12th APRIL 2015 – 2ND SUNDAY OF EASTER YEAR B ST AUGUSTINE’S 30 Coniscliffe Road DARLINGTON DL3 7RG PARISH BULLETIN SICK & RETIRED PRIESTS COLLECTION – THIS SUNDAY St John Vianney, the Cure of Ars, is the patron saint of parish priests. He led a quite extraordinary life of priestly commitment. He worked long hours every day, survived on little food and even less sleep, and was renowned for the long hours he spent in the confessional. His devotion to his duties could only have been possible with the help of God’s grace and a powerful life of prayer. Anyone who has seen pictures of his gaunt appearance would see the personal cost to him of such a life. Parish priests today would find it hard to measure up to the example of the humble Cure of Ars, but the task in our times is undoubtedly demanding, and to do it well takes great commitment. Despite our modern day pressures, priests continue to work to the retirement age of 75, unless they are restricted by ill health. Between 1951 – 2014 the number of active Diocesan priests has fallen from 368 to 106. The number of retired priests has increased from 2 to 53. Between 1972 and 2014 the number of active priests has reduced from 333 to 106 – a decrease of over 67%. There are only 5 priests aged 40 or under, almost half (47.2%) are already aged 65 or over. Vocations to the priesthood today are still sparse, and we can only imagine that the pressures on our priests will increase, even as they grow older. Retirement for most priests is therefore a last resort, as they continue to try to serve God’s people in their ordained ministry. So when we come to consider our retired priests, it is good to remember that retirement has probably been forced upon them by circumstances, and that they deserve every consideration after all their years labouring in the vineyard. These are difficult times for the diocese financially, so the Northern Brethren Fund aims to shoulder the burden of priests’ retirement grants, through investments, your Masses and legacies. In recent years, the Northern Brethren Fund has managed to support our retired priests, but has been unable to increase their hardship grants because of the increased numbers and the lack of resources. We hope that by 2020 we will have passed our peak numbers and will be able to be more generous in our support. In the meantime, we can only ask you to continue your generous support of the Sick and Retired Priests collection, enrol as Benefactors of the Fund, and remember our retired priests when you are making any bequests. Please take a collection envelope as you leave church today. If you pay tax, the Gift Aid Declaration will add 25% to your gift. And if you would like to be a regular supporter of our retired priests, the yellow form includes a Standing Order Mandate and details about benefactions and bequests. We are deeply grateful for all your support of our work for retired priests and will strive at all times to put your generosity to the most effective use, as you care for those who cared for you and your family throughout their priestly ministry. DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY – 12TH APRIL A Service will be held here today at 1.30pm and finishing at 4.30pm. This will include benediction and confession. St Joseph’s Norton are also have a service with Holy hour from 2.30-3.30pm. ICON EXHIBITION OF 12 NORTHERN SAINTS DURHAM CATHEDRAL MARCH 16TH –APRIL 13TH Come and visit; pray with the icons; visit the shrines of Cuthbert and Bede; do a prayer-walk down to the river-side (available on diocesan web-site). Prayer cards and service sheets available at the Exhibition. These our local Saints are often described as the ‘lights’ of early Christianity in the North of England. They were the great evangelists of their time as they took the Gospel to all, often in the face of great difficulties, even death. They can teach us so much by their example as we face our own difficulties today. ST AUGUSTINE’S BOOK CLUB The book we are reading this month is “Keeping Fath – Jodi Picoult”. We have a couple of spare copies in the office if you would like to join us. The next meeting will be on Wednesday 13th May 2-3.30pm (2nd Wednesdays of the month). PARISH CENTRE INFORMATION To book the Parish Centre : email staugspc@gmail.com or telephone 07909 747145 Bar Opening Times: Friday 7-11pm Sunday 12-2pm & 7-10.30pm Club Memberships and Car Park Permits. You can renew both memberships and permits after each Sunday morning Masses during April in the PC. If there's a change to your details it's probably best to do it this way. If there's no change since last year then you can do it by post, simply follow the instructions on one of the forms available from the back of church, the PC lobby or the Attendants cabin The good news is there's no increase in either the Club Membership subs (£4 & £2 senior) or the permit cost (£40) Date for your diary, Friday 17th April, monthly Quiz – Hosted by STARS in the PC, 7:45pm. Come down, bring the family, show off your obscure knowledge. GENERAL ELECTION 2015 At the back of Church there is a printed leaflet of a letter to Catholics in England and Wales from the Bishops. Please take a copy away with you. This is also available on the Diocesan website www.rcdhn.org.uk. BAPTISM COURSE St Augustine’s Parish Centre Wednesday 22nd and 29th April 7.15pm – 8.30pm. Please let the office (266602) know if you wish to attend. CELEBRATION of MARRIAGE Bishop Séamus will celebrate Mass in St Mary’s Cathedral on Saturday 9th May at 11.00am to give thanks for the Sacrament of Marriage. He has invited each parish community to be represented by two couples, young or old, newly married or celebrating a significant anniversary. This promises to be a wonderful celebration and will provide affirmation and support for Marriage across the diocese and to the wider North-East community. If you wish to be a representative of our Parish please contact Fr Seamus. PARISH MAGAZINE The 3rd Edition of the Parish Magazine is available at the back of Church. Thanks go to Matthew Smith and Stacey Brocklebank from Carmel IT for their help in the preparation of the technical layout of the magazine and especially Jim Cunningham for collating all the material from the groups within our parish and producing this magazine. Please take one if you are visiting any of our housebound parishioners. PARISH PRAYERS There is a box at the back of Church if anybody has any prayer intentions they wish to include in the parish bidding prayers which are read out at all the Sunday Masses. TICKETS FOR THE SEMI-FINAL OF BRITAIN’S GOT TALENT A raffle (£1 each) for two tickets to the semi-final of Britain’s Got Talent with first class rail tickets and overnight accommodation is being arranged by the Youth Ministry Team. YMT, the youth service for the diocese, provides opportunities for our young people to depeen their faith. Raffle tickets are available at the back of Church and from YMT on 01207 592244 or admin@ymt.org. If you take any tickets please make sure the counterfoils and monies are returned to the office/sacristy clearly marked, no later than Friday 1st May. The raffle will be drawn in the Cathedral Café after The Source on Wednesday 6th May. The name of the Youth Village was recently changed to Emmaus Village. The Board of Directors of the Youth Ministry Trust had been thinking for some time that a change of name would attract other groups, particularly adult groups both inside and outside of the Diocese, to use the village in holiday periods. It is essential to their business plan that the Village is used all the year round and it was felt that the name ‘Youth Village’ might suggest a ‘youth hostel’ rather than the beautiful and comfortable facilities that they offer. DARLINGTON GREEN THEATRE - ACTORS WANTED! We are performing The Merry Wives of Windsor this July 2nd-5th and are still in need of more men who would like to act. The parts left to fill are small to medium and we rehearse (indoors for now!) on a Sunday and Tuesday evening. If you are interested -whether a beginner or notor know someone who is interested, please contact Jo Potter on 07770302676.