Commissioning service

The commissioning of GB Leaders, Young Leaders and Team Leaders/Captains is a wonderful
celebration of leaders dedicating themselves to leadership among young people and leadership
in the mission of the church.
This is some suggested wording for a commissioning/dedication service, which should be an
integrated part of a church parade/all-age service so that both the GB group and church are
showing their support. The service should also involve the District Commissioner, who is
involved in their training and ongoing support. It’s also one of the more encouraging parts of
the Commissioner’s role!
Suggested songs for commissioning service
I Will Offer Up My Life – Matt Redman
The Servant King – Graham Kendrick
All to Jesus, I surrender – Hymn
Lord for the years - Hymn
Be Thou My Vision – Hymn
Surrender – Vineyard
Suggested Bible readings and themes
Philippians Ch.2: 1-11 – lead like Christ
Matthew Ch.6: 19-24 – serve Jesus alone
John Ch.3: 30 – the focus should always be on God not us
John Ch.13: 12-17 – service is the example we follow
1 Corinthians Ch.12: 12-30 – unity and diversity in the body of Christ
Ephesians Ch.4: 1-16 – unity and maturity in the body of Christ
The actual commissioning words can be led by the Commissioner or Minister, depending on
giftings and the flow of the service. Please make sure you adapt the wording so that the girls
and leaders understand the words being used.
Commissioner or Minister: We come now to the commissioning of (names) as a Young Leader
OR Leader (some groups prefer Officer to be used) OR Team Leader/Captain in The Girls’
Brigade. This is a point of commitment for (names) and also for us as a church.
Name of GB group (e.g. 1st London) is part of the life and outreach of this church, and as such
the leaders work as our representatives with the girls and young women in the group. Their
service should be sustained by the support and prayers of this congregation, and so by our
presence here, we are adding our commitment to the promises made.
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Invite those being commissioned to come to the front of the church.
For commissioning new Leaders and Team Leaders/Captains
Commissioner or Minister: (Name), you have heard the call of Christ to serve God through
GB’s ministry with children and young people as a Leader/Officer OR Team Leader/Captain.
The aim of The Girls’ Brigade is to help girls to become followers of the Lord Jesus Christ.
This cannot be achieved apart from the Holy Spirit working through the lives of leaders and
members. I therefore ask you:
Do you acknowledge your dependence upon God and God calling you to serve in GB?
Do you promise to seek His help in deepening your own spiritual life so that you may
help the children and young people you work with to seek, serve and follow Christ?
Do you commit yourself to the responsibilities of serving and leading in GB?
New Leader: I do.
Alternative: I do, God being my helper.
Commissioner or Minister: (Name), it is my joy and privilege to commission you as a
Leader/Officer OR Team Leader/Captain in The Girls’ Brigade and in the (name of GB group
e.g. 1st London) group.
As you serve, you will find many calls upon you;
to act and to enable,
to speak and to listen,
to lead and to support.
These calls will come to you through enthusiasm and through laughter,
through pre-occupation and weariness.
But the One who calls you is faithful, and He will meet all your needs.
May God richly bless you in your work for Him, enabling you, by His grace and
strength, to serve Him in all seasons. Amen.
The Commissioner presents the Officer Appointment
Card or certificate, letter from Girls’ Brigade Central
Office and badge to be ordered from GB Trading
Team Leaders/Captains can have their Officer
Appointment Card updated, receive a badge and some
groups/churches choose to give a small gift, particularly
if acknowledging the Team Leader/Captain has
unofficially been doing parts of the role already.
Commissioner or Minister: Prayer of dedication, asking for God’s blessing and equipping.
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For commissioning Young Leaders
Commissioner or Minister: We are here to celebrate in God's presence the commitment of
(names) as Young Leaders who are stepping into a new stage of leadership and are serving as
an example to our young people.
Invite those being commissioned to come to the front of the church or stand.
Read out names and stage of training completed – Foundation, Intermediate or Advanced.
Commissioner or Minister:
(Names) have recently completed training and have chosen to be equipped and empowered to
serve and lead in company and in wider Christian service.
In serving God through GB…
 Will you accept the privileges and responsibilities of leadership in GB?
 Will you seek to be an example to the young people and help them to become followers
of the Lord Jesus Christ?
 Will you seek to follow the example of Jesus Christ yourself and continue to discover
the life to the full that He offers?
Young Leaders: I will.
Alternative: I will, God being my helper.
Commissioner or Minister: In the name of the Lord Jesus, we welcome you as Young Leaders.
May God equip you and help you grow in your gifts as you serve him.
The Commissioner can present a Young Leaders’ Certificate and/or badge ordered from
GB Trading. Some groups prefer to do this at their awards celebration.
Commissioner or Minister: Prayer of dedication, asking God to strengthen, equip and bless the
Young Leaders in the roles and pressures they face as young people.
You may wish to include all Leaders re-affirming their calling and commitment to serve in GB
or the church family renewing their commitment to support the church’s mission among young
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Leaders or church family: Rejoicing in the calling and opportunities God gives us, we renew
our commitment to Jesus Christ our friend and saviour and to the mission of the Girls’
We ask Him to transform and enrich our lives as we seek to transform and enrich the lives of
others, making Him known in our community.
Commissioner or Minister: In the Bible we find the instructions to be humble, gentle, patient,
loving and make every effort to keep the unity which the Holy Spirit gives. Everything you do
or say, should glorify the Lord Jesus, as you give thanks through Him to God the Father.
Leaders or church family: With God’s help we will.
See also a suggested wording for a re-dedication service, available to download from the GB
website. If you have any questions or would like further help with your service, please contact
We wish you a wonderful commissioning and celebration service.
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