All Wales Continuous Improvement Community National Standing Conference Venue: SWALEC Stadium, Cardiff Date: Wednesday 12th November 2014 9:00 – 4:15 Conference Chair: Paul Matthews, Chief Executive. Monmouthshire County Council Cost: Free. You are invited to attend the All Wales Continuous Improvement Community’s National Standing Conference taking place on the 12th November 2014 in the SWALEC Stadium, Cardiff. Places are limited so ensure you don't miss out by registering your place as quickly as possible. Purpose of the Event: To promote the community of practice network, share learning and to showcase the resources available to organisations engaged in continuous improvement. You will have the opportunity to share the experiences of a wide range of Public Sector organisations including: o o o o Intellectual Property Office Ministry of Justice Royal Mint South, Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service and South Wales Police collaboration o Natural Resources Wales o Betsi Cadwalader University Health Board The conference will include the AWCIC Annual Awards presentation. There also will be an opportunity for the short listed candidates to present their submissions and for delegates to speak to the teams to discuss their work during the Network Space during the afternoon session. This Conference is funded by Welsh Government. This is a great opportunity for you to contribute your ideas and have an influence on how we shape this network to ensure we create an effective networking environment able to maximise value and best meet your needs Audience Numbers: 170 Lunch: Provided Who should attend? o o Public Sector Lean Systems Thinking and Continuous Improvement practitioners responsible for enabling and implementing change Senior Leaders and Managers in Public Sector Organisations responsible for delivering change. This Conference is funded by Welsh Government. Programme: 9:00 – 9:30 Registration & Refreshments 9:30 – 10:00 Conference Opening a) Thinking Differently - A Production: Presented by the Intellectual Property Office b) Huw Jakeway-Chief Fire Officer South Wales Fire and Rescue Service 10:00-10:45 Key Note Speaker Professor Nicholas Rich Professor in Operations Management, School of Management, Swansea University 10:45 – 11:00 Break 11:00 – 11:45 Awards Presentation Ceremony 11:45 – 12:15 Speaker Peter Davies Commissioner for Sustainable Futures 12:15 – 1:00 Market Place Workshop Session 1 1:00 – 2:00 Lunch 2:00 -2:45 Network Space (inc Refreshments) 2:45 – 3:30 Market Place Workshop Session 2 3:30 – 4:15 Closing:Paul Matthews – Chief Executive, Monmouthshire County Council This Conference is funded by Welsh Government. Suggested Market Place Workshops: Delegates to choose two from the following workshops. 1. Ministry of Justice – Caroline Phillips Leading from the Frontline The Ministry of Justice Customer Contact Services has transformed the way it works by empowering its frontline staff. This interactive and lively session will provide an insight into self-managing teams, putting the customer at the heart of service redesign and truly empowering staff at all levels to make decisions. 2. Betsi Cadwalader University Health Board - Neil Windsor From Jonkoping (Sweden) to Wrexham – Creating a Qulturm-like centre for improvement and innovation across healthcare in North Wales. As a Service Improvement Manager for Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board and a skilled Quality Improvement Practitioner with 13 years experience, Neil’s workshop will allow you to: Understand the background and context behind BCUHB’s quality improvement journey to date Gain insight on the national ‘Improving Quality Together’ (IQT) Programme for healthcare and its adoption across North Wales Recognise the standard methodology used for improvement within BCUHB (Model for Improvement) Explore IQT content and local improvement projects to date 3. Intellectual Property Office – Sean Evans and Chris Carter Let’s Get Agile! Agile Project Management is one of the ways the IPO is successfully delivering change and driving continuous improvement forward. In this interactive session, you will have the opportunity to: o Find out about this highly effective approach o How it promotes collaborative working between IT and business colleagues o How the IPO is benefiting from using it to deliver effective change This Conference is funded by Welsh Government. 4. The Royal Mint - Leighton John, Head of Production & Operational Excellence The Shingo Model & Continuous Improvement at the Royal Mint Leighton’s workshop will concentrate on the Shingo Model and its strategic deployment. 5. South, Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service and South Wales Police Collaboration – ACFO Derek Masson & Karen Davies Joint Public Service Centre Project The project merges the two fire control teams in Mid and West and South Wales and relocate them with the police control team at South Wales Police in Bridgend. This session will focus on how the collaborative project has been set up, the engagement activities with the control staff and the benefits of police and fire staff working side by side. 6. Natural Resources Wales – Howard Davies Natural Resources Wales – a new organisation, our journey so far and how we use and are developing CI There have been lots of challenges in the early months and years of NRW, a new organisation in Wales set up by the merger of Environment Agency Wales, Countryside Council for Wales and Forestry Commission Wales. Highlighting a whole raft of Continuous Improvement tools and techniques we used to integrate the three different organizations, we will tell our story so far and our plans for the future; how we are developing our CI capabilities to shape and develop the organisation over the next few years Delegates will hear about what’s gone well, what not so well, what we’ve learnt from others and what we’ve learnt about ourselves. 7. Future Generations Bill - Claire Germaine Getting Ready for Public Service Boards Claire will lead an interactive session, focusing on the Future Generations Bill, taking delegates through the plan and inviting thoughts on what Local Service Boards would need to do to get ready for the Bill. Drawing on delegates’ continuous improvement expertise, Claire will lead a discussion investigating how prepared delegates feel for the outcomes of the Bill – i.e. preparing assessments/plans, consult and engage and undertake scrutiny etc, how they would go about getting and what support they feel they would need. This Conference is funded by Welsh Government. 8. Welsh Government - Matthew Jenkins Performance Management in Public Services – Where Next After Williams? The Commission for Public Service Governance and Delivery (the Williams Commission) made extensive recommendations about how performance management in public services should be reformed. The Welsh Government’s response, set out in Devolution, Democracy and Delivery – Improving public services for people in Wales, commits the Welsh Government to progress in the broad direction set out by the Commission. The purpose of this workshop is to engage attendees in a discussion about the future of performance management in public services. In particular the workshop will: ask whether delegates ‘buy’ the Commission’s prescription for performance improvement; outline the Welsh Government’s position on some of the matters raised by the Commission; discuss whether the Well-being of Future Generations Bill, and other parallel developments, represent a unique opportunity that should be seized by all colleagues with an interest in public service improvement. This Conference is funded by Welsh Government.