An incomplete set of References on calibration estimation December 2003 References to be added are highly welcomed please send to by Montanari G.E. – Ranalli G.M. Bankier M., Houle A.M. and Luc M. (1997), Calibration estimation in the 1991 and 1996 Canadian Censuses, Proceedings of the Section on Survey Research Methods, 66–75, American Statistical Association, Alexandria, VA. Bardsley P. and Chambers R.L. (2001), Multipurpose estimation from unbalanced samples, Applied Statistics, 33, 290–299. Bell P. (2000), Weighting and standard error estimation for ABS Household Surveys, Working Paper, ABS Methodology Committee, Australian Bureau of Statistics. Bellhouse D.R. and Stafford J.E. (2001), Local polynomial regression in complex surveys, Survey Methodology, 27 n.2, 197–203. Bethlehem J.G. (1988), Reduction of nonresponse bias through regression estimation, Journal of the Official Statistics, 4 251–260. Binder D.A. 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