CHILDREN’S MISCONCEPTIONS AND A LOOK ON HOW TEACHERS RESPOND TO THEM Maria Kambouri Institute of Education, University of Warwick Children’s misconceptions affect learning and acquisition of new concepts, especially in science. However, many teachers state that they do not have enough time to identify children’s prior knowledge and possible misconceptions. This research will explore teachers’ responses to children’s misconceptions and identify methods that teachers may use in order to resolve them. Consequently, this research focuses on young children’s misconceptions and investigates cases of early year’s teachers in Cyprus. The investigation includes questionnaires that were sent to 150 schools, two key informant interviews, observations of Cypriot teachers teaching science and two focus groups. INTRODUCTION Discussion of the natural sciences has been part of discussion for a very long time and everybody is affected by science in their everyday lives (Devereux, 2000). Nowadays, it is generally accepted that children already have knowledge and scientific concepts, before entering formal education, which will affect their school learning of science. Some of this knowledge is incorrect and remarkably resistant to change (Black & Lucas, 1993). Researching children’s misconceptions is crucial and the earlier we study them the better we can work with children to rectify their misconceptions which in turn helps children’s scientific learning to progress (Ravanis & Bagakis, 1998). Learners bring into the classroom concepts, which differ from those accepted by the scientific community (Valanides, 2000). He adds that these concepts are called misconceptions and they are not addressed by Cypriot textbooks and traditional instruction. Consequently, in Cyprus, a learner’s conceptual framework is usually not compatible with that of the teachers and the textbooks and this can constitute a significant obstacle to learning as learners may not receive the intended meaning from instruction (Valanides, 2000). 1 BACKGROUND Scientific concepts are those ideas that enable us to appreciate the patterns and relationships between the way things are made and the way they behave (Bradley, 1996). Johnston and Gray (1999) made clear that when talking about science in early year’s education we refer to children’s understanding about the world and its development. This includes making sense of everyday experiences which develop skills and understanding. On entering formal education children already have many scientific ideas, based on these early experiences that may be partially formed or scientifically inaccurate (Johnston & Gray, 1999; Treagust, 1988). Experienced teachers agree that children have these pre-existing ideas called misconceptions (Johnston & Gray, 1999). For the purposes of this paper, the term “misconceptions” will be used to refer to “children’s ideas that differ from definitions and explanations accepted by scientists” (Schmidt, 1995, p1). “Misconception” is the most widely used term in the literature and this is the reason that this term is considered as the most appropriate one to use for this study (Hamza & Wickman, 2007). Cohen and Kagan (1979) used the term misconceptions to refer to children’s attempt to integrate new and old understandings. From Andre and Ding’s (1991) point of view, misconceptions are ideas that children “have incorporated into their cognitive structures that they use to understand and make predictions about the world” (p303). Such knowledge is developed through children’s own thinking (Russell, & Watt, 1992) and is based on children’s experience, which explains how the natural world works, but in an incorrect way (e.g. heavy objects fall faster than lighter objects). Trying to understand how children form misconceptions, Hanuscin (2007) pointed out that misconceptions form in various ways and one person often passes them on to the next. She added that usually people who hold misconceptions are not aware that their ideas are incorrect. As a result when they are told that their ideas are incorrect they find it difficult to overcome their misconceptions (Hanuscin, 2007). Furthermore, children with misconceptions can convince others in a group to take their perspective (Snyder and Sullivan, 1995). Worth (2000) believes that children’s misconceptions arise from their own experiences while Cohen & Kagan (1979) and Hanuscin (2007) all agree that misconceptions can arise when two or more learned concepts get mixed up. Another possible source of misconceptions are common words, which are used in every day conversation but don’t have the same meaning when used in science 2 (Hanuscin, 2007). Thus, misconceptions can arise from both verbal and conceptual confusion (Cohen & Kagan, 1979). PREVIOUS RESEARCH INTO THIS FIELD During the last two decades much research has been carried out which demonstrated that children’s comprehension usually results from misconceptions or inadequacies in their background knowledge (Eaton, Anderson and Smith, 1984). Misconceptions affect the way that children understand a variety of scientific ideas. For example, Eaton, Anderson’s and Smith’s (1984) research aimed to find out if children’s misconceptions interfered with science learning. The results showed that students had difficulties in learning about light because neither their text nor their teachers adequately dealt with their misconceptions. Specifically they suggested that “experiences and common sense can sometimes lead to inaccurate or incomplete conceptions that can prevent a student from learning”. Osborne and Cosgrove (1983) investigated children’s misconceptions about phenomena associated with water and specifically children’s concepts regarding the changes of state of water. A series of events involving ice melting, water boiling, evaporating, and condensing, was shown to children in an individual interview situation. For each of the events, children were asked to describe what they saw happening and explain what had happen. The interviews’ analysis illustrated that children bring to science lessons strongly held views which relate to their experiences and these views appear to them as logical and sensible. Children have ideas about the changes of state of water but these ideas are quite different from the views of scientists and they can be influenced in unintended ways by science teaching (Osborne and Cosgrove, 1983). As they confidently said “the views can remain uninfluenced or can be influenced in unanticipated ways by science education” and added that “unless teachers identify children’s views and design their teaching accordingly some children’s ideas will not change, or will change in unanticipated ways, as a results of formal science teaching” (Osborne and Cosgrove, 1983, p836). Pine et al. (2001) developed a questionnaire aiming to identify children’s misconceptions about topics within the Key Stage 1 curriculum in the United Kingdom. Their conclusion was that children have many misconceptions about science topics and these misconceptions are of considerable importance and cannot be ignored in the learning process since they are “foundations upon which knowledge in built” (Pine et al., 2001, p93). They 3 suggested that teachers need to place as much emphasis on children’s incorrect ideas as on their correct ones if they want to accomplish conceptual change in science. Their results also supported that teachers find abstract concepts, like forces and electricity, to be more difficult for young children to understand. Specifically, of all the topics sampled, the teachers identified nearly one-third of them as being of above average difficulty for the children (Pine et al., 2001). However, as they cited “of significant importance there was the fact that the data relate to teachers perceptions about the topics children find difficult” which might reflect teachers’ own difficulties with certain topics (Pine et al., 2001, p91). As they stated, teachers themselves, in common with many adults, can have misconceptions about science and children’s misconceptions may be a reflection of this. THE EARLY YEARS’ SCIENCE TEACHER Ignoring children’s misconceptions and hoping that they will overcome them on their own is considered to be inappropriate (Schmidt, 1995). Pine et al (2001) agreed and highlighted that teachers need to organize children’s misconceptions into coherent concepts. As they discussed, “when teachers are better informed about the types and false beliefs children are likely to hold they will be quicker and better at identifying them, at helping children call them to mind and make them explicit and at incorporating them into the process of conceptual change” (Pine et al., 2010, 93). However, even if teachers think that misconceptions can get in the way of the teaching process they usually tend to ignore or squash them when possible (Pine et al., 2001). This might be happening because teachers do not have the time to identify children’s misconceptions and are therefore often forced to assume a certain base level of students’ knowledge (Chen, Kirkby & Morin, 2006). However, if children’s misconceptions are known, then teachers can plan lessons to rectify them (Schmidt, 1995). Children’s concepts should not be ignored but they should be part of the content of teaching by identifying them and providing opportunities for children to “experience phenomena which run counter to their conceptions for the purpose of inducing conceptual change” (Valanides, 2000, p362). Teachers worry about “not knowing enough”; this might derive from their belief that teaching is about having all the answers to children’s questions (Russell, & Watt, 1992). However, in practice nobody could really answer all the questions that children might raise. In many cases doing something like that would be wrong. Giving facts to children that do not link into their own experience and thinking can deter them from asking questions, since they will find it difficult to understand the answers (Russell & Watt, 1992). 4 School science is not about providing the answers to all the questions that children might have. It is about reaching possible conclusions by exploring relationships and explanations between ideas and events and it is essentially about understanding (Devereux, 2000). It also includes the testing of ideas and the proposal of new theories and questions, which change all the time as ideas, skills and knowledge are developed through new research and evidence (Devereux, 2000). Moreover, Valanides (2000) declared that several teaching-learning problems can be overcome by children who are encouraged to be actively engaged in communication rather than passive children who just sit, listen and respond when the teacher calls upon them. Children’s active engagement needs, of course, a relaxed and non-threatening classroom climate and frank exchanges between children and the teacher (Valanides, 2000). Children mature at different rates and their pre-school experiences vary. Therefore in order to help children develop their ideas and conceptual understandings it is essential to provide opportunities to make links between their own ideas and other alternatives (Russell & Watt, 1992). Making predictions, gathering evidence through observations and suggesting explanations based on their own interpretations of information could be opportunities to help children link their knowledge. In this way children will be assisted in developing scientific ideas which will make sense and will be connected to their everyday lives (Russell & Watt, 1992). However, we must be careful and not rush children from one experience to another because they will have little opportunity to “try out their developing ideas and build upon existing ones” (Johnston, 2005, p3). It is important to remember that early-years children learn through trial and error and this takes time and patience (Johnston, 2005). Dewey agreed with this and recognized that children learn best when offered varied activities because they have different types of intelligence and learning needs (Johnston, 2005). Russell and Watt (1992) argued that the teacher’s role in science teaching is to help children develop their understanding starting from ideas that they already have through investigations of topics, discussions, explorations of children’s ideas and experiences. Tirosh (2000) suggested that teacher education programs should familiarize teachers with children’s common misconceptions and the effects on their learning as this would assist them with their teaching. It is also important for teachers to clarify their own 5 understanding of science and use it in their work in order to be comfortable and teach with confidence (Johnston & Gray, 1999). Consequently the teacher’s role can be complicated and very demanding. SCIENCE EDUCATION IN CYPRUS Science education in Cyprus has never been purely Cypriot (Zembylas, 2002). Cyprus has had a national curriculum in science since its independence from the British in 1960 with periodic reviews of 15 years or more having been undertaken since then. Other countries in the European Union (e.g. Germany, Italy, Portugal) have curriculum reviews every 6 to 10 years (Zembylas, 2002). The latest, third curriculum was completed in 1994 as was the science curriculum (Ministry of Education, 1996). The Cypriot Curriculum is based on child-centred teaching (Cyprus National Curriculum, 1996). However, it does not give any indications to teachers about how they could find out about what misconceptions children have and about how they can help children overcome those misconceptions. This led to the need of creating a reference book for early years’ teachers, which includes ideas and examples about how early-years teachers could teach specific science conception (Reference Book for Kindergarten Teacher, 2004). In primary schools, subjects like physics, chemistry, biology or other unified courses are constructed on the basis of specific curricula whereas preschool curricula are not frequently founded on explicitly articulated theoretical principles. Science activities at nursery schools used to be more fragmentary and were confused with logico-mathematical concepts and problems of social living (Ravanis & Bagakis, 1998). After the publication of the reference book a series of seminars took place which aimed in training teacher on how to teach ‘natural sciences’ in a way that would help children develop their abilities to observe, investigate, calculate, predict, explain and give their own definitions (Reference Book for Kindergarten Teacher, 2004). As it is implied in the reference book’s introduction, scientific knowledge and children’s misconceptions are not included in the main issues to be considered when teaching science in as early year’s classroom in Cyprus as the main target is the development of children’s skills and competencies like observation, classification and prediction (Reference Book for Kindergarten Teacher, 2004). RESEARCH QUESTIONS The aim of the research is to investigate how early years’ teachers in Cyprus respond to children’s misconceptions when teaching science. In addition to 6 the literature review and my experience in regard to the science education in Cyprus, the following research questions were identified: • Main Question: What do teachers know about young children’s misconceptions in science? • Sub-questions: Do early years’ teachers identify children’s misconceptions and if yes how? How does this knowledge inform teaching? How do teachers respond and use children’s misconceptions during the lesson? What kind of training do early years’ teachers receive about children’s misconceptions? METHODOLOGY The research methodology is the process of collecting and analysing data and information to answer the research questions. Thus it was very carefully selected carefully for this study (Hitchcock & Hughes, 1989). For the research questions presented it was considered more appropriated to use qualitative research methods as they enable the researcher to learn firsthand about the social world they are investigating, through a focus upon what individuals say and do (Hitchcock & Hughes, 1989; Robson, 2002). A mixed-method design, including interviews, observations and focus groups, was designed for this research. Questionnaires were used as a secondary means of data collection, in order to collect demographic information in regard to the research population. The sample for the questionnaires was randomly selected and it consisted of qualified teachers from all schools of Cyprus working with three to six year old children. On the other hand, the participants of the observations and the interviews could be labelled as an opportunistic sample as they were selected based on social contacts. Specifically, the research was completed in two phases. The first phase aimed to identify key topics on which the research will focus. This occurred after analysing the teachers’ responses to the questionnaires and the key informants’ interviews. The questionnaires were designed, piloted and sent to 150 schools in Cyprus aiming to discover teachers’ perception of teaching specific natural sciences’ subjects. SPSS was used for the analysis of the questionnaires, which led to the key topics that interest teachers. Additionally, key informant interviews two Cypriot university lecturers and researchers took place. The main aim was to identify the current situation in Cyprus with regard to science teaching. There was also an attempt to find out what kind of research was currently taking place in Cyprus in relation to 7 science and misconceptions. This helped in understanding the participants’ background and subject knowledge. The second phase included lesson observations and focus groups. Specifically, teachers were observed teaching science topics that were selected as determined by questionnaire analysis. An observation schedule was designed which facilitated note taking. The observations would give an opportunity to approach teachers and children’s world in order to understand their ways of thinking and acting during a science lesson. Finally, interviews and focus groups were held which focused on how teachers’ identify and respond to children’s misconceptions. Interviewing is one the major tools of social and educational research (Hitchcock & Hughes, 1989). The use of the interview in research marks a move away from just seeing humans as subjects that can be manipulated. Interviews are about listening to people’s external realities or internal experiences (Hitchcock & Hughes, 1989). ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS One of the necessary ethical considerations for this study was informed consent, which refers to the voluntary consent of the individual to participate in research (Burgess, 1989). It was important to ensure that all participants in the research understood the process in which they were to be engaged (BERA, 2004). As a result, informed consent was collected and it was made sure that the teachers that would participate in the study had a clear idea about the research procedure, the research methods and how they would get involved. Additionally, morality and privacy are two more issues that were considered. Morality informed the research of reminded the importance of considering other people’s interests and concerns when thinking about how to act, what to say and what to do (Gregory, 2003). On the other hand, participants’ privacy and rights to confidentiality and anonymity were also important. Therefore, the teachers’ were assured that their personal information would be kept safe and that their identity would be secured at all times so they could feel free and safe to express their true opinion. Fictional names were used in order to ensure privacy. Finally, their right to withdraw was known from the outset. They were also informed about how and why their personal data would be used and stored as suggested by BERA (2004). Finally, this research conformed to Warwick University’s ethical guidelines and has also been examined and accepted as ethical from the Ministry of education in Cyprus, which gave its permission for this research to take 8 place at Cypriot schools. This permission had to be renewed for each academic year until the research was completed which ensured that the research did not ignore any ethical considerations at any time. PRELIMINARY FINDINGS The response rate to the questionnaires was 72%, which is quite high and shows that the results (from approximately three quarters of the 150 schools sampled) may be considered representative for the small population of Cyprus (about 750 000 citizens). The questionnaires revealed information about teachers’ preferences when teaching science topics. The most important finding (that informed the rest of the research) was that teachers say that they feel more confident teaching concepts related to ‘Plants and Animals’ while less confident teaching ‘Electricity’. The results were used to select the topics on which the research would focus. This research did not wish to put teachers in a difficult position of teaching ‘Electricity’ which is something that they usually avoid and is also not specifically in the Cypriot early years’ curriculum. There was an attempt to find participants for observations while teaching ‘Electricity’, but the teachers responded very negatively to this and they were not willing to be observed while teaching this topic. As most of them said “I would not feel comfortable so I would prefer to be observed while teaching something else”. On the other hand, focusing on a subject such as ‘Plants and Animals’ which was the preferred topic, might effectively address the research questions. As a result, it would be more appropriate to focus on something that teachers characterised as having middle confidence when teaching such as ‘Weather, Earth and Space’. Additionally, results indicate that when teachers believe that they have good background knowledge of topics they tend to feel more confident teaching and they would also choose to teach these more often. Whereas when they do feel that they do not know a lot about a topic they tend to teach it less often and with less confidence. At the same time teachers believe that children have more misconceptions associated with a topic because teachers themselves do not feel very confident with their knowledge. On the other hand, based on a preliminary analysis of the key informants’ interviews, it seems that generally university professors, in their lectures, refer to children’s misconceptions when teaching ‘Natural Sciences’ to student teachers. However, they do not require students to complete any assignment specifically about misconceptions. They sometimes use children’s misconceptions to detect student teachers’ misconceptions and 9 one of the interviewees specifically said that this is very important because ‘teachers have to realise that they themselves have misconceptions and they ‘pass’ them to children, and this is the main problem.’ Finally, during the interviews the two expert interviewees referred to some particular problems that usually teachers who teach science come across. These problems are firstly the large number of children in each classroom (approximately 25 children). Secondly, the issue of time in combination with the national curriculum and the amount of topics that needed to be covered in a school year. Additionally, the books, which are used today at schools, especially in primary schools, do not take account of children’s misconceptions. One of the expert interviewees said that ‘It is very difficult for a teacher to apply the theory that they might have learnt during their studies in the time that they have and without any particular guidance in regard to children’s misconceptions and how to teach science’. More information about this area will definitely be revealed during the focus groups’ and the observations’ analysis. CONCLUSION The hope is that the results of this research will guide not only teachers but also policy makers to improve science teaching as this research is not just a matter for teachers, however central their role. There are also policy makers, managers, support staff, teacher trainers, examiners, inspectors and parents all of whom can consider the findings of researchers like this in order to act more effectively (Hegarty, 1996). 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