The Pathways Guide is a quick guide for practitioners working with people with complex needs in Leeds.
It describes support options available in Leeds and contains a comprehensive directory of services and
organisations. It is intended to be used in conjunction with the Care Co-ordination Protocol.
Dual Diagnosis Quadrant Mapping
In April 2012 all the current members of the Dual Diagnosis Network mapped their services against the
Department of Health Dual Diagnosis Quadrant. The quadrant provides a simplistic guide to identify
different people who may be considered to have a dual diagnosis. The service mapping against the dual
diagnosis quadrant aims to identify which services people may be able to support and inform practitioners
who they may be able to engage in collaborative care.
The pathways guide is a directory of these services which provides more detailed information such as
contact details, referral and exclusion criteria to help facilitate this process.
Support in Crisis and Emergencies
Contact: Known GP directly, or NHS Direct on: 0845 46 47
Referral Criteria: Concerns about current mental health which may include uncharacteristic changes in
mood, anxiety, erratic or unusual behaviour, delusional thoughts, hallucinations, self-neglect, self-harm, etc.
Exclusions: Concerns about imminent harm to self or others including risk of suicide, overdose, fits, drunk
or heavily intoxicated.
Outcomes: A home-visit or emergency appointment is usually offered within 24 hours.
More info: http://www.nhs.uk/servicedirectories/Pages/ServiceSearch.aspx?ServiceType=GP
Contact: Via NHS Direct on: 0845 46 47, or on: 0113 305 6683
In the future this service will be called the ‘Citywide Assessment Service (CAS) and all referrals will go
through the single point of access currently being developed as part of the LYPFT transformation.
Referral Criteria: Anyone aged 18-65 but in the future the service will be ageless starting from 18. Mental
health crisis and/or significant risk to self/others requiring acute mental health support i.e. admission or an
acute alternative. Presentation can be either a mental health one acute or enduring, or a dual diagnosis of
alcohol/substance and mental health need,
Exclusions: Currently under 18 and over 65. Can only assess if fit to be assessed meaning not intoxicated
and requiring medical treatment. If in doubt call triage whose role is to support and where appropriate
signpost of agree assessment.
Outcomes: The team sees patients within 24 hours and aims to assess within 4 hours where a referral is
Contact: Drop-in at local A&E department.
Referral Criteria: Concerns about imminent risk of suicide, possible overdose, severe mental health
problem requiring immediate psychiatric assessment and where involvement of crisis resolution team is
unfeasible (e.g. waiting times for triage, etc.).
Exclusions: If mental state, intoxication and/or behaviour may put others at serious risk in a hospital
setting. It is preferable to allow someone time to recover if they are heavily drunk or intoxicated before
going to hospital.
Outcomes: Patients with mental health related crisis will be referred to an A&E liaison psychiatry team.
Intoxicated patients at A&E will usually be in a waiting area for several hours until they are fit for an
assessment, in this case it is important that there is someone available to supervise or accompany the
person in crisis at the waiting area.
Contact: Police or Ambulance on 999 0r 112
Referral Criteria: Police: in the most severe cases of risk of or actual harm to self or others in a public place,
and where behaviour may warrant arrest or detention in a place of safety under section 136 of the mental
health act. This might include scenarios where mental health and/or heavy intoxication results in a
dangerous crisis situation, and where other options are unfeasible on a voluntary basis.
Ambulance: In situations where urgent medical care is required and accessing other services is unfeasible.
Below are other services that can help people who have been in a recent crisis, offering counselling,
support, signposting and out of hours helplines.
Referral Criteria: Where immediate risks are not likely to warrant contact with the above listed crisis &
emergency services. Where an alternative to the services listed above is appropriate and desired. These
services require a reasonable degree of functioning and motivation to engage. Very serious alcohol or drug
addictions would usually be referred on to addiction treatment services.
LEEDS SURVIVOR LED CRISIS SERVICE: 0113 260 9328, Connect Helpline 0808 8001212 6.30-10pm every
day of the year.
Provides services to people in acute mental health crisis as an alternative to hospital & statutory services.
Survivor-led, person- centred, offering a non- medical service within a home environment
Referral Criteria: All services accessed by self referral
Connect Helpline – anyone who wishes to gain emotional support by phone. Supports people in crisis, as
well as people who are depressed, distressed, lonely or isolated.
Dial House – supports people in acute mental health crisis as an alternative to going into psychiatric
services or using statutory services. People must identify themselves as being in crisis, at the point of crisis.
Connect Helpline – only exclusion is if caller is verbally abusive to staff, or call is inappropriate, i.e. caller is
using phone line for sexual gratification.
Dial House – people may be excluded for aggressive or abusive behaviour to staff or other visitors. May be
excluded for persistently trying to end life on premises. People may visit Dial House if under influence of
drugs or alcohol, but will be excluded for using on premises, or not allowed to visit if level of inebriation
means they would present a risk to self or other whilst in the house.
For more information visit – http://www.lslcs.org.uk/
People with mental health & drug problems can face emergencies related to issues such as Benefits,
Disability Allowances, Debt, Employment Rights, Housing, Community Care, Discrimination, etc. In these
circumstances advice, advocacy and support can be sought from;
LEEDS CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU - Have a variety of services across Leeds.
Visithttp://www.leedscab.org.uk/index.htm for more information
SHELTER LINE: advice around emergency housing matters (free phone line 24 hrs) 0808 800 4444
ADULT SOCIAL CARE: office hours – 0113 222 4401 (adults), 0113 222 4403 (children), out of hours
(Emergency Duty Team) – 0113 240 9536
A list of HELP LINES can be found at:
Support For Common Mental Health Problems
Contact: To arrange an appointment or make an enquiry telephone 0113 843 4388 between 8.30am – 4pm,
Monday to Friday.http://www.leedscommunityhealthcare.nhs.uk/what_we_do/specialist_services1/
Referral Criteria: People with a common mental disorder who able and willing to engage in treatment (as
defined in NICE guidance e.g. symptoms of depression, anxiety, phobias, stress). Patients whose substance
use is stable and who are motivated to obtain mental health support can access the service.
Exclusions: People using street drugs or alcohol excessively or in an uncontrolled or chaotic way (not likely
to engage / benefit). Those under the care of secondary mental health services.
For more detailed information click here.
For people with significant/unstable alcohol or drug problems see Drug And Alcohol Treatment And
Support Options. Concerns about mental health related crisis see Support In Crisis and Emergencies. People
with symptoms of severe mental disorders see Support For Severe And Enduring Mental Health Problems.
Below are other mental health services that can help people with common mental health problems, offering
interventions such as counselling, group work, advocacy, complementary therapies and community based
Important: The below options usually require people with co-existing addictions to have attained a degree
of stability with drug/alcohol problems, and to be motivated to address mental health problems.
Collaborative care alongside alcohol/drug treatment services is advised.
Genesis New Futures: 0113 2430036
Genesis support women
involved in prostitution to make positive changes to their life. The support offered to women includes
emotional support and opportunities to access
counselling facilitating access to education, training and a range of volunteering opportunities. A positive,
motivational approach to support women in moving forward with their lives. Advocacy for women who
need support with accessing other services.
Referral Criteria: Female adults over 18 either currently engaged or with a history of prostitution. Referrals
are accepted from all sources.
Exclusions: Females with no history of sex work
For more detailed information click here.
Health & Wellbeing Centre: 0113 244 4546
Offering counselling and a range of complementary therapies to people with drug & alcohol problems,
mental health problems and other needs.
More info: http://www.leedswellbeingcentre.org.uk/
Leeds MIND: 0113 305 5800 or 0113 3055802
Counselling and Therapy Service - offers counselling to a wide-ranging client group including people with
issues around anxiety, depression, relationships, sexuality, abuse, bereavement and loss. ‘
Self Help Initiative Project - offers person-centred facilitated groups for people who experience mental
Touchstone Support Centre: 0113 219 2727http://www.touchstonesupport.org.uk/services/supportcentre/
Therapeutic resource in the community for Black and Minority Ethnic people who may have mental health
problems, offering a key worker service, a Drop-In service, Carers Support Project, the Chinese Satellite
project and a structured programme.
Counselling services in Leeds:
Contact ‘Information for Mental Health’ on 0113 275 2417.
Information, links and contact details for various counselling & therapy services can be accessed via below
Support For Severe and Enduring Mental Health Problems
ASSERTIVE OUTREACH TEAM - Provide intensive medical and nursing care in the community for people
who are severely affected by schizophrenia.
Referral Criteria: Adults over 18 with a primary diagnosis of psychosis and who have difficulties engaging
with mental health services. Referrals only accepted from secondary care services within LYPFT NHS trust.
Exclusions: People who do not meet the client group served
For more detailed information click here.
ACUTE COMMUNITY SERVICES - Provides an alternative to hospital admission for adults with acute
mental health difficulties. Individual treatment programmes including individual & group therapy.
Referral Criteria: People aged between 17 and 65 with severe and enduring mental health needs.Referrals
only accepted from secondary care services within LYPFT NHS trust.
Exclusions: If drug or alcohol use is only need without mental health needs.
For more detailed information click here.
ACUTE INPATIENTS SERVICES – The acute inpatient wards provide inpatient services in a therapeutic
environment to adults with severe mental illness, who have been assessed by The Crisis Resolution Home
Treatment Team (CRHT) as requiring inpatient care in the event that care can not be provided safely in
another environment or in the community.
Referral Criteria: Adults aged 18 and over with chronic and enduring mental illness experiencing an acute
episode of mental ill health. The Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team gate keep admissions to the
For more detailed information click here.
Exclusions: People who do not present with above or people who would indicate use of acute alternatives
eg. home based treatment or acute community day services.
For more detailed information click here.
COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH TEAMS - Provide medical and nursing care in the community for people
with severe mental illness and coordinate care for other complex health and psychosocial issues.
Contact: Through GP surgeries or NHS Direct on: 0845 46 47. Only GPs and other mental health services
are able to directly refer to these services.
For more detailed information click here.
REHABILITATION AND RECOVERY SERVICE – The Rehabilitation and Recovery Inpatient Services
specialise in rehabilitation and recovery work with people who have on going serious mental health issues
which significantly impact on their health and social functioning. All units offer individualised packages of
care with regard to care coordination, catering facilities, therapeutic activity and re-integration to the
Referral Criteria: Adults 18 and over with severe and enduring mental health needs who are unable to
manage without 24 hour nursing care or functional problems which poses significant risk the person or
others in the community. Referrals accepted from any LYPFT service.
Exclusions: No exclusions but unable to take service users who pose an immediate risk of suicide or harm
to other or who have no leave under mental health act or who are still in an acute phase.
For more detailed information click here.
Forensic Service
Provides inpatient and community-based mental health support to people who have mental health issues
and are in, or have been through, the criminal justice system.
Prison In-reach Team
Provides a criminal justice liaison service, to care for people in prison who are identified as having severe
and enduring mental health issues.
Self-Harm Mental Health
The Self Harm Team
provides office hours psychosocial assessment for patients attending LGI or SJUH after an episode of selfharm. Referral is by telephone to 0113 3927140.
0113 222 4401, Lovell Park Centre, The Vale Day Centre, Stockshill Day Centre.
Provide a supportive and welcoming environment to promote recovery & social inclusion. The service is
provided through group activities, supported social sessions, and individual one to one support.
Referral Criteria: Adults over 18 with severe & enduring mental health needs, and may have drug, alcohol
substance use, and are experiencing social isolation. Professional referral (e.g. from health, voluntary sector
services, CMHT’s, Adult Social Care etc) to Adult Social Care mental health day services central referral point.
Exclusions: People cannot attend whilst under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances.
For more detailed information click here.
Cottingley Court (LS11) – 0113 336 7727,
Bewerley Croft(LS10) – 0113 336 7732, 144,
Spen Lane THU (LS7) -0113 336 7878.
Provides 6-8 month Tier 1 resettlement service with the aim of supporting people to live as independently
as possible.
Service Users are offered self-contained flat under a short hold tenancy agreement with Progress Care
Housing Association. Leeds City Council Adult Social Care provide 24/7 staffing on site. Services work
collaboratively with service users on person centred, recovery led support planning, linking with existing
and potential support networks, utilising specialist and mainstream resources. Each THU has a short term
Respite flat – accessed directly through the THU’s – for which charges may apply. Each THU also has a Crisis
Flat on each site [accessible only by the Crisis Assessment Team/Single Point of Access service/Intensive
Community Services – 0300 300 1485].
For more detailed information click here.
Referral Criteria: Adults over 18 with on-going involvement of a mental health professional and a formally
diagnosis. PRIMARY: severe/enduring mental health with housing related support needs. CONCURRENTLY:
Housing related support issues including homelessness; substance misuse; forensic service involvement;
specialist involvement (including autistic spectrum services).
Exclusions: People with no formal diagnosis or formal mental health support in place; very high levels of
substance use or chaotic/challenging behaviour; significant, active risk management concerns; those who
are currently assessed as requiring long term supported accommodation (as services are time limited);
those who do not currently engage with Mental Health support.
For more detailed information click here.
ASPIRE – Early Intervention in Psychosis: 0113 200 9170
Aspire is the Leeds Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) Service. Aspire works with young people
experiencing early signs of psychosis.
Referral Criteria: Young People aged between 14-35 with a first episode of psychosis. Can also work with
diagnostic uncertainty where there is evidence of experiences that have psychotic features. The service
offers a holistic assessment and treatment in the pursuit of an active recovery. The service accepts referrals
from all sources but requires the individuals’ permission. We welcome telephone consultations.
Exclusions: People with psychosis, outside of the age range, experienced psychosis for more than 3 years
(untreated) or 1 year if treated with antipsychotic medication
For more detailed information click here.
Helps people with mental health difficulties explore options within the community including support
groups, drop-ins, employment/education support, sport and social and leisure groups.
Referral Criteria: Adults over 18 with mental health support needs, who are experiencing social isolation.
People need to be prepared to work with staff to explore and engage with suitable activities. Professional
and self-referral to Adult Social Care Mental Health Day Services central referral point.
Exclusions: People cannot attend whilst under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances. The majority of
the support provided by the CAT team is within groups in public places, and therefore referrals would have
to be willing and able to act in a socially acceptable manner. There is potential for limited additional
support from CAT workers to enable this, otherwise co-working with other agencies may be possible.
For more detailed information click here.
The service works with clients and their carers to assess areas such as disability, identifying strengths,
resources and hopes before making plans with the client to get the most out of opportunities to improve
their quality of life.
Referral Criteria: 18 years and over; resident in Leedsareas including Headingley, Wetherby, Whitkirk,
Moortown (full list on referrer info); willing to engage in support; expe riencing mental health problems.
Referrals accepted from all sources.
Exclusions: Where support need is primarily arising from a learning disability or where individual unwilling
to engage in support.
For more detailed information click here.
COMMUNITY LINKS INTERMEDIATE HOSTELS: Alexander House – 0113 2188095, Brigid House – 0113
2649086, Octavia House – 0113 2715855.
Provide recovery focused support in a therapeutic environment, intensive rehabilitation and prevention
support to people with severe and enduring mental health problems or personality disorders.
Referral Criteria: Adults over 18 with enduring mental health needs, on enhanced CPA and under the care
of a consultant psychiatrist or forensic psychiatrist; or under the care coordinated by the Personality
Disorder (PD) Network, people with high, complex or variable needs. This will include those defined as
having a personality disorder or are challenging; involve drug and/or alcohol issues; or those who selfinjure.
Exclusions: People in acute phase of illness or who need the security of an in-patient environment or
forensic services, a primary diagnosis of drug/alcohol use or whose severity of drug/alcohol, or level of
forensic history mitigates against communal living, not under the care of a consultant psychiatrist unless
supported by PD Network.
For more detailed information click here.
Maltings Close is a medium to long term service, providing practical and emotional support that enables
and empowers service users to work towards recovery and greater independent living.
Referral Criteria: Adults over 18 with a primary mental health diagnosis. Must be on CPA.
Exclusions: Non-engagement with service, risk levels that would impact on service users and service
provision. Assessed on a case by case basis.
For more detailed information click here.
Oakwood Hall is a twelve-bed dual registered nursing and residential care home for people whose mental
health support needs cannot be satisfactorily met from other services.
Referral Criteria: Adults over 18 with severe and enduring mental health health needs. Complex needs not
easily met by existing services, reluctant to engage with services or experience frequent conflict with service
providers, or be a risk through vulnerability or self-neglect. Difficulties or a history of difficulties which
exclude them from other services.
Exclusions: Where the needs of the individual can be met by another service, evidence of dementia, person
has learning difficulties, person is experiencing an acute phase of illness, high level of physical care is
required or person has behaviours that could endanger local community.
For more detailed information click here.
Rose Villa provides shared living accommodation for five people for up to two years. It also provides
satellite support to 12 people who are living independently in the local community. People are supported in
their own homes but can also come to the project and access support and be part of the overall Rose Villa
Referral Criteria: Adults over 18 with a primary mental health diagnosis.
Exclusions: Non-engagement with service, risk levels that would impact on service users and service
provision. Assessed on a case by case basis.
For more detailed information click here.
The Wellbeing service provides a range of flexible support options for clients to use in order to achieve their
goals. These include key working, befriending, counselling, Inkwell (creative arts) and self-help work group.
Referral Criteria: Adults with severe and enduring mental health problems. Professional referral with risk
assessment (except for peer support group work which is self-referral only).
Exclusions: None, assessed on a case by case basis.
For more detailed information click here.
The Leeds Personality Disorder Managed Clinical Network is a city wide multiagency and multidisciplinary
service that aims to work effectively with people who present with personality disorder, complexity of need
and significant risk issues. It provides a range of different services to meet the needs of people at the
varying stages of their journey in the recovery process. The Personality Disorder Accommodation Support
Service provides housing and resettlement support to clients in the Leeds Personality Disorder Clinical
Referral Criteria: Working exclusively with clients who have a personality disorder diagnosis or have
experiences/behaviours in line with this diagnosis. Clients must be care coordinated via the Personality
Disorder Clinical Network and have existing accommodation needs to be referred to the Personality
Disorder Accommodation Support Service.
Exclusions: People who do not have a personality disorder or have experiences/behaviours in line with this
For more detailed information click here.
The service offers 49 single tenancies within a range of shared supported accommodation. Our aim is to
create a secure environment which respects personal privacy and promotes recovery, independence,
Referral Criteria: Adults with serious and enduring mental health problems who have a primary mental
health diagnosis. Identified support needs have been assessed as meeting the Fair Access to Care Services
criteria by Leeds Adult Social Care. Applicants must be single and have no children who need to live with
them. Applicants must not present a significant risk to staff, other clients or property. Referrals accepted
from any source.
Exclusions: No automatic exclusions. Care and support needs will be assessed against the level of support
which is available. This will include looking at patterns of abusive and aggressive behaviour and any
incidents of arson.
For more detailed information click here.
Offers one-to-one and group based support for people with severe and enduring mental health problems
including (but not limited to) schizophrenia, personality disorders, and other combined problems such as
substance use, learning difficulties or forensic history. The service will also work with people who may not
have a formal diagnosis or who have disengaged with or not been able to access other mental heath
Concerns about mental health related crisis should refer to Support In Crisis And Emergencies.
People with common mental disorders should refer to Support For Common Mental Health
Problems. People with transient psychological symptoms related to intoxication or withdrawal
should undergo assessment at a drugs treatment service (See Drug and Alcohol Services).
Drug And Alcohol Treatment And Support Options
For information on Alcohol Services in Leeds click here. More detailed information can also be found below
Provides a service to people living in the Leeds area and has problems with alcohol misuse, or is worried
about a family member or friend.
Referral Criteria: Adults 18 and over who live within the Leeds metropolitan district boundaries. ADS offer
a range of interventions for people whose lives are affected by alcohol, including concerned others. The
service offer advice, information and support for non-dependent drinkers, and more intensive therapeutic
interventions and support for dependent drinkers. ADS can also refer people in for different detox and
rehab options, as well as providing a non residential community rehab programme from our centre.
Professional and self referrals accepted.
Exclusions: Individuals whose problems are not alcohol (except those concerned about others
drinking). People who are pregnant or have complex needs would be referred on to other services.
For more detailed information click here.
CARR BECK: 0113 271 7295
Carr Beck is a ‘wet hostel’ service that provides accommodation and support for women age 16 and over
who choose to continue to drink.
Referral Criteria: Females 16 and over who use alcohol. Professional referrals only.
Exclusions: None
For more detailed information click here.
City, South & East Team – 0113 242 1161
West & North West Team – 0113 255 2227
www.barca-leeds.org + http://www.st-annes.org.uk/what_we_do/substance_use
Offers counselling; information and support on all aspects of legal and illegal drug use; free clean injecting
equipment and return facility; individual, family and friends support; drop-in; outreach; complementary
therapies; specialist young person’s workers; parents support group etc. The service has 2 drop-in bases,
and also engages with people via proactive outreach work.
Referral Criteria: Adults over 18 years of age living in Leeds. Injecting drug users, individuals looking for
support, information, guidance and onward referral for their drug use.
Exclusions: If alcohol is the only substance used. The service will not usually be the sole care provider for
people with severe mental illness or homelessness, but will work closely in partnership with specialist
services to provide collaborative care.
For more detailed information click here.
Leeds Community Drugs Partnership (LCDP)
City & South CDTS – 0113 236 6610
East & North East CDTS – 0113 3060 700
West & North West CDTS – 0113 220 9788
The service provides locally based prescribing, structured interventions and therapy. Concerns about
dependent drug use and common mental health problems which may include changes in mood, anxiety,
self-neglect, poor coping, compulsive drug use, poor social functioning.Other services include screening
and immunisation of blood borne viruses, social support for service users and carers and assessment for in
patient detoxification.
Referral Criteria: Over 18’s experiencing problems with drugs (and alcohol but not primary alcohol users).
Must be registered with a GP.
Exclusions:Concerns about mental health related crisis should refer to Support In Crisis And
Emergencies. See Homelessness and Supported Housing Services for homeless people. People with a
primary ALCOHOL problem, or complications relating to pregnancy or severe mental illness should be
referred to Leeds Addiction Unit. For severe mental illness see Support For Severe And Enduring Mental
Health Problems.
For more detailed information click here.
COMMUNITY LINKS – AFTERCARE SERVICE (Community Rehabilitation and Reintegration
Service): 0113 2768852
The service is available to those who are coming to the end of their drugs treatment journey and are in
need of some additional support to help them on their way towards lasting recovery. Contact and support
takes place away from drug services and requires people to have clear goals in regard to moving on
towards lasting recovery. Referrals accepted from all sources.
Referral Criteria: Adults 18 and over whom are Leeds residents recovering from drug addiction, and
coming to the end of their treatment journey. People must be able to commit to weekly appointments and
be motivated and able to engage with goals relating to future personal development.
Exclusions: We are not able to work with anyone for whom alcohol is the sole issue, or with people whose
mental health or risk factors mean they are unable to engage positively within a group environment. For
severe mental illness see Support For Severe And Enduring Mental Health Problems.
For more detailed information click here.
Work in custody & community providing assessment & case management for drugs and alcohol,
supporting clients to access a range of services including; prescribing, housing, ETE primary health care.
Referral Criteria: Adults offenders with substance misuse issues.
Exclusions: If alcohol is only substance or person has severe and enduring mental health needs.
For more detailed information click here.
The programme aims to break the
cycle of drugs- crime- prison by providing a range of interventions to engage drug using offenders at all
stages of the criminal justice system from arrest to court. Interventions are also available to assist with the
transition from prison back to the community.
Referral Criteria: People 18 and over within the criminal justice system. Through CARATS teams within
Exclusions: None
For more detailed information click here.
DRR is a structured programme addressing issues such as relapse prevention, life skills, and harm reduction
in partnership with Probation Offender Managers.
Referral Criteria: Adults 18 and over within the criminal justice system who misuse class A drugs. Referral is
made through the courts.
Exclusions: People referred need to agree to the order.
For more detailed information click here.
The essential role of the Addiction Unit is to provide assessment, treatment, and aftercare for people who
misuse alcohol and other drugs and who have complex needs. Access to services is assured by having
available central health care services, home visiting, and primary care based clinics. LAU have a team who
work specifically with dual diagnosis.
Referral Criteria: Medical & psychosocial interventions for alcohol dependent people, and drug / alcohol
users whose health is complicated by pregnancy or severe mental illness aged 18 and over. This may
include drug/alcohol use, gambling, club drugs, prescribed medication addiction, over the counter drug
addiction, dual diagnosis, personality disorder, physical health problems, pregnant women. Referrals to the
dual diagnosis service are by professionals only, other services accept self-referrals.
Exclusions: No/Low dependence problems, acute psychiatric crisis (suicidal intent) and acute medical
problems. Concerns about mental health related crisis should refer to Support In Crisis And Emergencies.
See Homelessness and Supported Housing for homeless people.
For more detailed information click here.
(Community Rehabilitation and Reintegration Service): 0113 2001180
Multiple Choice offers structured day care for people affected by DRUG use and also provides access to
residential rehab facilities for long term support away from Leeds. People need to have a degree of
motivation to enable them to access the structured day programme regularly to take part in group work.
People with common mental health problems may benefit from accessing the day care programme and the
Health & Wellbeing Centre linked to this organisation.
Referral Criteria: Adults 18 and over who are Leeds residents recovering from drug addiction. People be
able to commit to attending the programme at least 2 or 3 days per week, and engage in group and
structured activities. Referrals accepted from all sources.
Exclusions: We are not able to work with anyone for whom alcohol is the sole issue, or with people whose
mental health or risk factors mean they are unable to engage positively within a group environment. For
severe mental illness see Support For Severe And Enduring Mental Health Problems.
For more detailed information click here.
Leeds Rapid Access Prescribing Service, Under the Drug Intervention Programme (DIP), RAPS aims to
provide rapid access to prescribing for service users within the criminal justice system to offer a short period
stabilisation before reintegration into mainstream community treatment services. At RAPS service users can
access support from a team of prescribers alongside care co-ordinators who can offer brief psychosocial
Referral Criteria: Adults 18 and over within the criminal justice system who misuse class A drugs.
Exclusions: People with high levels of risk which the service is not able to be overcome.
For more detailed information click here.
The service provides residential alcohol detoxification and rehabilitation, and a community based floating
support service. People with mental health problems are assessed for eligibility on a case by case basis.
Referral Criteria & Exclusions: The referral and exclusion criteria vary between services. Click on the links
below for more details of each service.
Residential Alcohol Detoxification
Residential alcohol Rehabilitation
Floating Alcohol Support Service
NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS (NA): 0300 9991212 (helpline)
Voluntary groups based on 12-Step programme, providing support and mentorship for people with alcohol
(AA) or drug (NA) problems. More information about the location and time of meetings can be found on
these groups’ web-sites, or information can also be sought by contacting Leeds Addiction Unit or Multiple
Choice (above).
Al-ANON FAMILY GROUPS: 020 7403 0888 (helpline)
Provide support to anyone whose life is, or has been, affected by someone else’s drinking. Al-Anon is a
fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience in order to solve their common
Out Of Area Residential Treatment Options
The current pathway to out-of-area residential DRUG detox and rehabilitation programmes for adults is via
Multiple Choice. This is only available as part of a planned journey of recovery.
MULTIPLE CHOICE: 0113 2001180
Referral Criteria: DRUG USE (not alcohol). Can self-refer, or be referred by other services for a suitability
assessment. Other local area alternatives must have been considered. Important that client is able to
commit to a long and intensive residential rehab programme which will involve participation in groups.
Exclusions: Sole ALCOHOL USE.
Description of referral procedure:
• Self-referral or referral by another service to Multiple Choice.
• Person is offered an appointment to learn about rehab options and how it works.
• An assessment takes place over a number of appointments.
• A visit to an appropriate rehab is arranged as part of the assessment process; subject to eligibility this
usually results in allocation of a place and the person is informed about any waiting time.
• Multiple Choice will initiate an application for funding which mostly concludes during the specified
waiting time for the rehab service.
• The person accesses rehab and Multiple Choice continue to provide support throughout their stay,
including visits.
• People completing or dropping-out of rehab have an option to access on-going aftercare either back in
Leeds or in the area of the rehab service.
More info: www.multiplechoice.org.uk
Services that can assess and support cases for out of area ALCOHOL detox and rehabilitation are:
ADS (Addiction Dependency Solutions): 0113 247 0111
NOTE: Referral via LAU may be considered for cases where there are significant concerns over mental health
problems that co-exist with problematic alcohol use
Support for Homeless People
CRI Leeds Street Outreach Team provides an assertive outreach service to people who are rough sleeping or
at risk of rough sleeping. The team is made up of experienced workers who specialise in addressing the
complex needs of our client group. A dedicated mental health social worker is attached to the team. The
service aims to engage with and develop relationships with homeless people, conduct assessments and
support them to understand and to access available sources of accommodation, health and social care. The
service can also intervene where it is likely that a client will become street homeless.
Referral Criteria: Adults 18 and over who are homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness. Referrals are
accepted from all sources.
Exclusions: None
For more detailed information click here.
Leeds Housing Options, 1st Floor, 2 Great George Street, Leeds, LS2 8BA
Opening Hours: Monday-Thursday: 08:30 – 16:00, Friday: 09:30 – 16:00
If you have nowhere to live, or if you are likely to become homeless, we can help you.
Help prevent you from becoming homeless
Find out whether we have a duty to provide you with a home
Help you find a new home
Help to prevent you losing your home
Help you to keep any housing you do find
At Leeds Housing Options our top priority is to help you make the right choice about where you want to
live. We know that every situation is different so we will listen to what you tell us and make sure that we
help you to find the right option for you. We can help you find the full range of options that are available to
you – from private tenancies to council housing, from in-house security to debt management – and give
you comprehensive advice on each of the options available to you. Remember – the sooner you approach
us, the more options will be open to you. Act early!
R.A.I.S.E. : 0113 2431894
Located on the top floor of St. Anne’s Resource Centre in York Street – Leeds City Centre. The service offers
a range of activities, advice, information and support for homeless people. The service can help people with
issues such as access to housing and benefits, access to health care and drugs/alcohol treatment, access to
education and employment opportunities, structured activities and support groups for people affected by
homelessness. Open 8:30 – 4:30pm Monday to Friday. Tuesdays 10:30 – 4.30pm.
Referral Criteria: People aged 18 and over who may be homeless, vulnerably housed, have mental health
issues, have drug or alcohol issues. The service has an open door policy: individuals can access the service
without needing to be referred by another agency. On your initial visit, a support worker will meet with you
to discuss your support needs.
Exclusions: None, assessed on a case by case basis. however this may include risk levels that would impact
on service users and service provision.
The service provides primary care health services to the homeless and vulnerably housed people in Leeds
who may have a range of issues including mental health, alcohol and drug use, including those who find it
difficult to engage with services. The multi-disciplinary team comprises mental health nurses, support
workers, drug therapists, GPs, practice nurses, nurse practitioner, client support workers and administrative
staff. For people who find it difficult to speak English, York Street Health Practice have NHS interpreter
available to help.
Referral Criteria: Adults who are homeless (including rough sleeping, hostels, temporary with friends,
bedsits), temporarily housed, or Seeking Asylum in Leeds. People need to register with the General Practice
to receive support. Referrals accepted from all appropriate sources including self referral. Service available
to the public between 9am – 4:30pm Monday – Friday.
Exclusions: People who would benefit more from secondary services will be referred through to them.
For more detailed information click here.
Supported Housing And Floating Support
0113 214 4710
Supports people with mental health problems to enable them to live in the community. Includes help in
obtaining suitable accommodation, in maintaining tenancies and the provision of emotional support. Works
mainly with people who wish to try living independently in a council or housing association property. Team
includes a person who works with people who have both mental health problems and learning disabilities.
Also a homelessness team which includes a social worker, women’s worker, ethnic minorities worker,and a
generic worker and rough sleeper worker. Please note that the service does not have its own emergency
accommodation and is not able to provide help with domestic chores.
Referral Criteria: Homeless Team – People 16 and over living in the Leeds catchement area who are
homeless or at risk of homelessness and have mental health issues and wish to live independently. General
Team - People 18 and over living in the Leeds catchement area who have a housing need and have mental
health issues and wish to live independently. Referrals accepted from all sources.
Exclusions: None, unless risk assessment should inform of particular areas of concern.
For more detailed information click here.
0113 2768855
The resettlement service provides a flexible and client-centred service to people with a range of mental
health problems and other support needs. We are able to work with people for up to 2 years. Support is
geared towards the person achieving a successful independent tenancy and living a fulfilled life. Support is
usually one-to-one and helps people to access psychiatric and other services. The service also provides:
emotional support; guidance and advice; advocacy (speaking out on a client’s behalf); practical help
including budgeting skills and support in managing housing needs.
Referral Criteria: People 16 and over who need support around either securing housing or maintaining
their housing and who have support needs around their mental health which can include issues around
substance use. Referrals accepted from all sources.
Exclusions: No exclusion criteria – we work with risk within a lone-working context.
For more detailed information click here.
0113 3073900
We provide one to one floating support to people with complex needs, on a longer term basis, recognising
that some people need support for longer than two years. The emphasis is focused on promoting
independence and recovery. We take a multi-agency approach, liaising with other appropriate agencies and
local community resources, and we work proactively with service users who may be difficult to engage with.
The service provides emotional support; guidance and advice; advocacy (speaking out on a client’s behalf);
practical help including budgeting skills and managing and maintaining housing needs and achieving
personal goals.
Referral Criteria: People 16 and over who need support around either securing housing or maintaining
their housing and who have support needs around their mental health which can include issues around
substance use. Referrals accepted from all sources.
Exclusions: No exclusion criteria – we work with risk within a lone-working context.
For more detailed information click here.
Provides a housing support service for people with mental health problems who live in Leeds. Support can
be offered as part of shared housing or on a floating support basis. The service offers support to
individuals who may have additional needs including substance misuse, personality disorder or a forensic
history. We work with people for up to two years.
Referral Criteria: People 18 and over who are assessed by the service as having mental health support
needs (no formal diagnosis required) and a housing related support need e.g. threat of eviction,
homelessness or wanting to improve quality of life in current accommodation. Referrals accepted from all
Exclusions: None
For more detailed information click here.
Provides a high quality and broad range of support and housing options – seeking to
meet a wide spectrum of need. The service has a person-centred focus and is geared towards the growth of
confidence, recovery, independence and the empowerment of
the individual. The services takes a holistic approach addressing all aspects of a person’s life.
Referral Criteria: People 16 and over experiencing mental health problems as their primary support need
and likely to have medium to long term housing support needs. People may also have additional support
needs to mental health but needs to be able to be managed in around one support hour per week.
Referrals accepted from all sources.
Exclusions: There will be no automatic exclusions on the basis of risk and each
applicant will be assessed on an individual basis.
For more detailed information click here.
SUSTAIN (Leeds Housing Concern): 0113 276 5603
Provides a floating support service for people who are having difficulties sustaining or are at risk of losing
their tenancies due to drug and/or alcohol misuse and anti-social behaviour.
Referral Criteria: People 16 and over who have their own tenancy which is at risk due to substance use.
Referrals will be considered for all single people, couples and families. Referrals accepted from all sources.
Exclusions: None
For more detailed information click here.