Full description of statistical methods - PRE-EMPT

Statistical addendum: von Dadelszen P et al. Prediction of adverse maternal outcomes
in pre-eclampsia: development & validation of the fullPIERS model. Lancet [published
online December 22, 2010; DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(10)61351-7]
Statistical methods
Only those candidate predictor variables available for at
least 80% of the women were included in modelling.. In
our primary analysis for fullPIERS, we considered 54
independent variables collected over the first 48h to
predict the combined adverse maternal outcome
occurring within the first 48 hours after eligibility (see
Panel in Lancet paper). The ‘worst value’ (e.g., highest
sBP or lowest platelet count) measured prior to outcome
occurrence or completion of the 48 hour time period,
whichever was first, was used. A 48 hour time period
was chosen because this would
permit steroid
administration remote from term and facilitate
decisions about the place of delivery/transfer from level
1 and 2 units.
The relationship between each of the predictor
variables and the combined adverse maternal outcome
was assessed in a univariable logistic regression model.
Continuous variables were categorized based on risk
thresholds to evaluate the potential for non-linearity and
modelled appropriately using linear and quadratic terms.
Variables associated with the outcome (p<0.1) were
included in the initial multivariable regression model
along with variables deemed important on a priori
clinical grounds. To avoid co-linearity, the correlation
between variables was assessed and the more clinically
relevant variable of a pair of highly correlated variables
included in the model. Clinical expectations regarding
possible interactions were specifically examined.
Stepwise backward elimination was used to build
the parsimonious final model. The AUC of the receiver–
operating characteristics curve (ROC) was calculated
using standard methods.1 The final model was internally
validated using Efron’s enhanced bootstrap method.2-4
This internal validation involved calculation of the AUC
ROC (AUCapp i.e., the AUC apparent) from the final
logistic model. Resampling with replacement for both
predictors and response variables was carried out to
recreate a dataset of the same size as the study dataset
and the AUC was recalculated for the logistic prediction
model built from this bootstrap sample (AUCboot). This
model was “frozen”, and its performance evaluated on
the original dataset (AUCorig). The optimism in the fit of
the final model was estimated by the difference between
the AUC from the bootstrap and the original data
(AUCboot -AUCorig). This process was repeated 200 times
and the average optimism O was estimated by averaging
(AUCboot -AUCorig) from each bootstrap. The bootstrapcorrected performance of the prediction equation was
then estimated as the difference between the apparent
AUC and the optimism (AUCapp-O). Bootstrap
validation is recommended over alternative validation
approaches such as splitting the data into training and
test datasets because it maximizes statistical efficiency
and directly validates the final model.3
Performance was assessed using standard criteria5
such as (a) calibration ability (i.e., whether the subjects in
any risk group have as many combined adverse maternal
outcomes as the prediction function suggests); (b)
stratification capacity (i.e., the proportions in which
subjects with pre-eclampsia are assigned to the different
clinically relevant risk categories e.g., low, moderate and
high risk); and (c) classification accuracy (i.e., the extent
to which the prediction equation assigns women with
the combined adverse maternal outcome to the high risk
category and women without the combined adverse
maternal outcome to the low risk category).
Model performance in related clinical contexts
In addition, we assessed the predictive ability of the
fullPIERS model in a broader range of women with
pregnancy hypertension. First, data relating to women
admitted with pre-eclampsia were collected from five
level I/II obstetric centres (St Paul’s Hospital,
Vancouver, BC; the Richmond Hospital, Richmond, BC;
Surrey Memorial Hospital, Surrey, BC; Kootenay
Regional Hospital, Cranbrook, BC; and Osborne Park
Hospital, Osborne Park, WA, Australia (all sites using
the CQI model). Second, data were collected for women
admitted with a non-pre-eclampsia hypertensive disorder
of pregnancy (HDP) (i.e., pre-existing or gestational
hypertension at BC Women’s Hospital (CQI)). Third,
women with pre-eclampsia admitted to academic centres
in low and middle income countries: Colonial War
Memorial Hospital/University of the South Pacific,
Suva, Fiji (CQI); Tygerberg Hospital/Stellenbosch
University, Cape Town, South Africa (informed
consent); and Mulago Hospital/Makerere University,
Kampala, Uganda (informed consent).
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Efron B, Tibsherani R. An introduction to the bootstrap.
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Harrell FE, Jr. Regression modeling strategies. New York:
Springer Science & Business, Inc; 2001.
Janes H, Pepe MS, Gu W. Assessing the value of risk
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2008; 149(10):751-760.
Statistical appendix, page 1