Stat 550 Notes 18 Reading: Chapter 4.4-4.5, 4.7 I. Confidence Bounds, Intervals and Regions (Section 4.4) A set estimate of is a set S ( X ) that is estimated to belong to based on the sample X. Example 1: For a sample X1 , X 2 , X 3 , X 4 from a N ( ,1) distribution, a set estimator of is S ( X ) [ X 1, X 1] . This means that we assert that is in this interval. What is gained by using the interval rather than the point estimate since the interval is less precise? By giving up some precision in our estimate (or assertion about ), we have some gained some confidence, or assurance, that our assertion is correct. Example 1 continued: When we estimate by X , the probability that we are exactly correct, that is P( X ) 0 . However, with a set estimator, we have a positive probability of being correct. The probability that is covered by the interval [ X 1, X 1] can be calculated as 1 P( [ X 1, X 1]) P( X 1 X 1) P (1 X 1) P (1 X 1) 1 X 1 ) 1/ 4 1/ 4 1/ 4 P (2 Z 2) 0.9544 where Z has a standard normal distribution. Thus, we have over a 95% chance of covering the unknown parameter with our interval estimator. Sacrificing some precision in our estimate, in moving from a point to an interval, has resulted in increased confidence that our assertion is correct. P( The purpose of using a set estimator rather than a point estimator is to have some guarantee of capturing the parameter of interest. The certainty of this guarantee is quantified in the following definitions: For a set estimator S ( X ) of , the coverage probability of S ( X ) for is P ( S ( X )) , i.e., the coverage probability for is the probability that the random set S ( X ) contains when the true parameter is . For a set estimator S ( X ) , the confidence coefficient of S ( X ) is the infimum of the coverage probabilities, inf P ( S ( X )) . 2 Typically, we seek to use set estimators that have confidence coefficients of at least 95%. A set estimator that has confidence coefficient at least 1 is called a 1 confidence set (confidence region). For a one-dimensional parameter , we typically seek set estimators that are intervals, S ( X ) ( L( X ), U ( X )), L( X ) U ( X ) ; this type of set estimator is called a confidence interval. If we are only interested in a lower bound for , we can consider a set estimator of the form S ( X ) ( L( X ), ) and if we are only interested in an upper bound for , we can consider a set estimator of the form S ( X ) (, U ( X )) ; these types of set estimators are called one-sided confidence intervals or confidence bounds. In general, a set estimator along with a confidence coefficient is called a confidence set. Example: CI for mean of normal distribution with known variance: X 1 , , X n iid N ( , 2 ) where 2 known. X ~ N (0,1) Then n 3 1 Let z ( ) where is the CDF of a standard normal random variable, e.g., z.975 1.96 . We have X 1 P z z 1 1 2 2 n P z X z X 1 n 2 1 2 n P X z X z 1 1 n n 2 2 Thus, X z1 2 (1 ) CI for n is a Why are confidence sets useful? (1) Confidence sets are typically used along with a point estimator to give a sense of the accuracy of the point estimator, e.g., “It is estimated that the mean volume of the left hippocampus is 0.20 cm3 smaller for people with schizophrenia than for people without schizophrenia. A 95% confidence interval for the difference is 0.07 to 0.33 cm3” (2) By behaving as if the parameter belongs to the set estimated by the set estimator when the confidence coefficient is high (e.g., 95%) we will usually behave reasonably. Interpretation of confidence intervals Common textbook interpretation of a 95% confidence interval: 4 If we repeat the experiment over and over, a 95% confidence interval will contain the parameter 95% of the time. This is correct but not particularly useful since we rarely repeat the same experiment over and over. More useful interpretation (Wasserman, All of Statistics) : On day 1, you collect data and construct a 95 percent confidence interval for a parameter 1 . On day 2, you collect new data and construct a 95 percent confidence interval for an unrelated parameter 2 . On day 3, you collect new data and construct a 95 percent confidence interval for an unrelated parameter 3 . You continue this way constructing 95 percent confidence intervals for a sequence of unrelated parameters 1 , 2 , Then 95 percent of your intervals will trap the true parameter value. Example: The following are two recent Gallup-CBS polls. “Are you confident or not confident in Barack Obama’s ability to be a good president?”: 95% confidence interval for proportion of U.S. adults who are confident: (0.62, 0.68) “Do you believe in extrasensory perception, or ESP?” 95% confidence interval for proportion of U.S. adults who believe in ESP: (0.38, 0.44) If you form confidence intervals for proportions from polls every day for the rest of your life, 95 percent of your intervals will contain the true proportion. This is true even though you 5 are estimating a different quantity (a different poll question) every day. A confidence interval is not a probability statement about : In a confidence interval, the interval is the random quantity, not the parameter. The fact that a confidence interval is not a probability statement about can be confusing. Let be a fixed, known real number and let X1 , X 2 be iid random variables such that P( X i 1) P( X i 1) 1/ 2 . Now define Yi X i and suppose we only observe Y1 , Y2 . Define the following “confidence interval” which actually contains only one point: {Y 1} if Y1 Y2 C 1 {(Y1 Y2 ) / 2} if Y1 Y2 No matter what is, we have P ( C ) 3/ 4 so this is a 75 percent confidence interval. Suppose we now do the experiment and we get Y1 15 and Y2 17 . Then our 75 percent confidence interval is {16}. However, we are certain that is 16. II. The Duality Between Confidence Sets and Tests (Section 4.5) Confidence sets and hypothesis tests ask the same question, but from a slightly different perspective. Both procedures look for consistency between sample statistics and population parameters. The hypothesis test fixes the parameter and asks what sample values (the acceptance region) are consistent with 6 that fixed value of the parameter. The confidence set fixes the sample value and asks what parameter values (the confidence set) makes this sample value most plausible. We show that a level (1 ) confidence set can be obtained by “inverting” a family of level tests. Duality Theorem: For each 0 , let A( 0 ) be the acceptance region of a level test of H 0 : 0 . For each possible sample data x , define a set S ( x ) in the parameter space by S ( x) { 0 : x A( 0 )} (0.1) Then the random set S ( x ) is a 1 confidence set. Conversely, let S ( x ) be a 1 confidence set. For any 0 , define A( 0 ) { x : 0 S ( x)} Then A( 0 ) is the acceptance region of a level test of H 0 : 0 . Proof: For the first part, since A( 0 ) is the acceptance region of a level test, P0 ( X A( 0 )) and hence P0 ( X A( 0 )) 1 . Since θ0 is aribtrary, we can write P ( X A( )) 1 for all The above inequality together with (0.1) shows that the coverage probability of the set S ( x ) is given by P ( S ( X )) P ( X A( )) 1 for all 7 showing that S ( x ) is a 1 confidence set. For the converse, the Type I error probability for the test of H 0 : 0 with acceptance region A( 0 ) is P0 ( X A( 0 )) P0 ( 0 S ( X )) ; so this is a level test. Note: The shape of the confidence interval is determined by the type of the test that is inverted. To find two-sided confidence intervals, invert two-sided tests of H 0 : 0 vs. H1 : 0 . To find one-sided confidence intervals, invert one-sided tests. Example: Suppose X 1 , , X n iid N ( ,1) and we want to find a 95% one-sided confidence interval that gives an upper bound for . To do this, we can invert a test of H 0 : 0 vs. H1 : 0 . The acceptance region of the UMP level 0.05 test is n i 1 ( X i 0 ) n 1 (0.05) ; see Notes 17 (note, on Notes 17, I 1 mistakenly wrote (0.05) instead of (0.05) ). Thus a 95% confidence interval is n ( X i 0 ) 1 i 1 (0.05) 0 : 0 0 : n 8 n i 1 n Xi 1 (0.05) n If we wanted a 95% one-sided confidence interval for that gives a lower bound, we can invert the UMP test of H 0 : 0 vs. H1 : 0 . Thus, a 95% confidence interval is n ( X i 0 ) 1 i 1 (0.95) 0 : 0 0 : n n i 1 Xi n 1 (0.95) n Suppose we wanted a two-sided 95% confidence interval for . We want to invert a two-sided test of H 0 : 0 vs. H1 : 0 . The z test (Moore and McCabe, Introduction to the Practice of Statistics) has rejection region C ( x) x : i 1 ( X i 0 ) n n 1 (0.975) or n i 1 ( X i 0 ) n (0.025) 1 This is a size 0.05 test Inverting this test gives a 95% confidence interval of 1 0 : (0.025) n i 1 ( X i 0 ) n (0.975) n X i 1 (0.975) i 1 0 0 : n n 1 n i 1 n Xi 1 (0.025) n III. Bayesian Formulation of Set Estimators (Chapter 4.7) In the frequentist approach to set estimation, we seek to find a random set that has a high guaranteed probability (confidence 9 coefficient) of containing the true parameter in repeated samples from the true distribution. In the Bayesian approach to set estimation, we seek to find a set that has a high posterior probability of containing the true parameter. In the Bayesian approach, it is meaningful to talk about the probability that the true parameter belongs to the set. Example 1: The sponsors of television shows targeted at the children’s market wanted to know the amount of time children spend watching television, since the types and numbers of programs and commercials are greatly influenced by this information. As a result, it was decided to survey 100 American children and ask them to keep track of the number of hours of television they watch each week. From past experience, it is known that the population standard deviation of the weekly amount of television watched is 8.0 hours and that that the weekly amount of television watched is normally distributed. The television sponsors want a 95% confidence interval for the mean amount of television watched by children. 10 Distributions Time 10 20 30 40 50 Moments Mean 27.191 Std Dev 8.3728408 Std Err Mean 0.8372841 upper 95% Mean 28.852353 lower 95% Mean 25.529647 N 100 95% Confidence Interval for : 8 X z 27.191 1.96 [25.62, 28.76] 1 n 100 2 11 It is tempting to say (and many experimenters do) that “the probability is 95% that is in the interval [25.62, 28.76].” However, within the frequentist paradigm, such a statement is invalid since the parameter is assumed fixed. Formally, the interval [25.62, 28.76] is one of the possible realized values of the random interval X z1 2 does not move, X z1 n , and since the parameter n is in the realized interval [25.62, 28.76] with probability either 0 or 1. When we say that the interval [25.62, 28.76] has a 95% chance of coverage, we only mean that we know that 95% of the time the random interval 2 X z X z will contain the true 1 1 n 2 2 trials of the experiment. n in repeated In contrast, the Bayesian setup allows us to say that is inside [25.62, 28.76] with some (subjective) probability, not 0 or 1. This is because, under the Bayesian setup, is a random variable with a probability distribution. A Bayesian set estimator is called a credible set (region) and the credible probability of the set estimator is the posterior probability that the set contains the true parameter: P( C ( x ) | X x ) A set estimator C ( x ) is said to be a (1 ) credible set if the credible probability of the set is (1 ) , i.e., P( C ( x ) | X x ) 1 . 12 A natural approach to constructing a (1 ) credible set is to consider the collection of that are most likely under the posterior distribution p ( | x ) : Ck { : p( | x ) k} where k is chosen so that P( Ck | X x) 1 . Such a credible set is called the highest posterior density (HPD) set. The shape of an HPD region is determined by the shape of the posterior distribution. When is 1-dimensional and the posterior distribution is unimodal, then an HPD set will be an interval. 2 Example 1 continued: Suppose X 1 , , X n iid N ( , 0 ) with unknown and 02 known. Suppose we take a Bayesian 2 approach and have a prior distribution ~ N ( 0 , 0 ) with 0 , 02 known. From Notes 3, the posterior distribution p( | X 1 , , X n ) is nX 0 2 2 1 0 0 N , n 1 n 1 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 A HPD set that has credible probability (1 ) is 13 nX 02 n 2 0 0 02 1 nX 1 z 1 2 0 2 n 2 0 1 , 02 n 2 0 2 0 0 02 1 z 1 2 0 2 1 n 1 02 02 For the data in Example 1, if we have a prior for of N (30,100) , then the HPD set with credible probability 95% is 100* 27.19 30 1 64 100 1.96 [25.645, 28.771] 100 1 100 1 64 100 64 100 This is slightly different than the 95% confidence interval of [25.623,28.759]. We now examine how the 95% credible set performs as a confidence interval and how the 95% confidence interval performs as a credible set. We first calculate the coverage probability of the 95% HPD credible set. Let nX E ( | X ) 2 0 n 02 0 02 1 02 X n 1 02 n 02 2 0 1 02 0 n 02 02 02 Var ( | X ) n 1 02 n 02 02 02 1 14 1 02 , The posterior distribution for | X is N ( E ( | X ),Var ( | X )) . 2 2 Let 0 /(n 0 ) . The coverage probability of the 95% HPD credible set is P | E ( | X ) | 1.96 Var ( | X ) P 1.96 Var ( | X ) X P 1.96 Var ( | X ) 0 0 1.96 Var ( | X ) n 1 n 1 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 n n 1 02 2 0 X 1.96 Var ( | X ) 0 n 1 n 1 n 1 02 02 02 02 02 02 1 n 1 2 2 2 0 0 0 P 1.96 Var ( | X ) 0 X 1.96 Var ( | X ) 0 n 1 n 1 n 1 02 02 02 02 02 02 2 0 2 0 1 n 2 X 2 12 1.96 Var ( | X ) 0 0 2 n 1 0 / n 0 0 02 02 P 1 n 2 2 12 1.96 Var ( | X ) 0 0 n 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 n 2 0 1 2 2 0 1.96 Var ( | X ) n 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 n 2 0 1 2 2 0 1.96 Var ( | X ) n 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 15 1 2 0 We can see that if the true mean is sufficiently greater than 1 the prior mean 0 so that 0 02 n 02 1 1.96 Var ( | X ) , then the 02 coverage probability will be less than 0.5, and in fact we can find large enough such that the coverage probability is arbitrarily close to zero. Thus, the confidence coefficient of the credibility set is zero. Similar calculations show that the 95% confidence interval has credibility probability tending to zero for some true . This example points out that credibility intervals do not in general have good confidence coefficients and confidence intervals have poor credibility probabilities for certain true values of the parameter. That being said, the confidence interval and credibility interval are often fairly similar as in Example 1, and as n , the ratio of the upper and lower bounds of the confidence interval and credibility interval in Example 1 converge to 1 (i.e., in some sense, asymptotically the credibility interval and confidence interval are equivalent). 16