0 x 50 L x We know the shear at x=L is 0, so lets integrate from x=L to any point x: or or x x L dVy L p0dx V y ( x ) V y ( L) 0 x p0 L p0 ( x L) Vy ( x) p0 ( L x) 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 51 Next, integrate the shear equation to obtain the moment equation. Mz V y p0 ( L x) x We know the moment is zero at the free end, x=L, so integrate from x=L to any point x: x x L dM z L p0 ( L x)dx or 0 M z ( x) M z ( L) p0 ( Lx x / 2) 2 x L p0 ( Lx x 2 / 2 L2 / 2) p0 ( L x) 2 / 2 or M z ( x) p0 ( L x)2 / 2 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 52 Example 4. Cantilever beam with 2 shear forces 75 lbf M z ( x) 100 lbf 100 lbf P( x) x x 8 in 20 in V y ( x) 20-x 20 in Make a free-body by cutting at some point x to right of the 75 lbf load (sketch on right above). Sum forces and moments about left end of free-body to obtain: 8" x 20" 0 Fx P( x) P( x) 0 0 Fy Vy ( x) 100 Vy ( x) 100 lbf 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 53 0 M M z ( x) 100(20 x) M z ( x) 100(20 x) 2,000 100 x ft lbf Make a free-body by cutting at some point x to the left of the 75 lbf load. Sum forces and moments about left end of freebody to obtain: M z ( x) 75 lbf 100 lbf P( x) V y ( x ) 8-x x 20-x 20 in 0 x 8" 0 Fx P( x) P( x) 0 0 Fy Vy ( x) 75 100 Vy ( x) 25 lbf 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 54 0 M M z ( x) 75(8 x) 100(20 x) M z ( x) 1, 400 25 x ft lbf Now draw the internal shear and moment diagrams. M z (ft-lbf) Vy (lbf) 100 1,400 1,200 25 x x 8” 20” 8” 20” 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 55 Example 5. Simply Supported Beam with Point Load P NO MOMENTS AT ENDS WITH SIMPLE SUPPORTS 8” 20” x P R1 M(x) R2 8” R2 V(x) 20” x'=L- x From equilibrium: R1 + R2 = P and R1(8) - R2(12) = 0. Thus R1 = P (12/20) and R2 = P (8/20). V(x) M(x) (8/20)P P(8/20)(12) L=20” x x -(12/20)P L 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 56 Example 6. Simply Supported Beam with Distributed Load p o NO MOMENTS AT ENDS WITH SIMPLE SUPPORTS L x po M(x) R1 po V(x) R2 R2 x'=L-x From equilibrium: R1 = R2 = poL/2. V(x) M(x) M(x)=(po /2) x (x-L) p L/2 o x x L L 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 57 Recitation Exercise #1: For each case determine the shear and moment boundary conditions. 75 lbf 100 lbf 100 lbf x x 8 in 8 in 20 in 20 in 75 lbf 75 lbf 100 in-lbf x x 8 in 8 in 20 in 75 lbf 6 in 20 in 100 in-lbf 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 58 50 lb/in x 20 in 10 in 50 lb/in 1,000 lb 500 in-lb x 10 in 10 in 10 in 50 lb/in 500 in-lb x 20 in 10 in 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 59 Recitation Exercise #2: 50 lb/in x 20 in 10 in Determine the shear (V y ) and bending moment ( M z ) equations as a function of x. Draw the V & M diagrams. Repeat for the following two cases: 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 60 50 lb/in x 20 in 10 in 50 lb/in x 10 in 10 in 10 in 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 61 Example 7. Simply Supported Beam of length L=10 ft, with distributed normal load po = 50 lb/ft (up) and force P = 200 lb (down) at x=6 ft. p =50 lb/ft o P=200 lb a=6 ft po =50 lb/ft R1 P=200 lb a=6 ft R2 L=10 ft x L=10 ft For equilibrium: R1 = 170 lb, R2 = 130 lb Obtain the shear diagram by drawing free-body diagrams for the segment to left and right of the force P: 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 62 0 x 6' . Free-body of beam to left of 200 lb force: 50lb / ft x M z ( x) V y ( x) + P( x) 170 lb 0 Fy Vy ( x) 170 50 x Vy ( x) 170 50 x lb 0 M M z ( x) 170lf ( x) [50 lbft ( x)]( x / 2) M z ( x) 170 x 25 x 2 ft-lb 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 63 6 x 10'. Do a free-body to right of 200 lb force: M z ( x) 50lb / ft P( x) x V y ( x) + 10-x 130 lb 0 Fy V y ( x) 370 50 x V y ( x) 370 50 x (lbf ) 0 M M z ( x) 130(10 x) 50(10 x)[(10 x) / 2] M z ( x) 1,200 370 x 25 x 2 ft-lb Internal shear and moment diagrams are given by: 2001, W. E. Haisler Vy (lbf) 170 Chapter 13: Beam Bending V y ( x) 170 50 x V y ( x ) 370 50 x 70 10 ft 6 ft -130 -130 M z (ft-lbf) 10 ft 6 ft -120 -169 -289 x x M z ( x ) 170 x 25 x 2 M z ( x) 1, 200 370 x 25 x 2 64 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 65 Alternately, we could determine the moment diagram using differential equation of equilibrium x x Mz 1 V y dM z 1V y dx x x x 0 0 x 1V dx x y 0 M z ( x1) M z ( x0 ) We can determine the moment diagram by integrating the shear diagram. Consider the left segment of the beam and integrate from x=0 to any point x6 (note: M z (0) 0 ): x x 0 0 M z ( x) M z (0) Vy dx 0 (170 50 x)dx 25 x 2 170 x The above equation is valid only from x=0 to 6. At x=6 ft, the 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 66 above moment equation gives M z (6 ft ) 120 ft lb . We can now integrate the shear diagram for the right portion of the beam (from x=6 to 10) knowing that M(6) = -120. x x 6 6 M z ( x) M z (6) V y dx 120 (370 50 x)dx 25 x 2 370 x 1200 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 67 Determining Shear & Moment Diagrams Graphically Consider the last example (example 7): p =50 lb/ft o P=200 lb a=6 ft po =50 lb/ft R 1=170 lb P=200 lb a=6 ft R 2 =130 lb L=10 ft x L=10 ft We use the following relations: Vy Mz V y . Integrate each from x0 to x1 p y and x x x 1 p dx y x 0 V y ( x1) V y ( x0 ) x 1V dx x y 0 and M z ( x1) M z ( x0 ) Hence the shear at any point is related to the area under the distributed load ( p y ) diagram, and the moment is related to the area 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 68 under the shear diagram. Draw the distributed load diagram. 10' Note: Vy (10') 130lb . Then, Vy (10') Vy (6') p y dx or 6' Vy (6') Vy (10') 10' 6' p y dx . The area py under the p y curve is (50lb/ft)(10-6)ft=200 lb. Hence Vy (6') 130 200 70lb . At x=6 ft, the shear drops by 200 lbs due to V y 170 lb the point load. Hence, shear just to left of 6' 50 lb/ft x 6 ft 10 ft is V y (6 ) 70 200 130lb . Area under p y from 6 to 0 is 50(6-0)=300 lb. So Vy (0) 130 300 170lb . Since p y is constant, Vy ( x) is linear. Note that slope of shear curve is equal to p y 50lb / ft . 70 6 ft -50 lb/ft 10 ft x -50 lb/ft -130 -130 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 69 Another approach to obtaining the shear diagram: if we know the shear is -130 lb at x=10, we can construct a line from that point with a slope of -50 lb/ft. up to x=6. This gives a value of 70 for shear at x=6. Due to -200 lb force at x=6, the shear drops to a value of -130lb. From that point, construct a line with slope equal to -50 until x=0. This gives a value of shear equal to 170 lb at x=0. Note from the shear diagram that the shear is zero at x=3.4 ft [by similar triangles 170/x=130/(6-x) or x=3.4 ft]. Now do the moment diagram from the shear diagram. We know from B.C. that the moment is zero at x=0 and 10 ft. We'll start from the left this time where M z (0) 0 . We can write M z (3.4') M z (0) 3.4' 0' Vy dx . The area under the shear curve from x=0 to 3.4 is 0.5(3.4')(+170 lb) = 289 ft-lb. Thus 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 70 M z (3.4') 289 ft lb . Area under shear curve from 3.4' to 6' is 0.5(2.6')(-130 lb) = -169 ft-lb. So we have M z (6') M z (3.4') 6' Vy dx 289 (169) 120 ft lb 3.4' Since the shear diagram is linear is a linear function from x=0 to 6, we know the moment diagram is a quadratic. Similarly, for the region from x=6 to 10, the shear is zero at x=7.4'. Area under shear curve from x=6 to x=7.4' is 0.5(7.4'-6')(+70lb)=+49 ft-lb. Thus M z (7.4') M z (6') 7.4' 6' Vy dx 120 (49) 169 ft lb . Similarly, area under shear curve from 7.4 to 10 is 0.5(10'-7.4')(-130 lb) = -169 ft-lb. Thus M z (10') M z (7.4') 10' Vy dx 169 (169) 0 ft lb . 7.4' 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending The complete moment diagram is shown on the next page. Notice that at x=10', the shear is a negative value. Hence from Vy (lbf) 170 Mz V y , the slope of the moment x curve at x=10 is a positive slope. At x=0, the shear is positive, therefore Mz the slope of the moment curve is negative. This is an easy way to check (ft-lbf) your work. Notice that drawing the diagrams in this way does not give us equations for Vy ( x) and M z ( x) . However the equations are needed to determine the deflection equation! 71 70 10 ft 6 ft -130 -120 -169 -289 -130 10 ft 6 ft x x 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 72 Determining location of maximum moment For example 7, f0r the left segment (x=0 to 6) we have Vy ( x) 170 50 x and M z ( x) 25 x 2 170 x The point of the maximum moment (for 0 to 6 ft) can be obtained dM z 0 50 x 170 . Solving for x, from calculus, i.e., where dx we obtain x=170/50=3.4 ft. Hence, M z (3.4 ft ) 289 ft lb . Note that from the differential equation relating moment and Mz V y , so a location of maximum moment is shear, x where shear Vy 0. From the shear equation above for 0-6', Vy ( x) 0 is zero at x=170/50=3.4 ft. Same result!! 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 73 Some books may use a different sign convention for Shear. M z(x) p y(x) M z(x+x) P(x) P(x+x) y x Vy(x) Vy (x+x) From equilibrium, the change in direction of the assumed positive shear changes both the shear and moment equilibrium equations: Vy py x Mz Vy x Be careful with this! The sign change in V will flip the shear and moment diagram vertically. But also changes the sign in stress eq.!