Investigation of quadrupole deformation of nucleus and its surface dynamic vibrations Igor Boboshin1, Boris Ishkhanov2, Sergei Komarov1, Vadim Orlin1, Nikolai Peskov1, Vladimir Varlamov1 1 Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University, 119992 Moscow, Russia, 2 Physics Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119992 Moscow, Russia The new unique and having no analogues complete database (Chart) of nuclear deformation parameters was developed using various sources of related information. Database is realized as system analogue to wellknown Chart of nuclides (various nuclide properties sorted in N and Z coordinates). The color and intensity solution of this Chart individual nuclide element gives to one possibility for comfortable overview of nuclei of different (prelate and oblate) shapes. Using this new Chart of nuclear quadrupole deformation parameters the systematical comparative analysis of those from various sources was carried out for many nuclei. The clear systematical disagreements of those parameters obtained from nuclear quadrupole moments (“Q-type”) data and from reduced transition probability B(E2) for 0+ 2+1 transitions (“B-type”) data were revealed. It was found out that all (with only few exceptions) nuclides have been investigated can be clearly separated into 2 large and 1 small groups: 1) for isotopes of Ti, Cr, Zr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy, Er, W, Os, Ra good agreement is observed for data of both types; 2) for isotopes of C, Si, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni, Zn, Ge, Se, Kr, Sr, Mo, Ru, Pd, Cd, Sn, Te, Ba, Yb, Hf, Pt, Pb “B-type” 2 values are systematically (and in many cases significantly) larger than “Q-type” ones (in cases of only few exceptions mentioned above (Mg, Xe, Hg, U) both types of disagreement are combined – group 3). It was shown that two types data difference could be explained in the frame of assumption about the not negligible role of dynamical vibrations of nucleus surface, by other words assumption about deformation parameter beta2 value dependence on surface vibration of nucleus in ground state. From this point of view “Qtype” 2 values obtained did not take into account surface vibration, but “B-type” ones did. Therefore “B-type” data reflect not only static nuclear deformation (nucleus shape), but dynamic deformation also. It was pointed out that comparison of static and total nuclear deformations could be a source of information on such nucleus properties as mass and hardness parameters balance. INTRODUCTION Atomic nucleus matter space distribution is one of most important fundamental physical features to which nuclear physics has a first priority interest. At last time amount of experimental researches devoted to studying nuclei shapes is increasing permanently, new experimental methods are developed, large volume nuclear structure parameters compilations are created. All those give to one possibility to obtain of new data on various nuclear deformations. This work is devoted to partial one case of very important atomic nucleus quadrupole deformations. Among the most systematical collections of data concerned to quadrupole deformations as more complete and carefully obtained two ones can be pointed out which give to one possibility to obtain nuclei quadrupole deformation parameters. The first one is the experimental data on electrical quadrupole moment Q collection [1], included more than 1300 data for about 440 nuclides (obtained in more than 52 experiment types), continuing and adding analogous previous collections [2, 3]. The second one [4] is collection of reduced transition probability В(Е2) values for 0+→21+ transitions (1765 В(Е2) values from 133 publications, 281 nuclides) also continuing and adding previous collections. 1 Both type collections of data on quadrupole deformation parameters have been used at the Russia Lomonosov Moscow State University Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics Centre for Photonuclear Experiments Data (CDFE) for development of new relational database - Chart of Nuclear Quadrupole Deformations ( [5]. Such complete database is powerful tool for system analysis of known data and for overview of unknown agreements or, vice versa, disagreements of data obtained by various ways or for founding out new nuclear objects and investigation their new features. Analogous complete database of nuclear reaction cross sections ( was used at the CDFE for investigations of consistency between total and partial reactions investigated using different methods in various laboratories [6]. Many new (not classic traditional) magic nuclei has been found out and many their features investigated using the complete nuclear structure database ( [7]. New Chart of Nuclear Quadrupole Deformations at first time revealed the existence of clear and in many cases significant systematical disagreements between quadrupole deformation parameters obtained using two methods described above. TWO MAIN METHODS FOR NUCLEUS QUADRUPOLE DEFORMATION PARAMETER OBTAINING Nucleus quadrupole deformation parameters from its quadrupole moments. As is well-known (for example, from [6]) intrinsic quadrupole moment of evenly charged ellipsoid can be described by equation Q0 = 2/5 Z (b2 – a2), (1) where b is large, and a is small ellipsoid axises. Since quadrupole deformation parameter (degree of nucleus shape difference from sphere) can be written as = 0.3 (b2 – a2)/2 <r>2, (2) where average mean-squared charge distribution radius is equal to <r2> = (b2 + 2a2)/5, (3) equation (1) would be the following Q0 = 4/3 Z <r2> . (4) Hense, using experimental quadrupole moment values [1] the nucleus quadrupole deformation parameter values could be calculated by the formula = 0.75 Q0 (Z r2). (5) 2 Moment Q0 values were recalculated [7] from static electric quadrupole moment Q values measured in laboratory system. It was supposed than near spherical nucleus shape vibrations amplitude is small in comparison to nucleus equilibrium deformation and therefore the equation Q = Q0 (3K2 – I(I + 1)) ((I + 1)(2I + 3)), (6) where I is spin of state studied – the member of rotational band based on nucleus ground state, K is I’s projection on symmetry axis (the joint characteristics of all band members). Value of r2 was evaluated using the following expressions r2 = 0.6R02(1 + 10/3(a0/R0)2)(1 + (a0/R0)2) (А 100), r2 = 0.6(1.2 A1/3)2 (А > 100), (7) (8) which takes into account effects of light nuclei surface diffusion properties. Parameters of radial Woods-Saxon potential form-factor (R0 = 1.07A1/3 fm and a0 = 0.55 fm) were obtained from the data on fast electrons scattering. Nucleus quadrupole deformation parameters from the values of reduced transition probability B(E2) for 0+ 2+1 transitions . In [4] nucleus quadrupole deformation parameter was obtained using the following equation 2 = (4/3 Z R02)[B(E2; 0+→21+)/e2]1/2, (9) where B(E2; 0+→21+) is reduced probability for Е2- transition from ground 0+ to first excited 2+1 state and R02 = (1.2 A1/3 sm)2. The values under discussion, (5) and 2 (9), are connected as ≈ 0.95β2 and therefore further for simplicity the only symbol β2 will be used. COMPARISON OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA ON NUCLEUS QUADRUPOLE DEFORMATION PARAMETERS OBTAINED FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES 3 Nucleus quadrupole deformation parameters, obtained using two different methods described above (“Q-type” data from experimental quadrupole moments Q and ”B-type” data from reduced transition probabilities В(Е2)) were compared systematically. It was found out that all nuclei investigated are clearly separated into three groups (“1”, “2”, and “3”): 1) for nuclei of “group 1” (ядер Ti, Cr, Zr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy, Er, W, Os, Ra) “Q-type” data and ”Btype” data are very close to each other (small differences are of order of statistical uncertainties); two examples of comparison of both type data for W and Er isotopes are presented on Figs. 1 and 2 correspondingly (here and further thin line - “Q-type” data, thick line - ”B-type” data); 2) for nuclei of “group 2” (C, Si, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni, Zn, Ge, Se, Kr, Sr, Mo, Ru, Pd, Cd, Sn, Te, Ba, Yb, Hf, Pt, Pb) ”B-type” data have values clearly larger than those for “Q-type” data; two examples of comparison of both type data for Ge and Sn are presented on Figs. 3 and 4 correspondingly; 3) for nuclei of “group 3” (Mg, Xe, Hg, U) both systematics found out are mixed (for several isotopes ”B-type” data have values larger than those for “Q-type” data, but for others – vise versa, “Q-type” data have values larger than those for ”B-type” data; an example is presented on Fig. 5 for Xe isotopes. QUADRUPOLE DEFORMATION OF NUCLEUS AND ITS SURFACE VIBRATION The difference between 2 data derived from В(Е2) and Q values founded out can be explained in the fame of assumption about the connection of quadrupole deformation parameter with vibration of surface of nucleus in ground state. Such assumption was formulated, for example, in private communication of Prof. Yuri Gangrsky from Joint Institute of Nucleus Research. It is based on assumption that “Q-type” data do not take into account such nucleus surface vibrations, but “B”-type data do that. In other words from that point of view “B-type” data are affected not only by static 4 nucleus deformation dependent on its shape, but also by dynamical nucleus deformation that came from its surface vibration. Rotating nucleus model. In the frame of rotating nucleus model it is supposed that rigid nucleus has an static deformation and its excitation is the result of nucleus rotating. It was shown [8] that value of reduced probability В(Е2) of transition between any states of rotating band can be expressed as B(E2; KJ1→KJ2) = (5/16π)e2Q02‹J1K20׀J2K›2, (10) where J is state spin, K is spin projection to the axis of symmetry, Q0 is intrinsic nucleus quadrupole moment, ‹J1K20J2K› is vector summation coefficient Partially, for Е2 transition 0+ 2+1 B(E2; 0+ → 2+) = ((3/4π)eZR02)2(β2)2, (11) which completely corresponds to the expression (9). Vibrating nucleus model. Because nucleus is not absolutely tough (rigid) object, its surface vibrates and amplitude of such vibrations depends on 1) excitation state energy and 2) nucleus toughness (rigidity). It is obvious that if such vibrations occure the nucleus shape is changing. It is important that such vibrations can occur not only in excited states but in ground state also. Changing of nucleus shape (shape vibrations) occur relative some “equilibrium” shape that can be partially spherical as in case of magic nuclei. It is important to underline that in such enough simple cases though in average nucleus shape is sphere, at different times initial photons are interacted with nuclei of different shapes. It is important that independently of the sign of deformation – prolate or oblate nucleus – at the same absolute deformation parameter value interaction probability is the same. Both processes contributions are summed and therefore nucleus spherical in average can have not zero probability for transition 0+ 2+1 and hence not zero deformation parameter. For simplicity: harmonic oscillator with spherical equilibrium shape the average amplitude of nucleus shape difference from spherical one in ground state is <0 0> = 0, (12) where are collective variables describing nucleus surface motion, and = 2 for harmonic oscillator (that is true [9] for N-th excited vibration state). 5 Squared deformation parameter , characterized vibrating nucleus is defined [8] as average of the sum 2 = 5 2 N , 2 B22 (13) where В2 is mass coefficient, 2 is vibration frequency and N is phonon number. It must be underlined that for nucleus ground state (N = 0) = 5 , 2B2 2 (14) and 0 (!). This phenomenon has very simple explanation: dynamical deformation of nucleus in ground state occurs ((9), (11)) because not deviation of nucleus shape from “equilibrium” is averaged, but deviation squared. It must be underlined that both formulae ((9) and (11)) though being very similar (near identical) were obtained in quite different models and describe different physical processes taking place in nucleus at excitation of in it of 2+ state. The theory that could simultaneously describe both kind motions (vibration and rotation) of nucleus is very complicated and really in essence has not been developed. But at the same time it must be pointed out that in vibration model probability В(Е2) of transition 0+ 2+1 is connected [8] with introduced squared deviation of nucleus shape from equilibrium as B(E2; n2 = 0 → n2 = 1) = ((3/4π)eZR02)2(β0)2. (15) This expression textually (letter-to-letter) coincides to the expression (11) B(E2; 0+ → 2+) = ((3/4π)eZR02)2(β2)2, (11) which gives to one possibility to interpret introduced as “deformation” namely but “dynamical deformation” - not traditional “static” one. It is obvious that the only simplest case was analyzed. In reality vibrations occur relative notspherical equilibrium shape and therefore much moreo complicated interaction of two (or more?) types of moving takes place. As a result relatively simple and strict solution can not be obtained. But it is 6 obvious also that effective interaction of two degrees of freedom will lead to effective increasing of deformation. Dynamical deformation of nucleus ant its toughness So one can see that: There are many nuclei for which both-type parameter of deformation data are of the same value; There are many nuclei for all isotopes of which B-type data have values larger (in some cases significantly (factor 1.5 – 2.0)) larger than Q-type data; iii) There are only few nuclei for which the intermediate situation is observed; iv) There are absolutely no nuclei for which Q-type data are larger than B-type ones. The physical explanation of phenomenon observed can be the following. For group 1 (B-type data are near to Qtype data) the 2+-level excitation is pure rotational. In such case vibrations of nucleus in ground state (“zero vibrations)) are weak and the shape of such nucleus can be treated as static. Vice versa, for group 2 (B-type data are larger than B-type ones) the “zero vibrations” play important role – there are the superposition of static and dynamical deformations which leads to effective increasing of nucleus deformation. As a matter of fact in this case the rotational model can not be employed. But because the formulae connected B(E2) are formally the same in rotational and vibrational models it can be waited the B-type parameter of deformation is reflected the effective increasing of nucleus deformation. Therefore such nuclei can be treated as trembled. Several isotopes were founded out for which Q-type parameter of deformation has value approximately equal to zero, but B-type one is enough large – for example,16O, 40Ca, 94Mo, 96Ru, 124Sn. For those isotopes the vibration model in pure version can be applied and therefore some new parameters of nuclear matter can be calculated, for example nucleus surface rigidity coefficient (table). i) ii) Table. Several parameters characterized nucleus surface features. Nucleus (2)B (2)Q C2, MeV C2, MeV C2, MeV a a 16 O 0.362 0.0 132 ––– ––– ––– ––– 18 O 0.355 0.085 39.3 ––– ––– ––– ––– Ne 0.562 0.585 ––– ? 49.4 ? 0.21 Mg 0.606 0.443 ––– 82.2 35.7 0.20 0.24 28 0.407 -0.352 ––– 84.1 185 0.17 0.14 30 Si 0.316 0.094 56.1 ––– ––– ––– ––– 40 Ca 0.122 0.0 655 ––– ––– ––– ––– 42 0.247 0.212 ––– 36.5 63.2 0.16 0.14 50 0.293 0.307 ––– ? 127 ? 0.11 52 0.224 0.067 71.2 ––– ––– ––– ––– 0.217 0.128 ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– 0.095 0.0 293 22 24 Si Ca Cr Cr 102 Ru 124 Sn 7 144 Nd 0.131 0.0 102 ––– ––– ––– ––– 150 Nd 0.285 0.351 ––– 43.1 68.6 0.088 0.079 Sm 0.341 0.319 ––– 12.7 14.6 0.208 0.201 0.353 0.335 ––– ? 10.4 ? 0.217 Er 0.338 0.338 ––– 16.3 7.4 0.193 0.236 Hf 0.280 0.269 ––– 19.7 18.8 0.174 0.177 182 W 0.249 0.268 ––– 210 240 0.052 0.050 186 Os 0.200 0.200 ––– 205 107 0.051 0.060 U 0.286 ? ––– 23.3 25.4 0.141 0.138 Pu 0.289 ? ––– 20.6 22.6 0.144 0.141 154 160 Gd 168 178 238 240 It is obvious that nucleus’s inclination to be dynamically deformed must be naturally depended on its property such as «toughness (rigidity)» or vise versa, «laxity (friability)». Therefore in the frame of supposition about influence of nucleus dynamical deformation upon its shape nucleus «toughness (rigidity)» can be qualitatively estimated by separation of all nuclei into two groups – tough (rigid) and not tough (rigid), lax (friable). From that point of view the comparison of static and dynamical nucleus deformations could be the source of information on some new nuclear matter features, for example for estimation of mass and rigidity parameters. That can be illustrated very clear by the case with tin isotopes the data for which are presented on Fig 4. One can easily see that for all isotopes the static deformation depended on quadrupole moment is near zero, but at the same time the values of dynamical deformation depended on reduced transition probability B(E2) are enough large - ~ 0.095 – 0.123. For most interesting case of 124Sn the parameter of static quadrupole deformation is equal to zero - 2 = 0, and therefore this isotope deformation is completely determined by its dynamical part with parameter 0 = 0.095. From the presented article point of view that means that 124 Sn isotope deformation is of pure vibration (mean8 root-square) type. If that really takes place, the equation (15) could be used for such squared deformation parameter determination. For that case and for phonon number N = 0 (14) using wellknown equation for vibration frequency ω2 = C2 / B2 , (16) where В2 is so-called mass coefficient and C2 is nucleus rigidity coefficient, one can estimate for 124Sn the product of those coefficients В2С2 = (75891 ± 3819) 2 . ω2 = C2 / B2 . (17) (16) Authors acknowledge Prof. Yu.P.Gangrsky from Joint Institute of Nuclear Research for very important ideas and fruitful comments and discussions. Research is supported by the President of Russia Grant N SS-1619.2003.2. 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Collective and single-particle phenomena. 1975. «ATOMIZDAT», Moscow. 10 2 0,400 0,350 0,300 0,270 0,250 0,252 0,200 0,268 0,241 0,249 0,224 0,235 0,202 0,164 0,150 0,151 0,100 0,088 0,050 0,000 180 0,013 A 182 184 186 Fig. 1. Comparison of quadrupole deformation parameters 2 derived from В(Е2) and Q for W (“A”- group) isotopes. 11 2 0,600 0,500 0,429 0,399 0,400 0,388 0,358 0,342 0,322 0,300 0,323 0,311 0,325 0,281 0,296 0,336 0,338 0,277 0,271 0,200 0,100 0,000 162 A 164 166 168 170 Fig. 2. Comparison of quadrupole deformation parameters 2 derived from В(Е2) and Q for Er (“A”- group) isotopes. 12 2 0,350 0,283 0,262 0,300 0,242 0,250 0,204 0,172 0,200 0,150 0,069 0,100 0,048 0,050 0,130 0,098 0,016 A 0,000 66 68 70 72 74 76 Fig. 3. Comparison of quadrupole deformation parameters 2 derived from В(Е2) and Q for Ge (“B”- group) isotopes. 13 2 0,140 0,120 0,123 0,119 0,112 0,111 0,108 0,104 0,095 0,100 0,080 0,060 0,043 0,040 0,020 0,008 0,000 112 0,020 0,013 0,005 114 116 118 0,000 0,012 120 A 122 124 Fig. 4. Comparison of quadrupole deformation parameters derived 2 from В(Е2) and Q for Sn (“B”- group) isotopes. Special case of 124Sn (2 = 0) is indicated. 14 2 0,300 0,249 0,264 0,265 0,244 0,245 0,250 0,231 0,200 0,221 0,218 0,214 0,188 0,184 0,169 0,150 0,153 0,141 0,120 0,120 0,086 0,100 0,136 0,065 0,062 0,045 0,050 0,036 0,096 0,037 0,031 A 0,000 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 142 Fig. 5. Comparison of quadrupole deformation parameters derived from В(Е2) and Q for Xe (“C”- group) isotopes. 15 16 QUADRUPOLE DEFORMATION OF NUCLEUS AND ITS SURFACE DINAMIC VIBRATIONS I.N.Boboshin1, B.S.Ishkhanov2, S.Yu.Komarov1, V.N.Orlin1, N.N.Peskov1, V.V.Varlamov1 1 Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, 2Physics Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia Using the new Chart (relational database) of nuclear quadrupole deformation parameters 2 the systematical comparative analysis of those from various sources was carried out for many even-even nuclei. The clear systematical disagreements of 2 values obtained from nuclear quadrupole moments Q data and from reduced transition probability B(E2) data were revealed: it was found out that all nuclides (with only few exceptions) can be clearly separated into 2 groups. In one good agreement is observed for data of both types, but in another deformation parameters 2 obtained from B(E2) are systematically (and in many cases – significantly) larger than those obtained from Q. It was shown that two types data difference could be explained in the frame of assumption about the not-negligible role of dynamical vibrations of nucleus surface, by other words - assumption about deformation parameter 2 value dependence on surface vibration of nucleus in ground state. From this point of view 2 values obtained from B(E2) reflect not only static nuclear deformation (nucleus shape), but dynamic deformation also. 17