Supplementary Material Nanophase Segregation and Water Dynamics in Hydrated Nafion: Molecular Modeling and Experimental Validation Kourosh Maleka,*, Michael Eikerlinga,b, Qianpu Wanga, Zhongsheng Liua, Shoko Otsukac, Ken Akizukic, Mitsutaka Abec a National Research Council of Canada, Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation, 4250 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6T 1W5 b Department c of Chemistry, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada V5A 1S6 Fuel Cell Laboratory, Nissan Research Center, Nissan Motor Co. Ltd., Kanagawa 237-8523, Japan Introduction Atomistic molecular dynamics simulations were used to rationalize the effect of the monomeric sequence of the ionomer on nanophase-segregation and water and proton transport properties over a wide range of and temperature. Vishnyakov and Neimark 2,3 1 inferred from their simulations that as the water content increased, temporary bridges between water clusters formed and broke apart dynamically on a time scale of 100 ps instead of forming permanent water channels. MD simulations performed by Elliott et al. 4 showed that water can be divided into bound water that strongly interacts with the sulfonate groups and freezable-bound or free water that is only weakly more correlated with the 1 5 polymer matrix. Urata et al. showed that at low , the sulfonate groups aggregate and formed clusters with water molecules that are held together by strong hydrogen bonds, while at high , frequent exchange occurred between bound and free water molecules. In a series of recent papers, Devanathan et al 6,7 and Venkatnathan et al 8 simulated the effect of temperature and membrane hydration on membrane nanostructure and mobility of water and hydronium ions using classical MD simulations with DREIDING 9 and modified AMBER/GAFF 10 force fields. They found that increasing causes the sulfonate groups to drift apart. At 7 , most of the water molecules and hydronium ions were bound to the sulfonate groups. Cui et al. 11 performed similar analyses to obtain qualitative features of sidechainsidechain interactions. Radial Distribution Functions (RDFs) reported by Cui et al. show remarkable deviation from those reported in Ref.[8]. Jang et al. 12 employed an all-atom approach in their MD simulation of nanophase segregation and transport in Nafion at 16 . They showed that blocky Nafion ionomers with highly non-uniform distributions of sidechains on the polymer backbones form larger phase-segregated domains compared to systems with uniform distributions of sidechains on the backbones. They found that water transport depended strongly on membrane nanostructure. The calculated water diffusion coefficients at 300 and 353 K were in good agreement with experimental values. In a recent effort, Elliot and Paddison calculations (using the ONIOM 14 13 applied QM/MM method) to understand the effects of hydration on the local structure of PFSA membranes. 2 Computational Methods Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) simulations In an independent set of calculations, the average water cluster diameters were calculated by Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) J-OCTA package. 22 15, 16, 17 using COGNAC in the In our DPD simulations, Nafion was coarse-grained in a slightly different way than in our CGMD simulations, in order to be consistent with the previous DPD simulation of hydrated Nafion 17, Scheme S1. Units of -[-CF2- CF2-CF2-]-were coarse-grained as spherical beads of radius r = 0.30 nm and perfluorinated ether and sulfonic side groups were coarse-grained separately by two spherical beads of radius r=0.30 nm. In our CG mapping strategy, F atoms were attached to the CF2 groups in the end of each -[-CF2-CF2-CF2-]- unit to cap the chain, as shown in Scheme S2. The volume of each CG segment was defined as 0.12 nm3 similar to the volume of two water molecules. One Nafion polymer was composed of four monomers and 1000-2300 particles were initially positioned randomly inside a 101010 nm3 simulation box. Details are given in Table S1. The Flory-Huggins parameters of each particle were calculated by a Monte-Carlo method at 298 K. Here, the direction and position of the segments were assigned randomly, based on the number of neighbouring segments and the contact energy: Z 1 E12 ( E11 E22 ) RT 2 (S1) where Z is number of possible arrangements of neighbouring segments, E12 is contact energy between segment 1 and segment 2, R is the gas constant, and T 3 is the temperature. The calculated values of are shown in Table S2. We have adjusted the parameter between the charged sidechain bead 2 and water from 1.6 to -6.0, where the cluster-size converged with the variations of Particle density was set at = 3.0 particle/nm3. The dimensionless parameters for DPD simulations were 0.02 for time step, 0.65 for dissipative parameter, 4.0 for bond parameter, and 0.86for equilibrium length. The conservative force was adapted from that reported in Ref. [17]. Atomistic molecular dynamics simulations As a reference for CGMD and DPD simulations, we have also performed atomistic simulations. These simulations were carried out based on a fullatomistic model for Nafion chain using a modified version of GROMOS96 force field by adapting the charges and nonbonding and bonding parameters from the DREIDING potential. 9 Charges on Nafion atoms were obtained using GAMESS at the B3LYP-6-31G/ESP level. 18 In the force field used, interactions between atoms are divided into non-bonded interactions, that exist between any pair of atoms within a given cut-off radius, and bonded interactions between atoms in the ionomer that are connected by chemical bonds. The bond stretching potential and bond angle bending were expressed in terms of simple harmonic potentials. The torsional rotational potential for the dihedral angle is a periodic function with a 3-fold barrier. A typical effective potential is of the form: 4 V 1 2k b ij ( rij bij0 ) 2 bond 1 kij ( ij ij0 ) 2 angles 2 k {(1 cos[n( 0 (S2) )]} dihedrals A B erfc( rij ) ij 6ij qi q j rij 40 rij i j Bij To avoid the artefacts associated with truncation of electrostatic forces, electrostatic interactions in our simulations were calculated using the ParticleMesh Ewald (PME) method with a grid spacing of 0.12 nm and fourth order interpolation. PME improves the performance of calculations of electrostatic interactions by applying a Fourier transformation on the grid. An inverse transformation and interpolation factors provide the potential and forces on each particle. When Ewald summation is used for long-range interactions, the shortrange columbic potential has to be modified. The last term in equation (3) shows the short-range electrostatic potential that has been used in our simulations. During the MD simulations, the potential energy and the total energy were monitored in order to check whether the system has approached equilibrium. Moreover, the temporal evolution of the root mean square deviation of the particle position from the initial configuration was used in order to assess the approach to equilibrium and the stability of the system. Atomistic MD simulations were performed in a NVT ensemble at 298 K. A cut-off of 1.0 nm was used for van der Waals interactions in our simulations, comparable to what it was assumed originally in the force field. The integration 5 time step was 0.002 ps. After that the systems were equilibrated for 500 ps using harmonic position restraints (1000 kJ mol-1 nm-2) and employing a similar annealing procedure to that in CGMD simulations. This annealing procedure was followed by production runs of 2 ns, the last 1.75 ns of which were used for the analysis. The temperature was controlled by the Berendsen thermostat. 19,20 In our MD simulations, the weak coupling algorithm was applied separately for each group (polymer, water, hydronium ions) with a time constant 0.1 ps and a temperature of 298 K. During the production run, structures were saved every step (1 ps) and used for the analysis. Visualization was done by using the VMD v1.8.1 commercial package. 21 Employing the structures obtained from our DPD simulations, we performed atomistic MD simulations to calculate the diffusion coefficient of water. The initial molecular arrangement for these MD calculations was chosen from the equilibrated final morphology in our DPD simulations, using ZOOM option in the J-OCTA package. 22 The MD simulation box included two polymers, each composed of four monomers, and a varying number water molecules that were placed between the polymer walls. 23,24 After the equilibrium structure was obtained, we conducted MD runs at 298 K for a period of 500 ps in an NVT ensemble and trajectories were sampled every 1 ps. The Nose-Hoover thermostat was used to control the temperature. 6 Experimental methods To understand the relationship between mass transport and microstructure in the membrane, we employed small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). 25,26 The formation and size of water clusters are studied by SAXS experiments and are correlated to the diffusivity of water, measured by Pulsed Field Gradient NMR (PFG-NMR). Sample preparation. The NRE211-CS (DuPont), with equivalent weight 1100, thickness of 25 m, and the density of around 2.0 g/cm3 in the dry state was used for analysis. The membrane (as received) was cut out to adequate rectangular pieces to be inserted into a test tube. The hydration state of the membrane was controlled by a globe box where the test tube was placed with saturated salt solution. After equilibration, the test tube was sealed. SAXS measurements. SAXS experiments were carried out using a Nano STAE/U/TXS (BRUKER AXS, USA) at 25 oC. The Cu K X-rays were generated by a rotating copper anode generator source. The wavelength of the X-ray beam was 1.54 nm. A two-dimensional position-sensitive proportional counter collected SAXS images. The distance between the sample and the detector was 670 mm. The beam line was perpendicular to the membrane surface. The mean intercluster spacing was estimated from the Bragg spacing d 2 q 7 where q 4 sin where q is the scattering vector, with wavelength , scattering angle The scattering angle varied in the range 0.23 4.4 corresponding to 40 nm d 2.1 nm . PFG-NMR. PFG-NMR experiments were carried out using a JNM LA-400 NMR spectrometer (JEOL, Japan) at 25°C. The pulse gradients were applied along the NMR tube axis, which was parallel to the membrane surface. A typical pulsed field gradient sequence was used 27 and the self-diffusion coefficient of water, Ds , was determined from A( g ) 2 Ds g 2 2 (4 ) ln 2 A(0) (S4) where A(g) is the signal intensity observed with the applied field gradient, A(0) is the signal intensity in the absence of a gradient, g is the gradient strength with a pulse duration , is the nuclear gyromagnetic ratio, and is the diffusion time. The experimental conditions were δ = 0.05 – 2.45 ms, Δ = 50 ms, and g = 4.7 T/m. 8 main chain -(CF2)3-(CF2)3-(CF2)3-(CF2)3-(CF2)3 side chain1 side chain2 | OCF2CFO-(CF2)2SO3H CF3 Scheme S1 Scheme S2 9 Table S1. Specification of simulation boxes used for DPD calculations. Corresponding relative humidity [%] 33 58 90 Volume fraction of water [%] 9.2 13.2 24.2 mol-H2O/mol-SO3H () 2.8 4.3 8.9 Number of Nafion particles in DPD box 272 257 227 Number of water particles in DPD box 767 1094 2029 Distance between water clusters 2.7 3 3.3 Table S2. Flory-Huggins for each pair of particles calculated by Monte-Carlo method at 298K. The parameter between side chain 2 and water was adjusted from 1.6 to -6.0. Main chain Main chain Side chain 1 Side chain 2 - - - Side chain 1 -0.56 - - Side chain 2 2.3 2.1 - Water 7.7 7.7 1.6 (-6.0) 10 10n m 3.30nm 2.25nm Figure S1. Atomistic model of water channel in Nafion membrane based on the equilibrated mesoscopic structure, obtained by DPD calculations. 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