COVARIANCE NOTATION An easier method for performing calculations with covariances (as compared to summation notation) is as follows. Let X, Y, W, and Z be random variables. Let α and β be parameters. var 0 cov , X 0 cov X , X var X cov X , Y ) cov X , Y var X cov X , X 2 var X var X Y var X var Y 2 cov X , Y cov X Y ,W Z cov X ,W cov X , Z cov Y , W cov Y , Z ERROR COVARIANCE MATRICES An error covariance matrix shows the structure of covariances among different error terms. By definition, error covariance matrices are symmetric (the number in the ith row and jth column is the same as the number in the jth row and ith column). The number, or “element”, in the ith row and jth column is the covariance between the ith and jth errors. Let a simple time series data set be comprised of T time periods. Let ut be the error term at time t. The error covariance matrix, Ω, is a T x T matrix that takes the form: cov(u1 , u1 ) cov(u1 , u2 ) cov(u , u ) cov(u , u ) 1 2 2 2 cov(u1 , uT ) cov(u1 , uT ) cov(uT , uT ) OLS Assumptions Under the standard OLS assumptions, the covariance of error terms across time periods is zero and the variance of the error term at a point in time is constant across time. This means that: 2 if t1 t2 cov(ut1 , ut2 ) 0 if t1 t2 This implies that the error covariance matrix takes the form: 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 Heteroskedasticity In the presence of heteroskedasticity, the variance of the error term is no longer constant across time. This means that: t2 if t1 t2 t cov(ut1 , ut2 ) 0 if t1 t2 This implies that the error covariance matrix takes the form: 12 0 0 22 0 0 T2 Serial Correlation In the presence of serial correlation, the covariance of the error term across different time periods is no longer zero. The form (AR or MA) and order (1, 2, etc.) of the serial correlation describes the pattern of the covariances. Serial Correlation: AR(1) error AR(1) errors take the form ut ut 1 t where t ~ IN 0, 2 . This implies that: 2 if t1 t2 cov(ut1 , ut2 ) 2 if t1 t2 1 0 if t1 t2 1 and that the error covariance matrix takes the form: 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 Serial Correlation: AR(2) error AR(2) errors take the form ut ut 2 t where t ~ IN 0, 2 . This implies that: 2 if t1 t2 2 if t1 t2 1 cov(ut1 , ut2 ) 2 2 if t1 t2 2 0 if t t 2 1 2 and that the error covariance matrix takes the form: 2 2 2 2 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 0 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 Serial Correlation: MA(1) error MA(1) errors take the form ut t 1 t where t ~ IN 0, 2 . This implies that: cov(ut1 , ut2 ) n 2 , n t1 t2 (note that an MA(1) process is the same as an AR(∞) process). The error covariance matrix takes the form: 2 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 T 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 T 1 2 T 2 2 T 3 2 T 4 2 T 2 T 1 2 T 2 2 T 3 2 T 4 2 2 Combined Heteroskedasticity and AR(1) Serial Correlation In the presence of heteroskedasticity and an order 1 autoregressive error, we have: ut ut 1 t where t ~ IN 0, t2 . t2 if t1 t2 t 2 cov(ut1 , ut2 ) min t1 ,t2 if t1 t2 1 0 if t1 t2 1 The error covariance matrix takes the form: 12 2 1 0 0 12 22 0 2 2 0 T2 2 0 T21 T21 0 0 0 T21 T2 Panel Data Let a panel data set be comprised of S cross-sections and T time periods where the data is arranged first by cross-section then by time period. The error covariance matrix, Ω, is an ST x ST matrix that takes the form: 1,1 1,2 1, S 1,2 2,2 1, S S ,S where each submatrix s1 , s2 is a T x T matrix of error covariances for cross-sections s1 and s2 across all combinations of time periods. For example, let us,t be the error term associated with cross-section s at time t. The submatrix s1 , s2 is constructed as: s1 , s2 cov(us1 ,1 , us2 ,1 ) cov(us1 ,1 , us2 ,2 ) cov(us1 ,1 , us2 ,2 ) cov(us1 ,2 , us2 ,2 ) cov(us1 ,1 , us2 ,T ) cov(us1 ,1 , us2 ,T ) cov(us1 ,T , us2 ,T ) Expanding Ω, we have: cov u1,1 , u1,1 cov u1,1 , u1,2 cov u , u 1,1 1,T cov u , u 1,1 2,1 cov u1,1 , u2,2 cov u , u 1,1 2,T cov u1,1 , uS ,1 cov u1,1 , uS ,2 cov u , u 1,1 S ,T cov u1,1 , u1,2 cov u1,2 , u1,2 cov u1,1 , u2,2 cov u1,2 , u2,2 cov u1,1 , uS ,2 cov u1,2 , uS ,2 cov u1,1 , u1,T cov u1,T , u1,T cov u1,1 , u2,T cov u1,T , u2,T cov u1,1 , u2,1 cov u1,1 , u2,2 cov u1,1 , u2,2 cov u1,2 , u2,2 cov u1,1 , u2,T cov u2,1 , u2,1 cov u2,1 , u2,2 cov u2,1 , u2,2 cov u2,2 , u2,2 cov u2,1 , u2,T cov u1,1 , u2,T cov u1,T , u2,T cov u2,1 , u2,T cov u2,T , u2,T cov u1,1 , uS ,T cov u1,T , uS ,T cov u1,1 , uS ,1 cov u1,1 , uS ,2 cov u1,1 , uS ,2 cov u1,2 , uS ,2 cov u1,1 , uS ,T cov uS ,1 , uS ,1 cov uS ,1 , uS ,2 cov uS ,1 , uS ,2 cov uS ,2 , uS ,2 cov uS ,1 , uS ,T cov u1,1 , uS ,T cov u1,T , uS ,T cov uS ,1 , uS ,T cov uS ,T , uS ,T Note that there are two possible types of heteroskedasticity: within individuals and between individuals. Within individuals heteroskedasticity manifests as non-constant diagonal elements of Ω. Between individuals heteroskedasticity manifests as non-constant diagonal elements of the Σ. For each type of heteroskedasticity, the heteroskedasticity can be common or individual specific. Common heteroskedasticity is heteroskedasticity that is the same for all individuals. For example: Common within-individuals heteroskedasticity 2 if t1 t2 t and s1 s2 cov(us1 ,t1 , us2 ,t2 ) t 0 if t1 t2 1 or s1 s2 Common across-individuals heteroskedasticity 2 if t1 t2 t and s1 s2 cov(us1 ,t1 , us2 ,t2 ) t 0 if t1 t2 1 or s1 s2 Individual specific within-individuals heteroskedasticity 2 if t1 t2 t and s1 s2 cov(us1 ,t1 , us2 ,t2 ) s ,t 0 if t1 t2 1 or s1 s2 Individual specific across-individuals heteroskedasticity 2 s ,t if t1 t2 t and s1 s2 cov(us1 ,t1 , us2 ,t2 ) 0 if t1 t2 1 or s1 s2 Notice that common within-individuals heteroskedasticity is identical to heteroskedasticity as seen in a time series data set with the exception that the same heteroskedasticity structure is repeated for each individual. Similarly, serial correlation can occur within-individuals or between-individuals and can be common or individual specific.