General Pre-Operative Instructions

Image Plastic Surgery Center
7801 Center Ave
 A Medical Corporati on
201 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 714.230.2 430 t 714.230.2431 f
Do not take Aspirin or Ibuprofen or medication containing Aspirin or Ibuprofen within two (2) weeks before
surgery. If pain medication is necessary, Tylenol is recommended. Do not take Vitamin E supplements. If
you need to take any other medication, please discuss with your surgeon.
Do not smoke or drink alcohol at least two (2) weeks before surgery because smoking will significantly
impair healing & drinking may interact negatively with the medications you will be given.
Begin to eat a healthy diet. Increase the intake of water, juice, fresh fruit & vegetables. Decrease the intake of
foods containing sugar & fat. You may supplement your diet with a multi-vitamin. We highly recommend
Juice Plus supplementation. If you are on a diet plan or pill, please let your surgeon know.
Your surgeon highly recommends that you get dental cleaning prior to your surgical procedure to
maximize your healing process. Studies have shown that bacteria in the mouth can cause inflammation in our
body, which can affect your healing. If you don't have a regular dentist, for your convenience, we can assist in
scheduling your dental cleaning with our dental professionals at Impression Dental Care.
If you have diabetes, high blood pressure, or any other medical problems, or if you are taking any
medications, make sure you have discussed this with your surgeon. If the surgeon has requested a medical
clearance or any special lab work an x-rays, make sure you have forward those items to our office. Please
follow precautions given by your doctor or surgeon.
Clean your finger nails and remove nail polish with Acetone. Please remove (if any) artificial nails on both
index fingers.
Please be sure to get your prescription filled.
Shower, shampoo your hair, the night before and the morning of surgery.
You can eat a light dinner in the evening, but do not eat or drink at all (important) after 12:00 midnight.
No drink (not even water), no food before coming to surgery center.
No make-up, lotion, jewelry on morning of surgery. Bring the prescription medications with you to
Please be sure to make arrangements for transportation between your home and surgery center. Because of
the effect of anesthesia, you cannot drive alone after surgery.
Please bring a pair of sock, a thick robe or a blanket to keep you warm on the way home; since body
temperature is usually cooler after anesthesia. Wear comfortable clothes that you don’t have to pull over
your head.
If you have any question(s), please call our office (714) 230-2430.
Signature of Patient: _____________________________________________________ Date:__________________________
Image Plastic Surgery Center
7801 Center Ave
 A Medical Corporati on
201 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 714.230.2 430 t 714.230.2431 f