COLBY PRIMARY SCHOOL Bridge Road Colby Norwich NR11 7EA Tel: 01263 733381 Fax: 01263 731300 E-mail: Website: Headteacher: Mrs Christine Mead School News Issue 18– 16th January 2015 The Week Ahead Monday 19 th January: Tuesday 20th January: Wednesday 21st January: Thursday 22nd January: . Friday 23rd January: Breakfast Club from 8am. £2.50 per session. Every day this week. Book Club in The Jungle for Emerald class at lunch-time. Recorder Club at lunch-time with Mrs Towers (Year 5 and 6). No Premier Sport – cancelled due to low numbers. See below. Mrs Mead’s Choir in the hall from 8.40am – all ages welcome. Piano lessons continue. Book Club in The Jungle for Amber class at lunch-time. Knitting Club at lunchtime with Mrs Wymer. Eco Club at lunchtime with Zaranne (Head of Eco) and Mrs Ward. Computer Club (Ruby) at lunchtime with Mrs Moulton. After School Club. 3 – 4.30pm. £3 per session. Ashleigh’s Key Stage 1 Art Club. 3 – 4.15pm. £3 per session. Lucinda’s Cosy Cartoon Club. 3 – 4.30pm. £3 per session. Table Tennis after school - spaces available. No Football Club until later this term. Stay and Play restarts 9 – 10.15am. Guitar lessons continue – places available. Book Club in The Jungle for Sapphire class at lunch-time. Handbell team at lunchtime with Mrs Towers – Year 6 only. After School Club. 3 – 4.30pm. £3 per session. Georgi’s Key Stage 2 Cookery Club. 3 – 4.30pm. £5 per session. Lucinda’s Wii Club. 3 – 4.30pm. £3 per session. Digital Leader Club with Mrs Towers. KS! Cookery Club with Mrs Williams 3 - 4pm - places allocated. Swimming for selected Year 5 children from Amethyst. Cross Country for Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 at lunch-time. Must have packed lunch. Computer Club (Amethyst) at lunchtime with Mrs Moulton. Book Club in The Jungle for Ruby class at lunch-time. After School Club. 3 – 4.30pm. £3 per session. Ashleigh’s Key Stage 2 Art Club. 3 – 4.15pm. £3 per session. Ed’s Chess and Puzzle Club. 3 – 4.30pm. £3 per session. Book Club in The Jungle for Amethyst class at lunchtime. Art Club at lunchtime with Mrs Ward. Georgina’s Wii Club at lunch-time. No Premier Sport – cancelled due to low numbers. See below. Dates for your diary PLEASE NOTE THE TERM DATES BELOW – PLEASE KEEP A COPY BECAUSE THEY WON’T BE INCLUDED ON EVERY NEWSLETTER. Monday 2nd February: TKF Karate taster sessions for all children. Friday 13th February: School Closes at 3pm for half term. Monday 23rd February: School re-opens – please note there will be no Breakfast Club today. Thursday 26th February: Phonics Family Learning for Reception and Year 1 parents / families 9 – 11am. Friday 27th March: School closes at 3pm for the Easter holidays. Monday 13th April: School re-opens for the Summer Term – please note there will be no Breakfast Club today. Monday 4th May: School Closed – Bank Holiday. Monday 11th May: National Test Week for Year 6 children – please note there will be no hot dinners this week due to test administration and arrangements. Friday 22nd May: Monday 1st June: Tuesday 21st July: School closes at 3pm for half term. School re-opens. School closes at 3pm for the Summer holidays. Thursday 3rd September: Wednesday 21st October: Monday 2nd November: Friday 18th December: School re-opens for the Autumn Term. School closes at 3pm for half term. School re-opens – please note there will be no Breakfast Club today. School closes at 3pm for the Christmas holidays. Swimming Success Congratulations to Mia (Ruby) for achieving the Kellogg’s ASA Water Skills Award Grade 4 Awesome! Change for Healthy Tuck Please remember that Healthy Tuck items cost 20 pence each. Please send your child with the correct money so that customers can be dealt with quickly. Thank you for your help with this – Healthy Tuck is very popular and it helps if children bring the correct change. I don’t want them to have to queue for too long! Thank you. Megan (Amethyst) – Head of Healthy Tuck. 2 Headteacher Awards Joel (Amber) for fantastic fractions work Honor (Amber) for great reading Ava and Bella (Amber) for making a beautiful Teddy Bears’ Picnic Party Abigail (Sapphire) for wonderful writing Thomas C (Sapphire) for wonderful writing Harry (Amber) for great reading Maisie, Will I-G and Grace (Sapphire) for brilliant classifying of animals Melody, Jessie and Holly (Sapphire) for brilliant number work Sterling (Emerald) for bringing in a fantastic book to show the class Bella, Ava, Finley, Lily, Isabel T and Eliza (Amber) for fantastic writing and drawing Charlie (Amber) for beautiful reading Isabel N and Charlie (Amber) for great verbal descriptions Samson, Gabriel and Oliver (Amber) for great toy descriptions Jessie (Sapphire) for super subtraction Oliver (Sapphire) for brilliant reading Isabel N, Rudi, Henry, Honor and Alexander (Amber) for fantastic descriptive writing about toys Joseph (Amethyst) for being really helpful with grounds-work Isabelle, Maddy, Freddie, Sophie, Daisy, Mae, Reuben, Imogen E, Emma, Oliver, Evie and Luke (Emerald) for fantastic times tables Reuben, Louie, Mae, Imogen E and Maddy (Emerald) for great written addition Evan, Millie, Imogen H, Holly and William (Emerald) for fantastic times table tests Hannah, Reuben and Evan (Emerald) for great attitudes to learning Lily (Sapphire) for brilliant 10 x tables Lily (Sapphire) for answering three questions about koalas from memory William (Sapphire) for sharing a Tasmanian Devil picture with the class Ben (Sapphire) for remembering five facts about koalas Jamie (Sapphire) for bringing in a book about the human body to share with the class Jacob (Sapphire) for excellent Aboriginal art Andre and Will I-G (Sapphire) for fantastic animal classification Emily S (Amethyst) for five mastered levels on IXL Tom (Sapphire) for brilliant typing challenges in ICT Mia (Ruby) for marvellous mathematics Ruby S and George W (Sapphire) for marvellous mathematics Holly (Sapphire) for brilliant reading Emily S (Amethyst) for excellent effort in IXL Rhianna (Amethyst) for being Star of the Day Lois, Macy and Emma (Amethyst) for challenging themselves in mathematics Emily S (Amethyst) for being Star of the Day Finley (Amber) for fantastic concentration Nathaniel (Sapphire) for brilliant reading Lily, Ben and Thomas (Sapphire) for brilliant reading Maisie (Sapphire) for beautiful Aboriginal objects Jacob and Jessie (Sapphire) for brilliant adding Courtney (Ruby) for excellent ICT and being really helpful to a friend The Amethyst Year 5 Swimmers for being an awesome advert for Colby School 3 More Headteacher Awards Rose, Rosa, Sophie and Milly (Ruby) for excellent writing Thomas (Ruby) for a great answer to a question Jim (Ruby) for knowing the word “prefix” Sophie and Leah (Ruby) for helping Mrs Towers Elise, Joe and Frank (Ruby) for writing and using algorithms Joe (Ruby) for thoughtful comments about Special Places Leah and Elen (Ruby) for multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 Felix (Ruby) for an excellent answer during RE Freya (Ruby) for great knowledge about cathedrals during RE Rosa (Ruby) for helping to tidy up Axel (Ruby) for a great answer in RE The Amethyst Year 6 Bike-ability Group for being an awesome advert for Colby School Rudi (Amber) for beautiful reading Florence, Phoebe, Reece, James, Isla and Harry (Amber) for great toy descriptions School Council for great participation in the FOCS meeting Patrick and Leila (Amethyst) for providing excellent child care at the FOCS meeting Colby Primary School Table Tennis for Schools Project Autumn Term 2014 Congratulations to the following children, who were awarded certificates on the last day of term last year. Emma (Amethyst) for Level 1, Level 1 Umpire, Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4. Rose (Ruby) for Level 1, Level 1 Umpire and Level 2. Frank (Ruby) for Level 1, Level 1 Umpire, Level 2 and Level 3. William (Emerald) for Level 6. Tom (Amethyst) for Level 13, Level 14, Level 15 and Level 3 Coach. Brae (Sapphire) for Level 1, Level 1 Umpire, Level 2 and Level 3. The Player Award was awarded to Emma (Amethyst) who received a table tennis bat and 4 hours free coaching with Young England coaches in Norwich. The Player Award Runner Up was awarded to Frank (Ruby) who received a table tennis bat. Thank you to John for his excellent table tennis coaching. Places are still available this term, if your child would like to join. Unwanted visitors We have had head lice in school this week. Please could you check your child’s hair for unwanted visitors and treat accordingly if you find any! Thank you. Itch itch! 4 KS2 Cross Country Club Mr Brown will be starting Cross Country Club again on Thursday next week. Due to the increase in hot meals being served at lunch-time, we are unable to keep meals hot to eat after clubs. Therefore, we ask that children bring packed lunch if they want to take part in KS2 Cross Country Club. If you have already ordered a hot meal for your child on Thursday, you will be credited. Thank you for your help with this. Thank you from John (a Kenyan pupil we sponsor) To All the Colby School, I hope that you are all going well and that you are all enjoying Christmas. I will write to you again after Christmas. I thank you for all the things that you bought for me. I would like to tell you about the team that I am supporting. I am supporting Chelsea. Thank you for the money you brought for me. I think one day you should all come and visit me and we would have a great time. From John Oteno. Ofsted Parent Questionnaire Ofsted have introduced a new way of gathering parent views, a website called Parent View. Anyone can view the results for a school once 3 parents have completed the survey. Information is collected by means of a 12 question online survey, answering each question strongly agree to strongly disagree. The questions are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. My child is happy at this school. My child feels safe at this school. My child makes good progress at this school. My child is well looked after at this school. My child is taught well at this school. My child receives appropriate homework for their age. This school ensures the pupils are well behaved. This school deals effectively with bullying. The school is well led and managed. This school responds well to any concern I raise. I receive valuable information from the school about my child’s progress. I would recommend this school to another parent. If you could complete the questionnaire online that would be great, it is open now. Ofsted will view the answers for our school before our next inspection, so if you are happy to spend a few moments completing the form online it would be really appreciated. Please search for Ofsted Parent View and it will take you to the website. If you have any questions you might answer “Don’t know” to, please don’t be afraid to ask me or your child’s class teacher. If you have any questions you might answer “Strongly disagree” or “Disagree” to, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. If there are areas we need to work on or misunderstandings we could sort out, we will want to do so (and quickly!). Thank you. 5 Dance Zenergy Dance classes will be held at Buxton Village Hall every Wednesday 1.45 – 2.30 pm Pre-school Ballet classes (3yrs+) 3.15 – 4.15 pm Pre Prep Ballet/Modern 4.15 – 5.15 pm Primary Ballet/Modern 5.15 – 5.45 pm Grade 2 Ballet 5.45 – 6.15 pm Grade 3 Ballet For more information and a free trial class, please contact Zoe on 01603 280235 or e-mail on: Parent Support Advisors - Working with parents for their children I’ve included details below from a Parent Support Advisors leaflet received in school. Do not hesitate to contact me if you would like further information, or feel free to contact the Parent Support Advisor direct. Parent Support Advisors are there to help you deal with any worries or concerns about how your child is doing at home or school. We may not have the answers, but we might be able to help you work out how to find them. Parenting isn’t an easy job and at times, things can get tough. Like every other parent, you want what is best for your child. Helping to prevent problem behaviour becoming more difficult. Regular visits and meetings with you, at school or in your home. Finding services and other agencies available to help families. Supporting parents to get the best out of school life. or if you just need to talk, we’re here to help you. Carol Flatters - Parent Support Advisor - Tel: 07780 922 545 Premier Sport Cancelled – any Child Minders out there? I am sorry that Premier Sport has cancelled Clubs on Monday and Friday. It was taken over by a new owner during the Christmas holiday and unfortunately he has cancelled the Clubs due to low take-up (only 3 children on Monday and 2 on Friday). We were disappointed about the lack of notice, and apologise for inconvenience caused, but the decision was out of our hands. If you are a Child Minder, who has availability on Monday and / or Friday, please contact the school office so we can pass your details on. Thank you. Dance Success Congratulations to Zaranne (Amethyst) For achieving Grade 1 Tap at the Sutton School of Dancing and Grade 1 and Grade 2 Ballet. Fantastic! Christine Mead 6