Highland NHS Board 2 December 2008 Item 7.3 CLINICAL GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE Report by Dr Lesley Anne Smith, Head of Clinical Governance & Risk Management The Board is asked to: Note that the Clinical Governance Committee met on 28 October 2008 with attendance as noted below. Note the Assurance Report and agreed actions resulting from the consideration of the specific items detailed below. Note the items for discussion at the next meeting to be held on 10 February 2009. Committee Members Present: Dr Vivian Shelley, Chair Mr Ian Gibson Cllr Margaret Davidson Mr Ray Stewart Also Present: Dr Ian Bashford, Medical Director Mrs Anne Clark, Non-Executive Director Ms Heidi May, Nurse Director Dr Lesley Anne Smith, Head of Clinical Governance and Risk Management Dr Susan Vaughan, Epidemiologist In Attendance: Ms Pauline Craw, Assistant General Manager, North Highland CHP Dr Moray Fraser, Clinical Lead, North Highland CHP Mr Nigel Hobson, Associate Nurse Director Ms Aileen Fraser, Area Information Security Manager Mr Bill Reid, Interim Head of eHealth/Head of eHealth Implementation Mr Douglas Seago, Head of Facilities Mrs Mirian Morrison, Clinical Governance Development Manager Miss Irene Robertson, Board Committee Administrator Apologies - Dr Eric Baijal, Mr Garry Coutts, Mr Quentin Cox and Dr Roger Gibbins 1. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION The items discussed at the meeting are noted below: i. Emerging Issues ii. Update on items previously discussed at Clinical Governance Committee iii. Clinical Governance and Risk Management within Operational Units – North Highland CHP iv. Clinical Governance & Risk Management Performance Report v. Information Governance Update vi. Information Security at Closed Sites vii. Data Security and Handling – eHealth and Internal Audit Response viii. Internal Audit Progress Report ix. Forthcoming NHS Quality Improvement Scotland (NHS QIS) Review Visits x. NHS QIS Clinical Governance & Risk Management Standards xi. Clinical Risk Management xii. Better Together – Patient Experience Programme Working with you to make Highland the healthy place to be 2. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION AT NEXT MEETING ON 10 FEBRUARY 2009 Emerging Issues Clinical Governance and Risk Management within Operational Units – A CHP (to be identified) Clinical Governance & Risk Management Performance Report (to include detailed analysis of Medication Incidents) Report from Violence & Aggression Steering Group Report on Slips, Trips and Falls Review of Effectiveness of new Area Drug & Therapeutic Committee structure Review of Operational Clinical Governance & Risk Management arrangements Independent Advice and Support Service Update NHS QIS Clinical Governance & Risk Management Standards Internal Audit Reports Scottish Patient Safety Programme Scottish Public Services Ombudsman Reports LSAMO Work Programme and NMC Report 3. CONTRIBUTION TO CORPORATE OBJECTIVES This performance report demonstrates how NHS Highland is achieving its corporate objective of ensuring that services delivered are of high quality and clinically effective. 4. GOVERNANCE IMPLICATIONS This performance report has a direct impact on clinical governance and demonstrates performance against responding to complaints, clinical effectiveness activity, patient safety and NHS Quality Improvement Scotland reviews. 5. IMPACT ASSESSMENT This report does not require impact assessment. Dr Lesley Anne Smith Head of Clinical Governance & Risk Management 18 November 2008 2 CLINCIAL GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE – ASSURANCE REPORT ISSUE: EMERGING ISSUES The Committee received an update on significant incidents which had emerged since the last committee meeting. Issues/Risks Assurance Actions The Clinical Governance Committee require Serious incidents are investigated according to Action Plans relating to the recent incidents to assurance that incidents are appropriately the NHS Highland Policy and procedures. be submitted to the appropriate operational investigated and that steps are being taken to Appropriate Escalation Procedures are in place. management clinical governance and risk learn lessons and ensure the risks of future management groups for monitoring. occurrence are minimised. Action Plans are developed for both local and national incidents and structures are in place to Final Reports on the recent incidents to be ensure that progress against these is monitored submitted to the Clinical Governance as required. Committee once available. Actions: I Bashford/ H May/ L A Smith ISSUE: UPDATE ON ITEMS PREVIOUSLY DISCUSSED AT CLINICAL GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE The Committee received a report on items which had previously been considered by the Clinical Governance Committee and where actions had not progressed as agreed. Issues/Risks Assurance Actions To ensure that items previously raised at the A rolling action plan has been prepared which Items to be followed up at future meetings as Clinical Governance Committee are followed up will be monitored at each Committee meeting. agreed in the Plan. as agreed. Action: L A Smith/ I Bashford/A Clark Working with you to make Highland the healthy place to be ISSUE: CLINICAL GOVERNANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT WITHIN OPERATIONAL UNITS – NORTH HIGHLAND CHP The Locality General Manager and Clinical Director for North Highland CHP gave a presentation to the Committee on the current clinical governance & risk management issues within the CHP and how these are being addressed. Issues/Risks Assurance Actions To ensure that clinical governance and risk North Highland CHP confirmed that the CG&RM North Highland CHP CG&RM Group to consider management arrangement within North Group was well established with appropriate how to best support staff to ensure that clinical Highland CHP are appropriate and to identify membership and meeting on a regular basis. governance is embedded in everyone’s clinical any issues which are compromising the ability to practice across the area. deliver this. North Highland CHP CG&RM Group to ensure capacity issues in relation to Scottish Patient Safety Programme (SPSP) are addressed and/or escalated as necessary. Actions: P Craw/ M Fraser 4 ISSUE: CLINICAL GOVERNANCE & RISK MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE REPORT The Committee received a report detailing performance as at the end of July 2008 against complaints targets, performance in relation to patient safety and embedding clinical governance and risk management across operational units. Issues/Risks Assurance Actions To review performance in relation to clinical Complaints information is being analysed on a It was agreed to present three complex cases governance & risk management issues at a regular basis to identify trends and lessons which were difficult to categorise at the next Board and an Operational Unit level. learnt for sharing across the organisation. The meeting to give the Committee a better majority of complaints relate to clinical treatment understanding of what was involved. Action: L A Smith in one form or another. These complaints are often complex, involving several different elements and covering a wide range of issues. Concern was raised by the committee about whether lessons were being learnt and shared from these types of complaints. Incident information is being analysed on a regular basis to identify trends and lessons learnt for sharing across the organisation. The most recent reports have identified slips, trips and falls, violence and aggression and medication as being the three main areas of concern. Work is underway in a number of different fora to identify solutions to these. V&A Steering Group to report to next meeting of Clinical Governance Committee. Action: Chair V&A Steering Group Report on Slips, Trips and Falls prepared by the Professional Head of H&S to be discussed at the next meeting of the Clinical Governance Committee Action: B Summers Report on Medication Incidents to be presented to the next meeting of the Clinical Governance Committee. Action: L A Smith 5 ISSUE: INFORMATION GOVERNANCE UPDATE The Committee received a report on progress on implementation of an Information Governance Framework and an assessment of performance against the Information Governance Standards Issues/Risks Assurance Actions The need for the Information Governance Action An Information Governance Group is in place The Information Governance Group to provide a Plan to deliver an improvement in performance which reports to the e-Health Steering Group progress report to the Clinical Governance against the Information Governance Standards and to the Clinical Governance Committee. Committee in 6 months time to include evidence in line with the target (1 point improvement). for activities completed and timescales for An Information Governance Improvement Plan outstanding actions. is currently being developed which will allow for Action: B Reid (Interim Head of e-Health) monitoring of progress against the Information Governance Standards. ISSUE: INFORMATION SECURITY AT CLOSED SITES Following a recent incident elsewhere in Scotland of confidential information being found in a closed site the SGHD had requested that all Boards carry out an inspection of relevant premises to ensure information security is not being compromised. Issues/Risks Assurance Actions To ensure that no patient information is located Estates and eHealth staff carried out an Formal Protocol to be finalised and considered in any closed hospital sites within NHS inspection of all closed hospital sites to ensure by Clinical Governance Committee when Highland. that no patient information was located on those available. premises. In addition several peripheral sites Action: B Reid/ D Seago were visited any and documentation found in the secured. A formal protocol to be used in any future site closures to be developed and implemented. 6 ISSUE: DATA SECURITY AND HANDLING Following events at Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) involving the loss of data the SGHD had written to all NHS Boards requesting detailed information on the handling and sharing of data. Issues/Risks Assurance Actions To ensure that NHS Highland complies with all Action plan is in place to address any potential eHealth and Internal Audit to carry out a series regulations and guidance in relation to secure risks raised by the HMRC incident within the of focussed internal audits to provide assurance handling and sharing of data. context of NHS Highland controls. on the compliance of users and departments with regard to data security and handling within business critical systems. Action: B Reid/ Internal Audit ISSUE: INTERNAL AUDIT REPORTS The Committee considered the recent Internal Audit Reports on the Review of Raigmore Hospital and the Review of Argyll & Bute Hospital Issues/Risks Assurance Actions To ensure that any recommendations relating to All Internal Audit Reports have an Executive Further information to be sought from Raigmore clinical governance issues identified by the Sponsor and Management Lead and progress is Management team in terms of follow up actions reports are followed up and actioned as monitored at the Audit Committee. on the clinical governance issues identified in necessary. the reports and implementation of any recommendations. Action: S Eddie (General Manager, Raigmore Hospital ISSUE: FORTHCOMING NHS QIS REVIEW VISITS The Committee received a report detailing progress with the preparation for the NHS QIS review visits which will take place during 2009. Issues/Risks Assurance Actions The ability to support three NHS QIS visits In all cases working groups for each of the Relevant Action Plans to be submitted to the during 2009 – Review of Learning Disability review visits had been or were in the process of Clinical Governance Committee. Indicators, Food, Fluid and Nutritional Care and being set up. Action: M Morrison Out of Hours Emergency Dental Services. 7 ISSUE: NHS QUALITY IMPROVEMENT SCOTLAND (NHS QIS) CLINICAL GOVERNANCE & RISK MANAGEMENT STANDARDS The date for the NHS QIS Review visit for the Clinical Governance & Risk Management Standards has been set for w/c 8 th March 2010. Issues/Risks Assurance Actions The ability to deliver the HEAT target of an An Action Plan is in place and is being The Clinical Governance Committee to act as improvement of 3 points by March 2010 monitored on a regular basis. the prime group monitoring progress against the particularly in relation to the review of the Standards over the next 18 months. assessment levels which is currently being Action: L A Smith carried out by NHS QIS. ISSUE: CLINICAL RISK MANAGEMENT The Committee received a copy of the Clinical (including HAI) Risk Section of NHS Highland’s Corporate Risk Register as at August 2008 Issues/Risks Assurance Actions The need to ensure that the risk register was a The Register is under continuous review by the Further reports on Clinical risks to be submitted dynamic process and in particular that items Risk Management Steering Group and was to the Clinical Governance Committee. which had previously been designated as updated as necessary. Discussion had taken Action: L A Smith ‘archived’ were able to be reinstated if place around the particular risks identified by necessary. the committee and appropriate action agreed. ISSUE: BETTER TOGETHER – PATIENT EXPERIENCE PROGRAMME The Committee received a report from the Associate Nurse Director of the current position in relation to this national project to measure the patient experience. Issues/Risks Assurance Actions The slippage of timescales for implementation The Associate Director of Nursing is the The Associate Director of Nursing to provide an of the programme together with lack of clarity identified lead for the programme within NHS update on progress to the next meeting of the around the exact methodology to be used was Highland and will be attending a meeting in Clinical Governance Committee identified as an area of concern. November 2008 with the SGHD where further Action: N Hobson information will be available. 8