Hypothesis Testing: Let Model 0: Y Model 1: Y 0 Model 2: Y 0 1 X 1 Model p: Y 0 1 X 1 p 1 X p 1 Let Yˆ (model i), i 1, p, be the vector of the predicted values, for example, Yˆ1 X 1bˆ ˆ ˆ Y X b Yˆ (model p) Xbˆ X ( X t X ) 1 X t Y 2 2 , ˆ ˆ Yn X n b where X i 1 X i1 X i 2 X ip1 and X i bˆ b0 b1 X i1 b2 X i 2 b p 1 X ip1 is the fitted value of Yi . (i) Test H 0 : 1 2 p 1 0 : Suppose model P: Y 0 1 X 1 p 1 X p 1 is the original model we use. As H 0 is true, the original model would be reduced to model 1: Y 0 . Note Y Y ˆ Y (mod el 1) since b0 Y Y n S ( 0 ) (Yi 0 ) 2 , and i 1 n Y i 1 i n and Yˆi (mod el 1) b0 Y by solving S ( 0 ) 0 0 Intuitively, the difference between Yˆ (model p) and Yˆ (model 1) should be large if H 0 is not true. Therefore, large Yˆ (mod el p) Yˆ (mod el 1) 1 2 might imply H 0 x1 x might not be true, where for any vector x 2 and xn x 2 n xi2 . However, i 1 “largeness” is relative to the random variance. If the random variance 2 is large ( quite possible to be large), then Yˆ (model p) or Yˆ (model 1) is very unstable. Large Yˆ (mod el p) Yˆ (mod el 1) 2 might be due to large random variation, not because of H 0 not being true. A estimate of 2 is n s2 Y Yˆ (mod el p) 2 n p (Y X bˆ) i i 1 2 i n p , where Yi X i bˆ Yi Yˆi Yi (b0 b1 X i1 b2 X i 2 b p 1 X ip1 ) 0 1 X i1 p 1 X ip1 i b0 b1 X i1 b p 1 X ip1 ( 0 b0 ) ( 1 b1 ) X i1 ( p 1 b p 1 ) X ip1 i is called the residual for the i’th observation. Note Yi X i bˆ i as b̂ is a sensible n estimate of 0 , 1 ,, p 1 . Thus, s 2 i 1 2 i n p is a “modified” sample variance (as n 1 , 2 ,, n ~ N (0, 2 ), Yˆ (mod el p) Yˆ (mod el 1) p 1 i 1 2 i n 1 is p 1 s2 sample variance). The ratio 2 and s 2 can be used to test H 0 , Yˆ (mod el p) Yˆ (mod el 1) F the 2 Yˆ (mod el p) Yˆ (mod el 1) p 1 Y Yˆ (mod el p) n p 2 2 2 . of Large F value might imply the difference between model P and model 1 is large relative to the random variation. As H 0 is true, F statistic is distributed as F distribution with degrees of freedom p-1and n-p, respectively. Example: Let H 0 : 1 0 , then Model 2: Y 0 1 X 1 (the original model) Model 1: Y 0 (the reduce model) as H 0 : 1 0 is true. Then, Yˆ (mod el 2) Yˆ (mod el 1) F 2 1 Y Yˆ (mod el 2) 2 . n p Splus example: >summary(ozonelm1) # n=111, p=2, n-p=109, F=23.62, # p-value=3.964* 10 6 >help(lm.object) >help(summary.lm) >ozsummary1<-summary(ozonelm1) >ozsummary1 >ozsummary1$fstatistic >yhat1<-rep(mean(ozone),111) Y Y # Yˆ (mod el 1) Y 1111 >yhat2<-ozonelm1$fitted.values # Yˆ (mod el 2) >diffm1m2<-sum((yhat2-yhat1)^2) # Yˆ (mod el 2) Yˆ (mod el 1) Y Yˆ (mod el 2) 2 2 >s2<-sum((ozone-yhat2)^2)/109 2 # s >f<-diffm1m2/s2 # F statistic for testing H 0 : 1 0 >ozsummary1$sigma^2 # s2 3 109 (ii) Test H 0 : 0 1 2 p 1 0 : Model p: Y 0 1 X 1 p 1 X p 1 (the original model). Model 0: Y (the reduced model as H 0 is true). Then, Yˆ (mod el 0) 0 . Then, 2 Yˆ (mod el p) Yˆ (mod el 0) p s2 F Yˆ (mod el p) 2 p Y Yˆ (mod el p) 2 . n p Splus example: Yˆ (mod el 2) >diffm2m0<-(sum(yhat2^2))/2 # >diffm2m0/s2 # F statistic 2 2 (iii) Test general hypothesis: H 0 : some linear equations, for example H 0 : 0 21 4 2 0, 1 5 2 3 3 0 Model p: Y 0 1 X 1 p 1 X p 1 (the original model). Model q: Y 0 1 X 1 q 1 X q 1 (the reduced model as H 0 is true). Yˆ (mod el p) Yˆ (mod el q) F pq s2 2 Yˆ (mod el p) Yˆ (mod el q) pq Y Yˆ (mod el p) n p Example: Test H 0 : 1 3 0 Model 4 Y 0 1 X 1 2 X 2 3 X 3 (the original model). Model 2: Y 0 2 X 2 (the reduced model). 4 2 2 . We need to find Yˆ (model 4) and Yˆ (model 2) by fitting the twomodels, then compute the F statistic. Splus example: >ozone<-air[,1] >radi<-air[,2] >temper<-air[,3] >wind<-air[,4] >ozonelm3<-lm(ozone~radi+temper+wind) # multiple linear regression model: # ozone= 0 1 (radiation ) 2 (temperature) 3 ( wind ) >yhat4<-ozonelm3$fitted.values # Yˆ (mod el 4) >ozonelm6<-lm(ozone~temper) # ozone= 0 2 (temperature) >yhat2<-ozonelm6$fitted.values # Yˆ (mod el 2) Yˆ (mod el 4) Yˆ (mod el 2) >diffm4m2<-sum((yhat4-yhat2)^2)/(4-2) >s2<-sum((ozone-yhat4)^2)/107 >f<-diffm4m2/s2 # 2 42 # s2 # F statistic for testing H 0 : 1 3 0 5