S1 Supplementary Methods Species abundance distributions: neutral models vs. poisson lognormal In the neutral model 1, a local community is composed of J individuals. These local communities are nested within a metacommunity, which contains a total of Jm individuals. Diversity and relative abundance in the metacommunity are determined by the composite parameter θ, the “fundamental biodiversity number”. θ is a function of metacommunity size and speciation rate (θ=2νJm, where ν is the probability of speciation per birth). At each time step, deaths occur at random, with all individuals equally susceptible to mortality, and empty sites are recolonized by the offspring of a remaining local community member, or by immigration from the metacommunity, according to the probability of immigration m. Jointly, m and θ determine the shape of a local community’s species abundance distribution. The simulations are ran for 50,000 time steps with 1% mortality at each time step (i.e., for 500 turnovers of the local community), using High Performance Computing facilities at James Cook University. To obtain the parameter estimates necessary to generate distributions of community similarity, we used Hubbell’s procedure (chapter 9 in ref 1) for fitting the simulation-based neutral model to the species-abundance distributions of our local community data. In addition to using parameter estimates to predict community similarities, we also directly compared the neutral model’s fit to the abundance distributions with that of the poisson lognormal, which has been justified on biological grounds 2, 3, and is commonly used as a null model for species abundance in tests of the neutral theory 1, 4-6. Model selection using Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) strongly supports the poisson lognormal as the better model (over 99.99% support for the poisson lognormal vs. less than 0.00% for the simulation S2 neutral model; Fig S1). To verify that our results were robust to assumptions specific to the simulation-based neutral model or its fitting procedure, we also fit an analytical neutral model 6, 7. This yielded similar results: the two neutral models consistently underestimate the number of rare species, more dramatically so in the case of the simulation model, and overestimate the number of species with intermediate abundances. Consistent with the previous analysis, the poisson lognormal is strongly supported as the better model (99.68% support for the poisson lognormal vs. 0.32% support for the analytical neutral model). As for the poisson lognormal 8, the best-fit parameterisation of the neutral model (with over 99.9% support) is for all local communities within the same habitat and region to have the same parameters ( and m). Therefore, we define the metacommunity at this scale for our analyses of community similarity. Community similarity under neutral dynamics Bray-Curtis similarity was calculated for each pair of local communities within the same metacommunity, for both the empirical and simulated datasets. To verify that our results were not sensitive to the choice of the Bray-Curtis statistic as a measure of community similarity, we repeated our analysis using Jaccard statistics, which use only presence-absence data, and thus contain less information but are more robust to sampling effects 9. Similar results were obtained with both measures, so only Bray-Curtis similarities are reported. To test neutral theory predictions against observed community similarity values, we simulated the dynamics of our 12 local communities within each of our 15 metacommunities, with J equal to the sample size for each corresponding local community in the coral dataset, and m and equal to the values estimated from our fits to the corresponding coral metacommunity. S3 Our comprehensive analysis of community similarities under neutral dynamics indicates that similarity values are approximately normally distributed. Mean similarity decreases with increasing diversity (Supplementary Fig. S2 a), because in species-rich communities there are more species whose abundances can vary among communities. Isolation decreases mean similarity and increases its variance (Supplementary Fig. S2 b). However, even moderate rates of immigration (0.1) generate local communities with very high similarity. In mainland-island neutral models, the size of the simulated metacommunity (Jm) is usually arbitrary, and not estimated from data 1. To verify that our results were robust to metacommunity size, we simulated groups of local communities for fixed θ and m, with Jm varying from twice the size of the local communities to five orders of magnitude greater. We ran these simulations using the parameter values estimated for each of the five regions (Fig. 1). The frequency distribution of community similarity exhibits no trend over this substantial range of metacommunity sizes for any of the parameter sets (Spearman’s r, all correlations -0.454 < r < 0.115, P > 0.187, n = 10 for mean similarity; -0.358 < r< 0.430, P > 0.214, n = 10 for standard deviation of similarity). Nevertheless, to be conservative, we used the largest metacommunities (five orders of magnitude greater than local community size) in all our analyses. There is presently some dispute about the extent to which the community structure patterns reported for neutral models are stable 10, 11. In particular, analysis of neutral models over time scales much longer than those used in most neutral model analyses has shown a trend of increasing variance of abundances and decreasing local species richness 12. Because this increasing variance could potentially lead to longterm trends in community similarities, we assessed numerically whether our community similarity distributions had equilibrated by running simulations for a S4 further 1000 community turnovers. This analysis shows that community structure had indeed stabilized by 500 turnovers for parameter values above very low migration rates (m~0.001 or greater), regardless of the value of θ (Supplementary Fig. S3). For this very broad range of parameter values, the community similarity distributions produced are markedly different from those exhibited by the data (Fig. 2). For extremely low migration rates, community structure does not equilibrate, even after 1500 turnovers (Supplementary Fig. S3 a, b, c). Therefore, the possibility that distributions of community similarity for these parameter values could resemble those of our data cannot be ruled out. However, this superficial resemblance should not be interpreted as evidence for good fit of the neutral model, for several reasons. Firstly, for these parameter values, local species richness progressively decreased as communities tended towards mono-dominance (Supplementary Fig. S3 c). This is clearly not representative of scleractinian coral communities, which have sustained moderate to high biodiversity for tens of thousands of years. Moreover, the immigration rates necessary to produce these distributions (m<0.001, or less than one immigrant to a local community per ten thousand births) differ from the estimated migration rates from our local community distributions (0.75<m<0.92) by over two orders of magnitude, and they are also inconsistent with population genetic data, which indicate moderate to high levels of immigration at spatial scales comparable to those of our local communities (tens of km) 13, 14. It is worth note that our finding that very large local communities (10,000 individuals in the simulations used to produce Figs. 2, S2, and S3) exhibit a long-term trend towards mono-dominance under extreme isolation contradicts earlier claims that such trends only occur for very small local communities 11. 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