BODY REGIONS – ANTERIOR temporal region orbital region face neck buccal region (cheek) oral region cervical region clavicular region deltoid region shoulder sternal region axillary region chest pectoral region brachial region arm epigastric region cubital region umbilical region forearm antebrachial region wrist carpal region palmar region hand coxal region inguinal region pubic region thigh hypogastric (suprapubic) region femoral region knee patellar region crural region leg ankle tarsal region dorsum of foot foot BODY REGIONS – POSTERIOR back of the head neck occipital region nuchal region suprascapular region shoulder posterior thorax arm acromial region deltoid region scapular region interscapular region verbetral region brachial region lower back infrascapular region cubital region forearm lumbar region antebrachial region buttock wrist carpal region dorsum of hand hand thigh gluteal region sacral region perineal region knee femoral region popliteal region leg crural region ankle heel sole of the foot calcaneal region plantar region of foot REGION DEFINITION cephalic temporal orbital otic buccal oral cervical clavicular supraclavicular infraclavicular deltoid sternal suprasternal costal axillary pectoral brachial epigastric cubital umbilical antebrachial carpal palmar coxal inguinal pubic genital hypogastric femoral patellar crural tarsal dorsum pertaining to the head relating to the temple; area of the temporal fossa above the zygomatic arch related to the bony eye socket and associated structures pertaining to the ear pertaining to, adjacent to, or in the direction of the cheek relating to the mouth pertaining to the neck, or the neck of any organ related to the area of the clavicle (collarbone) pertaining to the area above the clavicle pertaining to the area below the clavicle related to the area over the deltoid muscle, of the lateral upper arm pertaining to the middle of the thorax, anteriorly pertaining to the pertaining to the ribs pertaining to the armpit pertaining to the anterolateral chest pertaining to the upper arm anterior abdominal region, between the posterior edge of the rib cage and the umbilical region pertaining to the elbow, antecubital can be used to speak of the anterior surface pertaining to the region around the naval pertaining to the forearm pertaining to the wrist pertaining to the palm of the hand pertaining to the hip pertaining to the depressed area where the thigh is joined to the anterior abdominal wall (AKA groin) pertaining to the area over the pubic bone pertaining to the external reproductive organs specifically anterior abdominal region, between the umbilical region and the pubic region (AKA suprapubic) pertaining to the thigh pertaining to the kneecap pertaining to the leg pertaining to the ankle and the instep of the foot pertaining to the top of the foot or back of the hand occipital nuchal suprascapular acromial scapular interscapular vertebral infrascapular lumbar gluteal sacral perineal popliteal calcaneal plantar pedal pertaining to the lower posterior portion of the head pertaining to the posterior neck, particularly along the hair line pertaining to the region above the scapula pertaining to the point of the shoulder pertaining to the region overlying the scapula pertaining to the region between the two scapulae pertaining to the spinal column pertaining to the region immediately below the scapula, just above the lumbar region pertaining to the region of the lower back between the ribs and the pelvic (AKA loin) pertaining to the buttocks pertaining to the posterior region between the hip bones pertaining to the region directly between the legs, including the anus and external reproductive organs pertaining to the posterior knee pertaining to the heel bone pertaining to the bottom surface of the foot pertaining to the foot as a whole