SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ Subject: Feb.4, 2008 SoCalGas Direct Testimony of Herbert S. Emmrich (Demand Forecasts) QUESTION 1: In prior BCAP proceedings SoCalGas and SDG&E relied upon econometric models to forecast gas demand. Please explain why in this BCAP SoCalGas and SDG&E are relying upon end-use models to forecast gas demand. RESPONSE 1: End use models with an equipment choice module are a more effective forecasting tool in today’s energy efficiency oriented world. Also, we had been maintaining two sets of models for forecasting purposes, econometric and end-use models. To save resources, we decided to use end use models exclusively to be more in line with the CEC and the use of our end use models in the CGR forecasts. 1 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 2: How does SoCalGas and SDG&E propose to allow DRA access to the EUForecaster software discussed in the gas demand forecasting workpapers. RESPONSE 2: We have contacted Quantec to assure that the EUForecaster model will be made available to DRA. DRA will however have to have a SAS license in order to use the model. 2 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 3: On page 159 of Mr. Emmrich’s gas demand forecasting workpapers he lists a set of price elasticities by sector. Were these elasticities based on econometrically estimated models ? RESPONSE 3: The price elasticities on page 159 reference the SoCalGas Core Commercial price elasticities. The price elasticities are based on econometrically estimated models. 3 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 4: If the answer to question (3), is yes please provide the following: (a) A complete description of the model including all variable definitions. (b) The complete historical data set used to generate the estimates. (c) A description of the software used in the estimation, i.e. SAS, TSP, GAUSS etc RESPONSE 4: (A ) For a description of the model used to generate core commercial price elasticities, please see the attached pdf document called Data Request_Core Commercial Price Elasticity Data and Estimation Writeup Adobe Acrobat Document (B) The data for the estimation of the price elasticity model are contained within the attached Zip folder called Commercial Core Price Elasticity Data Files.Zip. (C) The SAS software was utilized to develop the price elasticities. A copy of the program is contained in the above Data Zip folder. 4 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 5: If the answer to question (3) is no, please explain how these price elasticities were derived. RESPONSE 5: Not applicable. 5 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 6: On page 159 of Mr. Emmrich’s gas demand forecasting workpapers he lists a set of employment elasticities by sector. Were these elasticities based on econometrically estimated models? RESPONSE 6: The employment elasticities on page 159 reference the SoCalGas Core Commercial price elasticities. The employment elasticities are based on econometrically estimated models. 6 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 7: If the answer to question (5) is yes, please provide the following: (a) A complete description of the model including all variable definitions. (b) The complete historical data set used to generate the estimates. (c) A description of the software used in the estimation, i.e. SAS, TSP, GAUSS etc. RESPONSE 7: (A ) For a description of the model used to generate core commercial employment elasticities, please see the attached pdf document called Data Request_Core Comm Employment Elasticity Writeup. Adobe Acrobat Document (B) The data for the estimation of the core commercial employment elasticity model are contained within the attached Zip folder called Core Commercial Employment Elasticity SAS Folder.Zip. (C) The SAS software was utilized to develop the core commercial employment elasticities. A copy of the program is contained in the above Data Zip folder. 7 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 8: If the answer to question (6) is no, please explain how these employment elasticities were derived. RESPONSE 8: Not applicable. 8 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 9: On page 203 of Mr. Emmrich’s gas demand forecasting workpapers he lists a set of price elasticities by sector. Were these elasticities based on econometrically estimated models ? RESPONSE 9: Yes. 9 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 10: If the answer to question (9) is yes, please provide the following: (a) A complete description of the model including all variable definitions. (b) The complete historical data set used to generate the estimates. (c) A description of the software used in the estimation, i.e. SAS, TSP, GAUSS etc. RESPONSE 10: (a) See the attached file below: D:\Data\BCAP2009\ Data Request\DRA-TMR1\Q10.doc (b) See the attached file below: D:\Data\BCAP2009\ Data Request\DRA-TMR1\Q10_Historica Data.xls (c) SAS was used. 10 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 11: If the answer to question (9) is no, please explain how these price elasticities were derived. RESPONSE 11: Not applicable. 11 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 12: On page 203 of Mr. Emmrich’s gas demand forecasting workpapers he lists a set of employment elasticities by sector. Were these elasticities based econometrically estimated models ? RESPONSE 12: Yes. 12 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 13: If the answer to question (12) is yes, please provide the following: (a) A complete description of the model including all variable definitions. (b) The complete historical data set used to generate the estimates. (c) A description of the software used in the estimation, i.e. SAS, TSP, GAUSS etc. RESPONSE 13: Please see Response 10. 13 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 14: If the answer to question (12) is no, please explain how these employment elasticities were derived. RESPONSE 14: Not applicable. 14 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 15: On page 245 of Mr. Emmrich’s gas demand workpapers he lists a set of price elasticities by sector. Were these elastcities based on econometrically estimated models? RESPONSE 15: Yes. 15 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 16: If the answer to question (15) is yes, please provide the following: (a) A complete description of the model including all variable definitions. (b) The complete historical data set used to generate the estimates. (c) A description of the software used in the estimation, i.e. SAS, TSP, GAUSS etc. RESPONSE 16: Please refer to Response 4 and the attached Excel file for the weighted price elasticities for the noncore commercial and industrial markets. 2002-2005 Noncore Price Elasticities.xls 16 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 17: If the answer to question (15) is no, please explain how these price elasticities were derived. RESPONSE 17: Not applicable. 17 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 18: On page 245 of Mr. Emmrich’s gas demand workpapers he lists a set of employment elasticities by sector. Were these elasticities based on econometrically estimated models? RESPONSE 18: Yes. 18 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 19: If the answer to question (18) is yes, please provide the following: (a) A complete description of the model including all variable definitions. (b) The complete historical data set used to generate the estimates. (c) A description of the software used in the estimation, i.e. SAS, TSP, GAUSS etc. RESPONSE 19: a) The description of the model is in attached. This document was prepared in 2003 for the (unfiled) 2005 BCAP. NonCoreEconModel2 005BCAP b) See part a). c) The software used in the estimation is SAS. 19 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 20: If the answer to question (18) is no, please explain how these employment elasticities were derived. RESPONSE 20: Not applicable. 20 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 21: Please explain how SoCalGas forecasted average year, cold-year, and hot-year heating degree days. RESPONSE 21: Please see Herb Emmrich’s work papers for SoCalGas Demand Forecasts, beginning on page #383. In particular see pages 387-388. There are detailed examples for the two cold-year cases for a 1-in-10 and 1-in-35 likelihood. The calculations for the hot-year cases are similar to the cold-year cases except that rather than “adding standard deviations” to the average-year Hdd total of 1,379 Hdd, we would “subtract standard deviations” from this average. Hot-year HDD (1-in-35 likelihood) = 1,093 which equals approximately 1,379 average-year HDDs – 2.025 * 141.25; and, for the Hot-year HDD (1-in-10 likelihood) = 1,191 which equals approximately 1,379 average-year HDDs – 1.328 * 141.25 21 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 22: For the commercial core, industrial core, and commercial and industrial non-core sectors please explain how SoCalGas arrived at the sector employment forecasts show in Mr. Emmrich’s gas demand workpapers. If these employment forecasts were derived from econometric models please provide a detailed description of the models used along with the complete historic and forecast data used to generate the employment forecasts. RESPONSE 22: SoCalGas used recorded data through December 2006 by employment sector from the California Employment Development Department. SoCalGas aggregated available employment data by each sector for the total of the 12 counties served wholly or partially by SoCalGas (Fresno, Imperial, Kern, Kings, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Tulare, and Ventura). To the recorded 2006 data, SoCalGas then applied forecasted growth rates by sector to derive its sectoral employment forecast. The forecasted employment growth rates were not from a SoCalGas econometric model; they were from Global Insight’s Spring 2007 Regional forecast (released in May 2007) for the “big 6” Metropolitan Statistical Area counties in SoCalGas’ service area: Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Ventura. Together these “big 6” counties account for well over 80% of the economic activity in SoCalGas’ service area; as such, the growth rates of their aggregate data serve as an excellent proxy for the total service area. 22 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 23: On page 65 of Mr. Emmrich’s SDG&E gas demand forecast workpapers he lists a series of price elasticities by sector. Were these elastcities based on econometrically estimated models? RESPONSE 23: Page 65 of Mr. Emmrich’s workpapers describe SDG&E’s price elasticities by market segment. The SDG&E price elasticities were based on econometric estimates derived from the study of SoCalGas. 23 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 24: If the answer to question (23) is yes, please provide the following: (a) A complete description of the model including all variable definitions. (b) The complete historical data set used to generate the estimates. (c) A description of the software used in the estimation, i.e. SAS, TSP, GAUSS etc. RESPONSE 24: The SDG&E price elasticities were obtained from the SoCalGas model described in detail within the above section under Question 4A-B-C. 24 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 25: If the answer to question (24) is no, please explain how these price elasticities were derived. RESPONSE 25: Not applicable. 25 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 26: On page 65 of Mr. Emmrich’s SDG&E gas demand forecast workpapers he lists a series of employment elasticities by sector. Were these elasticties based on econometrically estimated models? RESPONSE 26: Page 65 of Mr. Emmrich’s workpapers describe SDG&E’s employment elasticities by market segment. The SDG&E employment elasticities were derived by applying an adjustment factor to the econometric estimates derived from the study for SoCalGas. 26 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 27: If the answer to question (26) is yes, please provide the following: (a) A complete description of the model including all variable definitions. (b) The complete historical data set used to generate the estimates. (c) A description of the software used in the estimation, i.e. SAS, TSP, GAUSS etc. RESPONSE 27: The SDG&E employment elasticities were derived from the SoCalGas model employment elasticity estimates described in detail within the above section under Question 7A-B-C. The attached Excel formatted file called Data Request_SDGE Employment Elasticities.xls contains the mathematical derivation of the SDG&E employment elasticities and a description of the adjustment factors utilized. Microsoft Office Excel Worksheet 27 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 28: If the answer to question (26) is no, please how these employment elasticities were derived. RESPONSE 28: Not applicable. 28 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 29: On page 111 of Mr.Emmrich’s SDG&E demand forecasting workpapers he lists a series of price elasticities by sector. Were these elasticities based on econometrically estimated models? RESPONSE 29: Yes. 29 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 30: If the answer to question (29) is yes, please provide the following: (a) A complete description of the model including all variable definitions. (b) The complete historical data set used to generate the estimates. (c) A description of the software used in the estimation, i.e. SAS, TSP, GAUSS etc. RESPONSE 30: The sectoral price elasticities for SDG&E’s industrial demand forecast use elasticities from SolCalGas' econometric model based on the information shown in Response 10. 30 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 31: If the answer to question (29) is no, please explain how these price elasticities were derived. RESPONSE 31: Not applicable. 31 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 32: On page 111 of Mr.Emmrich’s SDG&E demand forecasting workpapers he lists a series of employment elasticities by sector. Were these elasticities based on econometrically estimated models? RESPONSE 32: Yes. 32 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 33: If the answer to question (32) is yes, please provide the following: (a) A complete description of the model including all variable definitions. (b) The complete historical data set used to generate the estimates. (c) A description of the software used in the estimation, i.e. SAS, TSP, GAUSS etc. RESPONSE 33: The sectoral employment elasticities for SDG&E’s industrial demand forecast use elasticities from SolCalGas' econometric model based on the information shown in Response 10. 33 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 34: If the answer to question (32) is no, please explain how these employment elasticities were derived. RESPONSE 34: Not applicable. 34 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 35: Please explain how SDG&E forecasted average year, cold-year, and hot-year heating degree days. RESPONSE 35: Please see Herb Emmrich’s work papers for SDG&E Demand Forecasts, beginning on page #150. In particular see pages 154-155. There are detailed examples for the two cold-year cases for a 1-in-10 and 1-in-35 likelihood. The calculations for the hot-year cases are similar to the cold-year cases except that rather than “adding standard deviations” to the average-year Hdd total of 1,306 Hdd, we would “subtract standard deviations” from this average. Hot-year HDD (1-in-35 likelihood) = 958 which equals approximately 1,306 average-year HDDs – 2.025 * 171.78; and, for the Hot-year HDD (1-in-10 likelihood) = 1,078 which equals approximately 1,306 average-year HDDs – 1.328 * 171.78 35 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR1 ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 36: For the commercial core, industrial core, and commercial and industrial non-core sectors please explain how SDG&E arrived at the sector employment forecasts show in Mr. Emmrich’s gas demand workpapers. If these employment forecasts were derived from econometric models please provide a detailed description of the models used along with the complete historic and forecast data used to generate the employment forecasts. RESPONSE 36: SDG&E used recorded data through December 2006 by employment sector for San Diego County, from the California Employment Development Department. To the recorded 2006 data, SDG&E then applied forecasted growth rates by sector to derive its sectoral employment forecast. The forecasted employment growth rates were not from a SDG&E econometric model; they were from Global Insight’s Spring 2007 Regional forecast (released in May 2007) for the San Diego Metropolitan Statistical Area (San Diego County). 36