Greys and Strays LLC Alysia Deaven VMD 717-304-9987 Surgery and Anesthesia Consent Form YOUR NAME_____________________________________ PHONE: ________________________ ADDRESS/CITY/ZIP:___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________EMAIL:_________________________________ PET NAME: ____________________ __________BREED:______________________________ AGE/BDAY;:___________________SEX________WT:_____________COLOR:____________________ LIST ALL CURRENT MEDS:____________________________________________________________ Anesthetic and medical or surgical procedure(s) and services to be performed: _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Ketamine/Midazolam:_________Rimadyl inj:_________Previcox:________________Bup:___________ Isoflurane gas:____________________________________________________________________ Surgery time:_______________________________________________________________________ Other:______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Hospitalization/Surgical Information Preparation—The skin around the surgical area will be clipped and scrubbed with an antiseptic. We follow sterile procedures (surgical preparation, surgical packs). Anesthesia—Pre-surgical bloodwork and physical examination will enable us to assess and minimize the risk of anesthesia for your pet. While anesthesia is not totally risk-free, the risk has been greatly reduced by improved anesthetic drugs, monitoring equipment and increased veterinary expertise. Monitoring—We further minimize anesthetic risk by monitoring heart rate and rhythm, respiration rate and quality, oxygenation, and depth of anesthesia during the procedure. Catheterization—For some surgical procedures, an intravenous catheter is placed to provide us with an easy route to administer medications and fluids (which support kidney function and blood pressure) during the procedure. Pain Management—We will proactively manage pain associated with any procedure with appropriate pain management medications. As with any drug, side effects may be associated with their administration. Authorization and Risk Assessment I, the undersigned owner or agent of the owner of the pet identified above, certify that I am _____ I am not ______ (check one) eighteen years of age or over and authorize the veterinarian at Greys and Strays, LLC to perform the above procedure(s), anesthesia and surgery on my pet. I understand that some risks always exist with anesthesia and/or surgery and that I am encouraged to discuss any concerns I have about those risks with the attending doctor before the procedure(s) is/are initiated. My signature on this consent form indicates that any questions have been answered to my satisfaction. While I accept that all procedures will be performed to the best of the abilities of the staff at this facility, I understand that veterinary medicine is not an exact science and that no guarantee or warranty has been made regarding the outcome of this/these procedures and the results that may be achieved. I authorize Greys and Strays, LLC to perform any additional diagnostic, treatment or surgical procedure(s) deemed necessary for medical or surgical complications or otherwise unforeseen circumstances. While Greys and Strays provides the highest quality of anesthesia monitoring and surgical services, I understand that there are rare complications associated with any anesthetic or surgical procedure. No warranty or guarantee has been given to me as to the results or cure afforded by these treatments or procedures. I fully understand these risks and understand that the veterinarian will try to minimize such risks. I will not hold Greys and Strays or any staff member liable for any complications that may arise. I accept that veterinary medicine is an inexact science and that no guarantee of successful treatment has been made. I have read and understand the nature of the above procedures and accept the specific terms and conditions set forth herein. I acknowledge that I am responsible for payment in full at discharge. I HAVE READ AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THIS SURGERY AND ANESTHESIA CONSENT FORM. I have not given my pet any food after 12AM, unless otherwise advised by my doctor. I understand that this is important for anesthesia safety. (______)_______________________ (_____)______________________________ PHONE NUMBERS FOR TODAY/EMERGENCY NUMBERS ____________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF OWNER/AUTHORIZED AGENT ________________________________ DATE 1: PRE-OP BLOOD SCREEN FOR ORGAN AND BLOOD CELL FUNCTION It’s our job to ensure that your pet can process and eliminate the anesthesia given and tolerate pain meds. Before we perform a procedure requiring anesthesia, we can run tests to confirm that your pet’s organs are functioning properly. We may also detect hidden health conditions or potential problems that we could treat early, provide baseline levels for the future, and evaluate your pet’s health up front so we can avoid problems related to anesthesia. If preanesthetic results are within normal limits, anesthetic risk is minimized. If results are abnormal we can change the anesthetic protocol, take precautions to safeguard your pet’s health and reduce the risk of potential complications or reschedule surgery after more bloodwork or diagnostics are performed. The preanesthetic panel includes kidney and liver function, glucose, and protein level. The General Chemistry Panel incl the preanes panel along with biliary system function, pancreatic values, cholesterol, phosphorus and calcium. The Complete Blood Count or CBC incl red blood cell, white blood cell and platelet counts. The Electrolytes incl Sodium, Potassium and Chloride. RECOMMENDED FOR ALL ANIMALS; REQUIRED OVER 5 YRS , DENTALS I DO I DO NOT authorize the Preanesthetic panel $40 I DO I DO NOT authorize the Complete Blood Count (CBC) $35 I DO I DO NOT authorize the Preanesthetic panel, CBC and Electrolytes $90 I DO I DO NOT authorize the General Chem panel and CBC $125 I DO I DO NOT authorize the General Chem panel, CBC and Electrolytes $150 I DO I DO NOT authorize the General Chem panel, CBC, Lytes and Thyroid $175 2: INTRAVENOUS FLUID ADMINISTRATION IV Fluids help to support kidney function during anesthesia and maintain hydration. They also give us rapid access in the case of an emergency. We need to clip the leg and place an IV catheter for fluid administration. It is recommended for ALL animals undergoing anesthesia. REQUIRED FOR DENTALS AND DOGS OVER 5 YRS OF AGE I DO I DO NOT AUTHORIZE IV FLUIDS FOR $30.00 3: HEARTWORM TESTING/HW PREVENTION: HEARTWORM IS IN THIS AREA!!!!!! Heartworm disease, which is transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito, can affect all dogs since mosquitoes travel into our homes. This disease is easy to prevent, but very difficult and expensive to treat. The 4DX test from IDEXX takes 10 minutes to run and will show if your pet is Heartworm, Lyme, Ehrlichia or Anaplasmosis positive. Heartworm prevention is recommended for all dogs for life. I DO I DO NOT AUTHORIZE THE 4DX HEARTWORM TEST FOR $40 I WANT TO START MY DOG ON HEARTGARD PLUS (cost is weight dependent) 4: DEWORMING; FECAL TEST; GIARDIA TEST All dogs and cats should have a fecal performed at least once a year I DO I DO NOT WANT A FECAL EXAM $20; I DO I DO NOT WANT GIARDIA TEST $25 I DO WANT DRONTAL PYRANTEL PANACUR (cost is weight dependent) 5: MICROCHIP WITH REGISTRATION: A HOMEAGAIN chip can be inserted under the skin between the shoulder blades to identify your pet if lost or stolen and to suffice as a LIEFTIME LICENSE!! I DO I DO NOT WANT A MICROCHIP FOR $35.00 6: POST OP LASER THERAPY: The Companion Therapy Laser uses light to stimulate the cells that causes photobiomodulation-the cells increase their fuel production needed for repair and this allows for quicker healing, pain reduction and decreased inflammation and swelling. The cost for this after the spay or neuter is $10.00 I DO I DO NOT WANT LASER TREATMENT 7: ELIZABETHAN OR ECOLLAR:REQUIRED An ECollar will prevent your dog from licking after surgery. IF you already have an ecollar please bring it to check in on surgery day. An INFLATABLE or BITE NOT collar can be purchased in a pet store if your pet does not like the Ecollar 8: PAIN MEDS TO TAKE HOME: REQUIRED All dogs receive pain medication prior to surgery that will last for 24 hours. Surgical procedures require additional medication at home to make your pet more comfortable, less painful and actually heal faster. Dogs with extractions will likely get 2 types of post op pain meds. Pre-anesthetic bloodwork is RECOMMENDED FOR ALL dogs receiving pain meds. 9: IV CATHETER is REQUIRED (If you opt for IV fluids, this 10.00 catheter cost is removed.) SIGNATURE: ________________________________ DATE: _________________________ I HAVE READ AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THE DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS:__________________