Approaches for the assessment of surface water – groundwater interaction (after Winter et al., 1998) FINAL January 2012 This project is funded by the Australian Government through the Water for the Future - Water Smart Australia program Approaches for the assessment of surface water – groundwater interaction FINAL January 2012 Executive Summary In most instances throughout Australia connected river and aquifer systems are managed as independent resources and hence, surface water and groundwater are accounted for independently (i.e. double accounting). This approach often results in the same parcel of water being allocated to different users (i.e. double allocation). As water resources become over-allocated and streamflow and groundwater levels decline, the financial (compensatory), legal and environmental implications of double allocation are beginning to be realised, as is the necessity for integrated management. To aid in integrated management, the magnitude of double accounting of the water resources must first be understood. To this end, the Australian Government, through the Water for the Future – Water Smart Australia program, funded Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM) and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) to develop a practical and moderately priced methodology for assessing the range of levels of connection between groundwater and river systems, both in a spatial and temporal context. The approach was developed on the basis of existing investigations and refined and tested by conducting field trials in ten representative catchments. Specific objectives of the project are outlined below: 1) Develop methods for quantifying the degree of connection between river and groundwater systems, in both a spatial and temporal context. 2) Install the necessary monitoring infrastructure and demonstrate the application of these methods at ten representative catchments in eastern Australia; 3) Provide estimates of the level of connection between groundwater and surface water in the ten trial catchments, and the likely level of double-accounting of water resources; 4) Develop quantitative approaches for assessing surface water – groundwater interaction in catchments with a range of data availability with consideration of the value of water resources; and 5) Communicate the project outcomes to local, State and Australian Government decisionmakers to enable integrated water resource management. The purpose of the project is to compare methods, and as such, the data and subsequent results for baseflow estimates in each catchment do not represent agreed absolute estimates of surface water – groundwater flux volumes. Results are not intended for use as inputs to any rules or regulations governing water resource extraction in specific catchments. Rather, the results and conclusions of this study are intended solely as a comparison of scientific methods for measuring surface water – groundwater exchange. PAGE 1 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction In order for a method for the quantitative assessment of surface water – groundwater interaction to be routinely used by catchment managers over a range of Australian catchments, the method must be accurate and require data that is readily available. All of the methods discussed below are considered to be effective in estimating the groundwater discharge component of river flow. The difference between them is the accuracy of the result and the cost which is required to conduct the assessment. A method of baseflow separation using river salinity data, referred to as the Tracer method, is considered the most accurate of low cost methods based on field trials conducted in the ten catchments and as such, has been used as the means of comparing the accuracy of other methods. Before any assessment of surface water – groundwater interaction is made it is considered important to determine the value of the groundwater and surface water resources in a catchment. Depending on this value, the appropriate level of assessment can be selected and justified. An approach for assessing the value of these systems has been outlined based on the commodity value (i.e. gross value added per megalitre of water used) and the environmental service value to the community. A catchment can then be categorised as having low, moderate or high value groundwater and surface water resources. For low value groundwater and surface water systems, a groundwater balance method may be applied. This method will first involve developing a conceptual understanding of the hydrogeological processes in a catchment and then estimate the recharge and discharge components of the groundwater system to enable the baseflow component to be quantified. The information required includes all available contextual information, geological, landuse, soil and vegetation maps where available and rainfall data. The accuracy of the estimate is constrained by the data, the hydrogeological and conceptual understanding of each catchment and the experience of the hydrogeologist or water resource practitioner conducting the assessment. Based on the ten catchments studied in this project, the accuracy of this approach averaged approximately 210%. For catchments with moderate value water resources, baseflow separations using the Tracer method and Lyne and Hollick Filter method are recommended. These methods are based on a continuous historical record of river flow and salinity data at a river gauge. The Tracer method requires the selection of representative salinity values for two end members, surface runoff and regional groundwater which are considered the two simplest components of river flow. Using continuous river flow and salinity data (which is available in many catchments), the proportion of groundwater in river flow can be calculated at any point in time. The end member selections would be based on the lowest river salinity (for the runoff end member) and the mean of groundwater bore salinity where available (for the regional groundwater end member). If groundwater data is unavailable, the maximum river salinity can be used as an alternative, although this is expected to result in overestimates of groundwater discharge. PAGE 2 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction The Lyne and Hollick Filter method uses continuous river flow data and essentially separates the rapid river responses (usually associated with surface runoff) from the more delayed responses (usually associated with groundwater processes). It should be noted that the delayed response is a combination of many processes, of which groundwater discharge is the most significant. Hence the baseflow estimates from this method must be considered as a conservative estimate and in practice, almost always overestimate baseflow compared to the more accurate Tracer method. In addition to the river gauge data, the assessment will include the development of the hydrogeological conceptual understanding through a brief literature review. This will ensure that the baseflow estimates are plausible within the hydrogeological setting of each catchment. It is important to note that the continuous river salinity data that has recently been collected to address salinity issues in many catchments across Australia, now represents a highly valuable data set for estimating groundwater discharge to rivers. This data collection should be continued such that it can be assessed in greater depth, including changes over time and potential impacts of climatic changes or groundwater pumping impacts. Catchments with high value water resources, should implement a number of methods to assess surface water – groundwater interaction at a range of temporal and spatial scales. The confidence placed in the accuracy of these results will be significantly higher than more limited investigations due to the more comprehensive characterisation of the hydrogeological processes occurring. The cost of the assessment where long historical records and previous studies are available is moderate, and will enable specific management and/or scientific questions to be answered. Recommended approaches would include at a minimum, baseflow separations using the Tracer and Lyne and Hollick Filter methods complimented with run of river sampling methods. Where the data availability of a catchment limits the methodology that should be implemented, additional data will be required. For example in a catchment with moderate value water resources and little data availability, more data would be required to use the Tracer method for baseflow separation. This may require additional groundwater bores to be sampled for salinity (or monitoring bores to be drilled) or the installation of a salinity logger at existing river gauges. If a high value water resource catchment has only moderate data availability, a larger investment in monitoring infrastructure and instrumentation may be required. Catchment planners have the challenge of determining how to allocate their resources based on the current and potential future management issues that may exist. It is expected that this report will enable decisions regarding surface water – groundwater interaction assessments to be made in a clear manner, in terms of the expected accuracy of the method and associated cost. In most cases there will be specific issues that need to be addressed and the type of assessment required should be considered within this accuracy vs cost context. PAGE 3 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction From a water resource management perspective, there are many catchments which require closer attention in terms of the processes and understanding of surface water – groundwater interaction and the issues of double accounting and double allocation during periods of water scarcity and in the face of impacts from climate change. In order to manage the surface water and groundwater resources in an integrated and informed manner the relationships must be better understood and communicated to all water users. It is thought that any of the three levels of assessment presented within this report will enable at the very least, a basis for the successful understanding and ongoing management of what should be considered a single resource in most cases. Further work, data collection and analysis should be justified by specific management issues or objectives which are becoming more and more prevalent across the country. PAGE 4 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction Contents 1. 2. Introduction 6 1.1 1.2 Purpose of this Report Larger Project Context and Objectives 6 6 Value of Water Resources and Data Availability 8 2.1 2.2 2.3 3. 4. 5. 6. Value of Water Resources Data Availability Catchment Classification – Value and Data Availability 8 9 10 Groundwater Balance Method 13 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Approach Results Recommendations Cost and Accuracy 13 14 21 21 Baseflow Separation Methods 23 4.1 Approach 23 4.1.1 4.1.2 Tracer method using river salinity data Lyne and Hollick Filter method using river flow data 23 26 4.2 4.3 4.4 Results Recommendations Cost and Accuracy 27 29 29 Baseflow Separation and Run of River Methods 31 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 31 32 33 33 Approach Results Recommendations Cost and Accuracy Discussion 34 6.1 Cost vs Accuracy 34 6.2 Scale of Investigation 36 6.3 Effectiveness of the methods 36 6.4 Approaches for catchments with a range of water resource value and data availability 38 7. Conclusions and Recommendations 40 7.1 7.2 40 41 Conclusions Recommendations Bibliography 42 PAGE 5 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose of this Report The intention of this report is to build upon the findings of the 10 trial catchment investigations and the related summary report and put them in context with respect to the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) The availability of data; The value of water resources; Effectiveness of methods; Scale of investigation; and Cost versus accuracy. This discussion is to develop approaches for the quantitative assessment of surface water – groundwater connectivity with consideration of the value of water resources. These approaches are to enable water managers to consider which methods of assessment may be possible for catchments with a range of data availability. 1.2 Larger Project Context and Objectives In most instances throughout Australia connected river and aquifer systems are managed as independent resources and hence, surface water and groundwater are accounted for independently (i.e. double accounting). This approach often results in the same parcel of water being allocated to different users (i.e. double allocation). As water resources become over-allocated and streamflow and groundwater levels decline, the financial (compensatory), legal and environmental implications of double allocation are beginning to be realised, as is the necessity for integrated management. To aid in integrated management, the magnitude of double accounting of the water resources must first be understood. To this end, the Australian Government, through the Water for the Future – Water Smart Australia program, funded Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM) and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) to develop a practical and moderately priced methodology for assessing the range of levels of connection between groundwater and river systems (i.e. double accounting), both in a spatial and temporal context. The approach was developed on the basis of existing investigations and refined and tested by conducting field trials in ten representative catchments (Figure 1). The field results, in turn, have been extrapolated to provide estimates of the range of levels of connection (both in the short, medium and long-term) in the river systems investigated, and the likely level of double accounting of water resources. The tools developed, together with an indication of the range of levels of double accounting of water resources, will be an integral component of future integrated water resource management within Australia. PAGE 6 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction Specifically, the five objectives of this project are to: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Develop methods for quantifying the degree of connection between river and groundwater systems, in both a spatial and temporal context. Install the necessary monitoring infrastructure and demonstrate the application of these methods at ten representative catchments in eastern Australia; Provide estimates of the level of connection between groundwater and surface water in the ten trial catchments, and the likely level of double-accounting of water resources; Develop quantitative approaches for assessing surface water – groundwater interaction in catchments with a range of data availability with consideration of the value of water resources; and Communicate the project outcomes to local, State and Australian Government decisionmakers to enable integrated water resource management. Since the purpose of the project is to compare methods, the data and baseflow estimates do not represent agreed absolute estimates of surface water – groundwater flux volumes. As such they are not intended for use as inputs to any rules or regulations governing water resource extraction in specific catchments. Rather, the results and conclusions of this report are intended solely as a comparison of scientific methods for measuring surface water – groundwater exchange. Figure 1 Locations of ten catchments in which methods for assessing surface water – groundwater interaction are being trialled. PAGE 7 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction 2. Value of Water Resources and Data Availability 2.1 Value of Water Resources The value of groundwater and surface water resources varies widely across the country depending on many factors including the use of the water, the ease by which it is obtained, its quality and quantity. A dollar value for water is generally difficult to quantify due to the complexity and variability of the water cycle, water use practices and the qualitative value we as Australians place on water and the environment. In the context of this study the value of groundwater and surface water resources is assessed based on two factors: environmental service value and the commodity value. The commodity value is a measure of the gross value added as a result of water use ($/ML). This depends on the crops irrigated and the use of the water resources and varies widely across the country. For example, irrigating low value grass pasture provides a value of water of somewhere near $50/ML, lucerne near $100/ML, while higher value crops such as viticulture can be up to $2,500/ML. Meanwhile, the cost of supplying water varies from say $5/ML to several hundreds of dollars per megalitre depending on costs of pumping, transporting, or building infrastructure to facilitate this (i.e. pipes, channels, drilling groundwater bores). The supply cost for urban use has increased roughly tenfold over the past decade and much more expensive alternatives are being implemented in many cases (i.e. desalination), rather than having a sole reliance on more traditional water resources. The increasing demand on water resources has resulted in the development of a water trading market. This is generally considered to be a young market with regulation and control measures being underdeveloped (with some exceptions). Recent water trades have ranged widely in volume and cost, with trades occurring from as little as $50/ML to as much as $22,000/ML depending on the demand. There is also a difference between trading of allocations and trading entitlements. In periods of low allocation the trade price for allocations is often more variable while the trade price for entitlements tends to be more consistent. The growers of higher value crops are likely to be able to pay more for water trades which can cause the price of water to be pushed up, particularly in times of water scarcity. The impacts of historical and current water use practices, population growth, climate change, environmental and cultural changes are all thought to contribute to the increasing value of water resources. The importance of environmental flows for ecology and the impacts of historical and current water use practices on the environment are becoming more and more critical. Buyback schemes are being developed in many regions (namely the Murray-Darling Basin) such that environmental flows can PAGE 8 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction be secured in an attempt to preserve the ecological and environmental values of the waterways. This is a complex issue since the dollar value of a wetland system or stand of river red gums for example is difficult to define. Because of this, studies have tended to develop methods attempting to place a value on the environmental characteristics related to the water resource. Morrison and Bennett (2004) for example, used choice modelling surveys to value the improved river health of several rivers in NSW. Similar methods have been applied in the Thomson and Macalister environmental flows study (Branson et al., 2005 and the Stringybark Creek environmental flows assessment (URS, 2006). However, wider applications are difficult and the inherent value of existing environmental assets remains difficult to quantify. This quantitative assessment of the environmental value of water is particularly difficult since it can change with climatic events/ trends and ecological changes and perhaps more variably, with the value placed on it by the community. Additionally, understanding (let alone predicting) the environmental response to a given flow is extremely difficult and is the focus of many research studies, mostly in relation to floodplains of the Murray-Darling Basin and other significant rivers in south eastern Australia. It is somewhat easier to assess the value of water for the environment qualitatively, in terms of environmental service value. This value is a measure of how important the groundwater and surface water systems and ecosystems related to those systems are for providing benefits to people. The environmental service value can be described in terms of three primary classifications: Provisioning services – products obtained using the ecosystems related to the groundwater and surface water resources or the resources themselves; Regulating services – degree to which the ecosystems related to the groundwater and surface water resources or the resources themselves control the quality, volume and nature of river flow, local climate, pollution, disease and pollination; and Cultural services – the value associated with the ecosystems related to the groundwater and surface water resources or the resources themselves for cultural heritage, religious/spiritual, recreation, ecotourism, educational or aesthetic values. 2.2 Data Availability Within Australian catchments there is a large variation in the amount of available data for use in assessing groundwater-surface water interactions. The amounts of data available are usually closely related to the level of surface water and groundwater resource development but often the data availability lags behind the value of the resources. The effective application of different methods for assessing groundwater – surface water interaction are dependent on the level of data availability and the accuracy of the results will vary accordingly. PAGE 9 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction Within the context of this study, catchments with Little, Moderate or Abundant data are classified as follows: Little – catchments with no river gauges or a single river gauge with limited data and little or no groundwater bore data. The only available resources would include broad scale geological, landuse, vegetation and soil type maps and rainfall data, with limited literature on the catchment or region; Moderate – catchments with at least one river gauge which has continuous river flow and salinity data and a limited number of groundwater bores will have associated groundwater salinity data. There would be a small number of studies and literature related to the catchment but few detailed investigations would have been conducted; and Abundant – will contain multiple river gauges with good current and historical flow and salinity data, historical records of groundwater levels and chemistry would be captured from a moderately extensive groundwater monitoring network. These catchments will be developed and relatively well studied, mostly in terms of specific study areas, and may have numerical groundwater models and/or surface water models based on the existing data. 2.3 Catchment Classification – Value and Data Availability In order to justify surface water – groundwater interaction studies, the cost of such studies should be put within the context of the value of the water resources being investigated. A simple example can be used to demonstrate the relative economics of such a comparison. Let us consider a 1,000 ML/year water entitlement to be used for irrigation of a high value crop, say some sort of horticulture. If the gross value added as a result of growing the crop is $2,000/ML, then this results in a gross margin of $2,000,000/year. The question then is, how important is it to understand where this water comes from and the dynamics of how the surface water and groundwater resources interact? Is a study costing $200,000 justified (i.e. 10% of the gross margin of a single entitlement), such that greater confidence and accuracy can be placed on a quantitative assessment of these resources? The classification of catchments in this report is based on both the value of the water resource (gross value of water used) and environmental service value into low, medium or high value water resources. The data availability of each catchment limits the approach that can be taken and it may be that further data should be collected to undertake a higher level of assessment. The water resource value and data availability are combined in Figure 2, allowing the recommended approach to be determined. To illustrate the logic behind one possible scenario a catchment with moderate value water resources and little data availability is considered. The recommended level of assessment for a PAGE 10 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction resource of moderate value would be to use the Tracer method to quantify the component of groundwater discharge, but with little data this would not be possible. Hence, additional data would be needed such that this level of assessment could be completed and result in a baseflow estimation of higher accuracy. This would most likely require, at some cost, the addition of a salinity logger at a river gauge and the collection of groundwater salinity data. Other recommended approaches can be determined using this same logic according to the following steps: 1) the value of the surface water and groundwater resources determines the approach and hence accuracy of the result; and 2) the current data availability determines the additional investment required to collect the appropriate data. PAGE 11 Figure 2 Approach Selection Flow Diagram PAGE 12 3. Groundwater Balance Method 3.1 Approach This method should be applied to catchments where the water resources are of low value and can be applied in catchments of all data availability. In practice these catchments are likely to have little data (i.e. little or no streamflow or bore data) and will often exist in remote parts of Australia or areas where there is little development. An important question here is whether it is appropriate to make an assessment of surface water – groundwater interaction using existing data, or whether the value of the groundwater resource justifies additional data collection to provide a more accurate result. If an assessment is to be made using existing data, then the resource managers must be aware that the accuracy of the resulting estimates will not be high. In the following, we assume that a decision has been made to carry out an assessment using existing data in a data poor catchment. The aim of the approach is to estimate groundwater discharge to a river as a component of the groundwater balance in a catchment. This will be based largely on the conceptual understanding of the hydrogeological processes occurring in the catchment, with the aid of geological, hydrogeological, landuse and soils maps where available, satellite images and rainfall data. In any simple water balance, it is assumed that the system is in steady state. This means that the inputs to the system are equal to the outputs. In the case of a groundwater balance, the recharge components are equal to the discharge components. Hence the sum of rainfall recharge is equal to the groundwater discharge (including throughflow, groundwater discharge to rivers (baseflow), groundwater evapotranspiration and groundwater pumping). Hence the baseflow can be estimated based on the following equation: Baseflow = Rainfall Recharge – Groundwater Pumping (where appropriate) – Groundwater Evapotranspiration (where appropriate ) – Throughflow (where appropriate) To simplify this formula as a first pass assessment, we can assume that the catchment is closed, meaning that groundwater throughflow into and out of the catchment is essentially zero (hence the throughflow term can be removed). Groundwater evapotranspiration is difficult to quantify and for the purposes of a first pass assessment, it will initially be removed (see the below discussion for it’s inclusion). Groundwater pumping can also be set to zero (or applied if this is known, as discussed below), with the resultant groundwater balance consisting of two terms, baseflow and recharge. A simple method of estimating recharge, is to multiply the rainfall by the catchment area and then assume that some fraction of that volume recharges the groundwater system (the recharge fraction). The recharge occurring over cleared and uncleared land is usually very different and hence the recharge fraction applied for each type of land can be adjusted accordingly (as identified by using landuse maps or other literature). Hence the baseflow can be estimated using the following equation: PAGE 13 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction Baseflow = (Rainfall X Catchment Area X Recharge fraction X % Cleared Land) + (Rainfall X Catchment Area X Recharge fraction X % Uncleared Land) The following discussion uses the ten field trial catchments as a comparison to the first pass and subsequent groundwater mass balance approaches. It should be noted that the accuracy of this method, is dependent on the knowledge of the catchment, relevant literature and the available data. The approach is completely desktop based and does not require any field investigations or infrastructure. 3.2 Results The water balance approach was applied to the ten trial catchment investigations. Initially recharge fractions of 0.05 (cleared land) and 0.01 (uncleared land) were applied. This is equivalent to 5% recharge of rainfall on cleared land and 1% on uncleared land. The volume of streamflow depletion from groundwater pumping has also been included within the groundwater balance since it has been assessed in the previous work for each catchment. Alternatively, the raw groundwater pumping estimates could be used, or even a rough estimate based on bore use information (i.e. stock and domestic, irrigation, urban supply etc). Table 1 and Figure 3 present a comparison of the annual baseflow volumes calculated from the water balance, with the annual baseflow volumes determined from the tracer based hydrograph separation method. The match between the two methods is poor to very poor in some catchments. Table 1 Baseflow estimates (using consistent recharge fractions) Water Water Tracer Catchment Streamflow Balance Balance method Groundwater Area Depletion Evapotranspiration Recharge Baseflow Baseflow % Catchment (km2) (ML) (ML) (ML) (ML) (ML) Error Tarcutta 1660 104 - 44481 44377 8593 416 Logan 1262 553 - 53837 53284 7131 647 Cockburn 1130 1716 - 37358 35642 3814 834 Nambucca 431 2959 - 11172 8213 19693 -58 Cattle 326 - 14083 14083 53906 -74 Elliott 251 3350 - 11196 7846 2681 193 Barron 228 782 - 14025 13243 21753 -39 Ourimbah 83 390 - 1952 1562 5773 -73 PAGE 14 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction 60000 Water Balance Baseflow (ML) Baseflow (ML/year) 50000 Tracer Method Baseflow (ML) 40000 30000 20000 10000 Ourimbah Barron Elliott River Cattle Nambucca Cockburn Logan Tarcutta 0 Figure 3 Baseflow estimates (using identical recharge fractions) Table 1 presents the groundwater balance baseflow estimates with consistent recharge fractions applied to all catchments. In reality however, the recharge rates are likely to vary based on the predominant soil type in the catchments. Since soil maps exist for these catchments, the recharge fractions can be adjusted accordingly. This is a subjective process and dependent on the experience of the hydrogeologist or water resource professional conducting the water balance. Table 2 lists the predominant soil within the ten study catchments. PAGE 15 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction Table 2 predominant soil type in the study catchments Catchment Major Soil Type Tarcutta Loam Cattle Loam Cockburn Loam Elliott Sandy loam Ourimbah Loam Nambucca Loam Logan Clayey loam Barron Clayey loam Loam is a generic soil type and is expected to have recharge consistent with the recharge rate we have used (5% of rainfall for cleared land). The Elliot catchment has a more sandy soil type and is expected to have a higher recharge rates and hence higher estimates of baseflow. The Logan and Barron catchments have more clay rich soils and will be expected to have lower recharge relative to the other catchments. Based on the soil type the recharge fraction applied to the Elliot catchment is 0.07 for cleared land and 0.02 for uncleared land. This is equivalent to 7% recharge for cleared land and 2% of recharge for uncleared land. The Barron and Logan catchments have had the recharge fraction changed to 0.03 for cleared land and 0.005 for uncleared land. The revised groundwater balance baseflow estimates accounting for soil type, are presented in Table 3and Figure 4. Table 3 Baseflow estimates (accounting for soil type) Catchment Area (km2) Streamflow Depletion (ML) Groundwater Evapotranspiration (ML) Water Balance Recharge (ML) Water Balance Baseflow (ML) Tracer method Baseflow (ML) % Error Tarcutta 1660 104 - 44481 44377 8593 416 Logan 1262 553 - 31405 30852 7131 333 Cockburn 1130 1716 - 37358 35642 3814 834 Nambucca 431 2959 - 11172 8213 19693 -58 Cattle Elliott River 326 - 14083 14083 53906 -74 251 3350 - 16793 13443 2681 401 Barron 228 782 - 8181 7399 21753 -66 Ourimbah 83 390 - 1952 1562 5773 -73 Catchment PAGE 16 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction 60000 Water Balance Baseflow (ML) Baseflow (ML/year) 50000 Tracer Method Baseflow (ML) 40000 30000 20000 10000 Ourimbah Barron Elliott River Cattle Nambucca Cockburn Logan Tarcutta 0 Figure 4 Baseflow Estimates (accounting for soil type) The results remain quite poor, with large overestimates in some catchments and large underestimates in others. At this stage groundwater evapotranspiration has not been included. It is well established however, that where shallow groundwater tables exist the unsaturated zone above the watertable can be directly evaporated or used by vegetation. Typically, the rate of groundwater evaporation is difficult to quantify since it is dependent on depth to watertable, soil type, vegetation type, water availability and water stress and a number of other factors. Without specific knowledge of groundwater evapotranspiration rates from specific vegetation types, an approximation must be made. If for example it is assumed that groundwater evapotranspiration occurs in the 50 m area on either side of a river (i.e. where the watertable is likely to be close to the surface) and a conservative rate of 1 mm/year applied along the river’s length, this component can be incorporated easily. This has been done for all catchments as an additional groundwater discharge mechanism. The influence of estimating groundwater evapotranspiration can be seen in Table 4 and Figure 5. It is thought that higher rates of groundwater evapotranspiration occur within the Elliot catchment compared to the other catchments. The Elliot catchment is very flat and has significant areas where PAGE 17 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction the water table is less than 5 m below the surface. There is also a large area of forestry (pine tree plantations) within the catchment. The pine plantations cover approximately 12 km2 of the Elliot catchment. If we assume a groundwater evapotranspiration rate of 780 mm/yr from the pine plantations (SKM, 2010) there is a 9360 ML/yr reduction in baseflow due to groundwater evapotranspiration. The baseflow estimate after ET has been accounted for is 4083 ML/yr which compares much better to the Tracer estimate of baseflow of 2681 ML/yr. Table 4 Baseflow estimates (accounting for soil type and groundwater evapotranspiration) Catchment Area (km2) Streamflow Depletion (ML) Groundwater Evapotranspiration (ML) Water Balance Recharge (ML) Water Balance Baseflow (ML) Tracer method Baseflow (ML) % Error Tarcutta 1660 104 6059 44481 38318 8593 346 Logan 1262 553 4606 31405 26246 7131 268 Cockburn 1130 1716 4125 37358 31517 3814 726 Nambucca 431 2959 1573 11172 6639 19693 -66 Cattle Elliott River 326 1190 14083 12893 53906 -76 251 3350 9360 16793 4083 2681 52 Barron 228 782 832 8181 6567 21753 -70 Ourimbah 83 390 303 1952 1259 5773 -78 Catchment PAGE 18 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction 60000 Water Balance Baseflow (ML) Baseflow (ML/year) 50000 Tracer Method Baseflow (ML) 40000 30000 20000 10000 Ourimbah Barron Elliott River Cattle Nambucca Cockburn Logan Tarcutta 0 Figure 5 Baseflow estimates (accounting for soil type and groundwater evapotranspiration) At this stage, there are large errors in the groundwater balance baseflow estimates ranging from -78 to 726% of the Tracer method estimates. The average error is 210% and it appears that the water balance method underestimates baseflow in smaller catchments (Cattle, Ourimbah, Nambucca and Barron) with the exception of the Elliot catchment, and overestimates baseflow in the larger catchments (Tarcutta, Logan and Cockburn). Additionally, the smaller catchments are all coastal catchments (with the exception of the Logan) while the larger catchments are on the eastern side of the dividing range. This suggests that either the recharge fractions are too high or too low for large and small catchments respectively, or that the systems are not closed and throughflow is significant component of the groundwater balance (or perhaps a combination of the two). It is possible that there is a difference in the nature of rainfall (i.e. frequency, intensity, duration) and antecedent soil moisture conditions between inland and coastal catchments. It is expected for example, that early rain after the summer in the inland catchments would not effectively recharge the groundwater system due to the dry soil moisture conditions and perhaps higher intensity PAGE 19 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction rainfall. There would be some rainfall threshold value which would need to be met before effective recharge could occur, and hence applying a generic recharge fraction to all rainfall may not be appropriate. This would account for the over estimates of baseflow in the Tarcutta, Cockburn and perhaps the Logan due to it’s size. The smaller coastal catchments however, might be expected to experience more consistent rainfall (and hence wetter soil moisture conditions) which may allow rainfall to more effectively recharge the groundwater than if the antecedent conditions were dry. Thus the generic recharge factors used may be too small and hence underestimate baseflow. The pattern of over estimated baseflow in larger catchments and underestimated baseflow in smaller catchments may be alternatively explained due to the assumption that the catchments are ‘closed’. The water balance assumes that the surface catchment boundary is the same area as the groundwater catchment boundary and this may not be the case. In smaller catchments, it is plausible that groundwater throughflow from outside of the catchment (i.e. regional groundwater flow) contributes to the baseflow seen in rivers. The water balance based on the surface water catchment would not include this additional input to the system and hence underestimate baseflow. In larger catchments it appears that not all of the groundwater that is recharged within the catchment is entering the stream as baseflow. The catchments are more likely to be open ended, with groundwater flow bypassing the stream gauge or becoming regional groundwater flow. In the larger catchments (Logan, Tarcutta and Cockburn) the water balance overestimated baseflow by between 1.7-3.1% of the total rainfall volume within the catchment (Figure 6). Assuming recharge fractions are reasonable, this suggests that 2-3% of rainfall recharge is escaping from the catchment as regional flow (throughflow) rather than discharging to the river. PAGE 20 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction 4 0 -2 -4 -6 Ourimbah Barron Elliott River Cattle Nambucca Cockburn Logan -8 Tarcutta Baseflow Estimate Difference as a % of Rainfall 2 Figure 6 Error in groundwater balance baseflow estimates expressed as a percentage of catchment rainfall volume. 3.3 Recommendations For catchments where the value of the water resources is low and there is a limited amount of data, a groundwater mass balance approach is an appropriate method for estimating the groundwater contribution to river flow. The accuracy of the method is dependent on the hydrogeological information available for the catchment and the knowledge and experience of the hydrogeologist or water scientist conducting the assessment. It is critically important that the results of a groundwater balance are rationalised, since they may produce values that are not realistic for the climate / vegetation / nature of the river or catchment. If a catchment is of moderate or high value it is recommended that more data be collected such that a more accurate method can be applied. 3.4 Cost and Accuracy Since this approach is purely desktop based and does not involve any complicated data analysis, it can be completed relatively cheaply and within a short timeframe. The costs will involve the time required to gather literature and other knowledge, geology, landuse, soil and vegetation maps and PAGE 21 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction rainfall or any other hydrogeological data that may be available. This information would then be assessed and a simple spreadsheet based groundwater mass balance developed. It is estimated that each groundwater balance could be completed in one week per catchment, including time for the above and review of the groundwater balance, reporting and additional review. The resultant cost would amount to approximately less than $10,000. The accuracy of the result is likely to be somewhere within the variation presented in Table 4 and Figure 5 and is considered to be poor with an average accuracy error of 210%. PAGE 22 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction 4. Baseflow Separation Methods 4.1 Approach Baseflow separations using the Tracer method and complimented by the Lyne and Hollick Filter method are recommended for catchments considered to contain water resources of moderate value. If these catchments have moderate data availability (i.e. at least one stream gauge with continuous flow and salinity data, and some groundwater bore data) then the assessment can be completed using existing data. If the catchment is of low data availability then additional data would be required (i.e. instrumentation of salinity loggers at river gauges and the collection of groundwater salinity data). It is expected that there are a significant number of Australian catchments that fall into this category, that is, containing moderate value water resources and limited or moderate data availability. It is suggested that the approach taken for catchments with moderate value water resources, will firstly apply the Tracer method where continuous river salinity data exists in combination with flow data. This would be supported by the Lyne and Hollick Filter method which can in most cases, be applied to a longer period of record (since flow data often has a longer historical record than the river salinity record, which may also be unavailable for many gauges). These approaches, their assumptions and a comparison between methods are discussed below. 4.1.1 Tracer method using river salinity data Of the methods tested in this study to assess groundwater - surface water interactions, the tracer based hydrograph separation method (Tracer method) was considered the most accurate, provided that the end members used could be adequately defined. The Tracer method produced plausible results that matched the conceptual understanding of a variety of different catchment conditions within the study catchments. Other methods trialled, on occasions produced results that appeared to overestimate or underestimate groundwater inflow conditions, based on the hydrogeological conceptual understanding of the catchments or limitations of the method. The Tracer method assumes that the flow in the river is derived from two sources; surface runoff and regional groundwater. The method determines the relative proportions of surface runoff and groundwater inflow based on the salinity (i.e. groundwater tracer) of river flow over time. Because the relative proportions of surface runoff and groundwater inflow will change significantly during storm events and seasonally, measurements of river chemistry need to be made continuously and at the same frequency as the flow measurements. At any point in time, the proportion of river flow that is due to groundwater discharge is calculated using the mass balance equation: PAGE 23 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction Qg Qt c cr c g cr where c, cr and cg are the tracer concentrations in the river, in runoff and in groundwater respectively, Qt is the measured total river flow, and Qg is the volume of groundwater inflow. The success of the tracer hydrograph separation method ultimately relies on an adequate chemical differentiation of the source waters, and accurate quantification of the end-member concentrations. For this approach the groundwater end member has been selected as the mean regional groundwater salinity and as such the baseflow contribution calculated is a reflection of the regional groundwater discharge to the river. Within this data there is significant variability and hence this is the primary source of error in applying the Tracer method. However, this is not unexpected since the depth beneath the watertable, location relative to the river, geological properties/conditions and recharge processes influencing each groundwater bore sample are also likely to be variable. Hence the selection of a representative groundwater salinity value must be within the context of a hydrogeological conceptual model and an understanding of recharge and discharge processes within the catchment. The more data there is to develop this hydrogeological understanding, the greater the confidence that can be placed in the Tracer method. In the case of the ten trial catchments, the mean groundwater salinity was selected for the Tracer method since there was a reasonable number of groundwater samples in the catchments studied and the systems were considered reasonably well understood. Where there are larger amounts of data, statistical approaches could also be taken to increase the confidence of the representative groundwater salinity value selected. However, since groundwater salinity will always be spatially variable, some degree of hydrogeological interpretation will be required to make appropriate assumptions. An alternative approach is to use the maximum river salinity as the groundwater end member concentration. This would result in higher baseflow estimates and be representative of regional groundwater flow in combination with bank storage and other sources. This alternative method could be used if the groundwater salinity data was not considered representative of the regional groundwater end member or was unavailable. A brief comparison of the two possible approaches to selecting the groundwater end member is shown in Table 5 and Figure 7. It can be seen in Table 5 that the maximum river salinity is, on average, 72% lower than the mean groundwater salinity. Any relationship between regional groundwater salinity and maximum river salinity would be dependent on a multitude of factors and it is not considered appropriate to apply a single relationship broadly, such that the acquisition of groundwater data was not necessary. Rather than using the maximum river salinity as an alternative groundwater end member value in catchments where there is very limited or erroneous data, it would be relatively easy to conduct a PAGE 24 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction sampling round of existing bores in most catchments. Collecting more groundwater data would allow greater confidence in the end member selection, increase the accuracy of the result and strengthen the conceptual model developed for the system. Putting effort into collecting more groundwater data would be the preferred approach since the alternative introduces more unknowns and potential errors. Table 5 Groundwater end member selection Max Recorded River EC Mean Groundwater EC from Bores* River EC as % of Mean GW EC GW EC min GW EC max GW EC median Number of Bores Belubula 800 1200 67 620 2200 1410 9 Tarcutta 751 800 94 140 1690 915 6 Logan 667 1100 61 912 2027 1470 7 Cockburn 540 910 59 295 1950 1123 19 Nambucca 122 133 92 90 446 268 8 Cattle 242 322 75 192 2259 1226 12 Elliot 484 600 81 195 1528 862 9 Barron 105 196 54 103 369 236 6 Ourimbah 220 320 69 88 4889 2489 9 Catchment *In the Ourimbah, Cattle and Logan catchments the highest outlying salinity value has been excluded from the mean EC calculations. PAGE 25 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction 5000 Minimum Groundwater EC 4500 Maximum Groundwater EC Electrical Conductivity (uS/cm) 4000 Median Groundwater EC Mean Groundwater EC* 3500 Maximum River EC 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Belubula Tarcutta Logan Cockburn Nambucca Cattle Elliot Barron Ourimbah Figure 7 Estimates of catchment groundwater EC *In the Ourimbah, Cattle and Logan catchments the highest outlying salinity value has been excluded from the mean EC calculations. 4.1.2 Lyne and Hollick Filter method using river flow data The Lyne and Hollick Filter method separates river flow data into a rapid component (i.e. surface runoff) and a delayed component (of which baseflow is usually the major process) as a function of time. The method relies on the principle that runoff events are of relatively short duration, whereas groundwater discharge to rivers responds more slowly to rainfall recharge. The results are sensitive to the operator-controlled parameter alpha (α) that is selected. The value of this parameter can range from 0.90 to 0.99 but a default of 0.925 is often used as a starting point. This parameter is subject to hydrogeological interpretation and it is often increased to a value near 0.98. The dominant delayed component is usually groundwater discharge, while other processes and pathways such as bank storage, interflow, delayed flow from perched groundwater or wetlands for example, are also included. Hence the baseflow estimate determined using this method, is the conservative maximum baseflow component and strictly speaking, should not be directly compared to regional groundwater discharge (although often this comparison is necessary). PAGE 26 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction 4.2 Results Both the Tracer method and Lyne and Hollick Filter method were used to estimate baseflow to rivers in the ten field trial catchments. Two end members were selected for the Tracer method, representative of surface runoff (minimum river salinity) and mean groundwater salinity (based on groundwater bore data), while filter parameters of 0.925 and 0.98 were used in all the catchments to estimate baseflow using the Lyne and Hollick Filter method. The results from the Tracer method were considered to be the most accurate since they were the most plausible and fit best within the conceptual models and hydrogeological understanding developed for each catchment. Table 6 and Figure 8 present a comparison of the Lyne and Hollick Filter method results using both Filter parameters with the Tracer method results. It can be seen that the 0.98 Filter parameter generally produced results closest to the Tracer method while the Filter method was an overestimate of groundwater discharge in almost all cases. The percent error when compared to the Tracer method was 59% using a Filter parameter of 0.98 while the percent error when using a Filter parameter of 0.925 was higher at 92%. 70 Baseflow percentage of streamflow Lyne and Hollick filter, alpha = 0.925 Lyne and Hollick filter, alpha = 0.98 60 Tracer method, mean groundwater salinity 50 40 30 20 10 Barron Cockburn Elliot Nambucca Logan Cattle Belubula Ourimbah Tarcutta 0 Figure 8 Study catchment baseflow estimates using the Tracer method and Lyne and Hollick Filter method (0.98 and 0.925 Filter parameters) It should be noted that the results shown above were from the analyses of data over a one year study period and it is possible that a longer term analysis would yield different results. This is PAGE 27 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction evident in Table 6 where short term analysis appears to nearly systematically overestimate baseflow. The reason for this is likely to be because the Lyne and Hollick Filter method commonly overestimates baseflow during storm events. This is since it is not a process based method and relies on the difference in flow values between successive data points (i.e. it is a signal analysis). For example, the delayed component (i.e. baseflow) of storm events and high flow periods is systematically overestimated by this method unless they are particularly rapid or flashy events. Persistent high flows force the baseflow contribution higher with the Filter method, when in reality it is expected that elevated river flows would force water to flow from the river into the aquifer. High baseflow estimates during storm events are generally non- intuitive, particularly if large discrepancies are seen when compared with the Tracer method results. Hence if the flow regime is dominated by a series of unusual storm events, the average baseflow may be higher than that of a longer term average. Table 6 Lyne and Hollick Filter and Tracer method comparison =0.98 Longer term =0.925 Longer term =0.98 Short term =0.925 Short term TracerBased Separation =0.98 Difference (Short Longer) =0.925 Difference (Short Longer) Tarcutta 36 52 32 56 34 -4 4 Ourimbah 30 36 42 46 42 12 10 Belubula 28 41 27 39 -1 -2 Cattle 25 38 49 48 27 24 10 Logan 26 34 44 50 16 18 16 Nambucca 26 31 54 53 39 28 22 Elliot 23 30 57 66 48 34 36 Cockburn 16 24 29 36 27 13 12 Barron 40 62 41 62 17 1 0 Catchment Without further detailed analysis however, there is no basis to assume that the one year period assessed in this study is not representative of a longer term flow regime. The long term analysis presented in Table 6 does fit the Tracer method results better, however these analyses should not be directly compared since they are representative of different data record periods. Hence the overestimates made using the Lyne and Hollick Filter method can be considered as a characteristic trait of the method which should be considered and discussed. Currently, there is no PAGE 28 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction way of compensating for this over estimation quantitatively. However, using the hydrogeological knowledge and conceptual models developed for each catchment, the baseflow estimate could be qualified by a discussion of potential other sources of delayed flows (i.e. wetlands, significant bank storage, irrigation spill-over or recharge, controlled releases etc). It should also be noted that there can be some problems with the application of the Tracer method when the groundwater salinity is quite low and comparable to surface runoff ( i.e. less than 200-300 EC). It then becomes more difficult to differentiate between end members. Additionally, catchments with low groundwater salinity usually have rapid recharge mechanisms (i.e. groundwater is fresh because rainfall has not experienced significant evaporation before recharging the aquifer). This means that sometimes, rapid groundwater responses may be mixed with the rapid surface runoff responses and both the Filter and Tracer methods become less reliable. Cases have even been seen where river salinity remains relatively stable during storm events and this is the topic of ongoing research. 4.3 Recommendations For catchments containing water resources of moderate value, baseflow separations using both the Tracer and Lyne and Hollick Filter methods are recommended. The Tracer method is considered the most accurate method despite the errors introduced by estimating end member concentrations. The method requires continuous river flow and salinity data, and groundwater salinity data. The method can also be applied without groundwater salinity data if the maximum river salinity is used as the groundwater end member (although this will result in an overestimate of groundwater discharge since bank storage and other processes will also be captured). The Lyne and Hollick Filter method requires only river flow data and has the potential to be applied in the most catchments across Australia. The method is considered to overestimate regional groundwater discharge to rivers but this can be mitigated to some degree, by using a Filter parameter of 0.98, which was found to produce more reasonable estimates of baseflow contribution when compared to the Tracer method. If a catchment contains water resources of high value it is recommended that more data be collected such that additional methods can be applied to increase the accuracy of the baseflow estimation. 4.4 Cost and Accuracy The Tracer method is considered to have a moderate to high accuracy as long as consideration is made of the potential error in defining the end member values. The method is relatively inexpensive to apply if continuous river salinity and flow data exist and groundwater bore salinity data is available (see Table 7). The Lyne and Hollick Filter method is considered to have a low to moderate accuracy and is expected to systematically overestimate regional groundwater discharge. PAGE 29 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction The method is best applied in combination with the Tracer method and it has resulted in an average error of 59% using a Filter parameter of 0.98 and 92% using 0.925 compared to the Tracer method. The accuracy of this method is increased with the development of the hydrogeological understanding and conceptual models for the catchment. This can be achieved by reviewing the available literature and creating a groundwater balance and is an important step in ensuring the results fit within a realistic context, on a catchment by catchment basis. Table 7 Moderate data availability, indicative costing Continuous river salinity and flow data is available in addition to groundwater bore salinity River data is unavailable and instrumentation is required, no groundwater salinity data is available and observation bores need to be drilled Desktop Assessment (Lyne and Hollick Filter Method) $5,000 $5,000 Desktop Assessment (Tracer method) $5,000 $5,000 Task Purchase and install river salinity and level loggers $10,000 Calibrate loggers and estimate rating curves Drill bores (assume 10k per bore) TOTAL $5,000 $50,000 $10,000 $75,000 PAGE 30 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction 5. Baseflow Separation and Run of River Methods 5.1 Approach For catchments containing water resources of high value, the confidence and accuracy of methods is critical. It is recommended that more detailed assessments of surface water – groundwater interaction be applied such that the accuracy is very high and the understanding of the systems is also very high. The methods suggested include baseflow separations at multiple river gauges using the Tracer and Lyne and Hollick Filter methods with additional run of river sampling. This can be completed by implementing field investigations in catchments with an abundance of data (i.e. containing long historical records for multiple river gauges with salinity and flow data, a long record of groundwater level and chemistry data and established groundwater monitoring networks). If there is only moderate data availability, further instrumentation and monitoring would be required in order to apply these methods. In catchments with high value resources, it is expected that a significant diversity of hydrogeological and water resource knowledge has been accumulated in the catchment and there will be a vast amount of literature to draw upon. It is also likely that there have been numerical models created to solve groundwater related problems or issues and additionally surface water modelling would have been conducted using a range of methods and datasets. Within Australia there are many catchments that would fit into this category, mostly located within the historically productive areas of the country. To make an assessment of the surface water – groundwater interaction occurring in catchments such as these, it is firstly important to consider the existing work that has been completed. Often this work will have been conducted on a site specific scale rather than catchment scale, and as such, these studies will often set the context for a larger scale assessment. Since the data records are extensive, greater care should be taken in data processing and analysis to ensure that the periods of record are comparable. The tracer and Lyne and Hollick Filter methods can be easily applied in these catchments and comparisons made between river gauges. The greater amount of groundwater information will allow the end members to be more confidently defined and further, the variability of groundwater end members can be better considered. It is likely that in addition to these methods, detailed information would be required to look at the smaller scale variability of surface water – groundwater interaction along the length of the river and perhaps major tributaries. This would identify areas of groundwater discharge and river loss along specific reaches of rivers using multiple methods. These may include some or all of the following methods: PAGE 31 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction Run of river sampling using Radon-222, major ion chemistry and other environmental tracers (i.e. Strontium or Stable Water Isotopes) in combination with detailed flow gauging; Flow net and vertical hydraulic gradient analysis using groundwater level data; Streambed and geomorphological assessments to establish geological controls on surface water – groundwater interaction; Ecological surveys to indicate interaction or dependence on groundwater processes; and Integrated numerical modelling methods (i.e. MIKE-SHE, Hydrogeoshere, IHSim, GSFLOW etc.) To increase the confidence in the accuracy of the Tracer method more detailed sampling of the end members could be conducted. These would include: Salinity at river gauges to be regularly sampled for calibration with the data logger; Detailed groundwater sampling of nested near river bores to determine where the boundary (mixing zone) between the hyporheic zone and regional groundwater is; and Collection of runoff salinity data at a wide spatial distribution. To increase the confidence in the accuracy of the Lyne and Hollick Filter method a number of further steps could be taken: Develop relationships between gauges with an appreciation for hydrogeological processes responsible for river responses; and Regular reviews of the river gauge rating curves (stage to discharge relationship). 5.2 Results Surface water – groundwater interaction studies such as these are not common due to the cost associated with instrumentation and ongoing sampling. However there are a number of research sites across the country where many of these methods (and others) have been successfully applied to quantify and assess the nature surface water – groundwater interaction. These study sites have characterised many hydrogeological processes and allowed many management issues to be better understood. However, they are all still limited by their scale of investigation as they are site specific. It remains a challenge to upscale the detailed knowledge of one site or a series of sites to the catchment scale. This is the topic of much ongoing research and is likely to continue to require assumptions and best estimates to be made. PAGE 32 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction 5.3 Recommendations To achieve the highest degree of accuracy, extensive infrastructure and sampling programs would be required. These can become very costly very quickly when the drilling of new observation bores, nested sites and bore networks are developed. The instrumentation of river gauges and ongoing monitoring of surface water and groundwater features would be necessary to collect valuable data with the aim of allowing a greater understanding of the system such that key management and/or research questions can be answered. In many cases it is expected that this detailed, highly accurate knowledge will be justified within the context of the current issues confronting water managers (i.e. drought, double accounting and double allocation, climate change, increased demand for water resources). Additional data can be collected at a moderate cost depending on the existing data availability and scale/methods of data collection. 5.4 Cost and Accuracy The implementation of the above methods would result in highly accurate estimates of baseflow to rivers and the detailed interactions between surface water and groundwater resources. This would be encompassing on both spatial and temporal scales which may be critical in solving historical, current and future water resource challenges. An indicative cost of such investigations would start on the order of $150,000 if detailed historical and current data records exist for multiple river gauges and groundwater monitoring bores. This figure would increase depending on the required infrastructure (i.e. additional river gauges, groundwater monitoring bores/networks), instrumentation and sampling regimes to be applied. PAGE 33 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction 6. Discussion 6.1 Cost vs Accuracy It is important to note that the higher the accuracy required for a surface water – groundwater interaction assessment, the higher the cost will be. This is largely determined by the data requirements and data availability within a catchment, and the time required to analyse the data. If a catchment with little or moderate data is to be upgraded to a category with moderate or abundant data, then a significant investment will be required. This investment cost would be dominated by the installation of river gauge and groundwater bore infrastructure and instrumentation and additionally, the cost of surface water and groundwater sampling, analysis and interpretation. The indicative costs of these assessments are shown in Figure 9 below and Table 8 on the following page. $500,000 Indicative Cost of Assessment $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $Poor to Moderate (+/- 100%) Moderate to High (+/- 30%) Groundwater Balance Moderate to High (+/- 30%) Tracer Method, Lynne and Hollick Method and Groundwater Balance Accuracy of Result High to Excellent (+/- 20 %) Excellent (+/- 10%) Tracer Method, Lynne and Hollick Method, Run of River Sampling, Flownet and Hydraulic Analysis, Multiple Tracers, Comparisons with Numerical Models, etc. Figure 9 Cost vs Accuracy PAGE 34 Table 8 Cost vs Accuracy Approximate Cost per Catchment Accuracy of Result Desktop Geology maps, rainfall data, catchment details, landuse and soil maps, other literature $10,000 Poor to Moderate Desktop Continuous river gauge flow and salinity data, a number of groundwater monitoring bores, contextual information as above, some water resource reporting $20,000 Moderate to High Desktop and Instrumentation Instrumentation and collection of continuous river gauge flow and salinity data, a number of groundwater monitoring bores, contextual information as above, some water resource reporting $85,000 Moderate to High Tracer method, digital Filter analysis, gauge comparisons, run of river sampling, flownet and hydraulic analysis, multiple tracers for mass balance Desktop and Fieldwork Continuous river gauge flow and salinity data at multiple gauges, run of river sampling, numerous nested bore sites and regional monitoring network, extensive hydrogeological literature and detailed mapping and contextual information $150,000 High to Excellent Tracer method, digital Filter analysis, gauge comparisons, run of river sampling, flownet and hydraulic analysis, multiple tracers for mass balance Desktop, Fieldwork and Instrumentation As previous but including additional drilling, establishment of river gauges, instrumentation, calibration, sampling programs, interpretation and assessment $500,000 Excellent Approach Groundwater Balance Tracer method and digital Filter analysis, including groundwater balance Tracer method and digital Filter analysis, including groundwater balance Assessment Basis Data Inputs PAGE 35 6.2 Scale of Investigation The scale of investigation is another important factor to consider when planning surface water – groundwater interaction assessments. These can be categorised as follows: Site Specific and Small Scale– investigation describes processes occurring on the order of tens to hundreds of meters; River Reach Scale– investigation describes processes occurring on the order of tens of kilometres; and While each scale of investigation is useful for addressing the specific objectives of that particular study, it is a challenge to be able to apply the findings to a larger or smaller scale. For example, a detailed study including nested groundwater bores adjacent to a river gauge will enable detailed knowledge of the spatial and temporal variation of hydraulic gradients to be gained. However, the nature of the interaction between the groundwater and river at this location is not likely to be the same 100m upstream or downstream. Similarly investigations conducted at larger scales will are difficult to apply to a smaller scale due to local variability in hydrogeological conditions and the nature of surface water – groundwater interaction. Water resource issues and management objectives also range in their scale of interest and hence, both of the above scales of investigation are relevant for consideration. The data abundant catchments allow the widest range of investigation scales, from detailed site specific to river reach scale. The catchments with moderate data allow investigations to be conducted on a river reach scale with a higher degree of accuracy while data limited catchments, only allow river reach scale investigations of low accuracy to be conducted. 6.3 Effectiveness of the methods Each of the methods discussed in the ten trial catchment investigation reports and related summary report are effective in estimating the groundwater discharge component of river flow. The difference between them is the accuracy of the result and the cost which is required to conduct the assessment. The Tracer method is considered the most accurate of low cost methods based on field trials conducted in the ten catchments and as such, has been used as the means of comparing the accuracy of other methods. An overview of the effectiveness of each method as discussed in the Summary Report is briefly outlined below: Hydrographs separation using the Lyne and Hollick Filter – a simple method that can be applied to readily available data. The method is not physically based and was found to systematically overestimate groundwater discharge compared to the Tracer method. However, PAGE 36 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction an alpha parameter of 0.98 was found to produce the most accurate results (though still an overestimate) which were plausible within the hydrogeological conceptualisation of the catchments investigated. This method is considered appropriate for comparative analysis at catchment scale assessments of surface water – groundwater interaction, and if multiple gauges are available, reach scale assessments may be possible. Chemical hydrograph separation using the Tracer method – is a relatively simple method which uses continuous river flow and salinity data to separate the river into two components (end members), surface runoff and regional groundwater. This method is considered to be the most accurate of the methods implemented, although the accuracy is dependent on the confidence placed on the end member salinity values. If mean groundwater salinity is determined using available or collected groundwater bore data, the method is considered representative of the contribution to river flow of regional groundwater discharge. However, if this data is unavailable or deemed unreliable, the maximum river salinity can be used as a less preferred alternative. This would then represent the contributions of both regional discharge and bank discharge and is therefore considered an overestimate of regional groundwater discharge. The Tracer method is considered appropriate for catchment scale assessments of surface water – groundwater interaction, and if multiple gauges are available, reach scale assessments may be possible. Flow gauging – is a simple method whereby river flow gaugings are made along the length of river to identify areas of loss or gain. The results of this method are considered to be most accurate when changes in flow along the river are high (i.e. groundwater inflow rates are high) such that errors in individual readings are relatively small. The accuracy of results can be improved when used in combination with run of river sampling. Longitudinal or run of river sampling – is a method that should be applied during baseflow conditions (i.e. low flows) such that the areas where significant groundwater discharge occurs can be most easily identified. There are difficulties using this method when the end members cannot be clearly differentiated using common tracers (i.e. salinity or chloride) and results were found to be unreliable in many catchments. The use of Radon-222 was found to give the most accurate results and additional confidence was gained when applied in combination with river flow gauging at the sampling locations. This method can be conducted on a river reach or even catchment scale and may prove successful in identifying significant reaches of groundwater discharge. An assessment of the rates of river loss along losing reaches is not possible directly using this method. Hydraulic analysis – requires a comparison between river levels and nearby groundwater elevations and result in estimations considered accurate for site specific groundwater discharge to a river or loss to the groundwater (where rivers experience gaining or losing conditions respectively). However, the application of this method to other reaches and larger scales is difficult and hence not useful for larger scale assessments. PAGE 37 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction None of the above methods alone measure both the spatial and temporal variation in surface water – groundwater interaction. This can only be achieved to some degree when different methods are combined. This requires abundant data to be available or collected within the catchment. 6.4 Approaches for catchments with a range of water resource value and data availability Catchment planners have the challenge of determining how to allocate their resources based on the current and potential future management issues that may exist. It is expected that this report will enable decisions regarding surface water – groundwater interaction assessments to be made in a clear manner, in terms of the expected accuracy of the method and associated cost. In most cases there will be specific issues that need to be addressed and the type of assessment required should be considered within this accuracy vs cost context. The accuracy vs cost is clearly very closely related to the data availability and should be based on the value of the water resources of a catchment. Through the development of methods implemented in the ten trial catchment studies and summary report, a range of methods for the assessment of surface water – groundwater interaction have been demonstrated. Recommendations are made for catchments with water resources of different value which is within the context of the data availability, as outlined below: Catchments with low value water resources – A review of contextual information and development of a groundwater balance to estimate groundwater discharge. This would be conducted at low cost with poor accuracy averaging 210 %. This method is limited by data and contextual information availability and the experience of the hydrogeologist or water resource practitioner conducting the assessment. Catchments with moderate value water resources – A review of contextual information and then the application of firstly, the Tracer method and then the Lyne and Hollick Filter method is needed. The Tracer method is considered the most accurate method within the uncertainty of the selected end member salinity values. In most cases the historical river flow record will be greater than the salinity record and as such it would be beneficial to also apply the Lyne and Hollick Filter method to both the period of salinity record and the entire flow record. Lyne and Hollick Filter method is considered to most closely match the Tracer method when an alpha parameter of 0.98 is applied although this is expected to act as a conservative maximum estimate of groundwater discharge. The accuracy error of the Lyne and Hollick Filter method was found to be on average 59% using a Filter parameter of 0.98 and 92% using a Filter parameter of 0.925. The total range in error using a Filter parameter of 0.98 was from -6 to 175% over the same short data record (1 year) while the error ranged from -52 to 135 % using longer term flow data. The accuracy error of the Tracer method itself was approximately +/30% depending on end members used. PAGE 38 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction If the assessment is to be made in a catchment with little data, then further data collection and/or infrastructure would need to be established and instrumented/monitored. This would come at a cost but would allow a more accurate method to be applied.. Catchments with high value water resources – It is suggested that the hydrographs separation methods (Tracer and Lyne and Hollick Filter methods) be used in combination with river sampling and gauging. This will enable the spatial and temporal variability in the nature of surface water – groundwater interaction to be assessed at a moderate cost and with a high degree of accuracy (i.e. 10% due to better characterisation of end member concentrations) provided that the data, literature and previous assessments are available for use and review. The cost of the assessment where long historical records and previous studies are available is moderate and will enable specific management and/or scientific questions to be answered with an accuracy error of near +/- 10%. If the infrastructure and instrumentation is to be established from a lower level of data availability, a significant financial investment will be required. The cost of the above methods for making assessments of surface water – groundwater interaction will be determined by the value of the water resources and hence, the accuracy which is required to adequately answer specific management questions. The data availability of each catchment limits the methods (and therefore accuracy) that can be used in the assessment, unless further investment in infrastructure and instrumentation is made. It is also important to consider the scale of the investigation required to adequately address specific water resource management issues. The findings of a surface water – groundwater interaction assessment conducted at a site specific scale are very difficult to apply to a river reach scale or a catchments scale. Likewise catchment scale processes are difficult to apply to river reach or local scales due to the highly variable nature of surface water – groundwater interaction. Perhaps the most relevant scale to water managers is the river reach scale since it acts as a middle ground between broad catchments processes and detailed small scale assessments. PAGE 39 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction 7. Conclusions and Recommendations 7.1 Conclusions The field trials developed and implemented in this study successfully applied a number of simple and low cost methods for estimating the groundwater discharge component of river flow. This report extended those findings to be applied in catchments where the value of water resources are low, moderate or high with a range of data availability. The key conclusions of this study are outlined below: 1) The Tracer method was found to be the most accurate low cost approach for estimating groundwater discharge (baseflow) to rivers. This method relies on continuous river flow and salinity data that is available from many gauges across Australia and the definition of surface runoff and regional groundwater end member salinities; 2) To support the Tracer method, the Lyne and Hollick Filter method can also be applied. The method was found to systematically overestimate regional groundwater discharge, whilst an alpha parameter of 0.98 most closely matched the Tracer method results. The Lyne and Hollick Filter method can be applied over the same period of record as the Tracer method and additionally, can often be applied over a longer historical record. This longer term analysis is expected to result in more accurate results, based simply on the fact that a longer data record represents a greater range of the changing nature of surface – water groundwater interaction; 3) Catchments with low value water resources can be assessed using a groundwater balance approach within the context of existing hydrogeological knowledge and the use of available literature and resources. The resulting estimate of groundwater discharge is expected to have a poor accuracy of perhaps 210% but produce a nonetheless important estimate; 4) Catchments with moderate value water resources can be assessed using the Tracer method in combination with the Lyne and Hollick Filter method. This would be supported by a brief literature review to ensure the results fit within the hydrogeological context of the catchment. The error of accuracy would be approximately 30% and 59% for the Tracer and Lyne and Hollick Filter methods respectively. Additional data may be required if the catchment has little data availability or if greater confidence is required; 5) Catchments with high value water resources should be assessed at a range of spatial and temporal scales to address multiple management issues. This would involve the application of the Tracer and Lyne and Hollick Filter methods at multiple gauges in addition to run of river sampling. The error of accuracy of the combined methods is expected to be near 10%. Additional data may be required if the catchment has little or moderate data availability or if greater confidence is required; PAGE 40 Approaches for the Assessment of Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction 6) If estimates of increased accuracy are required, then this will inevitably incur greater cost. Nevertheless, if the value of the water resource is high, then it is likely that an increased expenditure can be justified in terms of risk management. 7.2 Recommendations From a water resource management perspective, there are many catchments across Australia which require closer attention in terms of the understanding of surface water – groundwater interaction, the health of riverine environments and the significance of double accounting. The specific recommendations that can be made as a result of this study are detailed below: 1) Estimates of groundwater discharge to rivers should be made using a range of methods (with associated accuracy) depending on the value of the groundwater and surface water resources in each catchment. These assessments will form a fundamental hydrogeological basis for making current and future integrated water resource management decisions. The level of accuracy and cost of these estimates will be controlled by the data availability and/or investment made in infrastructure and instrumentation; 2) If the groundwater salinity data of a catchment is limited, it is likely that the accuracy of the Tracer method could be improved. Hence, in these catchments, rather than using the maximum river salinity as the groundwater end member, it is recommended that the definition of the regional groundwater end member be investigated in more detail. This could include a sampling round of existing bores (which may not have existing salinity data) or, if very few are available, the drilling and sampling of monitoring bores. A representative end member value could then be justified as representative using statistical methods (rather than just the mean); 3) The collection of continuous river salinity data at established river gauge sites, should be continued at the same frequency as flow recordings. 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