Correlation Policy

Pediatric Echocardiography
Correlation/Confirmation of Results Policy
Policy created: August 15, 2012
POLICY: Correlation of echocardiogram results with other diagnostic and surgical procedures.
PURPOSE: To establish a process in which the results from echocardiograms are correlated with other procedures in
order to minimize discrepancies and to increase quality within the facility.
Correlation data will be gathered and complied by the Technical Director.
The Medical Director is responsible for reviewing and reporting the correlation results to the staff.
Correlation and confirmation of results will be performed on a monthly basis.
A correlation review will include 3 to 4 cases per session.
During the TTE correlation of results the procedures that are compared with TTE findings:
o Cardiac Catheterization
o Operative findings
During the TTE correlation of results the following components and areas are included in the review:
o Ejection Fraction (EF)
o Degree of regurgitaion / stenosis
o Ventricular septal defect gradients
o Other
During the TEE correlation of results the procedures that are compared with TEE findings:
o Cardiac Catheterization
o Operative findings / Autopsy
During the TTE correlation of results the following components and areas are included in the review:
o Mechanism and severity of valvular dysfunction
o Presence or absence of thrombi or vegetations
o Presence or absence of aortic dissection, atheromas, hematomas or ruptures
During the Fetal Echo correlation of results the procedures that are compared with stress findings:
o Post Partum TTE
o Cardiac Catheterization
o Operative Findings / Fetopsy / Autopsy
During the Fetal Echo correlation of results the following components and areas are included in the review:
o Left ventricular function and cardiac dysrhythmia / arhythmia
o Mechanism and severity of valvular dysfunction and congenital heart diesease
The reviewer will be provided with a correlation worksheet for the reviews.
The findings of the correlation results will be distributed to the staff in the following manner:
o Minor discrepancies will be reviewed and discussed at the Quality Improvement (QI) meetings by the Medical
o Major discrepancies will be reviewed and discussed with the individual sonographers and interpreting
physicians by the Medical Director.
o A written compilation of the findings will be distributed to the staff with areas of concerns to be reviewed in a
QI meeting. Additional training, if needed, will be performed by the Technical and/or Medical Director.
The Medical Director is responsible for reviewing and reporting the correlation results to the staff.
Pediatric Correlation Policy (SAMPLE)