Workshop 1:

Workshop 1:
Reliability, Validity & Introduction to Modeling
Social science research is about formulating questions we have about the world and fitting the
answers into a broader class of explanations (a theory) that can account for causal relationships.
This process involves moving from research question to research hypothesis to data collection
and analysis to reflection and revision.
Research Question
Research Hypothesis
Data Collection & Analysis
Reflection & Revision
Throughout this worksheet you will find terms that are useful for considering this process in a
general sense but also as you develop your own proposal for this course.
The Research Question
The first step in research is finding a topic(s) of interest. Luckily for us, the political world is
full of interesting phenomena just waiting to be discovered. Despite the abundance of interesting
trends, nailing down a good research question is actually quite difficult. Students coming into
this course often make the mistake of equating an interest with a research question. These are not
the same.
There are no hard and fast rules for finding a research question. Most research questions
originate from our observations of the world. Why do people vote? Why do some bills pass
while others’ fail? Why do some members of Congress get reelected while others don’t? These
are all the beginnings of research questions.
Past Fellow’s projects included such topics as interest group influence in Congressioinal
hearings, policy consequences of income inequality, Supreme Court agenda setting and public
opinion, among many others. Two such projects are appended to this handout, visit the Center
for American Politics and Public Policy’s website for more research ideas and details of the
projects described here.
The Research Hypothesis
The research hypothesis extends the question we developed earlier but becomes more precise. In
this stage of the research process, the objective is model specification. Here we identify our key
variables and hypothesize relationships between them.
There are several different levels of variables. Constructs exist at the level of theory and are
usually precisely defined ideas that form the bedrock of research. Constructs are unseen (and
therefore un-measurable) phenomena. For example, agenda space is a construct that can take on
different meanings depending on the author. Agenda space must first be defined theoretically
before the researcher can begin to quantify (or qualify) this variable.
The process of operationalization links our construct to the observerable world. While agenda
space is an abstract object, the number of congressional hearings per year is concrete and
provides us with one way to measure agenda space. Agenda space could be operationalized any
number of ways and the variable that the researcher ultimately chooses depends upon the type of
research, the theoretical orientation of the researcher, ease of measurement, and many others. At
this stage, it is important to distinguish between three types of measurement: nominal, ordinal
and interval. Nominal data is made up of mutually exclusive categories and includes eye color,
race, and gender. Ordinal data is still categorical but it gives us information about the ordering
of the data. Likert scales1 are ordinal level data. Unfortunately, ordinal data does not give us
information about the distance between different categories. In other words, the difference
between self-identifying as a strong Republican vs. a moderate Republican is unclear. Interval
data is the preferred level in most cases because it allows us to perform more robust analyses.
Interval data contains information about the strength and direction of the variable and we can
make more meaningful comparisons between different levels of the variable.
The reliability and validity of our measures is a very important topic in research design.
Reliability is the extent to which the measure is consistent across space and time. Validity refers
to the extent the measure actually measures what we think its measuring. For example, the
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) may be a reliable measure of student achievement (if you score a
1200 today, tomorrow you will likely score close to 1200, all other things being equal) but it may
not have validity (the test doesn’t really measure student achievement at all, but some other
variable). It is possible for a measure to be reliable and not valid, but not the other way around.
Valid measures are also reliable. Reliability can have important effects on statistical analysis
because poor reliability makes it difficult to lift subtle effects from the data. Not all scholars
agree about the importance of each of these measurement characteristics, but both play a crucial
role in the research process at all levels.
Likert scales are common throughout the behavioral and social sciences and include responses which are phrased
as following: Strongly Disagree – Mildly Disagree – Disagree – Mildly Agree – Strongly Agree. Likert scales can
be used for questions on political ideology and affiliation, policy preference, among other things.
The Policy Agendas Project grew out of an effort to create valid, reliable measures of important
American political activity.
Data Collection & Analysis
Once we narrow and define our research question to a few specific constructs and operationalize
are variables, it is time to collect the data and begin our analysis. Data collection may proceed in
a number of ways. With the advent of the Internet, more researchers are releasing data on the
web. However, you should always scrutinize the process in which the data was processed
because not all data is created equal. Pay attention to inter-coder reliability checks and other
measures of data quality. Bad data equals bad results, always!
For the purposes of this course, most of you will be using pre-existing data sources (primarily
from the Policy Agendas Project). Talk with faculty and graduate students to get ideas for other
data sources.
Once collected, data is analyzed according to the hypotheses developed at the beginning of this
process. Here, whether in qualitative or quantitative research, the issues of extraneous and
confounding variables become important. An extraneous variable is a factor that has not been
controlled for in the study but does not systematically vary with the independent variable. The
most common extraneous variable is the random measurement error found in most data. A
confound, on the other hand, is a variable that systematically varies with the independent
variable potentially tainting the results. Both types of variables are similar in that they are
external to the research project we have designed. We need to control extraneous and
confounding variables as much as possible because they effect the validity of our results. When
a study has controlled both, it is said to have high internal validity. Threats to internal validity
include history, instrumentation, regression to the mean and selection among others. Because of
the nature of the world we study as social scientists is difficult to study in a laboratory setting,
we will never be able to obtain full control over extraneous and confounding variables, but most
good research attempts, through a variety of techniques beyond the scope of this class, to control
external factors.
Quantitative analysis, the focus of this course, will usually proceed down one of two related
paths, correlation and regression (there are many other advanced techniques that researchers use,
but they will not be discussed here). Correlation is a type of analysis that tells us how related
two variables are. It does not demonstrate cause and effect relationships but instead tells us how
often two or more variables coincide. Regression2 adds predictive capacity to the researcher’s
tool box and allows us to specify causal relationships. Causal relationships, however, can not be
demonstrated with most regression analyses, more sophisticated tools are needed. We’ll come
back to correlation and regression in Workshop 2.
There are many different kinds of regression. For the purposes of your work here, regression refers to linear
Reflection & Revision
So, we’ve brainstormed a question, defined and operationalized our variables, collected and
analyzed data. Now what? Arguably the most important stage in research, interpretation of the
results and, if necessary, revision of our theory.
How conclusive are the results? What caveats, if any, are necessary? Are the results
generalizable to other places, times, cultures, people (external validity3)? Have you learned
something new about the world? These and other questions are to be asked at the conclusion of a
research study. The answers to these questions lead to the formulation of new questions and
hypotheses, which, ironically, leads us full circle to where we started.
Threats to external validity include sampling bias, experimental arrangements and others.
Confounding Variables: two or more explanatory variables that are confounded when their
effects on a response variable cannot be distinguished from each other
Construct: an abstract idea or concept, theoretical in nature
Extraneous Variable: any variable other than the identified explanatory variables that effects the
independent variable in a non-systematic or random way; for systematic effects see confounding
External Validity: the extent to which a study’s results can be generalized to other
circumstances (times, place, and persons)
Internal Validity: the extent to which a study controls for variables (confounding or extraneous)
that may affect the explanatory variable of interest
Measurement Validity: sometimes known as construct validity; reflects how well a operational
variable measures our chosen construct
Measurement Reliability: the extent to which a measure is consistent
Model Specification: formal development of a model in a statement or equation, based on data
analysis and past theoretical developments
Operationalization: the process of converting concepts into observable behaviors that a
researcher can measure
Variable: an attribute that varies across observations; examples height, personality traits,
systems of government